9 resultados para Power supply noise
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In recent years, energy modernization has focused on smart engineering advancements. This entails designing complicated software and hardware for variable-voltage digital substations. A digital substation consists of electrical and auxiliary devices, control and monitoring devices, computers, and control software. Intelligent measurement systems use digital instrument transformers and IEC 61850-compliant information exchange protocols in digital substations. Digital instrument transformers used for real-time high-voltage measurements should combine advanced digital, measuring, information, and communication technologies. Digital instrument transformers should be cheap, small, light, and fire- and explosion-safe. These smaller and lighter transformers allow long-distance transmission of an optical signal that gauges direct or alternating current. Cost-prohibitive optical converters are a problem. To improve the tool's accuracy, amorphous alloys are used in the magnetic circuits and compensating feedback. Large-scale voltage converters can be made cheaper by using resistive, capacitive, or hybrid voltage dividers. In known electronic voltage transformers, the voltage divider output is generally on the low-voltage side, facilitating power supply organization. Combining current and voltage transformers reduces equipment size, installation, and maintenance costs. These two gadgets cost less together than individually. To increase commercial power metering accuracy, current and voltage converters should be included into digital instrument transformers so that simultaneous analogue-to-digital samples are obtained. Multichannel ADC microcircuits with synchronous conversion start allow natural parallel sample drawing. Digital instrument transformers are created adaptable to substation operating circumstances and environmental variables, especially ambient temperature. An embedded microprocessor auto-diagnoses and auto-calibrates the proposed digital instrument transformer.
This thesis deals with the sizing and analysis of the electrical power system of a petrochemical plant. The activity was carried out in the framework of an electrical engineering internship. The sizing and electrical calculations, as well as the study of the dynamic behavior of network quantities, are accomplished by using the ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) software. After determining the type and size of the loads, the calculation of power flows is carried out for all possible network layout and different power supply configurations. The network is normally operated in a double radial configuration. However, the sizing must be carried out taking into account the most critical configuration, i.e., the temporary one of single radial operation, and also considering the most unfavorable power supply conditions. The calculation of shortcircuit currents is then carried out and the appropriate circuit breakers are selected. Where necessary, capacitor banks are sized in order to keep power factor at the point of common coupling within the preset limits. The grounding system is sized by using the finite element method. For loads with the highest level of criticality, UPS are sized in order to ensure their operation even in the absence of the main power supply. The main faults that can occur in the plant are examined, determining the intervention times of the protections to ensure that, in case of failure on one component, the others can still properly operate. The report concludes with the dynamic and stability analysis of the power system during island operation, in order to ensure that the two gas turbines are able to support the load even during transient conditions.
Da ormai sette anni la stazione permanente GPS di Baia Terranova acquisisce dati giornalieri che opportunamente elaborati consentono di contribuire alla comprensione della dinamica antartica e a verificare se modelli globali di natura geofisica siano aderenti all’area di interesse della stazione GPS permanente. Da ricerche bibliografiche condotte si è dedotto che una serie GPS presenta molteplici possibili perturbazioni principalmente dovute a errori nella modellizzazione di alcuni dati ancillari necessari al processamento. Non solo, da alcune analisi svolte, è emerso come tali serie temporali ricavate da rilievi geodetici, siano afflitte da differenti tipologie di rumore che possono alterare, se non opportunamente considerate, i parametri di interesse per le interpretazioni geofisiche del dato. Il lavoro di tesi consiste nel comprendere in che misura tali errori, possano incidere sui parametri dinamici che caratterizzano il moto della stazione permanente, facendo particolare riferimento alla velocità del punto sul quale la stazione è installata e sugli eventuali segnali periodici che possono essere individuati.
La tesi tratta del progetto e della realizzazione di un riferimento in tensione simmetrico e stabile in temperatura, realizzato in tecnologia CMOS. Nella progettazione analogica ad alta precisione ha assunto sempre più importanza il problema della realizzazione di riferimenti in tensione stabili in temperatura. Nella maggior parte dei casi vengono presentati Bandgap, ovvero riferimenti in tensione che sfruttano l'andamento in temperatura dell'energy gap del silicio al fine di ottenere una tensione costante in un ampio range di temperatura. Tale architettura risulta utile nei sistemi ad alimentazione singola compresa fra 0 e Vdd essendo in grado di generare una singola tensione di riferimento del valore tipico di 1.2V. Nella tesi viene presentato un riferimento in tensione in grado di offrire le stesse prestazioni di un Bandgap per quanto riguarda la variazione in temperatura ma in grado di lavorare sia in sistemi ad alimentazione singola che ad alimentazione duale. Il circuito proposto e' in grado di generare due tensioni, simmetriche rispetto a un riferimento dato, del valore nominale di ±450mV. All'interno della tesi viene descritto il progetto di due diverse architetture, entrambe in grado di generare le tensioni con le specifiche richieste. Le due architetture sono poi state confrontate analizzando in particolare la stabilità in temperatura, la potenza dissipata, il PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) e la simmetria delle tensioni generate. Al termine dell'analisi è stato poi implementato su silicio il circuito che garantiva le prestazioni migliori. In sede di disegno del layout su silicio sono stati affrontati i problemi derivanti dall'adattamento dei componenti al fine di ottenere una maggiore insensibilità del circuito stesso alle incertezze legate al processo di realizzazione. Infine sono state effettuate le misurazioni attraverso una probe station a 4 sonde per verificare il corretto funzionamento del circuito e le sue prestazioni.
In recent years Electric Vehicles (EVs) are getting more importance as future transport systems, due to the increase of the concerns relevant to the greenhouse gases emission and the use fossil fuel. The management of the charging and discharging process of EVs could provide new business model for participating in the electricity markets. Moreover, vehicle to grid systems have the potential of increasing utility system flexibility. This thesis develops some models for the optimal integration of the EVs in the electricity market. In particular, the thesis focuses on the optimal bidding strategy of an EV aggregator participating to both the day ahead market and the secondary reserve market. The aggregator profit is maximized taking into account the energy balance equation, as well as the technical constraints of energy settlement, power supply and state of charge of the EVs. The results obtained by using the GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) environment are presented and discussed.
Nowadays, there is a boom in the use of electrification. Electric vehicles are gaining interest worldwide due to various factors, including climate and environmental awareness. In this thesis, a step-down isolated power supply for electric tractors is investigated, specifically the phase-shifted full-bridge (PSFB) DC-DC with synchronous rectification and zero-voltage switching (ZVS). This converter was selected for its high-power capacity with high efficiency. A 3500 W PSFB converter with peak current control (PCCM) is designed and modeled in MATLAB. The input voltage range is from 550 V to 820 V and the output voltage range is limited to 9 V to 16 V with a maximum output current of 250 A. All components were commercially designed and selected, including magnetics for the high-frequency transformer and inductors, taking into account loss calculations. Zero voltage switching for the lagging leg is achieved at 13% to 100% load. The proven efficiency of the converter is around 90
In the field of Power Electronics, several types of motor control systems have been developed using STM microcontroller and power boards. In both industrial power applications and domestic appliances, power electronic inverters are widely used. Inverters are used to control the torque, speed, and position of the rotor in AC motor drives. An inverter delivers constant-voltage and constant-frequency power in uninterruptible power sources. Because inverter power supplies have a high-power consumption and low transfer efficiency rate, a three-phase sine wave AC power supply was created using the embedded system STM32, which has low power consumption and efficient speed. It has the capacity of output frequency of 50 Hz and the RMS of line voltage. STM32 embedded based Inverter is a power supply that integrates, reduced, and optimized the power electronics application that require hardware system, software, and application solution, including power architecture, techniques, and tools, approaches capable of performance on devices and equipment. Power inverters are currently used and implemented in green energy power system with low energy system such as sensors or microcontroller to perform the operating function of motors and pumps. STM based power inverter is efficient, less cost and reliable. My thesis work was based on STM motor drives and control system which can be implemented in a gas analyser for operating the pumps and motors. It has been widely applied in various engineering sectors due to its ability to respond to adverse structural changes and improved structural reliability. The present research was designed to use STM Inverter board on low power MCU such as NUCLEO with some practical examples such as Blinking LED, and PWM. Then we have implemented a three phase Inverter model with Steval-IPM08B board, which converter single phase 230V AC input to three phase 380 V AC output, the output will be useful for operating the induction motor.
One of the major issues for power converters that are connected to the electric grid are the measurement of three phase Conduced Emissions (CE), which are regulated by international and regional standards. CE are composed of two components which are Common Mode (CM) noise and Differential Mode (DM) noise. To achieve compliance with these regulations the Equipment Under Test (EUT) includes filtering and other electromagnetic emission control strategies. The separation of differential mode and common mode noise in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) analysis is a well-known procedure which is useful especially for the optimization of the EMI filter, to improve the CM or DM attenuation depending on which component of the conducted emissions is predominant, and for the analysis and the understanding of interference phenomena of switched mode power converters. However, separating both components is rarely done during measurements. Therefore, in this thesis an active device for the separation of the CM and DM EMI noise in three phase power electronic systems has been designed and experimentally analysed.
Nell’ambito delle telecomunicazioni risulta di notevole rilievo la tecnologia ad onde convogliate, definita Power-Line Communication (PLC), che permette la trasmissione di dati sfruttando la rete elettrica come mezzo di trasmissione. Essa rappresenta una delle tecnologie promettenti per quanto concerne la fornitura di servizi come l’accesso ad Internet, alla rete telefonica e al telecontrollo di apparecchi sempre più sofisticati. Al fine di rendere possibile sia la trasmissione di potenza (alla frequenza di 50 Hz per l’Italia) che di altri segnali dati (su bande a frequenza maggiore) saranno necessarie tecniche di modulazione avanzata, che però non rappresentano un argomento trattato a fondo in questa tesi. Lo sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi anni ha permesso una notevole diffusione delle PLC soprattutto in applicazioni domestiche, grazie ai prezzi molto contenuti in parallelo alle ottime prestazioni, soprattutto nell’automazione. Obbiettivo dell’elaborato risulta la rilevazione della risposta impulsiva in ambienti Power-Line di tipo Narrowband (a banda stretta), immettendo in rete sequenze di tipo casuale o pseudo-casuale, queste ultime definite Pseudo-Noise (PN); esse infatti hanno particolari proprietà che renderanno possibile il raggiungimento dello scopo prefissato. Lo strumento fondamentale per le misurazioni sul campo effettuate risulta l’Analog Discovery (Digilent ne è il produttore), utilizzato non solo come generatore di forme d’onda in ingresso ma anche come oscilloscopio per l’analisi del segnale ricevuto.