4 resultados para Oxygénation Sensible
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The aminothiols are critical cellular components that play numerous and important roles in metabolism as key extracellular reducing agents, critical substrates for proteins synthesis and detoxificants of free radicals and peroxides. Because altered thiols levels in body fluids are linked to specific pathological conditions, their measurement is thus considered very important. One method to determine these compounds is the capillary electrophoresis, a technique that involves the separation of charged molecules on the basis of their movement under the influence of an applied electric field. The instrument used in this work is equipped with an amperometric detector recording the current of the thiols oxidized at the end of the capillary at a BDD electrode. The aim of this work is to find a valid method for the separations of the aminothiols analyzed, in terms of capillary coating and experimental conditions. In order to find an alternative and less expensive electrode than BDD and to increase sensitivity for the detection of the thiols, a modified electrode consisting in a carbon paste electrode containing Cobalt-phthalocyanine has been studied. In this electrode Cobalt-phthalocyanine works as electrocatalyst to enhance the oxidation reaction, meanwhile the graphite acts as conductive mean. This kind of electrode shows great sensibility and low detection limits for the thiols that have a free thiolic group, but it is not sensible to disulfides. The analysis of human plasma point out that the best method found for the capillary electrophoresis is not useful for the detection of aminothiols in a healthy person, because the very low concentrations in which they are present.
L'obiettivo su cui è stata basata questa Tesi di Laurea è stato quello di integrare la tecnologia delle Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) al contesto dell'Internet delle cose (IoT). Per poter raggiungere questo obiettivo, il primo passo è stato quello di approfondire il concetto dell'Internet delle cose, in modo tale da comprendere se effettivamente fosse stato possibile applicarlo anche alle WSNs. Quindi è stata analizzata l'architettura delle WSNs e successivamente è stata fatta una ricerca per capire quali fossero stati i vari tipi di sistemi operativi e protocolli di comunicazione supportati da queste reti. Infine sono state studiate alcune IoT software platforms. Il secondo passo è stato quindi di implementare uno stack software che abilitasse la comunicazione tra WSNs e una IoT platform. Come protocollo applicativo da utilizzare per la comunicazione con le WSNs è stato usato CoAP. Lo sviluppo di questo stack ha consentito di estendere la piattaforma SensibleThings e il linguaggio di programmazione utilizzato è stato Java. Come terzo passo è stata effettuata una ricerca per comprendere a quale scenario di applicazione reale, lo stack software progettato potesse essere applicato. Successivamente, al fine di testare il corretto funzionamento dello stack CoAP, è stata sviluppata una proof of concept application che simulasse un sistema per la rilevazione di incendi. Questo scenario era caratterizzato da due WSNs che inviavano la temperatura rilevata da sensori termici ad un terzo nodo che fungeva da control center, il cui compito era quello di capire se i valori ricevuti erano al di sopra di una certa soglia e quindi attivare un allarme. Infine, l'ultimo passo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di valutare le performance del sistema sviluppato. I parametri usati per effettuare queste valutazioni sono stati: tempi di durata delle richieste CoAP, overhead introdotto dallo stack CoAP alla piattaforma Sensible Things e la scalabilità di un particolare componente dello stack. I risultati di questi test hanno mostrato che la soluzione sviluppata in questa tesi ha introdotto un overheadmolto limitato alla piattaforma preesistente e inoltre che non tutte le richieste hanno la stessa durata, in quanto essa dipende dal tipo della richiesta inviata verso una WSN. Tuttavia, le performance del sistema potrebbero essere ulteriormente migliorate, ad esempio sviluppando un algoritmo che consenta la gestione concorrente di richieste CoAP multiple inviate da uno stesso nodo. Inoltre, poichè in questo lavoro di tesi non è stato considerato il problema della sicurezza, una possibile estensione al lavoro svolto potrebbe essere quello di implementare delle politiche per una comunicazione sicura tra Sensible Things e le WSNs.
Air-sea interactions are a key process in the forcing of the ocean circulation and the climate. Water Mass Formation is a phenomenon related to extreme air-sea exchanges and heavy heat losses by the water column, being capable to transfer water properties from the surface to great depth and constituting a fundamental component of the thermohaline circulation of the ocean. Wind-driven Coastal Upwelling, on the other hand, is capable to induce intense heat gain in the water column, making this phenomenon important for climate change; further, it can have a noticeable influence on many biological pelagic ecosystems mechanisms. To study some of the fundamental characteristics of Water Mass Formation and Coastal Upwelling phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea, physical reanalysis obtained from the Mediterranean Forecating System model have been used for the period ranging from 1987 to 2012. The first chapter of this dissertation gives the basic description of the Mediterranean Sea circulation, the MFS model implementation, and the air-sea interaction physics. In the second chapter, the problem of Water Mass Formation in the Mediterranean Sea is approached, also performing ad-hoc numerical simulations to study heat balance components. The third chapter considers the study of Mediterranean Coastal Upwelling in some particular areas (Sicily, Gulf of Lion, Aegean Sea) of the Mediterranean Basin, together with the introduction of a new Upwelling Index to characterize and predict upwelling features using only surface estimates of air-sea fluxes. Our conclusions are that latent heat flux is the driving air-sea heat balance component in the Water Mass Formation phenomenon, while sensible heat exchanges are fundamental in Coastal Upwelling process. It is shown that our upwelling index is capable to reproduce the vertical velocity patterns in Coastal Upwelling areas. Nondimensional Marshall numbers evaluations for the open-ocean convection process in the Gulf of Lion show that it is a fully turbulent, three-dimensional phenomenon.
The Bora wind is a mesoscale phenomenon which typically affects the Adriatic Sea basin for several days each year, especially during winter. The Bora wind has been studied for its intense outbreak across the Dinaric Alps. The properties of the Bora wind are widely discussed in the literature and scientific papers usually focus on the eastern Adriatic coast where strong turbulence and severe gust intensity are more pronounced. However, the impact of the Bora wind can be significant also over Italy, not only in terms of wind speed instensity. Depending on the synoptic pressure pattern (cyclonic or anticyclonic Bora) and on the season, heavy snowfall, severe storms, storm surges and floods can occur along the Adriatic coast and on the windward flanks of the Apennines. In the present work five Bora cases that occurred in recent years have been selected and their evolution has been simulated with the BOLAM-MOLOCH model set, developed at ISAC-CNR in Bologna. Each case study has been addressed by a control run and by several sensitivity tests, performed with the purpose of better understanding the role played by air-sea latent and sensible heat fluxes. The tests show that the removal of the fluxes induces modifications in the wind approching the coast and a decrease of the total precipitation amount predicted over Italy. In order to assess the role of heat fluxes, further analysis has been carried out: column integrated water vapour fluxes have been computed along the Italian coastline and an atmospheric water balance has been evaluated inside a box volume over the Adriatic Sea. The balance computation shows that, although latent heat flux produces a significant impact on the precipitation field, its contribution to the balance is relatively minor. The most significant and lasting case study, that of February 2012, has been studied in more detail in order to explain the impressive drop in the total precipitation amount simulated in the sensitivity tests with removed heat fluxes with respect to the CNTRL run. In these experiments relative humidity and potential temperature distribution over different cross-sections have been examined. With respect to the CNTRL run a drier and more stable boundary layer, characterised by a more pronounced wind shear at the lower levels, has been observed to establish above the Adriatic Sea. Finally, in order to demonstrate that also the interaction of the Bora flow with the Apennines plays a crucial role, sensitivity tests varying the orography height have been considered. The results of such sensitivity tests indicate that the propagation of the Bora wind over the Adriatic Sea, and in turn its meteorological impact over Italy, is influenced by both the large air-sea heat fluxes and the interaction with the Apennines that decelerate the upstream flow.