em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The width of the 21 cm line (HI) emitted by spiral galaxies depends on the physical processes that release energy in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). This quantity is called velocity dispersion (σ) and it is proportional first of all to the thermal kinetic energy of the gas. The accepted theoretical picture predicts that the neutral hydrogen component (HI) exists in the ISM in two stable phases: a cold one (CNM, with σ~0.8 km/s) and a warm one (WNM, with σ~8 km/s). However, this is called into question by the observation that the HI gas has usually larger velocity dispersions. This suggests the presence of turbulence in the ISM, although the energy sources remain unknown. In this thesis we want to shed new light on this topic. We have studied the HI line emission of two nearby galaxies: NGC6946 and M101. For the latter we used new deep observations obtained with the Westerbork radio interferometer. Through a gaussian fitting procedure, we produced dispersion maps of the two galaxies. For both of them, we compared the σ values measured in the spiral arms with those in the interarms. In NGC6946 we found that, in both arms and interarms, σ grows with the column density, while we obtained the opposite for M 101. Using a statistical analysis we did not find a significant difference between arm and interarm dispersion distributions. Producing star formation rate density maps (SFRD) of the galaxies, we studied their global and local relations with the HI kinetic energy, as inferred from the measured dispersions. For NGC6946 we obtained a good log-log correlation, in agreement with a simple model of supernova feedback driven turbulence. This shows that in this galaxy turbulent motions are mainly induced by the stellar activity. For M 101 we did not find an analogous correlation, since the gas kinetic energy appears constant with the SFRD. We think that this may indicate that in this galaxy turbulence is driven also by accretion of extragalactic material.
In the last decades, cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes have drawn a large interest for their unique properties: they are excellent triplet state emitters, thus the emission is phosphorescent in nature; typically high quantum yields and good stability make them good candidates for luminescent materials. Moreover, through an opportune choice of the ligands, it is possible to tune the emission along the whole visible spectra. Thanks to these interesting features, Ir(III) complexes have found different applications in several areas of applied science, from OLEDs to bioimaging. In particular, regarding the second application, a remarkable red-shift in the emission is required, in order to minimize the problem of the tissue penetration and the possible damages for the organisms. With the aim of synthesizing a new family of NIR emitting Ir(III) complexes, we envisaged the possibility to use for the first time 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine as bidentate ligand able to provide the required red-shift of the emission of the final complexes. Exploiting the versatility of the ligand, I prepared two different families of heteroleptic Ir(III) complexes. In detail, in the first case the 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine was used as bis-chelating N^N ligand, leading to cationic complexes, while in the second case it was used as cyclometalating C^N ligand, giving neutral complexes. The structures of the prepared molecules have been characterised by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Moreover, the neutral complexes’ emissive properties have been measured: emission spectra have been recorded in solution at both room temperature and 77K, as well as in PMMA matrix. DFT calculation has then been performed and the obtained results have been compared to experimental ones.
The hadrontherapy exploits beams of charged particles against deep cancers. These ions have a depth-dose profile in which there is a little release of energy at the beginning of their path, whereas there is a sharp maximum, the Bragg Peak, near its end path. However, if heavy ions are used, the fragmentation of the projectile can happen and the fragments can release some dose outside the treatment volume beyond the Bragg peak. The fragmentation process takes place also when the Galactic Cosmic Rays at high energy hit the spaceship during space missions. In both cases some neutrons can be produced and if they interact with the absorbing materials nuclei some secondary particles are generated which can release energy. For this reason, studies about the cross section measurements of the fragments generated during the collisions of heavy ions against the tissues nuclei are very important. In this context, the FragmentatiOn Of Target (FOOT) experiment was born, and aims at measuring the differential and double differential fragmentation cross sections for different kinetic energies relevant to hadrontherapy and space radioprotection with high accuracy. Since during fragmentation processes also neutrons are produced, tests of a neutron detection system are ongoing. In particular, recently a neutron detector made up of a liquid organic scintillator, BC-501A with neutrons/gammas discrimination capability was studied, and it represents the core of this thesis. More in details, an analysis of the data collected at the GSI laboratory, in Darmstadt, Germany, is effectuated which consists in discriminating neutral and charged particles and then to separate neutrons from gammas. From this analysis, a preliminary energy-differential reaction cross-section for the production of neutrons in the 16O + (C_2H_4)_(n) and 16O + C reactions was estimated.
Una delle domande che ha da sempre profondamente interessato l’ambito degli studi linguistici è se sia la lingua a riflettere la società dei parlanti o se sia la società dei parlanti a essere plasmata dalla lingua. O, ancora, se esse non siano direttamente coinvolte in una dinamica di reciproca influenza che permette loro di modellarsi a vicenda. Qualunque sia la risposta, certo è che negli ultimi tempi la società ha cambiato radicalmente il proprio modo di pensare e approcciarsi ad alcune tematiche, quali, ad esempio, la questione dell’identità di genere e dei diritti delle comunità LGBTQ+. È dunque inevitabile che il linguaggio che ha a che fare con tale ambito della società rimanga inalterato e non subisca cambiamenti in termini di usi e caratteristiche. L’obiettivo di queste pagine è quello di esplorare le problematiche legate all’uso improprio del linguaggio in relazione alle identità di genere non binarie, facendo riferimento in particolare al testo poetico e alla sua traduzione e fornendo, infine, un esempio pratico di come poche accortezze possano rendere il linguaggio totalmente inclusivo e più accomodante per coloro che attraversano i confini del binarismo di genere.