6 resultados para Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Nell'elaborato si analizzano aspetti della teoria dei giochi e della multi-criteria decision-making. La riflessione serve a proporre le basi per un nuovo modello di protocollo di routing in ambito Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Questo prototipo mira a generare una rete che riesca a gestirsi in maniera ottimale grazie ad un'acuta tecnica di clusterizzazione. Allo stesso tempo si propone come obiettivo il risparmio energetico e la partecipazione collaborativa di tutti i componenti.


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Essendo la percentuale di raccolta differenziata un indicatore che preso singolarmente risulta insufficiente a misurare la virtuosità di un Comune nella gestione dei rifiuti, si è elaborato un indicatore multi criteria che amplia l'orizzonte dell'analisi agli altri aspetti inerenti la gestione dei rifiuti. I criteri individuati sono otto: -Percentuale di raccolta differenziata -Produzione pro capite di rifiuti indifferenziati -Produzione pro capite di rifiuti totali -Impatto ambientale del sistema di raccolta e trattamento dei rifiuti -Costi del servizio -Tracciabilità dei rifiuti domestici -Coinvolgimento della popolazione -Comodità per il cittadino. Ad ogni Comune analizzato (il caso di studio è l'Unione Terre di Castelli) viene attribuito un punteggio per ogni criterio, in seguito moltiplicato per il peso attribuito al criterio stesso. I punteggi dati da ciascun criterio sono stati poi normalizzati in una scala da 0 a 1 con l'intervento di figure di esperti di ciascun ambito; i pesi sono stati determinati con la metodologia della Pairwise Comparison (T.Saaty, 1980) dai Sindaci e dagli Amministratori di tutti i Comuni del caso di studio. L'indicatore così costruito è stato poi applicato ai Comuni del caso di studio mostrando risultati, in termini di virtuosità, differenti da quelli prodotti dal solo indicatore di raccolta differenziata, evidenziando così l'importanza di un approccio multi disciplinare al tema dei rifiuti. L'indicatore, mostrando i punteggi ed il margine di miglioramento relativo a ciascun criterio, si è poi rivelato un efficace strumento di supporto alle decisioni per i Comuni nell'indirizzo degli investimenti in materia di gestione dei rifiuti.


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In this report it was designed an innovative satellite-based monitoring approach applied on the Iraqi Marshlands to survey the extent and distribution of marshland re-flooding and assess the development of wetland vegetation cover. The study, conducted in collaboration with MEEO Srl , makes use of images collected from the sensor (A)ATSR onboard ESA ENVISAT Satellite to collect data at multi-temporal scales and an analysis was adopted to observe the evolution of marshland re-flooding. The methodology uses a multi-temporal pixel-based approach based on classification maps produced by the classification tool SOIL MAPPER ®. The catalogue of the classification maps is available as web service through the Service Support Environment Portal (SSE, supported by ESA). The inundation of the Iraqi marshlands, which has been continuous since April 2003, is characterized by a high degree of variability, ad-hoc interventions and uncertainty. Given the security constraints and vastness of the Iraqi marshlands, as well as cost-effectiveness considerations, satellite remote sensing was the only viable tool to observe the changes taking place on a continuous basis. The proposed system (ALCS – AATSR LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) avoids the direct use of the (A)ATSR images and foresees the application of LULCC evolution models directly to „stock‟ of classified maps. This approach is made possible by the availability of a 13 year classified image database, conceived and implemented in the CARD project (http://earth.esa.int/rtd/Projects/#CARD).The approach here presented evolves toward an innovative, efficient and fast method to exploit the potentiality of multi-temporal LULCC analysis of (A)ATSR images. The two main objectives of this work are both linked to a sort of assessment: the first is to assessing the ability of modeling with the web-application ALCS using image-based AATSR classified with SOIL MAPPER ® and the second is to evaluate the magnitude, the character and the extension of wetland rehabilitation.


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Altough nowadays DMTA is one of the most used techniques to characterize polymers thermo-mechanical behaviour, it is only effective for small amplitude oscillatory tests and limited to a single frequency analysis (linear regime). In this thesis work a Fourier transform based experimental system has proven to give hint on structural and chemical changes in specimens during large amplitude oscillatory tests exploiting multi frequency spectral analysis turning out in a more sensitive tool than classical linear approach. The test campaign has been focused on three test typologies: Strain sweep tests, Damage investigation and temperature sweep tests.


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Random access (RA) protocols are normally used in a satellite networks for initial terminal access and are particularly effective since no coordination is required. On the other hand, contention resolution diversity slotted Aloha (CRDSA), irregular repetition slotted Aloha (IRSA) and coded slotted Aloha (CSA) has shown to be more efficient than classic RA schemes as slotted Aloha, and can be exploited also when short packets transmissions are done over a shared medium. In particular, they relies on burst repetition and on successive interference cancellation (SIC) applied at the receiver. The SIC process can be well described using a bipartite graph representation and exploiting tools used for analyze iterative decoding. The scope of my Master Thesis has been to described the performance of such RA protocols when the Rayleigh fading is taken into account. In this context, each user has the ability to correctly decode a packet also in presence of collision and when SIC is considered this may result in multi-packet reception. Analysis of the SIC procedure under Rayleigh fading has been analytically derived for the asymptotic case (infinite frame length), helping the analysis of both throughput and packet loss rates. An upper bound of the achievable performance has been analytically obtained. It can be show that in particular channel conditions the throughput of the system can be greater than one packets per slot which is the theoretical limit of the Collision Channel case.