4 resultados para Molecular Gas-flow
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.
The aim of this Thesis work is to study the multi-frequency properties of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy (ULIRG) IRAS 00183-7111 (I00183) at z = 0.327, connecting ALMA sub-mm/mm observations with those at high energies in order to place constraints on the properties of its central power source and verify whether the gas traced by the CO may be responsible for the obscuration observed in X-rays. I00183 was selected from the so-called Spoon diagnostic diagram (Spoon et al. 2007) for mid-infrared spectra of infrared galaxies based on the equivalent width of the 6.2 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature versus the 9.7 μm silicate strength. Such features are a powerful tool to investigate the contribution of star formation and AGN activity in this class of objects. I00183 was selected from the top-left region of the plot where the most obscured sources, characterized by a strong Si absorption feature, are located. To link the sub-mm/mm to the X-ray properties of I00183, ALMA archival Cycle 0 data in Band 3 (87 GHz) and Band 6 (270 GHz) have been calibrated and analyzed, using CASA software. ALMA Cycle 0 was the Early Science program for which data reprocessing is strongly suggested. The main work of this Thesis consisted in reprocessing raw data to provide an improvement with respect to the available archival products and results, which were obtained using standard procedures. The high-energy data consists of Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations which provide a broad coverage of the spectrum in the energy range 0.5 − 30 keV. Chandra and XMM archival data were used, with an exposure time of 22 and 22.2 ks, respectively; their reduction was carried out using CIAO and SAS software. The 100 ks NuSTAR are still private and the spectra were obtained by courtesy of the PI (K. Iwasawa). A detailed spectral analysis was done using XSPEC software; the spectral shape was reproduced starting from simple phenomenological models, and then more physical models were introduced to account for the complex mechanisms that involve this source. In Chapter 1, an overview of the scientific background is discussed, with a focus on the target, I00183, and the Spoon diagnostic diagram, from which it was originally selected. In Chapter 2, the basic principles of interferometry are briefly introduced, with a description of the calibration theory applied to interferometric observations. In Chapter 3, ALMA and its capabilities, both current and future, are shown, explaining also the complex structure of the ALMA archive. In Chapter 4, the calibration of ALMA data is presented and discussed, showing also the obtained imaging products. In Chapter 5, the analysis and discussion of the main results obtained from ALMA data is presented. In Chapter 6, the X-ray observations, data reduction and spectral analysis are reported, with a brief introduction to the basic principle of X-ray astronomy and the instruments from which the observations were carried out. Finally, the overall work is summarized, with particular emphasis on the main obtained results and the possible future perspectives.
A study of the pyrolysis and oxidation (phi 0.5-1-2) of methane and methyl formate (phi 0.5) in a laboratory flow reactor (Length = 50 cm, inner diameter = 2.5 cm) has been carried out at 1-4 atm and 300-1300 K temperature range. Exhaust gaseous species analysis was realized using a gas chromatographic system, Varian CP-4900 PRO Mirco-GC, with a TCD detector and using helium as carrier for a Molecular Sieve 5Å column and nitrogen for a COX column, whose temperatures and pressures were respectively of 65°C and 150kPa. Model simulations using NTUA [1], Fisher et al. [12], Grana [13] and Dooley [14] kinetic mechanisms have been performed with CHEMKIN. The work provides a basis for further development and optimization of existing detailed chemical kinetic schemes.
Argomento del lavoro è stato lo studio di problemi legati alla Flow-Asurance. In particolare, si focalizza su due aspetti: i) una valutazione comparativa delle diverse equazioni di stato implementate nel simulatore multifase OLGA, per valutare quella che porta a risultati più conservativi; ii) l’analisi della formazione di idrati, all’interno di sistemi caratterizzati dalla presenza di gas ed acqua. Il primo argomento di studio nasce dal fatto che per garantire continuità del flusso è necessario conoscere il comportamento volumetrico del fluido all’interno delle pipelines. Per effettuare tali studi, la Flow-Assurance si basa sulle Equazioni di Stato cubiche. In particolare, sono state confrontate: -L’equazione di Soave-Redlich-Kwong; -L’equazione di Peng-Robinson; -L’equazione di Peng-Robinson modificata da Peneloux. Sono stati analizzati 4 fluidi idrocarburici (2 multifase, un olio e un gas) con diverse composizioni e diverse condizioni di fase. Le variabili considerate sono state pressione, temperatura, densità e viscosità; sono state poi valutate le perdite di carico, parametro fondamentale nello studio del trasporto di un fluido, valutando che l'equazione di Peng-Robinson è quella più adatta per caratterizzare termodinamicamente il fluido durante una fase di design, in quanto fornisce l'andamento più conservativo. Dopo aver accertato la presenza di idrati nei fluidi multifase, l’obiettivo del lavoro è stato analizzare come il sistema rispondesse all’aggiunta di inibitori chimici per uscire dalla regione termodinamica di stabilità dell’idrato. Gli inibitori utilizzati sono stati metanolo e mono-etilen-glicole in soluzione acquosa. L’analisi è stata effettuata confrontando due metodi: -Metodo analitico di Hammerschmidt; -Metodo iterativo con PVTSim. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che entrambi gli inibitori utilizzati risolvono il problema della formazione di idrato spostando la curva di stabilità al di fuori delle pressioni e temperature che si incontrano nella pipeline. Valutando le quantità da iniettare, il metodo di Hammerschmidt risulta quello più conservativo, indicando portate maggiori rispetto al PVTsim, soprattutto aggiungendo metanolo.