10 resultados para Marine protected area

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The growing need to assess the environmental status of the Mediterranean coastal marine habitats and the large availability of data collected by Reef Check Italia onlus (RCI) volunteers suggest the possibility to develop innovative and reliable indices that may support decision makers in applying conservation strategies. The aims of this study were to check the reliability of data collected by RCI volunteers, analyse the spatial and temporal distribution of RCI available data, resume the knowledge on the biology and ecology of the monitored species, and develop innovative indices to asses the ecological quality of Mediterranean subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous habitats. Subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous were chosen because these are the habitats more attractive for divers; therefore mlst data are referring to them, moreover subtidal rocky bottom are strongly affected by coastal urbanisation, land use, fishing and tourist activities, that increase pollution, turbidity and sedimentation. Non-indigenous species (NIS) have been recognized as a major threat to the integrity of Mediterranean native communities because of their proliferation, spread and impact on resident communities. Monitoring of NIS’ spreading dynamics at the basin spatial scale is difficult but urgent. According to a field test, the training provided by RCI appears adequate to obtain reliable data by volunteers. Based on data collected by RCI volunteers, three main categories of indices were developed: indices based on species diversity, indices on the occurrence non-indigenous species, and indices on species sensitive toward physical, chemical and biological disturbances. As case studies, indices were applied to stretches of coastline defined according to management criteria (province territories and marine protected areas). The assessments of ecological quality in the Tavolara Marine Protected Area using the species sensitivities index were consisten with those previously obtained with traditional methods.


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The first part of my work consisted in samplings conduced in nine different localities of the salento peninsula and Apulia (Italy): Costa Merlata (BR), Punta Penne (BR), Santa Cesarea terme (LE), Santa Caterina (LE), Torre Inserraglio (LE), Torre Guaceto (BR), Porto Cesareo (LE), Otranto (LE), Isole Tremiti (FG). I collected data of species percentage covering from the infralittoral rocky zone, using squares of 50x50 cm. We considered 3 sites for location and 10 replicates for each site, which has been taken randomly. Then I took other data about the same places, collected in some years, and I combined them together, to do a spatial analysis. So I started from a data set of 1896 samples but I decided not to consider time as a factor because I have reason to think that in this period of time anthropogenic stressors and their effects (if present), didn’t change considerably. The response variable I’ve analysed is the covering percentage of an amount of 243 species (subsequently merged into 32 functional groups), including seaweeds, invertebrates, sediment and rock. 2 After the sampling, I have been spent a period of two months at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, in Monterey (California,USA), at Fiorenza Micheli's laboratory. I've been carried out statistical analysis on my data set, using the software PRIMER 6. My explorative analysis starts with a nMDS in PRIMER 6, considering the original data matrix without, for the moment, the effect of stressors. What comes out is a good separation between localities and it confirms the result of ANOSIM analysis conduced on the original data matrix. What is possible to ensure is that there is not a separation led by a geographic pattern, but there should be something else that leads the differences. Is clear the presence of at least three groups: one composed by Porto cesareo, Torre Guaceto and Isole tremiti (the only marine protected areas considered in this work); another one by Otranto, and the last one by the rest of little, impacted localities. Inside the localities that include MPA(Marine Protected Areas), is also possible to observe a sort of grouping between protected and controlled areas. What comes out from SIMPER analysis is that the most of the species involved in leading differences between populations are not rare species, like: Cystoseira spp., Mytilus sp. and ECR. Moreover I assigned discrete values (0,1,2) of each stressor to all the sites I considered, in relation to the intensity with which the anthropogenic factor affect the localities. 3 Then I tried to estabilish if there were some significant interactions between stressors: by using Spearman rank correlation and Spearman tables of significance, and taking into account 17 grades of freedom, the outcome shows some significant stressors interactions. Then I built a nMDS considering the stressors as response variable. The result was positive: localities are well separeted by stressors. Consequently I related the matrix with 'localities and species' with the 'localities and stressors' one. Stressors combination explains with a good significance level the variability inside my populations. I tried with all the possible data transformations (none, square root, fourth root, log (X+1), P/A), but the fourth root seemed to be the best one, with the highest level of significativity, meaning that also rare species can influence the result. The challenge will be to characterize better which kind of stressors (including also natural ones), act on the ecosystem; and give them a quantitative and more accurate values, trying to understand how they interact (in an additive or non-additive way).


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Population genetic and phylogeography of two common mediterranean species were studied in 10 localities located on the coasts of Toscana, Puglia and Calabria. The aim of the study was to verify the extent of genetic breaks, in areas recognized as boundaries between Mediterranean biogeographic sectors. From about 100 sequences obtained from the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of Halocynthia papillosa and Hexaplex trunculus genetic diversity, genetic structure at small and large distances and demographic history of both specieswere analyzed. No evidences of genetic breaks were found for the two species in Toscana and Puglia. The genetic structure of H. trunculus evidences the extent of a barrier to gene flow localized in Calabria, which could be represented by the Siculo-Tunisian Strait and the Strait of Messina. The observed patterns showed similar level of gene flow at small distances in both species, although the two species have different larval ecology. These results suggest that other factors, such as currents, local dynamics and seasonal temperatures, influence the connectivity along the Italian peninsula. The geographic distribution of the haplotypes shows that H. papillosacould represent a single genetic pool in expansion, whereas H. trunculus has two distinct genetic pools in expansion. The demographic pattern of the two species suggests that Pleistocene sea level oscillations, in particular of the LGM, may have played a key role in shaping genetic structure of the two species. This knowledge provides basic information, useful for the definition of management plans, or for the design of a network of marine protected areas along the Italian peninsula.


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Mediterranean coralligenous habitats are biogenic reefs characterised by high species diversity and built mainly by encrusting calcareous red algae, growing in dim light conditions. The global climate change and several human activities may threaten species living in these habitats, especially some of those that are considered particularly relevant in structuring and in maintaining the complexity and diversity of the benthic assemblages. Among them, the red gorgonian, Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826), which can form dense populations, in the last decades showed worrying mass mortality events. Understand the role of this “animal forests” in the coralligenous assemblages is of fundamental importance in order to design appropriate monitoring programs and conservation policies, especially in the marine protected areas. For this purpose, benthic assemblages were studied in presence and absence of red gorgonians at two sites at the Tremiti islands. Overall, the benthic assemblages significantly differed among sites, nevertheless in both places, clear differences between assemblages associated and not associated to the gorgonian forests were found. In particular, encrusting corallinered algae were significantly more abundant in the gorgonian understories at both sites. This result indicates that the gorgonians may promote the development of calcareous algae, which are the main builders of the coralligenous habitats. Moreover species diversity resulted higher in the assemblages associated to the gorgonians. The present study highlights the role of Paramuricea clavata as a relevant ecosystem engineer in the coralligenous habitats.


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Il fitoplancton è costituito da organismi molto importanti per l'ambiente marino e molto diversificati sia dal punto di vista morfologico che fisiologico.Questi organismi sono normalmente soggetti ai cambiamenti stagionali e alle variazioni dell'ambiente dovute sia a fenomeni naturali che all'impatto antropico, sempre più rilevante. Con questa tesi si è voluto approfondire l'effetto di erbicidi comunemente usati dall'uomo in agricoltura su delle microalghe flagellate rappresentative del Mar Adriatico. L'inquinante scelto è la Terbutilazina, sostanza utilizzata per il diserbo del mais e diffusa in tutta l'area padano-venera, come dimostrano i dati dei campionamenti ARPA, che riportano la presenza di Terbutilazina e del suo prodotto di degradazione Desetil-Terbutilazina a concentrazioni superiori al limite fissato sia nelle acque superficiali che in quelle sotterranee. Anche in mare come riportato in letteratura (Carafa et. al 2009)è stato riscontrato a concentrazioni superiori al limite previsto dalla normativa vigente in Italia. In particolare il meccanismo d'azione di questo erbicida interferisce con la fotosintesi, agendo sulle proteine di membrana dei cloroplasti, rimpiazzando il chinone accettore di elettroni QB della proteina D1 del fotosistema II. Più specie di microalghe fatte crescere in colture 'batch' sono state testate a diverse concentrazioni di erbicida in condizione di luce nutrienti costanti. Questi esperimenti sono stati inoltre condotti a due diverse temperature (20 e 25°C) per studiare l'effetto di questo inquinante in correlazione con l'attuale aumento di temperatura in atto nel pianeta. In una prima fase di screening è stato valutato l'effetto della Terbutilazina su 9 specie di flagellate rappresentative dell'Adriatico, tramite misure dell'efficienza fotosintetica. Grazie a questa prima fase sono state individuate le microalghe e le relative concentrazioni di Terbutilazina da utilizzare negli esperimenti. Per gli esperimenti, sono state scelte le due specie algali Gonyaulax spinifera e Prorocentrum minimum sulle quali si è approfondito lo studio dell'effetto dell'inquinante alle due temperature, attraverso una serie di analisi volte ad individuare le risposte in termini di crescita e di fisiologia delle alghe quali: conteggio delle cellule, torbidità, efficienza fotosintetica, consumo di nutrienti, quantità di clorofilla e di polisaccaridi extracellulari prodotti. La scelta di queste microalghe è stata dettata dal fatto che Gonyaulax spinifera si è rivelata la microalga più sensibile a concentrazioni di erbicida più vicine a quelle ambientali fra tutte le alghe valutate, mentre Prorocentrum minimum è fra le dinoflagellate più frequenti e rappresentative del Mar Adriatico (Aubry et al. 2004), anche se non particolarmente sensibile; infatti P. minimum è stato testato ad una concentrazione di erbicida maggiore rispetto a quelle normalmente ritrovate in ambiente marino. Dai risultati riportati nella tesi si è visto come l'erbicida Terbutilazina sia in grado di influenzare la crescita e la fotosintesi di microalghe flagellate dell'Adriatico anche a concentrazioni pari a quelle rilevate in ambiente, e si è evidenziato che gli effetti sono maggiori alle temperature in cui le microalghe hanno una crescita meno efficiente. Questi studi hanno messo in evidenza anche l'utilità delle misure di fotosintesi tramite fluorimetro PAM nel valutare le risposte delle microalghe agli erbicidi triazinici. Inoltre la diversa risposta delle microalghe osservata, potrebbe avere conseguenze rilevanti sulle fioriture estive di fitoplancton in caso di presenza in mare di Terbutilazina, anche a concentrazioni non particolarmente elevate. Questo lavoro si inserisce in un contesto più ampio di ricerca volto alla modellizzazione della crescita algale in presenza di inquinanti ed in concomitanza con le variazioni di temperatura. Infatti i dati ottenuti insieme a misure di carbonio cellulare, non ancora effettuate, saranno utili per la messa a punto di nuove parametrizzazioni che si avvicinino maggiormente ai dati reali, per poi simulare i possibili scenari futuri variando le condizioni ambientali e le concentrazioni dell'inquinante studiato.


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Oggetto di lavoro della tesi è un complesso programma di valorizzazione dell’area urbana in sponda nord del Canale Candiano nella città di Ravenna compresa tra le vie Eustacchio Manfredi, Montecatini, delle Industrie e Salona oggi area a destinazione industriale in forte trasformazione. Lo scopo generale del programma è favorire e migliorare la conoscenza e quindi la fruizione del patrimonio marino adriatico e arricchire il contesto urbano esistente all’interno del Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana promosso dal Comune. Per riuscire in questo obiettivo servirà una riprogettazione degli spazi caratteristici in relazione alle potenzialità degli accessi al complesso, uniti con la presenza dei flussi viari che lo attraversano. La forte presenza del Parco del Mausoleo di Teodorico, l’area in testata alla Darsena dove si trova l’area retrostante la Stazione ferroviaria e il potenziamento del dialogo tra il Candiano con la città antica sono gli esempi di maggior interesse che si trovano nell’immediata vicinanza con l’area di progetto. In contemporaneo a questi elementi il programma dovrà ripensare l’intera organizzazione degli accessi in relazione al programma di utilizzo del Canale Candiano come spazio pubblico della città. Ci si pone come obiettivo quello di progettare un’area di forte valenza culturale, che si rapporti e reinterpreti la storicità posseduta dalla città di Ravenna creando non un semplice intervento di Architettura museale, ma bensì un nuovo spazio urbano che non si limiti a se stesso e alle sue funzioni ma che dialoghi liberamente con tutta la città e i sui abitanti. La Darsena della città di Ravenna, come visto, è reduce da molteplici piani urbanistici che si sono sviluppati dagli anni cinquanta fino ad oggi. Questo percorso di pianificazione però ha portato ad un ordinato e consapevole intervento urbanistico, sia dal punto di vista qualitativo che tipologico. Il rispetto della cadenza decennale con cui si sono rinnovati i piani regolatori generali, le tematiche e le innovazioni che il Piano è sempre riuscito ad anticipare hanno prodotto il buon risultato che oggi troviamo nella Darsena.


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Cor-Ten is a particular kind of steel, belonging to low-alloyed steel; thanks to his aesthetic features and resistance to atmospheric corrosion, this material is largely used in architectural, artistic and infrastructural applications. After environmental exposure, Cor-Ten steel exhibits the characteristic ability to self-protect from corrosion, by the development of a stable and adherent protective layer. However, some environmental factors can influence the formation and stability of the patina. In particular, exposure of Cor-Ten to polluted atmosphere (NOx, SOx, O3) or coastal areas (marine spray) may cause problems to the protective layer and, as a consequence, a release of alloying metals, which can accumulate near the structures. Some of these metals, such as Cr and Ni, could be very dangerous for soils and water because of their large toxicity. The aim of this work was to study the corrosion behavior of Cor-Ten exposed to an urban-coastal site (Rimini, Italy). Three different kinds of commercial surface finish (bare and pre-patinated, with or without a beeswax covering) were examined, both in sheltered and unsheltered exposure conditions. Wet deposition brushing the specimens surface (leaching solutions) are monthly collected and analyzed to evaluate the extent of metal release and the form in which they leave the surface, for example, as water-soluble compounds or non-adherent corrosion products. Five alloying metals (Fe, Cu, Cr, Mn and Ni) and nine ions (Cl-, NO3-, NO2-, SO42-, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+) are determined through Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Ion Chromatography, respectively. Furthermore, the evolution and the behaviour of the patina are periodically followed by surface investigations (SEM-EDS and Raman Spectroscopy). After two years of exposure, the results show that Bare Cor-Ten, cheaper than the other analyzed specimens, even though undergoes the greater mass variation, his metal release is comparable to the release of the pre-patinated samples. The behavior of pre-patinated steel, with or without beeswax covering, do not show particular difference. This exposure environment doesn’t allow a completely stabilization of the patina; nevertheless an estimate of metal release after 10 years of exposure points out that the environmental impact of Cor-Ten is very low: for example, the release of chromium in the soluble fraction is less than 10 mg if we consider an exposed wall of 10 m2.


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The following thesis attempts to study and analyse the geomorphological evolution of a relatively small coastal area located to the North of Syracuse (Southeastern Sicily). The presently inactive Palombara Cave is located in this area. The 800 metres of passages in this cave show an evolution in some way linked to the local topographic and environmental changes. This portion of coastline was affected more or less constantly by the tectonic uplift during the Pleistocene, which simultaneously to the eustatic variations have played a key role in the genesis of the marine terraces and the cave. Starting from a DTM made from Lidar data, using a GIS procedure several marine terraces have been mapped. These informations combinated with a geomorphological study of the area, allowed to identify and recognise the different orders of the Middle Pleistocene terraced surfaces. Four orders of terraces between 180-75 m a.s.l have been observed, illustrated and described. Furthermore, two other supposed terrace edges located respectively at 60 and 35 m, which would indicate the presence of two more orders, have been recognised. All these marine terraces appear to have formed in the last million years. The morphological data of the Palombara cave, highlights a genesis related to the rising of CO2 rich waters coming from the depths through the fractures of the rock mass, that ranks it as a hypogenic cave. The development has been influenced by the changes in the water table, in turn determined by the fluctuations in the sea level. In fact, the cave shows a speleogenetic evolution characterised by phases of karstification in phreatic and epiphreatic environment and fossilization stages of the upper branches in vadose conditions. These observations indicate that the cave probably started forming around 600 Ky ago, contemporary to the start of volcanic processes in the area.


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Faxaflói bay is a short, wide and shallow bay situated in the southwest of Iceland. Although hosting a rather high level of marine traffic, this area is inhabited by many different species of cetaceans, among which the white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), found here all year-round. This study aimed to evaluate the potential effect of increasing marine traffic on white-beaked dolphins distribution and behaviour, and to determine whether or not a variation in sighting frequencies have occurred throughout years (2008 – 2014). Data on sightings and on behaviour, as well as photographic one, has been collected daily taking advantage of the whale-watching company “Elding” operating in the bay. Results have confirmed the importance of this area for white-beaked dolphins, which have shown a certain level of site fidelity. Despite the high level of marine traffic, this dolphin appears to tolerate the presence of boats: no differences in encounter durations and locations over the study years have occurred, even though with increasing number of vessels, an increase in avoidance strategies has been displayed. Furthermore, seasonal differences in probabilities of sightings, with respect to the time of the day, have been found, leading to suggest the existence of a daily cycle of their movements and activities within the bay. This study has also described a major decline in sighting rates throughout years raising concern about white-beaked dolphin conservation status in Icelandic waters. It is therefore highly recommended a new dedicated survey to be conducted in order to document the current population estimate, to better investigate on the energetic costs that chronic exposure to disturbances may cause, and to plan a more suitable conservation strategy for white-beaked dolphin around Iceland.


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La tesi tratta di un concetto che negli ultimi anni sta diventando sempre più importante e per questo, deve essere studiato e analizzato: la vulnerabilità costiera. In generale per vulnerabilità si intende il carattere di chi o di ciò che è vulnerabile, ossia la sua predisposizione ad essere colpito, attaccato o danneggiato. Viene anche definita come l’attitudine di un dato elemento o contesto territoriale a supportare gli effetti di un evento dannoso in funzione dell’intensità dell’evento stesso. Questa nozione, in particolare, verrà applicata all’ambito costiero; pertanto si parlerà di vulnerabilità costiera dell’area ravennate. La vulnerabilità costiera è definita come il grado a cui un sistema costiero è suscettibile agli effetti negativi del cambiamento climatico, inclusi la variabilità climatica e gli eventi estremi. Negli ultimi decenni si è giunti alla conclusione che le manifestazioni meteo-marine di estrema entità hanno avuto la tendenza a svilupparsi con maggiore intensità e frequenza (es.: mareggiate). Questo è il motivo per cui la trattazione verterà su tale argomento, al fine di presentare, chiarire e rendere più esplicita questa tematica, sempre maggiormente presente nella realtà di tutti i giorni. Nei due siti di interesse: Marina di Ravenna e foce Bevano, sono stati effettuati due transetti, da cui sono stati estratti i relativi profili topografici, sui quali è stato calcolato il Dune Safety Factor, considerando i diversi valori di sopraelevazione marina totale.