10 resultados para Magliano Sabina, Italy. La Magliana.

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L’elaborato propone un’analisi dettagliata della configurazione del discorso pubblicitario, inteso come il risultato di una duplice operazione: quella di produzione del messaggio, a opera del pubblicitario, utente di precise strategie discorsive, e quella di interpretazione, da parte del destinatario che completa il significato dell’enunciato attribuendogli le proprie peculiari connotazioni. Il corpus utilizzato consiste in una raccolta di spot pubblicitari prodotti dall’azienda Barilla per i telespettatori francofoni, ed è stato reperito presso l’Archivio Storico di Barilla nella sede di Parma. L’illustrazione e la descrizione di alcune pubblicità scelte come modelli forniscono la base per l’approfondimento di alcune problematiche linguistiche e traduttologiche; in particolare, viene posto l’accento sulla nozione di ethos discorsivo, collocabile nell'ambito dell’analisi del discorso, e su quella di stereotipo linguistico, considerato come veicolo culturale e strumento dotato di straordinaria forza assertiva e pertanto prediletto dalla comunicazione pubblicitaria. Tale forma di linguaggio merita di essere analizzata e studiata nella sua ricca complessità, dal momento che è da considerarsi come il più efficace e moderno mezzo di diffusione, incorporazione e assimilazione di valori e comportamenti culturalmente orientati.


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The main aim of this study is to provide a description of the phenomenon defined as Child Language Brokering (CLB), a common practice among language minority communities but which has received less attention in the academic literature. As the children of immigrants often learn the host language much more quickly than their parents, they contribute to family life by acting as language and cultural mediators between a family members and different language speakers. Many immigrant families prefer a language broker from within their own family to an external mediator or interpreter, even though there is a well-found resistance to the use of these young interpreters by professionals. In this study I report some findings from surveys of teachers in schools in Ravenna where there has been some use of students as CLBs and of students who have acted or are still acting as mediators for their families in different contexts, not only while at school. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one aims at providing an overview of recent migration to Italy and of the differences between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants. The chapter also discusses the available professional interpreting facilities provided by the municipality of Ravenna. Chapter two presents an overview of the literature on child language brokering. Chapter three provides a description of the methodology used in order to analyze the data collected. Chapter four contains a detailed analysis of the questionnaires administered to the students and the interviews submitted to the teachers in four schools in Ravenna. Chapter five focuses on the studies carried out by the researchers of the Thomas Coram Research Unit and University College London and draws a general comparison between their findings from on-line surveys of teachers in schools and my own findings on teachers’ points of view. The results of this study demonstrate that CLB is a common practice among immigrant children living in Ravenna and, although almost all students reported positive appreciation, further work is still needed to assess the impact of this phenomenon.


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The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness of a project carried out in the Autonomous Province of Trento to promote language learning among young people. The project consisted in a television quiz show featuring games in Italian, English and German. Eight classes from five high schools took part in the game show, which was aired between November 2014 and January 2015 by the local channel Trentino TV. Since multilingualism has been part of the European Union policy, legislation and practices for many decades, the first chapter of this dissertation offers an overview of the main EU language education policies which seek to promote language learning among all citizens. It then focuses on the commitment of the EU and its member States to find new strategies to show the benefits of language learning outside formal education, also using both old and new media. Some TV and radio shows on multilingualism broadcast in Italy and in other EU countries are also briefly described. The second chapter is devoted to Uno Two Drei, the quiz show created by the Autonomous Province of Trento and Trentino TV to promote the learning of English and German among students while enhancing their personal growth and development. The role of everyone involved in the project is outlined, as well as the concept and planning phases and the realization stage. The third chapter focuses largely on the impacts of the initiative on the target group, namely 17-year-old students. Opinions of the participants were first collected in January, when a final meeting was held between the organizers and the schools. Since the researcher has managed the German part of the project, in the following months a questionnaire was administered to the 48 students who played in the German team and to their teachers as well. From both the meeting and the questionnaires it has emerged that the main goals of the initiative were achieved: generally speaking, students have been motivated to study languages and learn new things, the bonds between them have been strengthened and their sense of solidarity has been enhanced.


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This thesis is a proposed translation of the picture book Flip Flap Safari, written by the German author Axel Scheffler and published in 2014. The translation is presented along with an analysis and a commentary in which I analyse and examine the main translation problems of this kind of literature. and I explain the reasons behind my solutions. The translation of a picture book is a creative challenge because it requires translator to use their linguistic and cultural skills together with their imagination and to evaluate the phonetic dimension of the source text and reproduce in the target language. In the first part of my thesis I will introduce an overview of children’s literature in Italy and I will then focus on Flip Flap Safari, analysing the text and providing biographical information about its author-illustrator Axel Scheffler. In the second part of my thesis I will present my translation of the book, which will be followed by a reflection about the main problems I had to face during the translation process.


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This dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, known as fansubbing. Although this phenomenon began in the late ‘80s, in recent years amateur subtitling has spread worldwide, thanks to both Internet and fan communities, also known as fandoms. At first, amateur subtitling was mainly centred on the translation of Japanese cartoons, but nowadays fandoms also tend to subtitle other kinds of audiovisual products, such as American TV series. Thanks to fansubbing, which is created by fans for other fans, fandoms claim that they would prefer to have subtitled rather than dubbed versions of audiovisual products, which is the norm in Italy and Spain. The dissertation provides a linguistic analysis of the fansubbing in Spanish of the Italian TV series Romanzo Criminale. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse fansubbing from the linguistic point of view, as well as from the point of view of the translation. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate to what extent this translation can be compared to professional subtitling. The first chapter offers an introduction to the TV series and provides an overview of the main events and characters. The second chapter deals with an analysis of the strategies that fansubbers use to translate cultural elements from Italian into Spanish. The third chapter focuses on linguistic mistakes due to calques and linguistic interference between Italian and Spanish. The fourth chapter provides an analysis of some translation errors which occurred during the decoding of the original text. The aim is to understand if this kind of mistake might jeopardize the comprehension of the original message.


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Smooth intercultural communication requires very complex tasks, especially when participants are very different in their cultural and linguistic backgrounds: this is the case of native Italian and Japanese speakers. A further difficulty in such a context can be found in the usage of a foreign language not mastered perfectly by speakers, which is the case for Italian intermediate learners of Japanese. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the linguistic difficulties common among Italian learners of Japanese as a foreign language and to further examine the consequences of incorrect pragma-linguistic deliveries in actual conversations. To this end, a series of linguistic aspects selected on the basis of the author's experience have been taken into consideration. Some aspects are expected to be difficult to master because of linguistic differences between Italian and Japanese, while some may be difficult due to their connection to the specific Japanese cultural context. The present study consists of six parts. The Introduction presents the state of the art on the research topic and defines the purpose of this research. Chapter 1 outlines the linguistic aspects of the Japanese language investigated in the study, specifically focusing on the following topics: writing system, phonology, loan words, numbers, ellipsis, levels of speech and honorifics. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the environment of teaching Japanese as a foreign language in the university setting in Italy. In Chapter 3 the first phase of the research is described, i.e. an online survey aimed at identifying the most problematic linguistic aspects. Chapter 4 presents the second phase of this study: a series of oral interactions between Japanese and Italian native speakers, conversing exclusively in Japanese, focusing on the management of misunderstandings with the use of actual linguistic data. The Conclusion outlines the results and possible future developments.


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This dissertation deals with the translations of seven books for children written by the Chicano author Pat Mora. I started to be interested in the Chicano world, a world suspended between Mexico and the United States, after reading a book by Sandra Cisneros. I decided to deepen my curiosity and for this reason, I discovered a hybrid reality full of history, culture and traditions. In this context, the language used is characterized by a continuous code switching between Spanish and English and I thought it was an interesting phenomenon from the literary and translation point of view. During my research in the Chicano culture, I ran across Pat Mora. Her books for children fascinated me because of their actual themes (the cultural diversity and the defense of identity) and their beautiful illustrations. For this reason, I chose to translate seven of her books because I believe they could be an enrichment for children literature in Italy. The work consists of five chapters. The first one deals with the identity of Chicano people, their history, their literature and their language. In the second chapter, I outline Pat Mora’s profile. I talk about her biography and I analyze her most famous works. In the third chapter, I introduce the seven books for children to be translated and I point out their plots and main themes. In the fourth chapter, I present the translation of the books. The fifth chapter is the translation comment. I deal with the linguistic analysis of the source texts and the analysis of the target texts focusing on the choices made during the translation process.


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Il problema dell'acidificazione degli oceani, conseguente ai cambiamenti climatici, è un processo ancora poco conosciuto. Per comprendere questo fenomeno, possono essere utilizzati degli ambienti naturalmente acidificati, considerati laboratori a cielo aperto. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di utilizzare le fumarole presenti nell'isola di Ischia, per approfondire le dinamiche dei processi di acidificazione e per analizzare l'eventuale interazione tra pH e condizioni meteorologiche. I dati utilizzati, forniti dalla Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” di Napoli, erano serie di pH e di vento rilevate in continuo, in due aree, nord e sud rispetto all'isolotto del Castello Aragonese, e in tre stazioni lungo un gradiente di acidificazione. Tutto il lavoro è stato svolto a step, dove il risultato di un'analisi suggeriva il tipo e il metodo analitico da utilizzare nelle analisi successive. Inizialmente i dati delle due serie sono stati analizzati singolarmente per ottenere i parametri più salienti delle due serie. In seguito i dati sono stati correlati fra loro per stimare l'influenza del vento sul pH. Globalmente è stato possibile evidenziare come il fenomeno dell'acidificazione sia correlato con il vento, ma la risposta sembra essere sito-specifica, essendo risultato dipendente da altri fattori interagenti a scala locale, come la geomorfologia del territorio, le correnti marine e la batimetria del fondale. È però emersa anche la difficoltà nel trovare chiare correlazioni fra le due serie indagate, perché molto complesse, a causa sia della numerosa quantità di zeri nella serie del vento, sia da una forte variabilità naturale del pH, nelle varie stazioni esaminate. In generale, con questo lavoro si è dimostrato come utilizzare tecniche di analisi delle serie storiche, e come poter utilizzare metodi di regressione, autocorrelazione, cross-correlation e smoothing che possono integrare i modelli che prendono in considerazione variabili esogene rispetto alla variabile di interesse.


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This dissertation deals with the translation into Italian of selected passages from the Young Adult historical novel Apache – Girl Warrior by English author Tanya Landman. The book was chosen after contacting Italian publisher Settenove, dedicated to preventing gender-based violence through children's books and essays. The novel, set in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, tells the story of Siki, a fourteen years old Native American girl who decides to become a warrior in order to avenge her family, killed by the Mexicans. The story also deals with the contact and conflict between Native Americans and white settlers during the so-called Apache Wars. Chapter I deals with Apache's genre; it consists in an overview of the historical novel form and its diffusion, both in Italy and in the English-speaking world. Typical features and themes are also dealt with in this chapter. Chapter II is dedicated to Apache's author. Landman's other works and her mission as a writer are taken into account, as well as the inspirations that led her to writing the novel and the process of research on American history it involved. This chapter also includes a comparison between Tanya Landman's and Louise Erdrich's works. In chapter III, Apache is compared to two well-known novels for children and young adults, The little house on the prairie and Caddie Woodlawn; the aim of this is to demonstrate how widespread misrepresentations about Native Americans are in mainstream literature. Chapter IV analyzes the novel and serves as an introduction to its translation, focusing on its plot, themes, characters and language, while chapter V presents the passages I've chosen to translate; their translation can be found later in the same chapter. In chapter VI, I comment on the choices made during the translation process; translation problems are divided into culture-specific, stylistic, semantic and linguistic.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce dall'attività di stage svolto presso la Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Italy S.p.A. di Bologna, azienda specializzata nella produzione di carrelli elevatori. Lo scopo prefissato di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una visione globale della Total Productive Maintenance, andando successivamente ad illustrare gli strumenti e le metodologie impiegate in un contesto reale e quindi i risultati ottenibili nel medio-lungo termine. La prima parte dell’elaborato va ad illustrare lo scenario moderno nel quale le imprese sono chiamate a confrontarsi e a competere per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Nella seconda parte viene trattato il tema della “manutenzione dei sistemi produttivi” con particolare attenzione agli approcci risolutivi e alle politiche intraprese nel corso degli ultimi anni per poi analizzare il principale strumento di gestione della manutenzione utilizzato in scala mondiale, ovvero la Total Production Maintenance. L’ultima parte, dopo un capitolo riservato alla presentazione dell’azienda, si concentra sulle attività svolte presso l’azienda, sugli strumenti e tecniche utilizzate, per poi analizzare i risultati ottenuti ed ottenibili grazie al percorso intrapreso.