3 resultados para MSFD

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Negli ultimi decenni nell’Alto Adriatico, in particolare lungo la costa dell’Emilia-Romagna, si sono verificati fenomeni eutrofici con lo svilupparsi di “red tides”, con frequenza e intensità tali da aver assunto un aspetto cronico. Da questi episodi è nata l’esigenza sia di un efficiente monitoraggio dell’area, che viene svolto dal 1976 dalla Struttura Oceanografica Daphne (ARPA), sia di ricercare e studiare i meccanismi che guidano il processo. Questa zona è sotto stretta osservazione anche nell’ambito Direttiva europea 2008/56/CE, Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in quanto l’alto Adriatico rappresenta la zona maggiormente a rischio per i fenomeni di eutrofizzazione e di bloom algali. Il lavoro di questa tesi nasce dalla necessità di approfondire diversi aspetti sollevati dalla MSFD che non vengono soddisfatti da una normale attività di monitoraggio. La frequenza e l’enorme mole di dati raccolti spesso non permette nè di riunire insieme per un unico sito tutti i parametri biotici e abiotici indicativi dello stato dell’ambiente, né di fare elaborazioni statistiche approfondite. Per fare questo sono state condotte in due siti prospicienti la località di Marina di Ravenna (costa emiliano-romagnola): DIGA SUD e GEOMAR, distanti rispettivamente 1.5 Km e 12 Km dalla costa, analisi quali-quantitative dei popolamenti fitoplanctonici presenti e concomitanti analisi dei parametri chimico-fisici (nutrienti, temperatura e salinità) dell’acqua. Il campionamento bimensile è iniziato ad aprile del 2013 ed è terminato ad ottobre dello stesso anno. Dai dati ottenuti dalle suddette analisi, avvalendosi di diversi strumenti statistici, si è cercato di capire se c’è differenza fra i due siti oggetto di studio in termini di variabili abiotiche ambientali e di popolazione fitoplanctonica dovuta ad effetto geografico (distanza dalla costa). Inoltre si è cercato di individuare come le variabili ambientali vadano ad influenzare la distribuzione dei diversi taxa fitoplanctonici e di segnalare l’eventuale presenza di specie microalgali potenzialmente tossiche e/o dannose.


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Due to its environmental, safety, health and socio-economic impacts, marine litter has been recognized as a 21st century global challenge, so that it has been included in Descriptor 10 of the EU MSFD. For its morphological features and anthropogenic pressures, the Adriatic Sea is very sensitive to the accumulation of debris, but data are inconsistent and fragmented. This thesis, in the framework of DeFishGear project, intents to assess marine litter on beaches and on seafloor in the Western Adriatic sea, and test if debris ingestion by fish occurs. Three beaches were sampled during two surveys in 2015. Benthic litter monitoring was carried out in the FAO GSA17 during fall 2014, using a rapido trawl. Litter ingestion was investigated through gut contents analysis of 260 fish belonging to 8 commercial species collected in Western Gulf of Venice. Average litter density on beaches was 1.5 items/m2 during spring, and decreased to 0.8 items/m2 in summer. Litter composition was heterogeneous and varied among sites, even if no significant differences were found. Most of debris consisted of plastic sheets, fragments, polystyrene pieces, mussels nets and cottons bud sticks, showing that sources are many and include aquaculture, land-based activities and local users of beaches. Average density of benthic litter was 913 items/Km2 (82 Kg/Km2). Plastic dominated in terms of numbers and weight, and consisted mainly of bags, sheets and mussel nets. The highest density was found close to the coast, and sources driving the major differences in litter distribution were mussel farms and shipping lanes. Litter ingestion occurred in 47% of examined fish, mainly consisting of fibers. Among species, S. pilchardus swallowed almost all debris categories. Findinds may provide a baseline to set the necessary measures to manage and minimize marine litter in the Western Adriatic region and to protect aquatic life from plastic pollution, even accounting the possible implications on human health.


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The Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) is the principal source of information used to assess and regulate the potential hazard and risk for a chemical that has the potential to bioaccumulate in the marine environment, according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The main objective of this thesis was to estimate the BCFs of two different emerging contaminants in Ruditapes philippinarum (Manila clam) under controlled laboratory conditions: the UV filter 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) commonly used in skincare products, and the artificial sweetener Acesulfame potassium (ACE-K) used as a food additive. Ruditapes philippinarum organisms were exposed directly to 4-MBC and ACE-K nominal concentration of 1, 10 and 100 μg L-1 during 10 days. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were estimated according to 3 different models for both compounds. The 4-MBC estimated BCFs fall in range of 61553 - 539143 L Kg-1, showing that this compound is very bioaccumulative and could also undergo biomagnification in the marine food chain. On the contrary, estimated ACE-K BCF is consistently lower, in order of 7 L Kg-1 for the nominal exposure concentration of 100 μg L-1. The low ACE-K BCF could be explained by its high solubility in water and thus a rapid metabolization by clams during the experiments. In summary, future research focusing on the marine environment is needed on these two emerging compounds.