16 resultados para Low-carbon process

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Le tematiche che saranno affrontate all’interno del mio elaborato toccano diversi temi sensibili, tutti relativi all’ambiente e alla sua conservazione. Nella prima parte della tesi parlerò di riscaldamento globale, cambiamento climatico ma soprattutto di energie rinnovabili, in particolare l’energia da biomasse. Nella parte centrale la lente di ingrandimento verrà posta sui diversi tipi di energia e sulle relative tecnologie. Mi concentrerò prevalentemente sugli oli vegetali a scopo energetico descrivendo le principali colture e le tecnologie di estrazione. Proseguirò quindi con un excursus sulla Jatropha Curcas descrivendo in dettaglio le caratteristiche di tale coltura in termini di arboricoltura e utilizzi energetici. L’ultima parte dell’elaborato sarà dedicata all’esposizione di due casi applicativi riguardanti la Jatropha Curcas, in particolare il dimensionamento energetico di una scuola e di un ambulatorio medico in Tanzania e Madagascar.


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Con riferimento alla realizzazione di tunnel per servizi interrati, l’incertezza che contraddistingue il quadro geologico, oltre che incidere sui costi, riveste un ruolo chiave nella progettazione preliminare. Sebbene un’approfondita caratterizzazione geotecnica e geologica del volume di terreno inerente l’opera di scavo sia generalmente parte integrante del progetto, non è comunque possibile eliminare del tutto tali incertezze per via dell’estensione del volume interessato oltre che per la disomogeneità che sempre contraddistingue il terreno. Generalmente, investigazioni in corso d’opera e interventi di stabilizzazione devono essere previsti per contenere i costi di perforazione ed ottimizzare la progettazione. Ad esempio, tra i metodi di esplorazione geotecnica figurano i tunnel pilota, i quali sono in grado di garantire un’ottimale caratterizzazione del quadro geotecnico del sottosuolo. Con riferimento agli interventi di stabilizzazione del terreno, adottabili laddove una perforazione tradizionale non consentirebbe il tunnelling, vi è un vasta gamma di scelta. Pertanto, da una prima analisi delle problematiche connesse al tunnelling emerge che la stabilizzazione delle facce di scavo riveste un’importanza e un risconto applicativo di prim’ordine. Questa tesi si inserisce all’interno di un progetto che promuove un’innovativa ed economica tecnica di stabilizzazione dei tunnel per suzione tenendo quindi conto dell’influenza della suzione sulla coesione non drenata.


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This work has been conducted in order to determine the solubility and diffusion coefficients of different aromatic substances in two different grades of polylactic acid (PLA), Amorphous (PDLLA) and Crystalline (PLLA); in particular the focus is on the following terpenes: Linalool, α-Pinene, β-Citronellol and L-Linalool. Moreover, further analyses have been carried out with the aim to verify if the use of neat crystalline PLA, (PLLA), a chiral substrate, may lead to an enantioenrichment of absorbed species in order to use it as membrane in enantioselective processes. The other possible applications of PLA, which has aroused interest in carry out the above-mentioned work, concerns its use in food packaging. Therefore, it is interesting and also very important, to evaluate the barrier properties of PLA, focusing in particular on the transport and absorption of terpenes, by the packaging and, hence, by the PLA. PLA films/slabs of one-millimeter thickness and with square shape, were prepared through the Injection Molding process. On the resulting PLA films heat pretreatment processes of normalizing were then performed to enhance the properties of the material. In order to evaluate solubility and diffusion coefficient of the different penetrating species, the absorption kinetics of various terpenes, in the two different types of PLA, were determined by gravimetric methods. Subsequently, the absorbed liquid was extracted with methanol (MeOH), non- solvent for PLA, and the extract analyzed by the use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), in order to evaluate its possible enantiomeric excess. Moreover, PLA films used were subjected to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) which allowed to measure the glass transition temperature (Tg) and to determine the degree of crystallinity of the polymer (Xc).


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Increasing environmental awareness has been a significant driving force for innovations and process improvements in different sectors and the field of chemistry is not an outlier. Innovating around industrial chemical processes in line with current environmental responsibilities is however no mean feat. One of such hard to overhaul process is the production of methyl methacrylate (MMA) commonly produced via the acetone cyanohydrin (ACH) process developed back in the 1930s. Different alternatives to the ACH process have emerged over the years and the Alpha Lucite process has been particularly promising with a combined plant capacity of 370,000 metric tonnes in Singapore and Saudi Arabia. This study applied Life Cycle Assessment methodology to conduct a comparative analysis between the ACH and Lucite processes with the aim of ascertaining the effect of applying principles of green chemistry as a process improvement tool on overall environmental impacts. A further comparison was made between the Lucite process and a lab-scale process that is further improvement on the former, also based on green chemistry principles. Results showed that the Lucite process has higher impacts on resource scarcity and ecosystem health whereas the ACH process has higher impacts on human health. On the other hand, compared to the Lucite process the lab-scale process has higher impacts in both the ecosystem and human health categories with lower impacts only in the resource scarcity category. It was observed that the benefits of process improvements with green chemistry principles might not be apparent in some categories due to some limitations of the methodology. Process contribution analysis was also performed and it revealed that the contribution of energy is significant, therefore a sensitivity analysis with different energy scenarios was performed. An uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo analysis was also performed to validate the consistency of the results in each of the comparisons.


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MnHCF was synthesized by simple co-precipitation method. In this work we investigate the electrochemical behavior of manganese hexacyanoferrate in zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), ZnSO4+MnSO4 and zinc triflate (Zn(OTF)2) aqueous electrolytes. Electrochemical tests were performed by both El-cell which is designed for reflection investigation and coin cell. In cyclic voltammetry curves, we observed redox peaks of both Fe3+/2+ and Mn3+/2+ pairs. The results based on current shows that the capacity of battery is controlled by diffusion process in aqueous electrolyte system. MnHCF undergoes severe dissolution and zinc displacement during cycling. Compared to ZnSO4, anions of Zn (OTF)2 electrolyte are strongly adsorbed on the electrolyte surface, in turn hindering the water oxidation reaction and reducing the decomposition of MnHCF. The MnHCF/Zn battery using 3M Zn (OTF)2 delivers a specific capacity of 41 mAhg-1 at 50 mAg-1 while by using 3M ZnSO4+1M MnSO4 the specific capacity reaches to 400 mAhg-1 for the pure sample and around 250 mAhg-1 for the MnHCF+A. Our results suggest that the anions in the aqueous electrolyte are of great importance to optimize the electrochemical performance of metal hexacyanoferrates. The pre-addition of MnSO4 into ZnSO4 solution is capable of easing the Mn2+ dissolution from the cathode.


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Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. is a hydrophyte particularly resistant to harsh conditions, e.g. drought, high salinity, contaminants, such as heavy metals and toxic molecules, and high nutrients concentrations. These resistances render the plant suitable for water depuration, where its particular metabolism is exploited to remove pollutants and excessive nutrients from the environment. In constructed wetlands, this principle is applied to phyto-purify wastewater with various origins, such as industrial, agricultural and household, with the aim to improve its quality to an extent which would render its reuse possible. In the framework of a pre-existing project of Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DiSTAl), this work integrates the knowledge and data relative to an Emilia Romagna (IT) constructed wetland plant, in order to expand the knowledge about this particular facility and of the system in general. By assaying antioxidants, both non- enzymatic and enzymatic, chlorophylls content and net photosynthetic rates, and by measuring the elemental composition of the specimens, the health status and the elemental uptake of the wetland plants sampled in different areas were investigated. The results were compared amongst the examined specimens with the aim to detect areas where there may be a higher stress due to a different wastewater composition, potentially varying along the constructed route. In addition, different parameters regarding the extraction and assay protocols were investigated, in order to optimise the procedure and to select the best conditions to perform the analyses, as well as to integrate information missing in literature or found as contradictory.


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In recent years plastic is a key material, fundamental for a large variety of implications. But its large utilization has the direct consequence of the disposal of tons of wastes, that in the major amount cannot be recycled. To pose a solution to the issue of the increasing amount of plastics that are rapidly accumulating all over the world, it is necessary to switch to biodegradable materials. This dissertation is focused on a biodegradable and biobased plastic (polylactic acid, PLA), in order to set free the material from the market and issues of oil, but the PLA is very expensive. For this reason it was added a part of natural component derived from wastes (wheat middling), that acts as reinforcement and decreases the cost of the final material forming a biocomposite. Since their interaction is difficult, the purpose of this dissertation is to improve the affinity between the PLA and the wheat middling.


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The rising of concerns around the scarcity of non-renewable resources has raised curiosity around new frontiers in the polymer science field. Biopolymers is a general term describing different kind of polymers that are linked with the biological world because of either monomer derivation, end of life degradation or both. The current work is aimed at studying one example of both biopolymers types. Polyhydroxibutyrate (P3HB) is a biodegradable microbial-produced polymer which holds massive potentiality as a substitute of polyolefins such as polypropylene. Though, its highly crystalline nature and stereoregularity of structure make it difficult to work with. The project P3HB-Mono take advantage of polarized Raman spectroscopy to see how annealing of chains with different weights influence the crystallinity and molecular structure of the polymer, eventually reflecting on its mechanical properties. The technique employed is also optimal in order to see how mesophase, a particular conformation of chains different from crystalline and amorphous phase, develops in the polymer structure and changes depending on temperature and mechanical stress applied to the fiber. Polycaprolactone (PCL) on the other hand is a biodegradable fossil-fuel polymer which has biocompatibility and bio-resorbability features. As a consequence this material is very appealing for medical industry and can be used for different applications in this field. One interesting option is to produce narrow and long liquid filled fibers for drug delivery inside human body, using a traditional technique in an innovative way. The project BioLiCoF investigates the feasability of producing liquid filled fibers using melt-spinning techniques and will examine the role that melt-spinning parameters and liquids employed as a core solution have on the final fiber. The physical analysis of the fibers is also interpreted and idea on future developments of the trials are suggested.


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This thesis is part of a long-term project which aims to demonstrate for the first time that alginate gel beads can be used as chiral heterogeneous catalysts for enantioselective reactions. Alginate barium beads were prepared as previously optimized and applied to the Friedel-Crafts reaction between indoles and nitroalkenes. New substrates were tested, showing that the reaction can accommodate different nitroalkenes and indoles, affording the corresponding products with moderate yields and good enantioselectivities. However, aliphatic nitroalkenes cannot be used as they degrade under the catalytic reaction conditions. Preliminary study on the recyclability of the heterogeneous catalyst indicated a moderate stability of the catalyst, which can be used for few cycles with a slight erosion of enantioinducing power. Some directions for future improvements (storage and work-up solvent, use of ultrasonic bath) have been suggested.


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The main research topic of the present master thesis consisted in the modification and electrochemical testing of inkjet printed graphene electrodes with a thin polymeric hydrogel layer made of cross-linked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) acting as a functional layer to fabricate selective sensors. The first experimental activities dealt with the synthesis of the polymeric hydrogel and the modification of the active surface of graphene sensors through photopolymerization. Simultaneous inkjet printing and photopolymerization of the hydrogel precursor inks onto graphene demonstrated to be the most effective and reproducible technique for the modification of the electrode with PNIPAAM. The electrochemical performance of the modified electrodes was tested through cyclic voltammetry. Voltammograms with standard redox couples with either positive, neutral or negative charges, suggested an electrostatic filtering effect by the hydrogel blocking negatively charged redox species in near neutral pH electrolyte solutions from reaching the electrode surface. PNIPAAM is a known thermo-responsive polymer, but the variation of temperature did not influence the filtering properties of the hydrogels for the redox couples studied. However, a variation of the filter capacity of the material was observed at pH 2 in which the PNIPAAM hydrogel, most likely in protonated form, became impermeable to positively charged redox species and permeable to negatively charged species. Finally, the filtering capacity of the electrodes modified with PNIPAAM was evaluated for the electrochemical determination of analytes in presence of negatively charge potential interferents, such as antioxidants like ascorbic acid. The outcome of the final experiments suggested the possibility to use the inkjet-printed PNIPAAM thin layer for electroanalytical applications as an electrostatic filter against interferents of opposite charges, typically present in complex matrices, such as food and beverages.


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This study is focused on the synthesis, characterization and reactivity of new low nuclearity iron carbide carbonyl clusters. In particular, the oxidation of the highly reduced monocarbide tetraanionic cluster [Fe6C(CO)15]4- was studied in details using different oxidants ([Cp2Fe][PF6], HBF4·Et2O, MeI and EtI), different stoichiometries and experimental conditions. Different products were obtained depending on the reaction conditions, among which previously reported [Fe6C(CO)16]2- and [Fe5C(CO)14]2-, and new [Fe6C(CO)14(CO)13]4- and [Fe5C(CO)13(COMe)]3- were isolated and fully characterized. In the second part of this study, the reactions of [Fe6C(CO)15]4- with organic or inorganic molecules containing sulphur (S8, S2Cl2 and PhSH) were investigated aiming at introducing S-atoms within the structure of iron carbide carbonyl clusters. In particular, the reaction of [Fe6C(CO)15]4- with PhSH afforded the new [Fe6C(CO)14(SPh)]3- cluster. Conversely, using S8 and S2Cl2, oxidation of [Fe6C(CO)15]4- occurred following a path similar to that observed with other oxidizing agents. All these species have been analyzed by Single Crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) and IR spectroscopy.


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The aim of this work was to optimize a methodology to extract cellulose and to produce NC, from different lignocellulosic biomasses (sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L.). In addition, the NC produced was tested as a reinforcing agent in chitosan (Ch) films, to understand its effects on the properties of this biopolymer. The nanoparticles obtained from sorghum and sunn hemp were incorporated in Ch films at a rate of 2.5% w/w of chitosan, and the resultant bionanocomposites (Sorghum NC films and sunn hemp NC films) were fully characterized in terms of their morphology, mechanical and optical properties, permeability (water vapor), water wettability, and FT-IR spectra analysis. Chitosan films reinforced with commercial nanocellulose at the same rate were tested for comparison, as well as pristine chitosan (control). Bionanocomposites made from sorghum and sunn hemp NC were slightly more saturated and opaque than the pristine chitosan films, in particular outer sorghum NC films. Sunn hemp NC films also showed a slightly higher thickness than sorghum NC films and pristine chitosan films. Further, the results confirmed that sorghum NC improved the strength and stiffness of the chitosan biopolymer and that sunn hemp NC improved the plasticity of the chitosan polymer. Hence, results indicate that those lignocellulosic crops may afford a source of NC for the production of bionanocomposites. Considering the application of those bionanocomposites by the food packaging industry, sorghum NC - chitosan films showed more promising results than sunn hemp NC-chitosan films.


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Oggigiorno la ricerca di nuovi materiali per gradatori di campo da impiegarsi in accessori di cavi ha iniziato a studiare alcuni materiali nano dielettrici con proprietà elettriche non lineari con la tensione ed aventi proprietà migliorate rispetto al materiale base. Per questo motivo in questo elaborato si sono studiati materiali nanostrutturati a base di polietilene a bassa densità (LDPE) contenenti nano polveri di grafene funzionalizzato (G*), ossido di grafene (GO) e carbon black (CB). Il primo obiettivo è stato quello di selezionare e ottimizzare i metodi di fabbricazione dei provini. La procedura di produzione è suddivisa in due parti. Nella prima parte è stata utilizzatala tecnica del ball-milling, mentre nella seconda un pressa termica (thermal pressing). Mediante la spettroscopia dielettrica a banda larga (BDS) si sono misurate le componenti reali e immaginarie della permettività e il modulo della conducibilità del materiale, in tensione alternata. Il miglioramento delle proprietà rispetto al provino di base composto dal solo polietilene si sono ottenute quando il quantitativo delle nanopolveri era maggiore. Le misure sono state effettuate sia a 3 V che a 1 kV. Attraverso misurazioni di termogravimetria (TGA) si è osservato l’aumento della resistenza termica di tutti i provini, soprattutto nel caso quando la % di nanopolveri è maggiore. Per i provini LDPE + 0.3 wt% GO e LDPE + 0.3 wt% G* si è misurata la resistenza alle scariche parziali attraverso la valutazione dell’erosione superficiale dei provini. Per il provino contenente G* è stato registrato una diminuzione del 22% del volume eroso, rispetto al materiale base, mentre per quello contenente GO non vi sono state variazioni significative. Infine si è ricercata la resistenza al breakdown di questi ultimi tre provini sopra citati. Per la caratterizzazione si è fatto uso della distribuzione di Weibull. Lo scale parameter α risulta aumentare solo per il provino LDPE + 0.3 wt% G*.


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The low-strength concrete is defined as a concrete where the compressive cubic strength is less than 15 MPa. Since the beginning of the last century, many low-strength concrete buildings and bridges have been built all over the world. Being short of deeper study, composite sheets are prohibited in strengthening of low-strength reinforced concrete members (CECS 146; ACI 440). Moreover, there are few relevant information about the long-term behavior and durability of strengthened RC members. This fact undoubtedly limits the use of the composite materials in the strengthening applications, therefore, it is necessary to study the behaviours of low-strength concrete elements strengthened with composite materials (FRP) for the preservation of historic constructions and innovation in the strengthening technology. Deformability is one of criteria in the design of concrete structures, and this for functionality, durability and aesthetics reasons. Civil engineer possibly encounters more deflection problems in the structural design than any other type of problem. Many materials common in structural engineering such as wood, concrete and composite materials, suffer creep; if the creep phenomenon is taken into account, checks for serviceability limit state criteria can become onerous, because the creep deformation in these materials is in the same order of magnitude as the elastic deformation. The thesis presents the results of an experimental study on the long-term behavior of low-strength reinforced concrete beams strengthened with carbon fiber composite sheets (CFRP). The work has investigated the accuracy of the long-term deflection predictions made by some analytical procedures existing in literature, as well as by the most widely used design codes (Eurocode 2, ACI-318, ACI-435).


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The constantly increasing demand of clean water has become challenging to deal with over the past years, water being an ever more precious resource. In recent times, the existing wastewater treatments had to be integrated with new steps, due to the detection of so-called organic micropollutants (OMPs). These compounds have been shown to adversely affect the environment and possibly human health, even when found in very low concentrations. In order to remove OMPs from wastewater, one possible technique is a hybrid process combining filtration and adsorption. In this work, polyethersulfone multi-channel mixed-matrix membranes with embedded powdered activated carbon (PAC) were tested to investigate the membrane’s adsorption and desorption performance. Micropollutants retention was analyzed using the pharmaceutical compounds diclofenac (DCF), paracetamol (PARA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) in filtration mode, combining the PAC adsorption process with the membrane’s ultrafiltration. Desorption performance was studied through solvent regeneration, using seven different solvents: pure water, pure ethanol, mixture of ethanol and water in different concentration, sodium hydroxide and a mixture of ethanol and sodium hydroxide. Regeneration experiments were carried out in forward-flushing. At first regeneration efficiency was investigated using a single-solute solution (diclofenac in water). The mixture Ethanol/Water (50:50) was found to be the most efficient with long-term retention of 59% after one desorption cycle. It was, therefore, later tested on a membrane previously loaded with a multi-solute solution. Three desorption cycles were performed after which, retention (after 30 min) reached values of 87% for PARA and 72% for CBZ and 55% for DCF, which indicates decent regenerability. A morphological analysis on the membranes confirmed that, in any case, the regeneration cycles did not affect either the membranes’ structure, or the content and distribution of PAC in the matrix.