3 resultados para Longitudinal Growth Modelling

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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I tumori macroscopici e microscopici, dopo la loro prima fase di crescita, sono composti da un numero medio elevato di cellule. Così, in assenza di perturbazioni esterne, la loro crescita e i punti di equilibrio possono essere descritti da equazioni differenziali. Tuttavia, il tumore interagisce fortemente col macroambiente che lo circonda e di conseguenza una descrizione del tutto deterministica risulta a volte inappropriata. In questo caso si può considerare l'interazione con fluttuazioni statistiche, causate da disturbi esterni, utilizzando le equazioni differenziali stocastiche (SDE). Questo è vero in modo particolare quando si cerca di modellizzare tumori altamente immunogenici che interagiscono con il sistema immunitario, in quanto la complessità di questa interazione risulta in fenomeni di multistabilità. Così, il rumore può provocare disturbi e indurre transizioni di stato (Noise-Induced-Transitions). E' importante notare che una NIT può avere implicazioni profonde sulla vita di un paziente, dal momento che una transizione da uno stato di equilibrio piccolo, nelle dimensioni del tumore, ad uno stato di equilibrio macroscopico, nella maggior parte dei casi significa il passaggio dalla vita alla morte. Generalmente l'approccio standard è quello di modellizzare le fluttuazioni stocastiche dei parametri per mezzo di rumore gaussiano bianco o colorato. In alcuni casi però questa procedura è altamente inadeguata, a causa della illimitatezza intrinseca dei rumori gaussiani che può portare a gravi incongruenze biologiche: pertanto devono essere utilizzati dei rumori "limitati", che, tuttavia, sono molto meno studiati di quelli gaussiani. Inoltre, l'insorgenza di NIT dipende dal tipo di rumore scelto, che rivela un nuovo livello di complessità in biologia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare le applicazioni di due tipi diversi di "rumori limitati" nelle transizioni indotte in due casi: interazione tra tumore e sistema immunitario e chemioterapia dei tumori. Nel primo caso, abbiamo anche introdotto un nuovo modello matematico di terapia, che estende, in modo nuovo, il noto modello di Norton-Simon.


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The benthic dinoflagellate O. ovata represents a serious threat for human health and for the ecology of its blooming areas: thanks to its toxicity this microalga has been responsible for several cases of human intoxication and mass mortalities of benthic invertebrates. Although the large number of studies on this dinoflagellate, the mechanisms underpinning O. ovata growth and toxin production are still far to be fully understood. In this work we have enriched the dataset on this species by carrying out a new experiment on an Adriatic O. cf. ovata strain. Data from this experiment (named Beta) and from another comparable experiment previously conducted on the same strain (named Alpha), revealed some interesting aspects of this dinoflagellate: it is able to grow also in a condition of strong intracellular nutrient deficiency (C:P molar ratio > 400; C:N > 25), reaching extremely low values of chlorophyll-a to carbon ratio (0.0004). Was also found a significant inverse relationships (r > -0.7) between cellular toxin to carbon and cellular nutrient to carbon ratios of experiment Alpha. In the light of these result, we hypothesized that in O. cf. ovata nutrient-stress conditions (intended as intracellular nutrient deficiency) can cause: i) an increase in toxin production; ii) a strong decrease in chlorophyll-a synthesis; iii) a lowering of metabolism associated with the formation of a sort of resting stage. We then used a modelling approach to test and critically evaluate these hypotheses in a mechanistic way: newly developed formulation describing toxin production and fate, and ad hoc changes in the already existent formulations describing chlorophyll synthesis, rest respiration, and mortality, have been incorporated in a simplified version of the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), together with a new ad hoc parameterization. The adapted model was able to accurately reproduce many of the trends observed in the Alpha experiment, allowing us to support our hypotheses. Instead the simulations of the experiment Beta were not fully satisfying in quantitative terms. We explained this gap with the presumed different physiological behaviors between the algae of the two experiments, due to the different pre-experimental periods of acclimation: the model was not able to reproduce acclimation processes in its simulations of the experiment Beta. Thus we attempt to simulate the acclimation of the algae to nutrient-stress conditions by manual intervention on some parameters of nutrient-stress thresholds, but we received conflicting results. Further studies are required to shed light on this interesting aspect. In this work we also improve the range of applicability of a state of the art marine biogeochemical model (ERSEM) by implementing in it an ecological relevant process such as the production of toxic compounds.


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The shallow water configuration of the gulf of Trieste allows the propagation of the stress due to wind and waves along the whole water column down to the bottom. When the stress overcomes a particular threshold it produces resuspension processes of the benthic detritus. The benthic sediments in the North Adriatic are rich of organic matter, transported here by many rivers. This biological active particulate, when remaining in the water, can be transported in all the Adriatic basin by the basin-wide circulation. In this work is presented a first implementation of a resuspension/deposition submodel in the oceanographic coupled physical-biogeochemical 1-dimensional numerical model POM-BFM. At first has been considered the only climatological wind stress forcing, next has been introduced, on the surface, an annual cycle of wave motion and finally have been imposed some exceptional wave event in different periods of the year. The results show a strong relationship between the efficiency of the resuspension process and the stratification of the water column. During summer the strong stratification can contained a great quantity of suspended matter near to the bottom, while during winter even a low concentration of particulate can reach the surface and remains into the water for several months without settling and influencing the biogeochemical system. Looking at the biologic effects, the organic particulate, injected in the water column, allow a sudden growth of the pelagic bacteria which competes with the phytoplankton for nutrients strongly inhibiting its growth. This happen especially during summer when the suspended benthic detritus concentration is greater.