7 resultados para Laue photos
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce all’interno del progetto di ricerca LAUPER in cui sono coinvolte le sezioni INFN di Ferrara e Bologna. Il progetto LAUPER, acronimo per LAUe-PEak Radiotherapy, ha come scopo lo studio di fattibilità di un prototipo di lente di Laue in grado di focalizzare fasci di raggi X con energie dell’ordine di 100 keV per possibili applicazioni in ambito radioterapico. Sfruttando fasci di raggi X, caratterizzati da energie inferiori a quelle che contraddistinguono le usuali tecniche radioterapiche e focalizzati mediante una lente di Laue, si cerca di ottimizzare il rapporto fra la dose sul target tumorale e la dose sui tessuti sani. Questa tesi, nello specifico, descrive i dati ottenuti dai primi test effettuati con due prototipi di lente di Laue, caratterizzati da un differente numero di cristalli e da una loro diversa disposizione sulla lente. Dall’analisi delle misure effettuate si evince come effettivamente i prototipi siano in grado di focalizzare fasci di raggi X con energie dell’ordine di 100 keV. Tuttavia uno dei due prototipi ha evidenziato delle problematiche relative alla diffrazione causata dalla struttura di supporto dei cristalli, che non è stato possibile schermare adeguatamente. I prossimi passi del progetto LAUPER consistono quindi nella risoluzione di questo problema con la realizzazione di nuovi prototipi, caratterizzati da un diverso tipo di supporto. Con quest’ultimi verranno anche effettuati test dosimetrici in modo da costruire le curve di dose in funzione della profondità in materiali tessuto-equivalenti.
This is a research B for the University of Bologna. The course is the civil engineering LAUREA MAGISTRALE at UNIBO. The main purpose of this research is to promote another way of explaining, analyzing and presenting some civil engineering aspects to the students worldwide by theory, modeling and photos. The basic idea is divided into three steps. The first one is to present and analyze the theoretical parts. So a detailed analysis of the theory combined with theorems, explanations, examples and exercises will cover this step. At the second, a model will make clear all these parts that were discussed in the theory by showing how the structures work or fail. The modeling is able to present the behavior of many elements, in scale which we use in the real structures. After these two steps an interesting exhibition of photos from the real world with comments will give the chance to the engineers to observe all these theoretical and modeling-laboratory staff in many different cases. For example many civil engineers in the world may know about the air pressure on the structures but many of them have never seen the extraordinary behavior of the bridge of Tacoma ‘dancing with the air’. At this point I would like to say that what I have done is not a book, but a research of how this ‘3 step’ presentation or explanation of some mechanical characteristics could be helpful. I know that my research is something different and new and in my opinion is very important because it helps students to go deeper in the science and also gives new ideas and inspirations. This way of teaching can be used at all lessons especially at the technical. Hope that one day all the books will adopt this kind of presentation.
One of the most undervalued problems by smartphone users is the security of data on their mobile devices. Today smartphones and tablets are used to send messages and photos and especially to stay connected with social networks, forums and other platforms. These devices contain a lot of private information like passwords, phone numbers, private photos, emails, etc. and an attacker may choose to steal or destroy this information. The main topic of this thesis is the security of the applications present on the most popular stores (App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android) and of their mechanisms for the management of security. The analysis is focused on how the architecture of the two systems protects users from threats and highlights the real presence of malware and spyware in their respective application stores. The work described in subsequent chapters explains the study of the behavior of 50 Android applications and 50 iOS applications performed using network analysis software. Furthermore, this thesis presents some statistics about malware and spyware present on the respective stores and the permissions they require. At the end the reader will be able to understand how to recognize malicious applications and which of the two systems is more suitable for him. This is how this thesis is structured. The first chapter introduces the security mechanisms of the Android and iOS platform architectures and the security mechanisms of their respective application stores. The Second chapter explains the work done, what, why and how we have chosen the tools needed to complete our analysis. The third chapter discusses about the execution of tests, the protocol followed and the approach to assess the “level of danger” of each application that has been checked. The fourth chapter explains the results of the tests and introduces some statistics on the presence of malicious applications on Play Store and App Store. The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of the users, what they think about and how they might avoid malicious applications. The sixth chapter seeks to establish, following our methodology, what application store is safer. In the end, the seventh chapter concludes the thesis.
La tesi si propone di descivere in generale i processi di produzione di neutroni e le tecniche per l’indagine della materia mediante scattering di neutroni. Si elucidano le potenzialità e i vantaggi dell’utilizzo dei neutroni nell’indagine della materia, descrivendo in modo basilare i concetti teorici della diffusione dei neutroni e le tecniche di scattering, in modo particolare lo scattering a piccolo angolo. Di questa tecnica si riporta un esperimento realizzato presso l’Institut Laue-Langevin, il quale posside gli sturmenti tra i più sofisticati al mondo per lo small-angle neutron scattering.
Starting from some satellite photos, we try to understand if someone of the many negatives roundish shapes recognized into a complex of two impacts craters could verify the karst phenomenon on Mars. This fact if confirmed could be extremely important to find microbiological life living underground in an area of contact between water and sulfates, shielded from cosmic radiation. In order to verify if these negatives shapes have a karst origin or an impact one, we made several morphometric measurements with particular attention to the length of the axes and to the depth of these depressions. We also studied some other forms (such jagged ridges) as another possible witness of the karst.
In the last years the number of shoulder arthroplasties has been increasing. Simultaneously the study of their shape, size and strength and the reasons that bring to a possible early explantation have not yet been examined in detail. The research carried out directly on explants is practically nonexistent, this means a poor understanding of the mechanisms leading the patient and so the surgeon, to their removal. The analysis of the mechanisms which are the cause of instability, dislocation, broken, fracture, etc, may lead to a change in the structure or design of the shoulder prostheses and lengthen the life of the implant in situ. The idea was to analyze 22 explants through three methods in order to find roughness, corrosion and surface wear. In the first method, the humeral heads and/or the glenospheres were examined with the interferometer, a machine that through electromagnetic waves gives information about the roughness of the surfaces under examination. The output of the device was a total profile containing both roughness and information on the waves (representing the spatial waves most characteristic on the surface). The most important value is called "roughness average" and brings the average value of the peaks found in the local defects of the surfaces. It was found that 42% of the prostheses had considerable peak values in the area where the damage was caused by the implant and not only by external events, such as possibly the surgeon's hand. One of the problems of interest in the use of metallic biomaterials is their resistance to corrosion. The clinical significance of the degradation of metal implants has been the purpose of the second method; the interaction between human body and metal components is critical to understand how and why they arrive to corrosion. The percentage of damage in the joints of the prosthetic components has been calculated via high resolution photos and the software ImageJ. The 40% and 50% of the area appeared to have scratches or multiple lines due to mechanical artifacts. The third method of analysis has been made through the use of electron microscopy to quantify the wear surface in polyethylene components. Different joint movements correspond to different mechanisms of damage, which were imprinted in the parts of polyethylene examined. The most affected area was located mainly in the side edges. The results could help the manufacturers to modify the design of the prostheses and thus reduce the number of explants. It could also help surgeons in choosing the model of the prosthesis to be implanted in the patient.
Lo scopo della tesi è di illustrare le principali tecniche spettroscopiche per l'indagine della materia mediante l'uso dei neutroni come sonda, con particolare attenzione rivolta alla diffusione anelastica su campioni monocristallini. Nel testo vengono esposti i processi di produzione dei neutroni tramite spallazione, fissione e fusione nucleare, e si descrive il reattore nucleare dell'Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) di Grenoble. Inoltre, viene presentato uno studio della curva di dispersione dei modi vibrazionali acustici di un campione monocristallino di β-stagno a temperatura ambiente, effettuato presso l'ILL tramite un diffrattometro a triplo-asse. I risultati sono confrontati con i modelli teorici disponibili (S. H. Chen) e con dati sperimentali noti (J. M. Rowe).