8 resultados para Laser Shock Peening, Afgrow, frattura
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a surface enhancement treatment which induces a significant layer of beneficial compressive residual stresses of up to several mm underneath the surface of metal components in order to improve the detrimental effects of the crack growth behavior rate in it. The aim of this thesis is to predict the crack growth behavior in metallic specimens with one or more stripes which define the compressive residual stress area induced by the Laser Shock Peening treatment. The process was applied as crack retardation stripes perpendicular to the crack propagation direction with the object of slowing down the crack when approaching the peened stripes. The finite element method has been applied to simulate the redistribution of stresses in a cracked model when it is subjected to a tension load and to a compressive residual stress field, and to evaluate the Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) in this condition. Finally, the Afgrow software is used to predict the crack growth behavior of the component following the Laser Shock Peening treatment and to detect the improvement in the fatigue life comparing it to the baseline specimen. An educational internship at the “Research & Technologies Germany – Hamburg” department of AIRBUS helped to achieve knowledge and experience to write this thesis. The main tasks of the thesis are the following: •To up to date Literature Survey related to “Laser Shock Peening in Metallic Structures” •To validate the FE model developed against experimental measurements at coupon level •To develop design of crack growth slowdown in Centered Cracked Tension specimens based on residual stress engineering approach using laser peened strip transversal to the crack path •To evaluate the Stress Intensity Factor values for Centered Cracked Tension specimens after the Laser Shock Peening treatment via Finite Element Analysis •To predict the crack growth behavior in Centered Cracked Tension specimens using as input the SIF values evaluated with the FE simulations •To validate the results by means of experimental tests
Laser shock peening is a technique similar to shot peening that imparts compressive residual stresses in materials for improving fatigue resistance. The ability to use a high energy laser pulse to generate shock waves, inducing a compressive residual stress field in metallic materials, has applications in multiple fields such as turbo-machinery, airframe structures, and medical appliances. The transient nature of the LSP phenomenon and the high rate of the laser's dynamic make real time in-situ measurement of laser/material interaction very challenging. For this reason and for the high cost of the experimental tests, reliable analytical methods for predicting detailed effects of LSP are needed to understand the potential of the process. Aim of this work has been the prediction of residual stress field after Laser Peening process by means of Finite Element Modeling. The work has been carried out in the Stress Methods department of Airbus Operations GmbH (Hamburg) and it includes investigation on compressive residual stresses induced by Laser Shock Peening, study on mesh sensitivity, optimization and tuning of the model by using physical and numerical parameters, validation of the model by comparing it with experimental results. The model has been realized with Abaqus/Explicit commercial software starting from considerations done on previous works. FE analyses are “Mesh Sensitive”: by increasing the number of elements and by decreasing their size, the software is able to probe even the details of the real phenomenon. However, these details, could be only an amplification of real phenomenon. For this reason it was necessary to optimize the mesh elements' size and number. A new model has been created with a more fine mesh in the trough thickness direction because it is the most involved in the process deformations. This increment of the global number of elements has been paid with an "in plane" size reduction of the elements far from the peened area in order to avoid too high computational costs. Efficiency and stability of the analyses has been improved by using bulk viscosity coefficients, a merely numerical parameter available in Abaqus/Explicit. A plastic rate sensitivity study has been also carried out and a new set of Johnson Cook's model coefficient has been chosen. These investigations led to a more controllable and reliable model, valid even for more complex geometries. Moreover the study about the material properties highlighted a gap of the model about the simulation of the surface conditions. Modeling of the ablative layer employed during the real process has been used to fill this gap. In the real process ablative layer is a super thin sheet of pure aluminum stuck on the masterpiece. In the simulation it has been simply reproduced as a 100µm layer made by a material with a yield point of 10MPa. All those new settings has been applied to a set of analyses made with different geometry models to verify the robustness of the model. The calibration of the model with the experimental results was based on stress and displacement measurements carried out on the surface and in depth as well. The good correlation between the simulation and experimental tests results proved this model to be reliable.
Breve introduzione sulla meccanica della frattuta, in particolare la propagazione delle cricche a fatica e le tensioni residue. Processo di Laser Shock Peening per l'introduzione di stress residui di compressione e relative prove su software Afgrow.
This thesis work encloses activities carried out in the Laser Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the laboratories of the University of Bologna in Forlì. This thesis focuses on the superficial mechanical treatment for metallic materials called Laser Shock Peening (LSP). This process is a surface enhancement treatment which induces a significant layer of beneficial compressive residual stresses underneath the surface of metal components in order to improve the detrimental effects of the crack growth behavior rate in it. The innovation aspect of this work is the LSP application to specimens with extremely low thickness. In particular, after a bibliographic study and comparison with the main treatments used for the same purposes, this work analyzes the physics of the operation of a laser, its interaction with the surface of the material and the generation of the surface residual stresses which are fundamentals to obtain the LSP benefits. In particular this thesis work regards the application of this treatment to some Al2024-T351 specimens with low thickness. Among the improvements that can be obtained performing this operation, the most important in the aeronautic field is the fatigue life improvement of the treated components. As demonstrated in this work, a well-done LSP treatment can slow down the progress of the defects in the material that could lead to sudden failure of the structure. A part of this thesis is the simulation of this phenomenon using the program AFGROW, with which have been analyzed different geometric configurations of the treatment, verifying which was better for large panels of typical aeronautical interest. The core of the LSP process are the residual stresses that are induced on the material by the interaction with the laser light, these can be simulated with the finite elements but it is essential to verify and measure them experimentally. In the thesis are introduced the main methods for the detection of those stresses, they can be mechanical or by diffraction. In particular, will be described the principles and the detailed realization method of the Hole Drilling measure and an introduction of the X-ray Diffraction; then will be presented the results I obtained with both techniques. In addition to these two measurement techniques will also be introduced Neutron Diffraction method. The last part refers to the experimental tests of the fatigue life of the specimens, with a detailed description of the apparatus and the procedure used from the initial specimen preparation to the fatigue test with the press. Then the obtained results are exposed and discussed.
Lo studio del comportamento a fatica dei componenti è uno degli aspetti principali della progettazione. I trattamenti superficiali permettono di migliorare la resistenza dei componenti sollecitati a fatica. A tale scopo, in questo documento sono stati analizzati alcuni trattamenti superficiali applicati a differenti materiali metallici per valutarne una eventuale applicazione.
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a technological process used to improve mechanical properties in metallic components. When a short and intense laser pulse irradiates a metallic surface, high pressure plasma is generated on the treated surface; elasto-plastic waves, then, propagate inside the target and create plastic strain. This surface treatment induces a deep compressive residual stresses field on the treated area and through the thickness; such compressive residual stress is expected to increase the fatigue resistance, and reduce the detrimental effects of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
Le rotture a fatica dei componenti sono dovute principalmente alle tensioni di trazione generate da carichi ciclici e variabili nel tempo. Le cricche causate da questo tipo di tensioni possono propagarsi e crescere fino a causare danni catastrofici nel componente. La fatica costituisce uno dei fattori principali di rottura delle strutture aeronautiche; in campo aeronautico sono quindi molto diffusi dei trattamenti superficiali che permettono di indurre tensioni di compressione che contrastano quelle di trazione, in modo tale da ritardare o prevenire le rotture dovute al fenomeno della fatica. Esistono diverse tecniche per raggiungere questo risultato e permettere di prolungare la vita a fatica di un componente metallico, la più nota è sicuramente il Laser Shock Peening (LSP). Nel corso degli ultimi anni la maggior parte delle ricerche condotte rispetto a questa tecnica sono state incentrate sugli effetti meccanici che questo trattamento ha sul materiale in modo da determinare la configurazione ottimale per ottenere una distribuzione delle tensioni il più efficace possibile ai fini della vita a fatica; sono state svolte diverse prove sperimentali per studiare il ruolo dei parametri del laser e ottimizzare la procedura del LSP. Tra le tecniche utilizzate per valutare gli effetti del LSP in termini di tensioni residue, spiccano, oltre ai metodi computazionali, l'X-ray Diffraction (XRD) e l'Incremental Hole Drilling (IHD). L'elaborato di tesi qui presentato ha come scopo il confronto tra i livelli di tensioni residue riscontrate all'interno di provini sottili in lega di alluminio, sottoposti a differenti trattamenti laser, attraverso i suddetti metodi XRD e IHD. I risultati, già noti, ottenuti con la tecnica l'XRD sono stati posti a verifica attraverso dei test svolti con l'IHD presso i laboratori MaSTeRLab della Scuola di Ingegneria dell'Università di Bologna.
Il Selective Laser Melting è un processo di additive manufacturing che consiste nella realizzazione di componenti metallici tridimensionali, sovrapponendo strati di polvere, che viene via via fusa mediante una sorgente controllata di energia (laser). È una tecnica produttiva che viene utilizzata da più di 20 anni ma solo ora sta assumendo un ruolo rilevante nell’industria. È un processo versatile ma complesso che ad oggi permette di processare solo un numero limitato di leghe. Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda in particolare lo studio, dal punto di vista microstrutturale, di componenti in acciaio inossidabile austenitico AISI-316L processato mediante Selective Laser Melting, attività svolta in collaborazione con il Gruppo di Tecnologia – Laser del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale. Alla base dell’attività sperimentale è stata svolta anche un’ampia ricerca bibliografica per chiarire lo stato dell’arte sul processo e sulla lega in questione, la microstruttura, i difetti, le proprietà meccaniche e l’effetto dei parametri di processo sul componente finito. Le attività sperimentali hanno previsto una prima fase di caratterizzazione delle polveri di 316L, successivamente la caratterizzazione dei campioni prodotti tramite selective laser melting, in termini di microstruttura e difetti correlati al processo. Le analisi hanno rivelato la presenza di una microstruttura “gerarchica” costituita da melt pool, grani e celle submicrometriche. I difetti rinvenuti sono pori, delaminazione degli strati, particelle di polvere non fuse. Infine è stata eseguita la caratterizzazione frattografica dei campioni sottoposti a prove di trazione e di fatica a flessione rotante (attività condotte dal gruppo Laser) per identificare la morfologia di frattura e i siti di innesco della cricca di fatica.