8 resultados para Large-scale sensor networks
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, characterized by low power constraint, limited transmission range and limited computational capabilities [1][2].The cost of these devices is constantly decreasing, making it possible to use a large number of sensor devices in a wide array of commercial, environmental, military, and healthcare fields. Some of these applications involve placing the sensors evenly spaced on a straight line for example in roads, bridges, tunnels, water catchments and water pipelines, city drainages, oil and gas pipelines etc., making a special class of these networks which we define as a Linear Wireless Network (LWN). In LWNs, data transmission happens hop by hop from the source to the destination, through a route composed of multiple relays. The peculiarity of the topology of LWNs, motivates the design of specialized protocols, taking advantage of the linearity of such networks, in order to increase reliability, communication efficiency, energy savings, network lifetime and to minimize the end-to-end delay [3]. In this thesis a novel contention based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol called L-CSMA, specifically devised for LWNs is presented. The basic idea of L-CSMA is to assign different priorities to nodes based on their position along the line. The priority is assigned in terms of sensing duration, whereby nodes closer to the destination are assigned shorter sensing time compared to the rest of the nodes and hence higher priority. This mechanism speeds up the transmission of packets which are already in the path, making transmission flow more efficient. Using NS-3 simulator, the performance of L-CSMA in terms of packets success rate, that is, the percentage of packets that reach destination, and throughput are compared with that of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, de-facto standard for wireless sensor networks. In general, L-CSMA outperforms the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.
Questa dissertazione esamina le sfide e i limiti che gli algoritmi di analisi di grafi incontrano in architetture distribuite costituite da personal computer. In particolare, analizza il comportamento dell'algoritmo del PageRank così come implementato in una popolare libreria C++ di analisi di grafi distribuiti, la Parallel Boost Graph Library (Parallel BGL). I risultati qui presentati mostrano che il modello di programmazione parallela Bulk Synchronous Parallel è inadatto all'implementazione efficiente del PageRank su cluster costituiti da personal computer. L'implementazione analizzata ha infatti evidenziato una scalabilità negativa, il tempo di esecuzione dell'algoritmo aumenta linearmente in funzione del numero di processori. Questi risultati sono stati ottenuti lanciando l'algoritmo del PageRank della Parallel BGL su un cluster di 43 PC dual-core con 2GB di RAM l'uno, usando diversi grafi scelti in modo da facilitare l'identificazione delle variabili che influenzano la scalabilità. Grafi rappresentanti modelli diversi hanno dato risultati differenti, mostrando che c'è una relazione tra il coefficiente di clustering e l'inclinazione della retta che rappresenta il tempo in funzione del numero di processori. Ad esempio, i grafi Erdős–Rényi, aventi un basso coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso peggiore nei test del PageRank, mentre i grafi Small-World, aventi un alto coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso migliore. Anche le dimensioni del grafo hanno mostrato un'influenza sul tempo di esecuzione particolarmente interessante. Infatti, si è mostrato che la relazione tra il numero di nodi e il numero di archi determina il tempo totale.
This thesis regards the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), as one of the most important technologies for the twenty-first century and the implementation of different packet correcting erasure codes to cope with the ”bursty” nature of the transmission channel and the possibility of packet losses during the transmission. The limited battery capacity of each sensor node makes the minimization of the power consumption one of the primary concerns in WSN. Considering also the fact that in each sensor node the communication is considerably more expensive than computation, this motivates the core idea to invest computation within the network whenever possible to safe on communication costs. The goal of the research was to evaluate a parameter, for example the Packet Erasure Ratio (PER), that permit to verify the functionality and the behavior of the created network, validate the theoretical expectations and evaluate the convenience of introducing the recovery packet techniques using different types of packet erasure codes in different types of networks. Thus, considering all the constrains of energy consumption in WSN, the topic of this thesis is to try to minimize it by introducing encoding/decoding algorithms in the transmission chain in order to prevent the retransmission of the erased packets through the Packet Erasure Channel and save the energy used for each retransmitted packet. In this way it is possible extend the lifetime of entire network.
The mass estimation of galaxy clusters is a crucial point for modern cosmology, and can be obtained by several different techniques. In this work we discuss a new method to measure the mass of galaxy clusters connecting the gravitational potential of the cluster with the kinematical properties of its surroundings. We explore the dynamics of the structures located in the region outside virialized cluster, We identify groups of galaxies, as sheets or filaments, in the cluster outer region, and model how the cluster gravitational potential perturbs the motion of these structures from the Hubble fow. This identification is done in the redshift space where we look for overdensities with a filamentary shape. Then we use a radial mean velocity profile that has been found as a quite universal trend in simulations, and we fit the radial infall velocity profile of the overdensities found. The method has been tested on several cluster-size haloes from cosmological N-body simulations giving results in very good agreement with the true values of virial masses of the haloes and orientation of the sheets. We then applied the method to the Coma cluster and even in this case we found a good correspondence with previous. It is possible to notice a mass discrepancy between sheets with different alignments respect to the center of the cluster. This difference can be used to reproduce the shape of the cluster, and to demonstrate that the spherical symmetry is not always a valid assumption. In fact, if the cluster is not spherical, sheets oriented along different axes should feel a slightly different gravitational potential, and so give different masses as result of the analysis described before. Even this estimation has been tested on cosmological simulations and then applied to Coma, showing the actual non-sphericity of this cluster.
L'obiettivo su cui è stata basata questa Tesi di Laurea è stato quello di integrare la tecnologia delle Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) al contesto dell'Internet delle cose (IoT). Per poter raggiungere questo obiettivo, il primo passo è stato quello di approfondire il concetto dell'Internet delle cose, in modo tale da comprendere se effettivamente fosse stato possibile applicarlo anche alle WSNs. Quindi è stata analizzata l'architettura delle WSNs e successivamente è stata fatta una ricerca per capire quali fossero stati i vari tipi di sistemi operativi e protocolli di comunicazione supportati da queste reti. Infine sono state studiate alcune IoT software platforms. Il secondo passo è stato quindi di implementare uno stack software che abilitasse la comunicazione tra WSNs e una IoT platform. Come protocollo applicativo da utilizzare per la comunicazione con le WSNs è stato usato CoAP. Lo sviluppo di questo stack ha consentito di estendere la piattaforma SensibleThings e il linguaggio di programmazione utilizzato è stato Java. Come terzo passo è stata effettuata una ricerca per comprendere a quale scenario di applicazione reale, lo stack software progettato potesse essere applicato. Successivamente, al fine di testare il corretto funzionamento dello stack CoAP, è stata sviluppata una proof of concept application che simulasse un sistema per la rilevazione di incendi. Questo scenario era caratterizzato da due WSNs che inviavano la temperatura rilevata da sensori termici ad un terzo nodo che fungeva da control center, il cui compito era quello di capire se i valori ricevuti erano al di sopra di una certa soglia e quindi attivare un allarme. Infine, l'ultimo passo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di valutare le performance del sistema sviluppato. I parametri usati per effettuare queste valutazioni sono stati: tempi di durata delle richieste CoAP, overhead introdotto dallo stack CoAP alla piattaforma Sensible Things e la scalabilità di un particolare componente dello stack. I risultati di questi test hanno mostrato che la soluzione sviluppata in questa tesi ha introdotto un overheadmolto limitato alla piattaforma preesistente e inoltre che non tutte le richieste hanno la stessa durata, in quanto essa dipende dal tipo della richiesta inviata verso una WSN. Tuttavia, le performance del sistema potrebbero essere ulteriormente migliorate, ad esempio sviluppando un algoritmo che consenta la gestione concorrente di richieste CoAP multiple inviate da uno stesso nodo. Inoltre, poichè in questo lavoro di tesi non è stato considerato il problema della sicurezza, una possibile estensione al lavoro svolto potrebbe essere quello di implementare delle politiche per una comunicazione sicura tra Sensible Things e le WSNs.
Computing the weighted geometric mean of large sparse matrices is an operation that tends to become rapidly intractable, when the size of the matrices involved grows. However, if we are not interested in the computation of the matrix function itself, but just in that of its product times a vector, the problem turns simpler and there is a chance to solve it even when the matrix mean would actually be impossible to compute. Our interest is motivated by the fact that this calculation has some practical applications, related to the preconditioning of some operators arising in domain decomposition of elliptic problems. In this thesis, we explore how such a computation can be efficiently performed. First, we exploit the properties of the weighted geometric mean and find several equivalent ways to express it through real powers of a matrix. Hence, we focus our attention on matrix powers and examine how well-known techniques can be adapted to the solution of the problem at hand. In particular, we consider two broad families of approaches for the computation of f(A) v, namely quadrature formulae and Krylov subspace methods, and generalize them to the pencil case f(A\B) v. Finally, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms and also try to assess how convergence speed and execution time are influenced by some characteristics of the input matrices. Our results suggest that a few elements have some bearing on the performance and that, although there is no best choice in general, knowing the conditioning and the sparsity of the arguments beforehand can considerably help in choosing the best strategy to tackle the problem.
In the last years radar sensor networks for localization and tracking in indoor environment have generated more and more interest, especially for anti-intrusion security systems. These networks often use Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology, which consists in sending very short (few nanoseconds) impulse signals. This approach guarantees high resolution and accuracy and also other advantages such as low price, low power consumption and narrow-band interference (jamming) robustness. In this thesis the overall data processing (done in MATLAB environment) is discussed, starting from experimental measures from sensor devices, ending with the 2D visualization of targets movements over time and focusing mainly on detection and localization algorithms. Moreover, two different scenarios and both single and multiple target tracking are analyzed.
Wireless sensor networks can transform our buildings in smart environments, improving comfort, energy efficiency and safety. Today however, wireless sensor networks are not considered reliable enough for being deployed on large scale. In this thesis, we study the main failure causes for wireless sensor networks, the existing solutions to improve reliability and investigate the possibility to implement self-diagnosis through power consumption measurements on the sensor nodes. Especially, we focus our interest on faults that generate in-range errors: those are wrong readings but belong to the range of the sensor and can therefore be missed by external observers. Using a wireless sensor network deployed in the R\&D building of NXP at the High Tech Campus of Eindhoven, we performed a power consumption characterization of the Wireless Autonomous Sensor (WAS), and studied through some experiments the effect that faults have in the power consumption of the sensor.