5 resultados para KLASON LIGNIN

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La vanillina è un’aldeide aromatica importante da un punto di vista industriale, in quanto viene ampiamente utilizzata dall’industria alimentare, cosmetica e farmaceutica. Attualmente, la vanillina da biomasse viene ottenuta attraverso l’ossidazione catalitica della lignina. Un’alternativa è rappresentata dall’ossidazione elettro-catalitica, un processo che sta riscuotendo un notevole interesse, perché permette di lavorare in condizioni blande. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di sintetizzare elettro-catalizzatori che favoriscano la depolimerizzazione della lignina Kraft per ottenere selettivamente vanillina. Sono state utilizzate schiume di Ni a cella aperta, tal quali e elettro-depositate con idrossidi di Ni-Co e Co. La formazione degli osso-idrossidi dei metalli, sulla superficie delle schiume, e la OER contribuiscono all’elettro-ossidazione della lignina, mentre la resa di vanillina dipende sia dal catalizzatore che dalle condizioni di reazione (potenziale applicato e tempo di reazione). La resa maggiore di vanillina è stata ottenuta applicando 0.6 V vs SCE con un tempo di reazione di un’ora e utilizzando la schiuma di Ni bare come catalizzatore. Indipendentemente dal tipo di catalizzatore usato, aumentando il tempo di reazione la resa di vanillina diminuisce, probabilmente a causa delle reazioni di ri-condensazione e ossidazione successiva dei prodotti che coinvolgono la vanillina stessa. La presenza di idrossidi di Ni-Co e Co sulla schiuma di Ni non ne migliora l’attività catalitica. La schiuma Co/Ni esibisce un’elevata carica accumulata e un’alta conversione, probabilmente dovuto alle reazioni parassite che sfavoriscono l’accumulo di vanillina. Le schiume Ni-Co/Ni invece, presentando sia una resa in vanillina intermedia tra le altre due ma associata ad una carica accumulata molto bassa. Un risultato incoraggiante per possibili sviluppi futuri.


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One of the most important scientific and environmental issues is reducing global dependence on fossil sources and one of the solutions is to use biomass as feedstock. In particular, the use of lignocellulosic biomass to obtain molecules with considerable commercial importance is gaining more and more interest. Lignin, the most recalcitrant part of lignocellulosic biomass, is a valuable source of sustainable and renewable aromatic molecules, currently produced from petrochemical processes. Vanillin, one of the most important aromatic aldehydes on an industrial level, can be obtained through catalytic lignin oxidation. An alternative to the conventional catalytic oxidation process is the electro-catalytic process, which can be carried out at ambient temperature and pressure, using water as solvent, and it can be considered as a renewable energy storage. In this thesis, the electrocatalytic oxidation of Kraft and Dealkaline lignin in NaOH was investigated over Ni foam catalysts. The effect of the reaction parameters (i.e. time, applied potential, lignin concentration, NaOH concentration, and temperature) on the yields of vanillin and other valuable products was evaluated. After the screening of the reaction conditions, a systematic study of the contribution of the homogeneous reaction (lignin depolymerization due to the basic solvent) to the yield of the product was accomplished. Finally, considering the obtained results, an alternative reaction procedure was proposed.


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The increasing attention to environmental issues of recent times encourages us to find new methods for the production of energy from renewable sources, and to improve existing ones, increasing their energy yield. Most of the waste and agricultural residues, with a high content of lignin and non-hydrolysable polymers, cannot be effectively transformed into biofuels with existing technology. The purpose of the study was to develop a new thermochemical/ biological process (named Py-AD) for the valorization of scarcely biodegradable substances. A complete continuous prototype was design built and run for 1 year. This consists into a slow pyrolysis system coupled with two sequential digesters and showed to produce a clean pyrobiogas (a biogas with significant amount of C2-C3 hydrocarbons and residual CO/H2), biochar and bio-oil. Py-AD yielded 31.7% w/w biochar 32.5% w/w oil and 24.8% w/w pyrobiogas. The oil condensate obtained was fractionated in its aqueous and organic fraction (87% and 13% respectively). Subsequently, the anaerobic digestion of aqueous fraction was tested in a UASB reactor, for 180 days, in increasing organic loading rate (OLR). The maximum convertible concentration without undergoing instability phenomena and with complete degradation of pyrogenic chemicals was 1.25 gCOD L digester-1 d-1. The final yield of biomethane was equal to 40% of the theoretical yield and with a noticeable additional production equal to 20% of volatile fatty acids. The final results confirm that anaerobic digestion can be used as a useful tool for cleaning of slow pyrolysis products (both gas and condensable fraction) and the obtaining of relatively clean pyrobiogas that could be directly used in internal combustion engine.


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Since the dawn of its presence on earth, the human being has been able to exploit the enzymes for its subsistence. More recent is the meeting between the enzymatic processes and the urgent need for technologies that aim to preserve our planet. In this field nowadays enzymatic catalysis is tested either to depollution/remediation as well as waste disposal. The work presented in this thesis, regarding both these two topics, is tailored on two European projects (EU 2020), MADFORWATER and TERMINUS respectively. Firstly, production of micro- and nanocatalysts via immobilization of laccases (a lignin-degrader enzyme) is performed. In the second part of the thesis laccase is applied to a tertiary treatment of wastewater with the aim to degrade 9 pharmaceutical active compounds in batch reactors. Despite several optimizations, poor degradation is reached and we did not proceed with the study of different bioreactor setups. Therefore, the focus is moved to a project concerning the production of smart multi-layer plastic packaging containing enzymes to improve the possibilities of recycling. In this field shielded nanocatalysts produced via coating techniques able to interact with redox mediators are investigated. The target substrate in this second project is produced in laboratory (i.e. polyurethane like compounds), starting from monomers whose degradation had already been tested, as a proof of concept. The first enzyme studied is still the laccase.


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The purpose of my internship, carried out during my Erasmus period at the Complutense University of Madrid, was focused on the formulation of ionogels and hydrogels for the obtainment of films with high lignin content, and on their characterization measuring their antibacterial properties. For biomass formulation I used lignocellulosic biomass (Pinus Radiata) as raw material and ionic liquid as solvent. The two ionic liquids proposed were: 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumdimethylphosphate [Emim][DMP] and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumdiethylphosphate [Emim][DEP]. The two-starting cellulose-rich solids were obtained from Pinus radiata wood that had been submitted to an organosolv process, to reduce its lignin content to fifteen (ORG15) and twenty per cent (ORG20). Having two ionic liquids and two solids available, the first phase of the project was devoted to the screening of both solids in both ionic liquids. Through this, it was possible to identify that only the [Emim][DMP] ionic liquid fulfils the purpose. It was also possible to discard the cellulose-rich solid ORG20 because its dissolution in the ionic liquid was not possible (after the time fixed) and, additionally, a Pinus radiata cellulose-rich solid bleached with hydrogen peroxide and containing ten per cent of lignin (ORG10B) was included in the screening. After screening, a total of five ionogels were subsequently formulated: two gels were formulated with the starting raw material ORG15 (with 1% and 1.75% cellulose, respectively) and three with ORG10B (with 1%, 1.75% and 3% cellulose, respectively). Five hydrogels were obtained from the ionogels. Rheological tests were performed on each ionogel and hydrogel. Finally, films were formulated from hydrogels and they were analysed by antibacterial testing to see if they could be applied as food packaging. In addition, antioxidant and properties such as opacity and transparency were also studied.