3 resultados para Industrial management -- Quality control
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In the last decade the near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been increasingly used to improve the load carrying capacity of concrete members. Compared to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable advantages. This technique consists in the insertion of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminate strips into pre-cut slits opened in the concrete cover of the elements to be strengthened. CFRP reinforcement is bonded to concrete with an appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy adhesive or cement grout. Up to now, research efforts have been mainly focused on several structural aspects, such as: bond behaviour, flexural and/or shear strengthening effectiveness, and energy dissipation capacity of beam-column joints. In such research works, as well as in field applications, the most widespread adhesives that are used to bond reinforcements to concrete are epoxy resins. It is largely accepted that the performance of the whole application of NSM systems strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins, for which proper curing conditions must be assured. Therefore, the existence of non-destructive methods that allow monitoring the curing process of epoxy resins in the NSM CFRP system is desirable, in view of obtaining continuous information that can provide indication in regard to the effectiveness of curing and the expectable bond behaviour of CFRP/adhesive/concrete systems. The experimental research was developed at the Laboratory of the Structural Division of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho in Guimar\~aes, Portugal (LEST). The main objective was to develop and propose a new method for continuous quality control of the curing of epoxy resins applied in NSM CFRP strengthening systems. This objective is pursued through the adaptation of an existing technique, termed EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring through Ambient Response Method) that has been developed for monitoring the early stiffness evolution of cement-based materials. The experimental program was composed of two parts: (i) direct pull-out tests on concrete specimens strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips were conducted to assess the evolution of bond behaviour between CFRP and concrete since early ages; and, (ii) EMM-ARM tests were carried out for monitoring the progressive stiffness development of the structural adhesive used in CFRP applications. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method for evaluating the elastic modulus of the epoxy, static E-Modulus was determined through tension tests. The results of the two series of tests were then combined and compared to evaluate the possibility of implementation of a new method for the continuous monitoring and quality control of NSM CFRP applications.
Resource management is of paramount importance in network scenarios and it is a long-standing and still open issue. Unfortunately, while technology and innovation continue to evolve, our network infrastructure system has been maintained almost in the same shape for decades and this phenomenon is known as “Internet ossification”. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm in computer networking that allows a logically centralized software program to control the behavior of an entire network. This is done by decoupling the network control logic from the underlying physical routers and switches that forward traffic to the selected destination. One mechanism that allows the control plane to communicate with the data plane is OpenFlow. The network operators could write high-level control programs that specify the behavior of an entire network. Moreover, the centralized control makes it possible to define more specific and complex tasks that could involve many network functionalities, e.g., security, resource management and control, into a single framework. Nowadays, the explosive growth of real time applications that require stringent Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, brings the network programmers to design network protocols that deliver certain performance guarantees. This thesis exploits the use of SDN in conjunction with OpenFlow to manage differentiating network services with an high QoS. Initially, we define a QoS Management and Orchestration architecture that allows us to manage the network in a modular way. Then, we provide a seamless integration between the architecture and the standard SDN paradigm following the separation between the control and data planes. This work is a first step towards the deployment of our proposal in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus network with differentiating services and stringent QoS requirements. We also plan to exploit our solution to manage the handoff between different network technologies, e.g., Wi-Fi and WiMAX. Indeed, the model can be run with different parameters, depending on the communication protocol and can provide optimal results to be implemented on the campus network.
According to the SM, while Lepton Flavour Violation is allowed in the neutral sector, Charged Lepton Flavour Violation (CLFV) processes are forbidden. The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab will search for the CLFV process of neutrinoless conversion of a muon into an electron within the field of an Al nucleus. The Mu2e detectors and its state-of-the-art superconducting magnetic system are presented, with special focus put to the electromagnetic crystal calorimeter. The calorimeter is composed by two annular disks, each one hosting pure CsI crystals read-out by custom silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The SiPMs are amplified by custom electronics (FEE) and are glued to copper holders in group of 2 SiPMs and 2 FEE boards thus forming a crystal Readout Unit. These Readout Units are being tested at the Quality Control (QC) Station, whose design, realization and operations are presented in this work. The QC Station allows to determine the gain, the response and the photon detection efficiency of each unit and to evaluate the dependence of these parameters from the supply voltage and temperature. The station is powered by two remotely-controlled power supplies and monitored thanks to a Slow Control system which is also illustrated in this work. In this thesis, we also demonstrated that the calorimeter can perform its own measurement of the Mu2e normalization factor, i.e. the counting of the 1.8 MeV photon line produced in nuclear muon captures. A specific calorimeter sub-system called CAPHRI, composed by four LYSO crystals with SiPM readout, has been designed and tested. We simulated the capability of this system on performing this task showing that it can get a faster and more reliable measurement of the muon capture rates with respect to the current Mu2e detector dedicated to this measurement. The characterization of energy resolution and response uniformity of the four procured LYSO crystals are llustrated.