12 resultados para Halo invertido
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The main result in this work is the solution of the Jeans equations for an axisymmetric galaxy model containing a baryonic component (distributed according to a Miyamoto-Nagai profile) and a dark matter halo (described by the Binney logarithmic potential). The velocity dispersion, azimuthal velocity and some other interesting quantities such as the asymmetric drift are studied, along with the influence of the model parameters on these (observable) quantities. We also give an estimate for the velocity of the radial flow, caused by the asymmetric drift. Other than the mathematical beauty that lies in solving a model analytically, the interest of this kind of results can be mainly found in numerical simulations that study the evolution of gas flows. For example, it is important to know how certain parameters such as the shape (oblate, prolate, spherical) of a dark matter halo, or the flattening of the baryonic matter, or the mass ratio between dark and baryonic matter, have an influence on observable quantities such as the velocity dispersion. In the introductory chapter, we discuss the Jeans equations, which provide information about the velocity dispersion of a system. Next we will consider some dynamical quantities that will be useful in the rest of the work, e.g. the asymmetric drift. In Chapter 2 we discuss in some more detail the family of galaxy models we studied. In Chapter 3 we give the solution of the Jeans equations. Chapter 4 describes and illustrates the behaviour of the velocity dispersion, as a function of the several parameters, along with asymptotic expansions. In Chapter 5 we will investigate the behaviour of certain dynamical quantities for this model. We conclude with a discussion in Chapter 6.
La materia ordinaria copre soli pochi punti percentuali della massa-energia totale dell'Universo, che è invece largamente dominata da componenti “oscure”. Il modello standard usato per descriverle è il modello LambdaCDM. Nonostante esso sembri consistente con la maggior parte dei dati attualmente disponibili, presenta alcuni problemi fondamentali che ad oggi restano irrisolti, lasciando spazio per lo studio di modelli cosmologici alternativi. Questa Tesi mira a studiare un modello proposto recentemente, chiamato “Multi-coupled Dark Energy” (McDE), che presenta interazioni modificate rispetto al modello LambdaCDM. In particolare, la Materia Oscura è composta da due diversi tipi di particelle con accoppiamento opposto rispetto ad un campo scalare responsabile dell'Energia Oscura. L'evoluzione del background e delle perturbazioni lineari risultano essere indistinguibili da quelle del modello LambdaCDM. In questa Tesi viene presentata per la prima volta una serie di simulazioni numeriche “zoomed”. Esse presentano diverse regioni con risoluzione differente, centrate su un singolo ammasso di interesse, che permettono di studiare in dettaglio una singola struttura senza aumentare eccessivamente il tempo di calcolo necessario. Un codice chiamato ZInCo, da me appositamente sviluppato per questa Tesi, viene anch'esso presentato per la prima volta. Il codice produce condizioni iniziali adatte a simulazioni cosmologiche, con differenti regioni di risoluzione, indipendenti dal modello cosmologico scelto e che preservano tutte le caratteristiche dello spettro di potenza imposto su di esse. Il codice ZInCo è stato usato per produrre condizioni iniziali per una serie di simulazioni numeriche del modello McDE, le quali per la prima volta mostrano, grazie all'alta risoluzione raggiunta, che l'effetto di segregazione degli ammassi avviene significativamente prima di quanto stimato in precedenza. Inoltre, i profili radiale di densità ottenuti mostrano un appiattimento centrale nelle fasi iniziali della segregazione. Quest'ultimo effetto potrebbe aiutare a risolvere il problema “cusp-core” del modello LambdaCDM e porre limiti ai valori dell'accoppiamento possibili.
In questa tesi sono le descritte le fasi progettuali e costruttive del Beam Halo Monitor (BHM), un rivelatore installato sull'esperimento CMS, durante il primo lungo periodo di shutdown di LHC, che ha avuto luogo tra il 2013 ed il 2015. BHM è un rivelatore ad emissione di luce Cherenkov ed ha lo scopo di monitorare le particelle di alone prodotte dai fasci di LHC, che arrivano fino alla caverna sperimentale di CMS, ad ogni bunch crossing (25 ns). E' composto da 40 moduli, installati alle due estremità di CMS, attorno alla linea di fascio, ad una distanza di 1.8 m da questa. Ciascun modulo è costituito da un cristallo di quarzo, utilizzato come radiatore ed un fotomoltiplicatore. Sono descritte in maniera particolare le prove eseguite sui moduli che lo compongono: la caratterizzazione dei fotomoltiplicatori ed i test di direzionalità della risposta. Queste costituiscono la parte di lavoro che ho svolto personalmente. Inoltre sono descritte le fasi di installazione del rivelatore nella caverna sperimentale, a cui ho preso parte ed alcuni test preliminari per la verifica del funzionamento.
In this Thesis work we investigate some of different cosmological background scenarios using one of the main probes used in cosmology: the halo mass function. The observed abundance of galaxy clusters (or similarly DM haloes) can indeed be compared to its theoretical predictions to derive fundamental constrains on the cosmological scenario assumed. Given the importance of exploring and constraining models degenerate with the ΛCDM one, we test the applicability of some notable halo mass function models to these scenarios. To this purpose, we made use of the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder N-body simulations, which assume cosmological scenarios that include modified gravity in the form of f(R) models and massive neutrinos. We carried on the analysis of 3 simulation snapshots at different redshifts, z = 0, 0.5, 1, building multiple samples of dark matter haloes by applying different overdensity thresholds during the procedure of halo identification. We started our analysis by considering the halo mass function model introduced by Despali et al. (2016), who proposed a parametrization that encapsulates the effect of the different halo mass definitions and the relative evolution with the redshift. We calibrated the main parameters of this relation by using the ΛCDM halo catalogues extracted from the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulations, fitting the measured halo abundances at all redshifts and density thresholds. Afterwards we tested the same model parametrization with halo catalogues extracted from the simulations implementing both modified gravity and massive neutrinos. We repeated therefore the calibration procedure on these data to search for discrepancies with respect to the ΛCDM model. Finally we focused the analysis on the cosmological models implementing modified gravity only. We took our ΛCDM calibrated halo mass function and we modified it with the additional f (R) gravity form proposed by Gupta et al. (2022).
Elliptical galaxies are one of the most characteristic objects we can find in the sky. In order to unveil their properties, such as their structure or chemical composition, one must study their spectral emission. In fact they seem to behave rather differently when observed with different eyes. This is because their light is mainly brought by two different components: optical radiation arises from its stars, while the X emission is primarly due to a halo of extremely hot gas in which ellipticals seem to be embedded. After a brief classification, the two main processes linked to these phenomena will be described, together with the informations we can collect thanks to them. Eventually, we will take a quick look at the other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Large-scale structures can be considered an interesting and useful "laboratory" to better investigate the Universe; in particular the filaments connecting clusters and superclusters of galaxies can be a powerful tool for this intent, since they are not virialised systems yet. The large structures in the Universe have been studied in different bands, in particular the present work takes into consideration the emission in the radio band. In the last years both compact and diffuse radio emission have been detected, revealing to be associated to single objects and clusters of galaxies respectively. The detection of these sources is important, because the radiation process is the synchrotron emission, which in turn is linked to the presence of a magnetic field: therefore studying these radio sources can help in investigating the magnetic field which permeates different portions of space. Furthermore, radio emission in optical filaments have been detected recently, opening new chances to further improve the understanding of structure formation. Filaments can be seen as the net which links clusters and superclusters. This work was made with the aim of investigating non-thermal properties in low-density regions, looking for possible filaments associated to the diffuse emission. The analysed sources are 0917+75, which is located at a redshift z = 0.125, and the double cluster system A399-A401, positioned at z = 0.071806 and z = 0.073664 respectively. Data were taken from VLA/JVLA observations, and reduced and calibrated with the package AIPS, following the standard procedure. Isocountour and polarisation maps were yielded, allowing to derive the main physical properties. Unfortunately, because of a low quality data for A399-A401, it was not possible to see any radio halo or bridge.
Gli ammassi di galassie sono gli oggetti gravitazionalmente legati più grandi dell’Universo. Questi emettono principalmente in banda X tramite bremsstrahlung. Una frazione mostra anche emissione radio diffusa da parte di elettroni relativistici che spiraleggiano nel campo magnetico. Si possono classificare tre tipi di emissione: alon, relitti e mini-aloni radio (MH). I MH sono sorgenti radio su scale di ≥ 200 – 500 kpc, osservate al centro di ammassi caratterizzati dalla presenze di cool-core (CC). L’origine dei MH non è ancora chiara. Gli elettroni relativistici che emettono in banda radio hanno tempi di vita radiativi di molto inferiori a quelli necessari per diffondere sulle scale dell’emissione diffusa. Quindi non sono semplicemente iniettati dalle galassie presenti negli ammassi ed è necessario un meccanismo di accelerazione “in-situ” nell’ICM. I MH testimoniano la presenza di meccanismi che canalizzano parte del budget energetico disponibile nei CC nell’ICM.Quindi lo studio è importante per comprendere la fisica dell’ICM e l’interazione fra le componenti non termiche e termiche. I MH si formano attraverso la riaccelerazione delle particelle relativistiche ad opera della turbolenza del gas. L’origine di questa turbolenza tuttavia non è ancora ben compresa. Gli ammassi CC sono caratterizzati da un picco della brillanza X nelle regioni centrali e da un drop della temperatura verso il centro accompagnata da aumento della densità del gas. Si ritiene che questo sia dovuto al raffreddamento del gas che quindi fluisce nelle zone centrali. Recenti osservazioni in X risultan inconsistenti con il modello classico di CF, suggerendo la presenza di una sorgente di riscaldamento del gas su scale del core degli ammassi. Recentemente Zhuravleva (2014) hanno mostrato che il riscaldamento dovuto alla turbolenza prodotta dall'AGN centrale è in grado di bilanciare il processo di raffreddamento. Abbiamo assunto che la turbolenza responsabile del riscaldamento del gas è anche responsabile dell’accelerazione delle particelle nei MH. Nell’ambito di questo scenario ci si aspetta una correlazione tra la potenza del cooling flow, PCF, che è una misura del tasso di energia emessa dal gas che raffredda nei CC, e la luminosità radio, che è una frazione dell’energia della turbolenza che è canalizzata nell’accelerazione delle particelle. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo utilizzato il più grande campione disponibile di MH, allo scopo di studiare la connessione fra le proprietà dei MH e quelle del gas termico nei core degli ammassi che li ospitano. Abbiamo analizzato i dati di 21 ammassi e ricavato i parametri fisici all’interno del raggio di cooling e del MH. Abbiamo ricavato la correlazione fra luminosità radio, e PCF. Abbiamo trovato che le due quantità correlano in modo quasi-lineare confermando i risultati precedenti. Tale correlazione suggerisce uno stretto legame fra le proprietà del gas nei CC e l’origine dei MH.
Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.
The Standard Cosmological Model is generally accepted by the scientific community, there are still an amount of unresolved issues. From the observable characteristics of the structures in the Universe,it should be possible to impose constraints on the cosmological parameters. Cosmic Voids (CV) are a major component of the LSS and have been shown to possess great potential for constraining DE and testing theories of gravity. But a gap between CV observations and theory still persists. A theoretical model for void statistical distribution as a function of size exists (SvdW) However, the SvdW model has been unsuccesful in reproducing the results obtained from cosmological simulations. This undermines the possibility of using voids as cosmological probes. The goal of our thesis work is to cover the gap between theoretical predictions and measured distributions of cosmic voids. We develop an algorithm to identify voids in simulations,consistently with theory. We inspecting the possibilities offered by a recently proposed refinement of the SvdW (the Vdn model, Jennings et al., 2013). Comparing void catalogues to theory, we validate the Vdn model, finding that it is reliable over a large range of radii, at all the redshifts considered and for all the cosmological models inspected. We have then searched for a size function model for voids identified in a distribution of biased tracers. We find that, naively applying the same procedure used for the unbiased tracers to a halo mock distribution does not provide success- full results, suggesting that the Vdn model requires to be reconsidered when dealing with biased samples. Thus, we test two alternative exten- sions of the model and find that two scaling relations exist: both the Dark Matter void radii and the underlying Dark Matter density contrast scale with the halo-defined void radii. We use these findings to develop a semi-analytical model which gives promising results.
In the upcoming years, various upgrades and improvements are planned for the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and represent the mandate of the High-Luminosity project. The upgrade will allow for a total stored beam energy of about 700 MJ, which will need, among others, an extremely efficient collimation system. This will be achieved with the addition of a hollow electron lens (HEL) system to help control the beam-halo depletion and mitigate the effects of fast beam losses. In this master thesis, we present a diffusion model of the HEL for HL-LHC. In particular, we explore several scenarios to use such a device, focusing on the halo depletion efficiency given by different noise regimes.
The investigations of the large-scale structure of our Universe provide us with extremely powerful tools to shed light on some of the open issues of the currently accepted Standard Cosmological Model. Until recently, constraining the cosmological parameters from cosmic voids was almost infeasible, because the amount of data in void catalogues was not enough to ensure statistically relevant samples. The increasingly wide and deep fields in present and upcoming surveys have made the cosmic voids become promising probes, despite the fact that we are not yet provided with a unique and generally accepted definition for them. In this Thesis we address the two-point statistics of cosmic voids, in the very first attempt to model its features with cosmological purposes. To this end, we implement an improved version of the void power spectrum presented by Chan et al. (2014). We have been able to build up an exceptionally robust method to tackle with the void clustering statistics, by proposing a functional form that is entirely based on first principles. We extract our data from a suite of high-resolution N-body simulations both in the LCDM and alternative modified gravity scenarios. To accurately compare the data to the theory, we calibrate the model by accounting for a free parameter in the void radius that enters the theory of void exclusion. We then constrain the cosmological parameters by means of a Bayesian analysis. As far as the modified gravity effects are limited, our model is a reliable method to constrain the main LCDM parameters. By contrast, it cannot be used to model the void clustering in the presence of stronger modification of gravity. In future works, we will further develop our analysis on the void clustering statistics, by testing our model on large and high-resolution simulations and on real data, also addressing the void clustering in the halo distribution. Finally, we also plan to combine these constraints with those of other cosmological probes.
A recent integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) survey, the MASSIVE survey (Ma et al. 2014), observed the 116 most massive (MK < −25.3 mag, stellar mass M∗ > 10^11.6 M⊙) early-type galaxies (ETGs) within 108 Mpc, out to radii as large as 40 kpc, that correspond to ∼ 2 − 3 effective radii (Re). One of the major findings of the MASSIVE survey is that the galaxy sample is split nearly equally among three groups showing three different velocity dispersion profiles σ(R) outer of a radius ∼ 5 kpc (falling, flat and rising with radius). The purpose of this thesis is to model the kinematic profiles of six ETGs included in the MASSIVE survey and representative of the three observed σ(R) shapes, with the aim of investigating their dynamical structure. Models for the chosen galaxies are built using the numerical code JASMINE (Posacki, Pellegrini, and Ciotti 2013). The code produces models of axisymmetric galaxies, based on the solution of the Jeans equations for a multicomponent gravitational potential (supermassive black hole, stars and dark matter halo). With the aim of having a good agreement between the kinematics obtained from the Jeans equations, and the observed σ and rotation velocity V of MASSIVE (Veale et al. 2016, 2018), I derived constraints on the dark matter distribution and orbital anisotropy. This work suggests a trend of the dark matter amount and distribution with the shape of the velocity dispersion profiles in the outer regions: the models of galaxies with flat or rising velocity dispersion profiles show higher dark matter fractions fDM both within 1 Re and 5 Re. Orbital anisotropy alone cannot account for the different observed trends of σ(R) and has a minor effect compared to variations of the mass profile. Galaxies with similar stellar mass M∗ that show different velocity dispersion profiles (from falling to rising) are successfully modelled with a variation of the halo mass Mh.