4 resultados para Fuzzy c-means algorithm

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Analisi riguardante la tenacizzazione della matrice di laminati compositi. Lo scopo è quello di aumentare la resistenza alla frattura di modo I e, a tal proposito, sono stati modificati gli interstrati di alcuni provini tramite l’introduzione di strati, di diverso spessore, di nanofibre in polivinilidenfluoruro (PVDF). La valutazione di tale metodo di rinforzo è stata eseguita servendosi di dati ottenuti tramite prove sperimentali svolte in laboratorio direttamente dal sottoscritto, che si è occupato dell’elaborazione dei dati servendosi di tecniche e algoritmi di recente ideazione. La necessità primaria per cui si cerca di rinforzare la matrice risiede nel problema più sentito dei laminati compositi in opera da molto tempo: la delaminazione. Oltre a verificare le proprietà meccaniche dei provini modificati sottoponendoli a test DCB, si è utilizzata una tecnica basata sulle emissioni acustiche per comprendere più approfonditamente l’inizio della delaminazione e i meccanismi di rottura che si verificano durante le prove. Quest’ultimi sono illustrati servendosi di un algoritmo di clustering, detto Fuzzy C-means, tramite il quale è stato possibile identificare ogni segnale come appartenente o meno ad un determinato modo di rottura. I risultati mostrano che il PVDF, applicato nelle modalità esposte, è in grado di aumentare la resistenza alla frattura di modo I divenendo contemporaneamente causa di un diverso modo di propagazione della frattura. Infine l’elaborato presenta alcune micrografie delle superfici di rottura, le quali appoggiano i risultati ottenuti nelle precedenti fasi di analisi.


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With the increase in load demand for various sectors, protection and safety of the network are key factors that have to be taken into consideration over the electric grid and distribution network. A phasor Measuring unit is an Intelligent electronics device that collects the data in the form of a real-time synchrophasor with a precise time tag using GPS (Global positioning system) and transfers the data to the grid command to monitor and assess the data. The measurements made by PMU have to be very precise to protect the relays and measuring equipment according to the IEEE 60255-118-1(2018). As a device PMU is very expensive to research and develop new functionalities there is a need to find an alternative to working with. Hence many open source virtual libraries are available to replicate the exact function of PMU in the virtual environment(Software) to continue the research on multiple objectives, providing the very least error results when verified. In this thesis, I executed performance and compliance verification of the virtual PMU which was developed using the I-DFT (Interpolated Discrete Fourier transforms) C-class algorithm in MATLAB. In this thesis, a test environment has been developed in MATLAB and tested the virtually developed PMU on both steady state and dynamic state for verifying the latest standard compliance(IEEE-60255-118-1).


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The aim of my thesis is to parallelize the Weighting Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM), which is a popular algorithm used to calculate the Free Energy of a molucular system in Molecular Dynamics simulations. WHAM works in post processing in cooperation with another algorithm called Umbrella Sampling. Umbrella Sampling has the purpose to add a biasing in the potential energy of the system in order to force the system to sample a specific region in the configurational space. Several N independent simulations are performed in order to sample all the region of interest. Subsequently, the WHAM algorithm is used to estimate the original system energy starting from the N atomic trajectories. The parallelization of WHAM has been performed through CUDA, a language that allows to work in GPUs of NVIDIA graphic cards, which have a parallel achitecture. The parallel implementation may sensibly speed up the WHAM execution compared to previous serial CPU imlementations. However, the WHAM CPU code presents some temporal criticalities to very high numbers of interactions. The algorithm has been written in C++ and executed in UNIX systems provided with NVIDIA graphic cards. The results were satisfying obtaining an increase of performances when the model was executed on graphics cards with compute capability greater. Nonetheless, the GPUs used to test the algorithm is quite old and not designated for scientific calculations. It is likely that a further performance increase will be obtained if the algorithm would be executed in clusters of GPU at high level of computational efficiency. The thesis is organized in the following way: I will first describe the mathematical formulation of Umbrella Sampling and WHAM algorithm with their apllications in the study of ionic channels and in Molecular Docking (Chapter 1); then, I will present the CUDA architectures used to implement the model (Chapter 2); and finally, the results obtained on model systems will be presented (Chapter 3).


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An industrial manipulator equipped with an automatic clay extruder is used to realize a machine that can manufacture additively clay objects. The desired geometries are designed by means of a 3D modeling software and then sliced in a sequence of layers with the same thickness of the extruded clay section. The profiles of each layer are transformed in trajectories for the extruder and therefore for the end-effector of the manipulator. The goal of this thesis is to improve the algorithm for the inverse kinematic resolution and the integration of the routine within the development software that controls the machine (Rhino/Grasshopper). The kinematic model is described by homogeneous transformations, adopting the Denavit-Hartenberg standard convention. The function is implemented in C# and it has been preliminarily tested in Matlab. The outcome of this work is a substantial reduction of the computation time relative to the execution of the algorithm, which is halved.