7 resultados para Frequency response dynamics
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In the field of industrial automation, there is an increasing need to use optimal control systems that have low tracking errors and low power and energy consumption. The motors we are dealing with are mainly Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs), controlled by 3 different types of controllers: a position controller, a speed controller, and a current controller. In this thesis, therefore, we are going to act on the gains of the first two controllers by going to find, through the TwinCAT 3 software, what might be the best set of parameters. To do this, starting with the default parameters recommended by TwinCAT, two main methods were used and then compared: the method of Ziegler and Nichols, which is a tabular method, and advanced tuning, an auto-tuning software method of TwinCAT. Therefore, in order to analyse which set of parameters was the best,several experiments were performed for each case, using the Motion Control Function Blocks. Moreover, some machines, such as large robotic arms, have vibration problems. To analyse them in detail, it was necessary to use the Bode Plot tool, which, through Bode plots, highlights in which frequencies there are resonance and anti-resonance peaks. This tool also makes it easier to figure out which and where to apply filters to improve control.
This work presents a program for simulations of vehicle-track and vehicle-trackstructure dynamic interaction . The method used is computationally efficient in the sense that a reduced number of coordinates is sufficient and doesn’t require high efficiency computers. The method proposes a modal substructuring approach of the system by modelling rails , sleepers and underlying structure with modal coordinates, the vehicle with physical lumped elements coordinates and by introducing interconnection elements between these structures (wheel-rail contact, railpads and ballast) by means of their interaction forces. The Frequency response function (FRF) is also calculated for both cases of track over a structure (a bridge, a viaduct ...) and for the simple vehicle-track program; for each case the vehicle effect on the FRF is then analyzed through the comparison of the FRFs obtained introducing or not a simplified vehicle on the system.
In the last decade it emerged the interest in new types of acoustic insulating materials, called acoustic metamaterials. These materials are composed by a host and inclusions and are arranged periodically or non-periodically in sub-wavelength elements called meta-atoms. Their inclusions and internal geometries can be manipulated to tailor the acoustic properties, reducing weight, and increasing at the same time their efficiency. Thanks to the high absorbing characteristics that they can achieve, their usage is of particularly interest as material of the core in sandwich panels of aerospace structures to reduce vibrations and noise inside passengers aircraft’s cabin. In addition, since the low frequency signals are difficult to be damped with conventional materials, their usage can guarantee a high transmission loss at low frequencies, obtaining a positive benefit on passengers’ comfort. The performances and efficiency of these materials are enhanced thanks to the new additive manufacturing techniques opposed to the conventional ones uncapable to pro- duce such complex internal geometries. The aim of this work is to study, produce and redesign micro-perforated sandwich panels of a literature case study to achieve high performances in the low frequency range, e.g., below 2000 Hz. Some geometrical parameters, such as perforation ratio and diameter of holes, were considered to realize different models and see the differences in the sound transmission loss. The models were produced by means of Fused Deposition Modelling using an Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS Plus p430) material on a commercial additive manufacturing system. Finally, the frequency response analysis was carried out with Mul2 software, based on the Carrera’s Unified Formulation (CUF) to understand the acoustic and structural properties of the material employed, analyzing the plates’ displacements and the TL results.
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di determinare una metodologia di analisi vibroacustica di validità generale applicabile a tutti i casi nei quali la forzante sia di tipo vibrazionale. Nello specifico si è analizzato il comportamento strutturale e acustico di un impianto di scarico di una monoposto Formula SAE. Ricorrendo all’analisi FEM (Finite Element Method) è possibile determinare e quantificare gli effetti dannosi causati dalle vibrazioni già nella fase di prototipazione permettendo una sostanziale riduzione dei tempi e costi. La determinazione del comportamento strutturale del modello alle vibrazioni è iniziata dall’analisi modale, grazie alla quale sono state determinate le frequenze naturali e i modi propri dell’impianto di scarico. Successivamente, l’analisi FRF (Frequency Response Function) ha permesso di conoscere la risposta del nostro sistema ad una forzante imposta mettendo in luce le diverse criticità strutturali. Con il presupposto di ottenere delle condizioni di carico che fossero il più vicine possibili alle normali condizioni operative si è impostata un’analisi PSD (Power Spectral Density). Per concludere la prima parte dell’analisi si è reso necessario indagare anche il comportamento a fatica vibrazionale, valutando in questo modo le zone soggette a vita finita e quindi le prime a cedere in fase di esercizio. La parte finale è stata dedicata all’analisi del rumore. Dall’analisi FRF si è determinata la SPL (Sound Pressure Level) ottenendo come output un valore di pressione sonora prodotto dall’effetto della propagazione delle onde di pressione generate dalla vibrazione strutturale dell’impianto di scarico. Infine, l’analisi di Transmission Loss ha permesso di valutare l’efficacia della geometria del silenziatore sulla riduzione del livello acustico generato dal transito dei gas di scarico alle diverse frequenze.
La determinazione del modulo di Young è fondamentale nello studio della propagazione di fratture prima del rilascio di una valanga e per lo sviluppo di affidabili modelli di stabilità della neve. Il confronto tra simulazioni numeriche del modulo di Young e i valori sperimentali mostra che questi ultimi sono tre ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli simulati (Reuter et al. 2013). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stimare il modulo di elasticità studiando la dipendenza dalla frequenza della risposta di diversi tipi di neve a bassa densità, 140-280 kg m-3. Ciò è stato fatto applicando una compressione dinamica uniassiale a -15°C nel range 1-250 Hz utilizzando il Young's modulus device (YMD), prototipo di cycling loading device progettato all'Istituto per lo studio della neve e delle valanghe (SLF). Una risposta viscoelastica della neve è stata identificata a tutte le frequenze considerate, la teoria della viscoelasticità è stata applicata assumendo valida l'ipotesi di risposta lineare della neve. Il valore dello storage modulus, E', a 100 Hz è stato identificato come ragionevolmente rappresentativo del modulo di Young di ciascun campione neve. Il comportamento viscoso è stato valutato considerando la loss tangent e la viscosità ricavata dai modelli di Voigt e Maxwell. Il passaggio da un comportamento più viscoso ad uno più elastico è stato trovato a 40 Hz (~1.1•10-2 s-1). Il maggior contributo alla dissipazione è nel range 1-10 Hz. Infine, le simulazioni numeriche del modulo di Young sono state ottenute nello stesso modo di Reuter et al.. La differenza tra le simulazioni ed i valori sperimentali di E' sono, al massimo, di un fattore 5; invece, in Reuter et al., era di 3 ordini di grandezza. Pertanto, i nostri valori sperimentali e numerici corrispondono meglio, indicando che il metodo qui utilizzato ha portato ad un miglioramento significativo.
The seismic behaviour of one-storey asymmetric structures has been studied since 1970s by a number of researches studies which identified the coupled nature of the translational-to-torsional response of those class of systems leading to severe displacement magnifications at the perimeter frames and therefore to significant increase of local peak seismic demand to the structural elements with respect to those of equivalent not-eccentric systems (Kan and Chopra 1987). These studies identified the fundamental parameters (such as the fundamental period TL normalized eccentricity e and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio Ωϑ) governing the torsional behavior of in-plan asymmetric structures and trends of behavior. It has been clearly recognized that asymmetric structures characterized by Ωϑ >1, referred to as torsionally-stiff systems, behave quite different form structures with Ωϑ <1, referred to as torsionally-flexible systems. Previous research works by some of the authors proposed a simple closed-form estimation of the maximum torsional response of one-storey elastic systems (Trombetti et al. 2005 and Palermo et al. 2010) leading to the so called “Alpha-method” for the evaluation of the displacement magnification factors at the corner sides. The present paper provides an upgrade of the “Alpha Method” removing the assumption of linear elastic response of the system. The main objective is to evaluate how the excursion of the structural elements in the inelastic field (due to the reaching of yield strength) affects the displacement demand of one-storey in-plan asymmetric structures. The system proposed by Chopra and Goel in 2007, which is claimed to be able to capture the main features of the non-linear response of in-plan asymmetric system, is used to perform a large parametric analysis varying all the fundamental parameters of the system, including the inelastic demand by varying the force reduction factor from 2 to 5. Magnification factors for different force reduction factor are proposed and comparisons with the results obtained from linear analysis are provided.
The main objective of this project is to experimentally demonstrate geometrical nonlinear phenomena due to large displacements during resonant vibration of composite materials and to explain the problem associated with fatigue prediction at resonant conditions. Three different composite blades to be tested were designed and manufactured, being their difference in the composite layup (i.e. unidirectional, cross-ply, and angle-ply layups). Manual envelope bagging technique is explained as applied to the actual manufacturing of the components; problems encountered and their solutions are detailed. Forced response tests of the first flexural, first torsional, and second flexural modes were performed by means of a uniquely contactless excitation system which induced vibration by using a pulsed airflow. Vibration intensity was acquired by means of Polytec LDV system. The first flexural mode is found to be completely linear irrespective of the vibration amplitude. The first torsional mode exhibits a general nonlinear softening behaviour which is interestingly coupled with a hardening behaviour for the unidirectional layup. The second flexural mode has a hardening nonlinear behaviour for either the unidirectional and angle-ply blade, whereas it is slightly softening for the cross-ply layup. By using the same equipment as that used for forced response analyses, free decay tests were performed at different airflow intensities. Discrete Fourier Trasform over the entire decay and Sliding DFT were computed so as to visualise the presence of nonlinear superharmonics in the decay signal and when they were damped out from the vibration over the decay time. Linear modes exhibit an exponential decay, while nonlinearities are associated with a dry-friction damping phenomenon which tends to increase with increasing amplitude. Damping ratio is derived from logarithmic decrement for the exponential branch of the decay.