6 resultados para Fourier Transform mid infrared spectroscopy
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Cyanoacetylene HC3N is a molecule of great astronomical importance and it has been observed in many interstellar environments. Its deuterated form DC3N has been detected in number of sources from external galaxies to Galactic interstellar clouds, star-forming regions and planetary atmospheres. All these detections relied on previous laboratory investigations, which however still lack some essential information concerning its infrared spectrum. In this project, high-resolution ro-vibrational spectra of DC3N have been recorded in two energy regions: 150 – 450 cm-1 and 1800 – 2800 cm-1. In the first window the ν7← GS, 2ν7 ← ν7, ν5 ← ν7, ν5+ν7 ← 2ν7, ν6+ν7 → 2v7, 4ν7 ← 2ν7 bands have been assigned, while in the second region the three stretching fundamental bands ν1, ν2, ν3 have been observed and analysed. The 150 – 450 cm-1 region spectra have been recorded at the AILES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron (France), the 1800 – 2800 cm-1 spectra at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” in Bologna. In total, 2299 transitions have been assigned. Such experimental transition, together with data previously recorded for DC3N, were included in a least-squares fitting procedure from which several spectroscopic parameters have been determined with high precision and accuracy. They include rotational, vibrational and resonance constants. The spectroscopic data of DC3N have been included in a line catalog for this molecule in order to assist future astronomical observations and data interpretation. A paper which includes this research work has been published (M. Melosso, L. Bizzocchi, A. Adamczyk, E. Cane, P. Caselli, L. Colzid, L. Dorea, B. M. Giulianob, J.-C. Guillemine, M-A. Martin-Drumel, O. Piralif, A. Pietropolli Charmet , D. Prudenzano, V. M. Rivillad, F. Tamassia, Extensive ro-vibrational analysis of deuterated-cyanoacetylene (DC3N) from millimeter wavelengths to the infrared domain, Jour. of Quant. Spectr. and Rad. Tran. 254, 107221, 2020).
Cosmic X-ray background synthesis models (Gilli 2007) require a significant fraction of obscured AGN, some of which are expected to be heavily obscured (Compton-thick), but the number density of observationally found obscured sources is still an open issue (Vignali 2010, 2014). This thesis work takes advantage of recent NuSTAR data and is based on a multiwavelength research approach. Gruppioni et al. 2016 compared the AGN bolometric luminosity, for a sample of local 12 micron Seyfert galaxies, derived from the SED decomposition to the same quantity obtained by the 2-10 keV luminosity (IPAC-NED). A difference up to two orders of magnitude resulted between these quantities for some sources. Thus, the intrinsic X-ray luminosity obtained correcting for the obscuration may be underestimated. In this thesis we have tested this hypothesis by re-analysing the X-ray spectra of three of the sources (UGC05101, NGC1194 and NGC3079), for which observations from NuSTAR and Chandra and/or XMM-Newton were available. This is meant to extend our analysis to energies above 10 keV and thus estimate the AGN column density as reliable as possible. For spectral fitting we made use of both the commonly used XSPEC package and the two very recent MYtorus and BNtorus physical models. The available wide bandpass allowed us to achieve new and more solid insights into the X-ray spectral properties of these sources. The measured absorption column densities are highly suggestive of heavy obscuration. Once corrected the X-ray AGN luminosity for the obscuration estimated through our spectral analysis, we compared the L(X) values in the 2-10 keV band with those derived from the MIR band, by means of the relation by Gandhi, 2009. As expected, the values derived from this relation are in good agreement with those we measured, indicating that the column densities were underestimated in the previous literature works.
Le problematiche ambientali e socio – economiche legate alla costruzione di nuove infrastrutture viarie, impongono la progettazione e costruzione di strade che combinino ad elevati standard prestazionali, la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale in fase realizzativa e manutentiva. Quanto detto avvalora il crescente utilizzo di materiali bituminosi modificati con polimeri ed additivati con cere. I primi conferiscono alla miscela maggiore elastoplasticità, incrementandone la durabilità e la resistenza a fatica. Nei secondi la presenza del materiale paraffinico contribuisce a ridurre la viscosità del bitume, il che consente il notevole abbassamento della temperatura di produzione e stesa della miscela. Numerosi studi inoltre hanno dimostrato che le caratteristiche meccaniche della pavimentazione sono fortemente influenzate dal grado di ossidazione delle componenti organiche del bitume, ovvero dal fenomeno dell’invecchiamento o aging. Risulta pertanto fondamentale affiancare allo studio reologico del bitume, prove di simulazione dell’ invecchiamento nel breve e lungo termine. Nel corso della seguente ricerca si provvederà pertanto ad analizzare leganti modificati ed additivati secondo la teoria della viscoelasticità, simulando le reali condizioni di carico ed invecchiamento alle quali il bitume è sottoposto. Tutte le prove di caratterizzazione reologica avanzata prevederanno l’utilizzo del DSR (Dynamic Shear Rheometer) in varie configurazioni di prova e si simulerà l’invecchiamento a breve termine mediante RTFOT (Rolling thin film oven test). Si proporrà inoltre una nuova procedura di aging invecchiando il bitume alla temperatura di equiviscosità o Twork , ovvero a quel valore della temperatura tale per cui, in fase di messa in opera, si avrà una distribuzione molecolare omogenea del modificante all’interno del bitume. Verranno quindi effettuate ulteriori prove reologiche sui leganti invecchiati a tale temperatura. Si darà infine supporto ai risultati della ricerca effettuando prove chimiche con la tecnica analitica FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), analizzando i cambiamenti molecolari avvenuti nel bitume a seguito dell’aggiunta del modificante e dell’invecchiamento.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati film sottili (circa 10 nm) di silicio amorfo idrogenato (a-Si:H), studiando in particolare leghe a basso contenuto di ossigeno e carbonio. Tali layer andranno ad essere implementati come strati di passivazione per wafer di Si monocristallino in celle solari ad eterogiunzione HIT (heterojunctions with intrinsic thin layer), con le quali recentemente è stato raggiunto il record di efficienza pari a 24.7% . La deposizione è avvenuta mediante PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition). Tecniche di spettroscopia ottica, come FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) e SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry) sono state utilizzate per analizzare le configurazioni di legami eteronucleari (Si-H, Si-O, Si-C) e le proprietà strutturali dei film sottili: un nuovo metodo è stato implementato per calcolare i contenuti atomici di H, O e C da misure ottiche. In tal modo è stato possibile osservare come una bassa incorporazione (< 10%) di ossigeno e carbonio sia sufficiente ad aumentare la porosità ed il grado di disordine a lungo raggio del materiale: relativamente a quest’ultimo aspetto, è stata sviluppata una nuova tecnica per determinare dagli spettri ellisometrici l’energia di Urbach, che esprime la coda esponenziale interna al gap in semiconduttori amorfi e fornisce una stima degli stati elettronici in presenza di disordine reticolare. Nella seconda parte della tesi sono stati sviluppati esperimenti di annealing isocrono, in modo da studiare i processi di cristallizzazione e di effusione dell’idrogeno, correlandoli con la degradazione delle proprietà optoelettroniche. L’analisi dei differenti risultati ottenuti studiando queste particolari leghe (a-SiOx e a-SiCy) ha permesso di concludere che solo con una bassa percentuale di ossigeno o carbonio, i.e. < 3.5 %, è possibile migliorare la risposta termica dello specifico layer, ritardando i fenomeni di degradazione di circa 50°C.
The gas-phase phenol methylation with methanol was investigated both from catalitic and spectroscopic point of view. In particular, the work focus on the behavior of metal oxide catalysts, like iron(III) vanadate and aluminum vanadate. Spectroscopic studies include: X-ray diffraction and Raman analysis for catalyst charactrerization; Diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform spectroscopy and in-situ Infrared spectroscopy in vacuum for investigation of interactions between reactants and surface of catalysts.
Antarctic cloud spectral emission from ground-based measurements, a focus on far infrared signatures
The present work belongs to the PRANA project, the first extensive field campaign of observation of atmospheric emission spectra covering the Far InfraRed spectral region, for more than two years. The principal deployed instrument is REFIR-PAD, a Fourier transform spectrometer used by us to study Antarctic cloud properties. A dataset covering the whole 2013 has been analyzed and, firstly, a selection of good quality spectra is performed, using, as thresholds, radiance values in few chosen spectral regions. These spectra are described in a synthetic way averaging radiances in selected intervals, converting them into BTs and finally considering the differences between each pair of them. A supervised feature selection algorithm is implemented with the purpose to select the features really informative about the presence, the phase and the type of cloud. Hence, training and test sets are collected, by means of Lidar quick-looks. The supervised classification step of the overall monthly datasets is performed using a SVM. On the base of this classification and with the help of Lidar observations, 29 non-precipitating ice cloud case studies are selected. A single spectrum, or at most an average over two or three spectra, is processed by means of the retrieval algorithm RT-RET, exploiting some main IR window channels, in order to extract cloud properties. Retrieved effective radii and optical depths are analyzed, to compare them with literature studies and to evaluate possible seasonal trends. Finally, retrieval output atmospheric profiles are used as inputs for simulations, assuming two different crystal habits, with the aim to examine our ability to reproduce radiances in the FIR. Substantial mis-estimations are found for FIR micro-windows: a high variability is observed in the spectral pattern of simulation deviations from measured spectra and an effort to link these deviations to cloud parameters has been performed.