2 resultados para FRANCOIS COUPERIN

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L'elaborato consiste nella prima traduzione italiana delle tre opere cardine dell'Ars Analytica di François Viète. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di condurre un’analisi, attraverso la traduzione, il commento e l’interpretazione di Isagoge in Artem analyticem, Ad Logisticem Speciosam Notae Priores, Zeteticorum libri quinque, testi fondamentali per lo sviluppo dell’algebra come disciplina autonoma e obiettiva, prestando particolare attenzione anche alle interpretazioni geometriche proposte dagli allievi di Viète. Infine vengono analizzati gli zetetici, cioè i problemi, riguardanti la risoluzione delle equazioni diofantee di secondo e terzo grado alla luce delle osservazioni riportate da Fermat nella sua copia dell’Aritmetica (edizione di Claude Gaspard Bacheti, 1621). Fermat, infatti propone un’analisi del testo diofanteo che va al di là di una semplice traduzione, ottenendo risultati che sono ben noti agli storici della matematica e ai matematici.


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Sea level variation is one of the parameters directly related to climate change. Monitoring sea level rise is an important scientific issue since many populated areas of the world and megacities are located in low-lying regions. At present, sea level is measured by means of two techniques: the tide gauges and the satellite radar altimetry. Tide gauges measure sea-level relatively to a ground benchmark, hence, their measurements are directly affected by vertical ground motions. Satellite radar altimetry measures sea-level relative to a geocentric reference and are not affected by vertical land motions. In this study, the linear relative sea level trends of 35 tide gauge stations distributed across the Mediterranean Sea have been computed over the period 1993-2014. In order to extract the real sea-level variation, the vertical land motion has been estimated using the observations of available GPS stations and removed from the tide gauges records. These GPS-corrected trends have then been compared with satellite altimetry measurements over the same time interval (AVISO data set). A further comparison has been performed, over the period 1993-2013, using the CCI satellite altimetry data set which has been generated using an updated modeling. The absolute sea level trends obtained from satellite altimetry and GPS-corrected tide gauge data are mostly consistent, meaning that GPS data have provided reliable corrections for most of the sites. The trend values range between +2.5 and +4 mm/yr almost everywhere in the Mediterranean area, the largest trends were found in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Aegean. These results are in agreement with estimates of the global mean sea level rise over the last two decades. Where GPS data were not available, information on the vertical land motion deduced from the differences between absolute and relative trends are in agreement with the results of other studies.