8 resultados para Emails categorization

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Generic object recognition is an important function of the human visual system and everybody finds it highly useful in their everyday life. For an artificial vision system it is a really hard, complex and challenging task because instances of the same object category can generate very different images, depending of different variables such as illumination conditions, the pose of an object, the viewpoint of the camera, partial occlusions, and unrelated background clutter. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a system that is able to classify objects in 2D images based on the context, and identify to which category the object belongs to. Given an image, the system can classify it and decide the correct categorie of the object. Furthermore the objective of this thesis is also to test the performance and the precision of different supervised Machine Learning algorithms in this specific task of object image categorization. Through different experiments the implemented application reveals good categorization performances despite the difficulty of the problem. However this project is open to future improvement; it is possible to implement new algorithms that has not been invented yet or using other techniques to extract features to make the system more reliable. This application can be installed inside an embedded system and after trained (performed outside the system), so it can become able to classify objects in a real-time. The information given from a 3D stereocamera, developed inside the department of Computer Engineering of the University of Bologna, can be used to improve the accuracy of the classification task. The idea is to segment a single object in a scene using the depth given from a stereocamera and in this way make the classification more accurate.


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One of the most undervalued problems by smartphone users is the security of data on their mobile devices. Today smartphones and tablets are used to send messages and photos and especially to stay connected with social networks, forums and other platforms. These devices contain a lot of private information like passwords, phone numbers, private photos, emails, etc. and an attacker may choose to steal or destroy this information. The main topic of this thesis is the security of the applications present on the most popular stores (App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android) and of their mechanisms for the management of security. The analysis is focused on how the architecture of the two systems protects users from threats and highlights the real presence of malware and spyware in their respective application stores. The work described in subsequent chapters explains the study of the behavior of 50 Android applications and 50 iOS applications performed using network analysis software. Furthermore, this thesis presents some statistics about malware and spyware present on the respective stores and the permissions they require. At the end the reader will be able to understand how to recognize malicious applications and which of the two systems is more suitable for him. This is how this thesis is structured. The first chapter introduces the security mechanisms of the Android and iOS platform architectures and the security mechanisms of their respective application stores. The Second chapter explains the work done, what, why and how we have chosen the tools needed to complete our analysis. The third chapter discusses about the execution of tests, the protocol followed and the approach to assess the “level of danger” of each application that has been checked. The fourth chapter explains the results of the tests and introduces some statistics on the presence of malicious applications on Play Store and App Store. The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of the users, what they think about and how they might avoid malicious applications. The sixth chapter seeks to establish, following our methodology, what application store is safer. In the end, the seventh chapter concludes the thesis.


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This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.


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PhEDEx, the CMS transfer management system, during the first LHC Run has moved about 150 PB and currently it is moving about 2.5 PB of data per week over the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLGC). It was designed to complete each transfer required by users at the expense of the waiting time necessary for its completion. For this reason, after several years of operations, data regarding transfer latencies has been collected and stored into log files containing useful analyzable informations. Then, starting from the analysis of several typical CMS transfer workflows, a categorization of such latencies has been made with a focus on the different factors that contribute to the transfer completion time. The analysis presented in this thesis will provide the necessary information for equipping PhEDEx in the future with a set of new tools in order to proactively identify and fix any latency issues. PhEDEx, il sistema di gestione dei trasferimenti di CMS, durante il primo Run di LHC ha trasferito all’incirca 150 PB ed attualmente trasferisce circa 2.5 PB di dati alla settimana attraverso la Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). Questo sistema è stato progettato per completare ogni trasferimento richiesto dall’utente a spese del tempo necessario per il suo completamento. Dopo svariati anni di operazioni con tale strumento, sono stati raccolti dati relativi alle latenze di trasferimento ed immagazzinati in log files contenenti informazioni utili per l’analisi. A questo punto, partendo dall’analisi di una ampia mole di trasferimenti in CMS, è stata effettuata una suddivisione di queste latenze ponendo particolare attenzione nei confronti dei fattori che contribuiscono al tempo di completamento del trasferimento. L’analisi presentata in questa tesi permetterà di equipaggiare PhEDEx con un insieme di utili strumenti in modo tale da identificare proattivamente queste latenze e adottare le opportune tattiche per minimizzare l’impatto sugli utenti finali.


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Internet traffic classification is a relevant and mature research field, anyway of growing importance and with still open technical challenges, also due to the pervasive presence of Internet-connected devices into everyday life. We claim the need for innovative traffic classification solutions capable of being lightweight, of adopting a domain-based approach, of not only concentrating on application-level protocol categorization but also classifying Internet traffic by subject. To this purpose, this paper originally proposes a classification solution that leverages domain name information extracted from IPFIX summaries, DNS logs, and DHCP leases, with the possibility to be applied to any kind of traffic. Our proposed solution is based on an extension of Word2vec unsupervised learning techniques running on a specialized Apache Spark cluster. In particular, learning techniques are leveraged to generate word-embeddings from a mixed dataset composed by domain names and natural language corpuses in a lightweight way and with general applicability. The paper also reports lessons learnt from our implementation and deployment experience that demonstrates that our solution can process 5500 IPFIX summaries per second on an Apache Spark cluster with 1 slave instance in Amazon EC2 at a cost of $ 3860 year. Reported experimental results about Precision, Recall, F-Measure, Accuracy, and Cohen's Kappa show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal. The experiments prove that words contained in domain names do have a relation with the kind of traffic directed towards them, therefore using specifically trained word embeddings we are able to classify them in customizable categories. We also show that training word embeddings on larger natural language corpuses leads improvements in terms of precision up to 180%.


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Negative Stiffness Structures are mechanical systems that require a decrease in the applied force to generate an increase in displacement. They are structures that possess special characteristics such as snap-through and bi-stability. All of these features make them particularly suitable for different applications, such as shock-absorption, vibration isolation and damping. From this point of view, they have risen awareness of their characteristics and, in order to match them to the application needed, a numerical simulation is of great interest. In this regard, this thesis is a continuation of previous studies in a circular negative stiffness structure and aims at refine the numerical model by presenting a new solution. To that end, an investigation procedure is needed. Amongst all of the methods available, root cause analysis was the chosen one to perform the investigation since it provides a clear view of the problem under analysis and a categorization of all the causes behind it. As a result of the cause-effect analysis, the main causes that have influence on the numerical results were obtained. Once all of the causes were listed, solutions to them were proposed and it led to a new numerical model. The numerical model proposed was of nonlinear type of analysis with hexagonal elements and a hyperelastic material model. The results were analyzed through force-displacement curves, allowing for the visualization of the structure’s energy recovery. When compared to the results obtained from the experimental part, it is evident that the trend is similar and the negative stiffness behaviour is present.


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Driven by recent deep learning breakthroughs, natural language generation (NLG) models have been at the center of steady progress in the last few years. However, since our ability to generate human-indistinguishable artificial text lags behind our capacity to assess it, it is paramount to develop and apply even better automatic evaluation metrics. To facilitate researchers to judge the effectiveness of their models broadly, we suggest NLG-Metricverse—an end-to-end open-source library for NLG evaluation based on Python. This framework provides a living collection of NLG metrics in a unified and easy- to-use environment, supplying tools to efficiently apply, analyze, compare, and visualize them. This includes (i) the extensive support of heterogeneous automatic metrics with n-arity management, (ii) the meta-evaluation upon individual performance, metric-metric and metric-human correlations, (iii) graphical interpretations for helping humans better gain score intuitions, (iv) formal categorization and convenient documentation to accelerate metrics understanding. NLG-Metricverse aims to increase the comparability and replicability of NLG research, hopefully stimulating new contributions in the area.