8 resultados para Electrostatic Separation
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In this thesis effects of plasma actuators based on Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) technology over a NACA 0015 bidimensional airfoil have been analyzed in an experimental way, at low Reynolds number. Work developed on thesis has been carried on in partnership with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Università di Bologna, inside Wind Tunnel of the Applied Aerodynamic Laboratory of Aerospace Engineering faculty. In order to verify the effectiveness of these active control devices, the analysis has shown how actuators succeed in prevent boundary layer separation only in certain conditions af angle of attack and Reynolds numbers. Moreover, in this thesis actuators’ chordwise position effect has been also analyzed, together with the influence of steady and unsteady operations.
This thesis provides an experimental analysis of the effectiveness of oriented DBD plasma actuators over a NACA 0015 airfoil at low Reynolds numbers. Tests were performed in partnership with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Bologna University, in the wind tunnel of the Applied Aerodynamics Laboratory of Aerospace Engineering faculty. Lift coefficient measurements were carried out in order to verify how an oriented plasma jet succeeds in prevent boundary layer separation. Both actuators’ chord wise position and plasma jet orientation angle have been investigated to examine which configurations lead to the best results. A particular attention has been paid also to the analysis of results in steady and unsteady plasma actuation. Questa tesi offre un’analisi sperimentale sull’efficacia di attuatori al plasma orientabili, basati su una tecnologia DBD, installati su un profilo alare NACA 0015, a bassi numeri di Reynolds. Le prove sono state condotte in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell’Università di Bologna, nella galleria del vento del Laboratorio di Aerodinamica Applicata della Facoltà di Ingegneria Aerospaziale di Forlì. Per verificare come un getto orientabile di plasma riesca a prevenire la separazione dello strato limite, sono state eseguite misure sul coefficiente di portanza. Sono state indagate sia la posizione degli attuatori lungo la corda che l’angolo con cui è orientato il getto di plasma, per vedere quali configurazioni conducono ai migliori risultati. Una particolare attenzione è stata riservata all’analisi dei risultati ottenuti con plasma continuo e pulsato.
Locator ID Separation Protocolo Tesi di Laurea in Reti di calcolatori
The present thesis focuses on the permebility analisys of Aquivion® 980 Perfluoro sulfonic acid (PFSA) polymer with particular reference to the influence of the equivalent weight (gram of polymer per molSO3H) on the permeation properties. Aquivion grade tested, indeed, were characterized by a lower equivalent weight ( 870 g/molSO3H against 980 of the present material) with respect to data present in the open literature. Permeability of different gases (CO2, N2, and CH4) was tested at different temperatures and different humidity, a parameter which greatly influences the gas transport in such hydrophilic material- Aquivion® swells consistently in humid conditions increasing its gas permeability of more than one order of magnitude with respect to values prevailing in dry conditions. Present data confirm such behavior being the permeability of all gases and vapors tested substantially increased in presence of water. Interestingly the increase in permeability results be similar for all the gases inspected, hence such enhanced permeation capability is not associated to a selectivity loss that happens in polymeric membranes. Although, the results, of CO2, are lower compared to those obtained with the different grades, with lower equivalent weight, of Aquivion, thus suggesting that an increase of this parameter is detrimental for both permeability and selectivity of the membranes with respect to CO2. This is likely related to the fact that a lower content of SO3H groups makes it difficult to have an interconnected water domain inside the membranes. A modeling approach was considered to describe the experimental data and to give a better insight into the observed behavior, unfortunately, it resulted not sensitive enough to catch the differences between the gas permeability in PSFAs with high and low equivalent weight. The latter were indeed usually contained within 10-20% which results to be the in the same range of model precision when used in a predictive way.
In a world where the problem of energy resources, pollution and all aspects related to these issues become more and more dominant, a greater commitment is needed in the search for solutions. The goal of this project is to make a contribution to the research and development of new materials to reduce the environmental impact in some fields. First of all, we tried to synthesize and prepare an isatin-based membrane which has the potential for use in separating industrial gases. Furthermore, ion exchange membranes, specifically hydroxide exchange membranes (HEMs) derived from the same product can be developed for fuel cells (HEMFC) applications. These materials are essential for energy conversion and storage. The most difficult challenge is to guarantee their thermal stability and stability in corrosive environments such as alkali without losing efficiency. In recent years the poly- hydroxyalkylation catalysed with superacids, e.g. TFSA, has become increasingly studied. This reaction is exploited for the synthesis of the compounds of this thesis. After a preliminary optimization of the reaction conditions it was concluded that due to the rigidity and excessive reactivity of the system, it was not possible to obtain the isatin-based membrane to evaluate the gas separation properties. The synthesis of precursor materials for HEMs was successful by using 1-(4-bromobutyl)indoline-2,3-dione (BID) instead of isatin. A characterization of the obtained polymers was carried out using NMR, TGA and DSC analyses, and subsequently the membranes were functionalized with different ammonium-based cations. Unfortunately, this last step was not successful due to the appearance of side reactions. Future studies on the mechanism and kinetics of the reaction solve this obstacle.
In food and beverage industry, packaging plays a crucial role in protecting food and beverages and maintaining their organoleptic properties. Their disposal, unfortunately, is still difficult, mainly because there is a lack of economically viable systems for separating composite and multilayer materials. It is therefore necessary not only to increase research in this area, but also to set up pilot plants and implement these technologies on an industrial scale. LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) can fulfil these purposes. It allows an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with a product, service or process. The objective of this thesis work is to analyze the environmental performance of six separation methods, designed for separating the polymeric from the aluminum fraction in multilayered packaging. The first four methods utilize the chemical dissolution technique using Biodiesel, Cyclohexane, 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MeTHF) and Cyclopentyl-methyl-ether (CPME) as solvents. The last two applied the mechanical delamination technique with surfactant-activated water, using Ammonium laurate and Triethanolamine laurate as surfactants, respectively. For all six methods, the LCA methodology was applied and the corresponding models were built with the GaBi software version, specifically for LCA analyses. Unfortunately, due to a lack of data, it was not possible to obtain the results of the dissolution methods with the solvents 2-MeTHF and CPME; for the other methods, however, the individual environmental performances were calculated. Results revealed that the methods with the best environmental performance are method 2, for dissolution methods, and method 5, for delamination methods. This result is confirmed both by the analysis of normalized and weighted results and by the analysis of 'original' results. An hotspots analysis was also conducted.