4 resultados para Electrochemical parametrization

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La vanillina è un’aldeide aromatica importante da un punto di vista industriale, in quanto viene ampiamente utilizzata dall’industria alimentare, cosmetica e farmaceutica. Attualmente, la vanillina da biomasse viene ottenuta attraverso l’ossidazione catalitica della lignina. Un’alternativa è rappresentata dall’ossidazione elettro-catalitica, un processo che sta riscuotendo un notevole interesse, perché permette di lavorare in condizioni blande. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di sintetizzare elettro-catalizzatori che favoriscano la depolimerizzazione della lignina Kraft per ottenere selettivamente vanillina. Sono state utilizzate schiume di Ni a cella aperta, tal quali e elettro-depositate con idrossidi di Ni-Co e Co. La formazione degli osso-idrossidi dei metalli, sulla superficie delle schiume, e la OER contribuiscono all’elettro-ossidazione della lignina, mentre la resa di vanillina dipende sia dal catalizzatore che dalle condizioni di reazione (potenziale applicato e tempo di reazione). La resa maggiore di vanillina è stata ottenuta applicando 0.6 V vs SCE con un tempo di reazione di un’ora e utilizzando la schiuma di Ni bare come catalizzatore. Indipendentemente dal tipo di catalizzatore usato, aumentando il tempo di reazione la resa di vanillina diminuisce, probabilmente a causa delle reazioni di ri-condensazione e ossidazione successiva dei prodotti che coinvolgono la vanillina stessa. La presenza di idrossidi di Ni-Co e Co sulla schiuma di Ni non ne migliora l’attività catalitica. La schiuma Co/Ni esibisce un’elevata carica accumulata e un’alta conversione, probabilmente dovuto alle reazioni parassite che sfavoriscono l’accumulo di vanillina. Le schiume Ni-Co/Ni invece, presentando sia una resa in vanillina intermedia tra le altre due ma associata ad una carica accumulata molto bassa. Un risultato incoraggiante per possibili sviluppi futuri.


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One of the most important scientific and environmental issues is reducing global dependence on fossil sources and one of the solutions is to use biomass as feedstock. In particular, the use of lignocellulosic biomass to obtain molecules with considerable commercial importance is gaining more and more interest. Lignin, the most recalcitrant part of lignocellulosic biomass, is a valuable source of sustainable and renewable aromatic molecules, currently produced from petrochemical processes. Vanillin, one of the most important aromatic aldehydes on an industrial level, can be obtained through catalytic lignin oxidation. An alternative to the conventional catalytic oxidation process is the electro-catalytic process, which can be carried out at ambient temperature and pressure, using water as solvent, and it can be considered as a renewable energy storage. In this thesis, the electrocatalytic oxidation of Kraft and Dealkaline lignin in NaOH was investigated over Ni foam catalysts. The effect of the reaction parameters (i.e. time, applied potential, lignin concentration, NaOH concentration, and temperature) on the yields of vanillin and other valuable products was evaluated. After the screening of the reaction conditions, a systematic study of the contribution of the homogeneous reaction (lignin depolymerization due to the basic solvent) to the yield of the product was accomplished. Finally, considering the obtained results, an alternative reaction procedure was proposed.


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Wearable biosensors are attracting interest due to their potential to provide continuous, real-time physiological information via dynamic, non-invasive measurements of biochemical markers in biofluids, such as interstitial fluid (ISF). One notable example of their applications is for glycemic monitoring in diabetic patients, which is typically carried out either by direct measurement of blood glucose via finger pricking or by wearable sensors that can continuously monitor glucose in ISF by sampling it from below the skin with a microneedle. In this context, the development of a new and minimally invasive multisensing tattoo-based platform for the monitoring of glucose and other analytes in ISF extracted through reverse iontophoresis in proposed by the GLUCOMFORT project. This elaborate describes the in-vitro development of flexible electrochemical sensors based on inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS and metal inks that are capable of determining glucose and chloride at biologically relevant concentrations, making them good candidates for application in the GLUCOMFORT platform. In order to make PEDOT:PSS sensitive to glucose at micromolar concentrations, a biocompatible functionalization based on immobilized glucose oxidase and electrodeposited platinum was developed. This functionalization was successfully applied to bulk and flexible amperometric devices, the design of which was also optimized. Using the same strategy, flexible organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) for glucose sensing were also made and successfully tested. For the sensing of chloride ions, an organic charge-modulated field-effect transistor (OCMFET) featuring a silver/silver chloride modified floating gate electrode was developed and tested.


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Electrochemical hydrogen loading is a technique used to produce and study the hydrogenation in metals starting from a liquid solution containing water. It is a possible alternative to another, well-established technique which loads hydrogen starting from its gas phase. In this work, the electrochemical method is used to understand the fundamental thermodynamics of hydrogen loading in constraint systems such as thin films on substrates, and possibly distinguish the role of interfaces, stresses and microstructure during the hydrogenation process. The systems under study are thin films of Pd, Mg/Pd, and Ti/Mg multilayers. Possible future technological applications may be in the field of hydrogen storage and hydrogen sensors. Towards the end, the experimental setup is modified by introducing an automatic relay. This change leads to improvements in the data analysis and in the attainable information on the kinetics of the systems.