3 resultados para Ecological speciation
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The Gulf of Aqaba represents a small scale, easy to access, regional analogue of larger oceanic oligotrophic systems. In this Gulf, the seasonal cycles of stratification and mixing drives the seasonal phytoplankton dynamics. In summer and fall, when nutrient concentrations are very low, Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are more abundant in the surface water. This two populations are exposed to phosphate limitation. During winter mixing, when nutrient concentrations are high, Chlorophyceae and Cryptophyceae are dominant but scarce or absent during summer. In this study it was tried to develop a simulation model based on historical data to predict the phytoplankton dynamics in the northern Gulf of Aqaba. The purpose is to understand what forces operate, and how, to determine the phytoplankton dynamics in this Gulf. To make the models data sampled in two different sampling station (Fish Farm Station and Station A) were used. The data of chemical, biological and physical factors, are available from 14th January 2007 to 28th December 2009. The Fish Farm Station point was near a Fish Farm that was operational until 17th June 2008, complete closure date of the Fish Farm, about halfway through the total sampling time. The Station A sampling point is about 13 Km away from the Fish Farm Station. To build the model, the MATLAB software was used (version R2008a), in particular a tool named Simulink. The Fish Farm Station models shows that the Fish Farm activity has altered the nutrient concentrations and as a consequence the normal phytoplankton dynamics. Despite the distance between the two sampling stations, there might be an influence from the Fish Farm activities also in the Station A ecosystem. The models about this sampling station shows that the Fish Farm impact appears to be much lower than the impact in the Fish Farm Station, because the phytoplankton dynamics appears to be driven mainly by the seasonal mixing cycle.
Le tecniche di next generation sequencing costituiscono un potente strumento per diverse applicazioni, soprattutto da quando i loro costi sono iniziati a calare e la qualità dei loro dati a migliorare. Una delle applicazioni del sequencing è certamente la metagenomica, ovvero l'analisi di microorganismi entro un dato ambiente, come per esempio quello dell'intestino. In quest'ambito il sequencing ha permesso di campionare specie batteriche a cui non si riusciva ad accedere con le tradizionali tecniche di coltura. Lo studio delle popolazioni batteriche intestinali è molto importante in quanto queste risultano alterate come effetto ma anche causa di numerose malattie, come quelle metaboliche (obesità, diabete di tipo 2, etc.). In questo lavoro siamo partiti da dati di next generation sequencing del microbiota intestinale di 5 animali (16S rRNA sequencing) [Jeraldo et al.]. Abbiamo applicato algoritmi ottimizzati (UCLUST) per clusterizzare le sequenze generate in OTU (Operational Taxonomic Units), che corrispondono a cluster di specie batteriche ad un determinato livello tassonomico. Abbiamo poi applicato la teoria ecologica a master equation sviluppata da [Volkov et al.] per descrivere la distribuzione dell'abbondanza relativa delle specie (RSA) per i nostri campioni. La RSA è uno strumento ormai validato per lo studio della biodiversità dei sistemi ecologici e mostra una transizione da un andamento a logserie ad uno a lognormale passando da piccole comunità locali isolate a più grandi metacomunità costituite da più comunità locali che possono in qualche modo interagire. Abbiamo mostrato come le OTU di popolazioni batteriche intestinali costituiscono un sistema ecologico che segue queste stesse regole se ottenuto usando diverse soglie di similarità nella procedura di clustering. Ci aspettiamo quindi che questo risultato possa essere sfruttato per la comprensione della dinamica delle popolazioni batteriche e quindi di come queste variano in presenza di particolari malattie.
In this study we provide a baseline data on semidemersal fish assemblages and biology in a heterogeneous and yet less studied portion of the shelf of Antalya Gulf. The distribution of fish abundance in three transects subjected to different fisheries regulations (fishery vs non fishery areas), and including depths of 10, 25, 75, 125, 200 m, was studied between May 2014 and February 2015 in representative months of winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons. A total of 76 fish species belonging to 40 families was collected and semidemersal species distribution was analyzed in comparison with the whole community. Spatial distribution of fish was driven mainly by depth and two main assemblages were observed: shallow waters (10-25; 75 m) and deep waters (125-200 m). Significant differences among transects were found for the whole community but not for the semidemersal species. Analysis showed that this was due to a strong relation of these species with local environmental characteristics rather than to a different fishing pressure over transects. Firstly all species distribute according to the bathymetrical gradient and secondly to the bottom type structure. Semidemersal species were then found more related to zooplankton and suspended matter availability. The main morphological characteristics, sex and size distribution of the target semidemersal species Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848), Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827) were also investigated.