4 resultados para Earth-based plasters
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Stellar occultations are the most accurate Earth-based astronomy technique to obtain the lateral position of celestial bodies, in the case of natural satellites, their accuracy also depends on the central body to which the satellite orbits. The main goal of this thesis work is to analyze if and how very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) measurements of a body like Jupiter can be used in support to stellar occultations of its natural satellites by reducing the planetary uncertainty at the time of the occultation. In particular, we analyzed the events of the stellar occultations of Callisto (15.01.2024) and Io (02.04.2021). The stellar occultation of Callisto has been predicted and simulated using the stellar occultation reduction analysis (SORA) toolkit while the stellar occultation of Io has been already studied by Morgado et al. We then simulated the VLBI data of Jupiter according to the current JUNO trajectories. The required observation were then used as input of an estimation to which then we performed a covariance analysis on the estimated parameters to retrieve the formal errors (1 − σ uncertainties) at each epoch of the propagation. The results show that the addition of the VLBI slightly improves the uncertainty of Callisto even when Jupiter knowledge is worse while for Io we observed that the VLBI data is especially crucial in the scenario of an a priori uncertainty in Jupiter state of about 10km. Here we can have improvements of the estimated initial states of Io of about 70m, 230m and 900m to the radial, along-track and cross-track directions respectively. Moreover, we have also obtained the propagated errors of the two moons in terms of right ascension and declination which both show uncertainties in the mas level at the occultation time. Finally, we simulated Io and Europa together and we observed that at the time of the stellar occultation of Europa the along-track component of Io is constrained, confirming the coupling between the two inner moons.
Since the dawn of its presence on earth, the human being has been able to exploit the enzymes for its subsistence. More recent is the meeting between the enzymatic processes and the urgent need for technologies that aim to preserve our planet. In this field nowadays enzymatic catalysis is tested either to depollution/remediation as well as waste disposal. The work presented in this thesis, regarding both these two topics, is tailored on two European projects (EU 2020), MADFORWATER and TERMINUS respectively. Firstly, production of micro- and nanocatalysts via immobilization of laccases (a lignin-degrader enzyme) is performed. In the second part of the thesis laccase is applied to a tertiary treatment of wastewater with the aim to degrade 9 pharmaceutical active compounds in batch reactors. Despite several optimizations, poor degradation is reached and we did not proceed with the study of different bioreactor setups. Therefore, the focus is moved to a project concerning the production of smart multi-layer plastic packaging containing enzymes to improve the possibilities of recycling. In this field shielded nanocatalysts produced via coating techniques able to interact with redox mediators are investigated. The target substrate in this second project is produced in laboratory (i.e. polyurethane like compounds), starting from monomers whose degradation had already been tested, as a proof of concept. The first enzyme studied is still the laccase.
The study of the user scheduling problem in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Multi-User MIMO system is the objective of this thesis. With the application of cutting-edge digital beamforming algorithms, a LEO satellite with an antenna array and a large number of antenna elements can provide service to many user terminals (UTs) in full frequency reuse (FFR) schemes. Since the number of UTs on-ground are many more than the transmit antennas on the satellite, user scheduling is necessary. Scheduling can be accomplished by grouping users into different clusters: users within the same cluster are multiplexed and served together via Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), i.e., digital beamforming or Multi-User MIMO techniques; the different clusters of users are then served on different time slots via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The design of an optimal user grouping strategy is known to be an NP-complete problem which can be solved only through exhaustive search. In this thesis, we provide a graph-based user scheduling and feed space beamforming architecture for the downlink with the aim of reducing user inter-beam interference. The main idea is based on clustering users whose pairwise great-circle distance is as large as possible. First, we create a graph where the users represent the vertices, whereas an edge in the graph between 2 users exists if their great-circle distance is above a certain threshold. In the second step, we develop a low complex greedy user clustering technique and we iteratively search for the maximum clique in the graph, i.e., the largest fully connected subgraph in the graph. Finally, by using the 3 aforementioned power normalization techniques, a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) beamforming matrix is deployed on a cluster basis. The suggested scheduling system is compared with a position-based scheduler, which generates a beam lattice on the ground and randomly selects one user per beam to form a cluster.
Global population growth reflects how humans increasingly exploited Earth's resources. Urbanization develops along with anthropization. It is estimated that nearly 60% of the world's population lives in urban areas, which symbolize the denaturalized dimension of current modernity. Cities are artificial ecosystems that suffer most from environmental issues and climate change. The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is a common microclimatic phenomenon affecting cities, which causes considerable differences between urban and rural areas temperatures. Among the driving factors, the lack of vegetation in urban settlements can damage both humans and the environment (health diseases, heat waves caused deaths, biodiversity loss, and so on). As the world continues to urbanize, sustainable development increasingly depends on successful management of urban areas. To enhance cities’ resilience, Nature-based Solutions (NbSs), are defined as an umbrella concept that encompasses a wide range of ecosystem-based approaches and actions to climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR). This paper analyzes a 15-days study on air temperature trends carried out in Isla, a small locality in the Maltese archipelago, and proposes Nature-based Solutions-characterized scenarios to mitigate the Urban Heat Island effect the Mediterranean city is affected by. The results demonstrates how in some areas where vegetation is present, lower temperatures are recorded than in areas where vegetation is absent or scarce. It also appeared that in one location, the specific type of vegetation does not contribute to high temperature mitigation, whereas in another one, different environmental parameters can influence the measurements. Among the case-specific Nature-based Solutions proposed there are vertical greening (green wall, façades, ground based greening, etc.), tree lines, green canopy, and green roofs.