8 resultados para ETHANOL FUEL-CELL
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The demand for novel renewable energy sources, together with the new findings on bacterial electron transport mechanisms and the progress in microbial fuel cell design, have raised a noticeable interest in microbial power generation. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an electrochemical device that converts organic substrates into electricity via catalytic conversion by microorganism. It has represented a continuously growing research field during the past few years. The great advantage of this device is the direct conversion of the substrate into electricity and in the future, MFC may be linked to municipal waste streams or sources of agricultural and animal waste, providing a sustainable system for waste treatment and energy production. However, these novel green technologies have not yet been used for practical applications due to their low power outputs and challenges associated with scale-up, so in-depth studies are highly necessary to significantly improve and optimize the device working conditions. For the time being, the micro-scale MFCs show great potential in the rapid screening of electrochemically active microbes. This thesis presents how it will be possible to optimize the properties and design of the micro-size microbial fuel cell for maximum efficiency by understanding the MFC system. So it will involve designing, building and testing a miniature microbial fuel cell using a new species of microorganisms that promises high efficiency and long lifetime. The new device offer unique advantages of fast start-up, high sensitivity and superior microfluidic control over the measured microenvironment, which makes them good candidates for rapid screening of electrode materials, bacterial strains and growth media. It will be made in the Centre of Hybrid Biodevices (Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, University of Southampton) from polymer materials like PDMS. The eventual aim is to develop a system with the optimum combination of microorganism, ion exchange membrane and growth medium. After fabricating the cell, different bacteria and plankton species will be grown in the device and the microbial fuel cell characterized for open circuit voltage and power. It will also use photo-sensitive organisms and characterize the power produced by the device in response to optical illumination.
Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) technology finds space as a promising technology as a green alternative power-generating device, by the possibility to convert organic matter directly into electricity by microbially catalysed reactions, especially for the potential of the simultaneous treatment of wastewaters. Despite the studies that were carried out over the decades, MFCs still provide insufficient power and current densities in order to be commercially attractive in the energy market. Scientific community today pursues two main strategies in order to increase the overall performance output of the MFC. The first is to support the cells with an external supercapacitor (SC), which is able to accept and deliver charge much faster than normal capacitors, thanks to the use of an electrostatic double-layer capacitance, in combination with pseudocapacitance. The second is to implement directly the SC into the MFC, by using carbon electrodes with high surface area, similar to the SC. Both strategies are eventually supported by the use of charge boosters, respect to the application of the MFC. Galvanostatic measures for the MFC and SCs are performed at different currents, alone and by integration of both devices. The SCs used have a capacitance respectively of 1F, 3F and 6F. Subsequently, a stack of MFCs is assembled and paired to a 3F SC, in order to power an ambient diffuser, able to spray at intervals with a can and a controller. In conclusion, the use of a SC in parallel to the MFCs increases the overall performance of the system. The SC remove the discharge current limit of the MFC and increases the energy and power delivered by the system, allowing it to power for a certain time the ambient diffuser successfully. The key factor highlighted by the final experiment was the insufficient charging time of the SC, resulting finally in a voltage that is inadequate to power the device. Further studies are therefore necessary to improve the performance of the MFCs.
In this Thesis, a life cycle analysis (LCA) of a biofuel cell designed by a team from the University of Bologna was done. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible environmental impacts of the production and use of the cell and a possible optimization for an industrial scale-up. To do so, a first part of the paper was devoted to studying the present literature on biomass, and fuel cell treatments and then LCA studies on them. The experimental part presents the work done to create the Life Cycle Inventory and Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Several alternative scenarios were created to study process optimization. Reagents and energy supply were changed. To examine whether this technology can be competitive, a comparison was made with some biofuel cell use scenarios with traditional biomass treatment technologies. The result of this study is that this technology is promising from an environmental point of view in case it is possible to recover nutrients in output, without excessive energy consumption, and to minimize the use of energy used to prepare the solution.
The present work describes the different stages of design, implementation, and validation procedures for an interleaved DC-DC boost converter intended for the 2022 Futura, a fuel cell-powered racing catamaran developed by the UniBoAT team. The main goal of the entire design has been the significant reduction of the weight of the converter by removing heat sinks and reducing component size while increasing its efficiency by adopting high-end power switches and the interleaved architecture operated with a synchronous control strategy. The obtained converter has been integrated into the structure containing the fuel cell stack obtaining a fully integrated system. The realized device has been based on an interleaved architecture with six phases controlled digitally through the average current mode control. The design has been validated through simulations carried out using the software LT-Spice, whereas experimental validations have been performed by means of laboratory bench tests and on-field tests. Detailed thermal and efficiency analyses are provided with the bench tests under the two synchronous and non-synchronous operating modes and with the adoption of the phase shedding technique. The prototype implementation and its performance in real operating conditions are also discussed. Eventually, it is underlined as the designed converter can be used in other applications requiring a voltage-controlled boost converter.
Studio preliminare di una futura installazione di un banco prova con sistema ORC in parallelo ad una fuel cell. Analisi e scelta dell'impianto ORC, scelta della fonte di calore e del sistema di condensazione in base alle esigenze dell'impianto ORC scelto. Scrittura di un codice di calcolo per simulare l'intero sistema installato.
The first part of this essay aims at investigating the already available and promising technologies for the biogas and bio-hydrogen production from anaerobic digestion of different organic substrates. One strives to show all the peculiarities of this complicate process, such as continuity, number of stages, moisture, biomass preservation and rate of feeding. The main outcome of this part is the awareness of the huge amount of reactor configurations, each of which suitable for a few types of substrate and circumstance. Among the most remarkable results, one may consider first of all the wet continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR), right to face the high waste production rate in urbanised and industrialised areas. Then, there is the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), aimed at the biomass preservation in case of highly heterogeneous feedstock, which can also be treated in a wise co-digestion scheme. On the other hand, smaller and scattered rural realities can be served by either wet low-rate digesters for homogeneous agricultural by-products (e.g. fixed-dome) or the cheap dry batch reactors for lignocellulose waste and energy crops (e.g. hybrid batch-UASB). The biological and technical aspects raised during the first chapters are later supported with bibliographic research on the important and multifarious large-scale applications the products of the anaerobic digestion may have. After the upgrading techniques, particular care was devoted to their importance as biofuels, highlighting a further and more flexible solution consisting in the reforming to syngas. Then, one shows the electricity generation and the associated heat conversion, stressing on the high potential of fuel cells (FC) as electricity converters. Last but not least, both the use as vehicle fuel and the injection into the gas pipes are considered as promising applications. The consideration of the still important issues of the bio-hydrogen management (e.g. storage and delivery) may lead to the conclusion that it would be far more challenging to implement than bio-methane, which can potentially “inherit” the assets of the similar fossil natural gas. Thanks to the gathered knowledge, one devotes a chapter to the energetic and financial study of a hybrid power system supplied by biogas and made of different pieces of equipment (natural gas thermocatalitic unit, molten carbonate fuel cell and combined-cycle gas turbine structure). A parallel analysis on a bio-methane-fed CCGT system is carried out in order to compare the two solutions. Both studies show that the apparent inconvenience of the hybrid system actually emphasises the importance of extending the computations to a broader reality, i.e. the upstream processes for the biofuel production and the environmental/social drawbacks due to fossil-derived emissions. Thanks to this “boundary widening”, one can realise the hidden benefits of the hybrid over the CCGT system.
L'elaborato analizza, in maniera generica, come avviene la produzione, lo stoccaggio ed il trasporto dell'idrogeno e valuta i mezzi che sfruttano l'idrogeno come combustibile: i veicoli a fuel cell e i veicoli con motori a combustione interna alimentati a idrogeno (H2ICE). Poiché le proprietà dell'idrogeno sono molto diverse rispetto a quelle dei combustibili convenzionali, queste nuove tecnologie necessitano di celle di prova appositamente progettate e dimensionate. L'elaborato, pertanto, descrive nel dettaglio quali sono le normative, le strumentazioni e gli standard da rispettare per garantire che, all'interno della sala, i test possano essere eseguiti in totale sicurezza. Inoltre, vengono esaminati i sistemi di consegna e dosaggio dell'idrogeno, passando poi al sistema di ventilazione che gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel funzionamento dei test. Infine, sono riportati esempi di specifici set-up sperimentali volti allo studio delle problematiche riscontrate nei motori a combustione interna alimentati a idrogeno. Nel primo set-up, vengono descritti i sistemi di controllo, il tipo di motore e tutti i sensori utilizzati per analizzare l'impatto che ha l'EGR sui motori H2ICE; mentre, nel secondo, vengono esaminati i fattori che inducono la detonazione e la relativa frequenza.
The future hydrogen demand is expected to increase, both in existing industries (including upgrading of fossil fuels or ammonia production) and in new technologies, like fuel cells. Nowadays, hydrogen is obtained predominantly by steam reforming of methane, but it is well known that hydrocarbon based routes result in environmental problems and besides the market is dependent on the availability of this finite resource which is suffering of rapid depletion. Therefore, alternative processes using renewable sources like wind, solar energy and biomass, are now being considered for the production of hydrogen. One of those alternative methods is the so-called “steam-iron process” which consists in the reduction of a metal-oxide by hydrogen-containing feedstock, like ethanol for instance, and then the reduced material is reoxidized with water to produce “clean” hydrogen (water splitting). This kind of thermochemical cycles have been studied before but currently some important facts like the development of more active catalysts, the flexibility of the feedstock (including renewable bio-alcohols) and the fact that the purification of hydrogen could be avoided, have significantly increased the interest for this research topic. With the aim of increasing the understanding of the reactions that govern the steam-iron route to produce hydrogen, it is necessary to go into the molecular level. Spectroscopic methods are an important tool to extract information that could help in the development of more efficient materials and processes. In this research, ethanol was chosen as a reducing fuel and the main goal was to study its interaction with different catalysts having similar structure (spinels), to make a correlation with the composition and the mechanism of the anaerobic oxidation of the ethanol which is the first step of the steam-iron cycle. To accomplish this, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to study the surface composition of the catalysts during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformation during the temperature program. Furthermore, mass spectrometry was used to monitor the desorbed products. The set of studied materials include Cu, Co and Ni ferrites which were also characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and temperature programmed reduction.