3 resultados para Dynamic strain aging (DSA)

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the recent decade, the request for structural health monitoring expertise increased exponentially in the United States. The aging issues that most of the transportation structures are experiencing can put in serious jeopardy the economic system of a region as well as of a country. At the same time, the monitoring of structures is a central topic of discussion in Europe, where the preservation of historical buildings has been addressed over the last four centuries. More recently, various concerns arose about security performance of civil structures after tragic events such the 9/11 or the 2011 Japan earthquake: engineers looks for a design able to resist exceptional loadings due to earthquakes, hurricanes and terrorist attacks. After events of such a kind, the assessment of the remaining life of the structure is at least as important as the initial performance design. Consequently, it appears very clear that the introduction of reliable and accessible damage assessment techniques is crucial for the localization of issues and for a correct and immediate rehabilitation. The System Identification is a branch of the more general Control Theory. In Civil Engineering, this field addresses the techniques needed to find mechanical characteristics as the stiffness or the mass starting from the signals captured by sensors. The objective of the Dynamic Structural Identification (DSI) is to define, starting from experimental measurements, the modal fundamental parameters of a generic structure in order to characterize, via a mathematical model, the dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these parameters is helpful in the Model Updating procedure, that permits to define corrected theoretical models through experimental validation. The main aim of this technique is to minimize the differences between the theoretical model results and in situ measurements of dynamic data. Therefore, the new model becomes a very effective control practice when it comes to rehabilitation of structures or damage assessment. The instrumentation of a whole structure is an unfeasible procedure sometimes because of the high cost involved or, sometimes, because it’s not possible to physically reach each point of the structure. Therefore, numerous scholars have been trying to address this problem. In general two are the main involved methods. Since the limited number of sensors, in a first case, it’s possible to gather time histories only for some locations, then to move the instruments to another location and replay the procedure. Otherwise, if the number of sensors is enough and the structure does not present a complicate geometry, it’s usually sufficient to detect only the principal first modes. This two problems are well presented in the works of Balsamo [1] for the application to a simple system and Jun [2] for the analysis of system with a limited number of sensors. Once the system identification has been carried, it is possible to access the actual system characteristics. A frequent practice is to create an updated FEM model and assess whether the structure fulfills or not the requested functions. Once again the objective of this work is to present a general methodology to analyze big structure using a limited number of instrumentation and at the same time, obtaining the most information about an identified structure without recalling methodologies of difficult interpretation. A general framework of the state space identification procedure via OKID/ERA algorithm is developed and implemented in Matlab. Then, some simple examples are proposed to highlight the principal characteristics and advantage of this methodology. A new algebraic manipulation for a prolific use of substructuring results is developed and implemented.


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Le problematiche ambientali e socio – economiche legate alla costruzione di nuove infrastrutture viarie, impongono la progettazione e costruzione di strade che combinino ad elevati standard prestazionali, la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale in fase realizzativa e manutentiva. Quanto detto avvalora il crescente utilizzo di materiali bituminosi modificati con polimeri ed additivati con cere. I primi conferiscono alla miscela maggiore elastoplasticità, incrementandone la durabilità e la resistenza a fatica. Nei secondi la presenza del materiale paraffinico contribuisce a ridurre la viscosità del bitume, il che consente il notevole abbassamento della temperatura di produzione e stesa della miscela. Numerosi studi inoltre hanno dimostrato che le caratteristiche meccaniche della pavimentazione sono fortemente influenzate dal grado di ossidazione delle componenti organiche del bitume, ovvero dal fenomeno dell’invecchiamento o aging. Risulta pertanto fondamentale affiancare allo studio reologico del bitume, prove di simulazione dell’ invecchiamento nel breve e lungo termine. Nel corso della seguente ricerca si provvederà pertanto ad analizzare leganti modificati ed additivati secondo la teoria della viscoelasticità, simulando le reali condizioni di carico ed invecchiamento alle quali il bitume è sottoposto. Tutte le prove di caratterizzazione reologica avanzata prevederanno l’utilizzo del DSR (Dynamic Shear Rheometer) in varie configurazioni di prova e si simulerà l’invecchiamento a breve termine mediante RTFOT (Rolling thin film oven test). Si proporrà inoltre una nuova procedura di aging invecchiando il bitume alla temperatura di equiviscosità o Twork , ovvero a quel valore della temperatura tale per cui, in fase di messa in opera, si avrà una distribuzione molecolare omogenea del modificante all’interno del bitume. Verranno quindi effettuate ulteriori prove reologiche sui leganti invecchiati a tale temperatura. Si darà infine supporto ai risultati della ricerca effettuando prove chimiche con la tecnica analitica FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), analizzando i cambiamenti molecolari avvenuti nel bitume a seguito dell’aggiunta del modificante e dell’invecchiamento.


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Altough nowadays DMTA is one of the most used techniques to characterize polymers thermo-mechanical behaviour, it is only effective for small amplitude oscillatory tests and limited to a single frequency analysis (linear regime). In this thesis work a Fourier transform based experimental system has proven to give hint on structural and chemical changes in specimens during large amplitude oscillatory tests exploiting multi frequency spectral analysis turning out in a more sensitive tool than classical linear approach. The test campaign has been focused on three test typologies: Strain sweep tests, Damage investigation and temperature sweep tests.