4 resultados para Cybersecurity,Cybersecurity Strategy
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
L'elaborato descrive il progetto, seguito durante il tirocinio in azienda, di definizione di una strategia in ambito sicurezza informatica
We address the problem of automotive cybersecurity from the point of view of Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA). The central question that motivates the thesis is the one about the acceptability of risk, which is vital in taking a decision about the implementation of cybersecurity solutions. For this purpose, we develop a quantitative framework in which we take in input the results of risk assessment and define measures of various facets of a possible risk response; we then exploit the natural presence of trade-offs (cost versus effectiveness) to formulate the problem as a multi-objective optimization. Finally, we develop a stochastic model of the future evolution of the risk factors, by means of Markov chains; we adapt the formulations of the optimization problems to this non-deterministic context. The thesis is the result of a collaboration with the Vehicle Electrification division of Marelli, in particular with the Cybersecurity team based in Bologna; this allowed us to consider a particular instance of the problem, deriving from a real TARA, in order to test both the deterministic and the stochastic framework in a real world application. The collaboration also explains why in the work we often assume the point of view of a tier-1 supplier; however, the analyses performed can be adapted to any other level of the supply chain.
Today more than ever, with the recent war in Ukraine and the increasing number of attacks that affect systems of nations and companies every day, the world realizes that cybersecurity can no longer be considered just as a “cost”. It must become a pillar for our infrastructures that involve the security of our nations and the safety of people. Critical infrastructure, like energy, financial services, and healthcare, have become targets of many cyberattacks from several criminal groups, with an increasing number of resources and competencies, putting at risk the security and safety of companies and entire nations. This thesis aims to investigate the state-of-the-art regarding the best practice for securing Industrial control systems. We study the differences between two security frameworks. The first is Industrial Demilitarized Zone (I-DMZ), a perimeter-based security solution. The second one is the Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) which removes the concept of perimeter to offer an entirely new approach to cybersecurity based on the slogan ‘Never Trust, always verify’. Starting from this premise, the Zero Trust model embeds strict Authentication, Authorization, and monitoring controls for any access to any resource. We have defined two architectures according to the State-of-the-art and the cybersecurity experts’ guidelines to compare I-DMZ, and Zero Trust approaches to ICS security. The goal is to demonstrate how a Zero Trust approach dramatically reduces the possibility of an attacker penetrating the network or moving laterally to compromise the entire infrastructure. A third architecture has been defined based on Cloud and fog/edge computing technology. It shows how Cloud solutions can improve the security and reliability of infrastructure and production processes that can benefit from a range of new functionalities, that the Cloud could offer as-a-Service.We have implemented and tested our Zero Trust solution and its ability to block intrusion or attempted attacks.
Questa tesi, dal titolo “Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2 v 2.0)” si pone l’obbiettivo di studiare, analizzare, applicare e mostrare punti di forza e criticità di un modello atto a valutare la propria postura di cybersicurezza, al fine di migliorarne i punti critici, trovarne le priorità in cui investire e strutturare un security program integrato in tutti i processi aziendali.