4 resultados para Cryptography.

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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One of the main practical implications of quantum mechanical theory is quantum computing, and therefore the quantum computer. Quantum computing (for example, with Shor’s algorithm) challenges the computational hardness assumptions, such as the factoring problem and the discrete logarithm problem, that anchor the safety of cryptosystems. So the scientific community is studying how to defend cryptography; there are two defense strategies: the quantum cryptography (which involves the use of quantum cryptographic algorithms on quantum computers) and the post-quantum cryptography (based on classical cryptographic algorithms, but resistant to quantum computers). For example, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is collecting and standardizing the post-quantum ciphers, as it established DES and AES as symmetric cipher standards, in the past. In this thesis an introduction on quantum mechanics was given, in order to be able to talk about quantum computing and to analyze Shor’s algorithm. The differences between quantum and post-quantum cryptography were then analyzed. Subsequently the focus was given to the mathematical problems assumed to be resistant to quantum computers. To conclude, post-quantum digital signature cryptographic algorithms selected by NIST were studied and compared in order to apply them in today’s life.


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Reinforcement learning is a particular paradigm of machine learning that, recently, has proved times and times again to be a very effective and powerful approach. On the other hand, cryptography usually takes the opposite direction. While machine learning aims at analyzing data, cryptography aims at maintaining its privacy by hiding such data. However, the two techniques can be jointly used to create privacy preserving models, able to make inferences on the data without leaking sensitive information. Despite the numerous amount of studies performed on machine learning and cryptography, reinforcement learning in particular has never been applied to such cases before. Being able to successfully make use of reinforcement learning in an encrypted scenario would allow us to create an agent that efficiently controls a system without providing it with full knowledge of the environment it is operating in, leading the way to many possible use cases. Therefore, we have decided to apply the reinforcement learning paradigm to encrypted data. In this project we have applied one of the most well-known reinforcement learning algorithms, called Deep Q-Learning, to simple simulated environments and studied how the encryption affects the training performance of the agent, in order to see if it is still able to learn how to behave even when the input data is no longer readable by humans. The results of this work highlight that the agent is still able to learn with no issues whatsoever in small state spaces with non-secure encryptions, like AES in ECB mode. For fixed environments, it is also able to reach a suboptimal solution even in the presence of secure modes, like AES in CBC mode, showing a significant improvement with respect to a random agent; however, its ability to generalize in stochastic environments or big state spaces suffers greatly.


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Nowadays, information security is a very important topic. In particular, wireless networks are experiencing an ongoing widespread diffusion, also thanks the increasing number of Internet Of Things devices, which generate and transmit a lot of data: protecting wireless communications is of fundamental importance, possibly through an easy but secure method. Physical Layer Security is an umbrella of techniques that leverages the characteristic of the wireless channel to generate security for the transmission. In particular, the Physical Layer based-Key generation aims at allowing two users to generate a random symmetric keys in an autonomous way, hence without the aid of a trusted third entity. Physical Layer based-Key generation relies on observations of the wireless channel, from which harvesting entropy: however, an attacker might possesses a channel simulator, for example a Ray Tracing simulator, to replicate the channel between the legitimate users, in order to guess the secret key and break the security of the communication. This thesis work is focused on the possibility to carry out a so called Ray Tracing attack: the method utilized for the assessment consist of a set of channel measurements, in different channel conditions, that are then compared with the simulated channel from the ray tracing, to compute the mutual information between the measurements and simulations. Furthermore, it is also presented the possibility of using the Ray Tracing as a tool to evaluate the impact of channel parameters (e.g. the bandwidth or the directivity of the antenna) on the Physical Layer based-Key generation. The measurements have been carried out at the Barkhausen Institut gGmbH in Dresden (GE), in the framework of the existing cooperation agreement between BI and the Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering "G. Marconi" (DEI) at the University of Bologna.


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Negli ultimi anni si sta notando sempre di più il cambiamento apportato dalla tecnologia ai vari settori industriali, il quale costringe ogni azienda ad adattare i propri processi per mantenere la propria posizione sul mercato. Un'innovazione è costituita dalla blockchain, che viene presentata come un insieme di tecnologie distribuite volte a mantenere un registro condiviso immutabile. Le sue applicazioni si possono trovare nell'ambito economico attraverso le criptovalute fino ad arrivare alla certificazione in supply chain di società o enti. Come tutte le innovazioni porta con sè vantaggi e peculiarità che ne contraddistinguono il funzionamento. In questa tesi si tratteranno blockchain Ethereum e Smart Contracts ossia componenti definiti in Solidity, un linguaggio dalla caratteristica di Touring Completeness. Con lo sviluppo degli Smart Contract si è arrivati alla creazione di applicazioni decentralizzate, organizzazioni autonome e certificazioni fino alla creazione di standard per token fungibili. Infine un aspetto da non sottovalutare quando si parla di sistemi distribuiti ed in particolare di blockchain è la sicurezza. Verranno introdotti i principali attacchi all'infrastruttura e all'utente, ponendo attenzione a come questo aspetto possa essere tralasciato per favorire interoperabilità tra blockchain.