8 resultados para Convex optimization problem
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
This thesis project studies the agent identity privacy problem in the scalar linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control system. For the agent identity privacy problem in the LQG control, privacy models and privacy measures have to be established first. It depends on a trajectory of correlated data rather than a single observation. I propose here privacy models and the corresponding privacy measures by taking into account the two characteristics. The agent identity is a binary hypothesis: Agent A or Agent B. An eavesdropper is assumed to make a hypothesis testing on the agent identity based on the intercepted environment state sequence. The privacy risk is measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the probability distributions of state sequences under two hypotheses. By taking into account both the accumulative control reward and privacy risk, an optimization problem of the policy of Agent B is formulated. The optimal deterministic privacy-preserving LQG policy of Agent B is a linear mapping. A sufficient condition is given to guarantee that the optimal deterministic privacy-preserving policy is time-invariant in the asymptotic regime. An independent Gaussian random variable cannot improve the performance of Agent B. The numerical experiments justify the theoretic results and illustrate the reward-privacy trade-off. Based on the privacy model and the LQG control model, I have formulated the mathematical problems for the agent identity privacy problem in LQG. The formulated problems address the two design objectives: to maximize the control reward and to minimize the privacy risk. I have conducted theoretic analysis on the LQG control policy in the agent identity privacy problem and the trade-off between the control reward and the privacy risk.Finally, the theoretic results are justified by numerical experiments. From the numerical results, I expected to have some interesting observations and insights, which are explained in the last chapter.
In this thesis, a tube-based Distributed Economic Predictive Control (DEPC) scheme is presented for a group of dynamically coupled linear subsystems. These subsystems are components of a large scale system and control inputs are computed based on optimizing a local economic objective. Each subsystem is interacting with its neighbors by sending its future reference trajectory, at each sampling time. It solves a local optimization problem in parallel, based on the received future reference trajectories of the other subsystems. To ensure recursive feasibility and a performance bound, each subsystem is constrained to not deviate too much from its communicated reference trajectory. This difference between the plan trajectory and the communicated one is interpreted as a disturbance on the local level. Then, to ensure the satisfaction of both state and input constraints, they are tightened by considering explicitly the effect of these local disturbances. The proposed approach averages over all possible disturbances, handles tightened state and input constraints, while satisfies the compatibility constraints to guarantee that the actual trajectory lies within a certain bound in the neighborhood of the reference one. Each subsystem is optimizing a local arbitrary economic objective function in parallel while considering a local terminal constraint to guarantee recursive feasibility. In this framework, economic performance guarantees for a tube-based distributed predictive control (DPC) scheme are developed rigorously. It is presented that the closed-loop nominal subsystem has a robust average performance bound locally which is no worse than that of a local robust steady state. Since a robust algorithm is applying on the states of the real (with disturbances) subsystems, this bound can be interpreted as an average performance result for the real closed-loop system. To this end, we present our outcomes on local and global performance, illustrated by a numerical example.
In this thesis, we state the collision avoidance problem as a vertex covering problem, then we consider a distributed framework in which a team of cooperating Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) aim to solve this optimization problem cooperatively to guarantee collision avoidance between group members. For this purpose, we implement a distributed control scheme based on a robust Set-Theoretic Model Predictive Control ( ST-MPC) strategy, where the problem involves vehicles with independent dynamics but with coupled constraints, to capture required cooperative behavior.
Many real-word decision- making problems are defined based on forecast parameters: for example, one may plan an urban route by relying on traffic predictions. In these cases, the conventional approach consists in training a predictor and then solving an optimization problem. This may be problematic since mistakes made by the predictor may trick the optimizer into taking dramatically wrong decisions. Recently, the field of Decision-Focused Learning overcomes this limitation by merging the two stages at training time, so that predictions are rewarded and penalized based on their outcome in the optimization problem. There are however still significant challenges toward a widespread adoption of the method, mostly related to the limitation in terms of generality and scalability. One possible solution for dealing with the second problem is introducing a caching-based approach, to speed up the training process. This project aims to investigate these techniques, in order to reduce even more, the solver calls. For each considered method, we designed a particular smart sampling approach, based on their characteristics. In the case of the SPO method, we ended up discovering that it is only necessary to initialize the cache with only several solutions; those needed to filter the elements that we still need to properly learn. For the Blackbox method, we designed a smart sampling approach, based on inferred solutions.
Nel campo della Ricerca Operativa e dei problemi di ottimizzazione viene presentato un problema, denominato Bus Touring Problem (BTP), che modella una problematica riguardante il carico e l’instradamento di veicoli nella presenza di di vincoli temporali e topologici sui percorsi. Nel BTP, ci si pone il problema di stabilire una serie di rotte per la visita di punti di interesse dislocati geograficamente da parte di un insieme di comitive turistiche, ciascuna delle quali stabilisce preferenze riguardo le visite. Per gli spostamenti sono disponibili un numero limitato di mezzi di trasporto, in generale eterogenei, e di capacitá limitata. Le visite devono essere effettuate rispettando finestre temporali che indicano i periodi di apertura dei punti di interesse; per questi, inoltre, é specificato un numero massimo di visite ammesse. L’obiettivo é di organizzare il carico dei mezzi di trasporto e le rotte intraprese in modo da massimizzare la soddisfazione complessiva dei gruppi di turisti nel rispetto dei vincoli imposti. Viene presentato un algoritmo euristico basato su Tabu Search appositamente ideato e progettato per la risoluzione del BTP. Vengono presentati gli esperimenti effettuati riguardo la messa appunto dei parametri dell'algoritmo su un insieme di problemi di benchmark. Vengono presentati risultati estesi riguardo le soluzioni dei problemi. Infine, vengono presentate considerazioni ed indicazioni di sviluppo futuro in materia.
The rate at which petroleum based plastics are being produced, used and thrown away is increasing every year because of an increase in the global population. Polyhydroxyalkanoates can represent a valid alternative to petroleum based plastics. They are biodegradable polymers that can be produced by some microorganisms as intracellular reserves. The actual problem is represented by the production cost of these bioplastics, which is still not competitive if compared to the one of petroleum based plastics. Mixed microbial cultures can be fed with substrates obtained from the acidogenic fermentation of carbon rich wastes, such as cheese whey, municipal effluents and various kinds of food wastes, that have a low or sometimes even inexisting cost and in this way wastes can be valorized instead of being discharged. The process consists of three phases: acidogenic fermentation in which the substrate is obtained, culture selection in which a PHA-storing culture is selected and enriched eliminating organisms that do not show this property and accumulation, in which the culture is fed until reaching the maximum storage capacity. In this work the possibility to make the process cheaper was explored trying to couple the selection and accumulation steps and a halotolerant culture collected from seawater was used and fed with an artificially salted synthetic substrated made of an aqueous solution containing a mixture of volatile fatty acids in order to explore also if its performance can allow to use it to treat substrates derived from saline effluents, as these streams cannot be treated properly by bacterias found in activated sludge plants due to inhibition caused by high salt concentrations. Generating and selling the produced PHAs obtained from these bacterias it could be possible to lower, nullify or even overcome the costs associated to the new section of a treating plant dedicated to saline effluents.
In the metal industry, and more specifically in the forging one, scrap material is a crucial issue and reducing it would be an important goal to reach. Not only would this help the companies to be more environmentally friendly and more sustainable, but it also would reduce the use of energy and lower costs. At the same time, the techniques for Industry 4.0 and the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in the field of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), may have an important role in helping to achieve this objective. This document presents the thesis work, a contribution to the SmartForge project, that was performed during a semester abroad at Karlstad University (Sweden). This project aims at solving the aforementioned problem with a business case of the company Bharat Forge Kilsta, located in Karlskoga (Sweden). The thesis work includes the design and later development of an event-driven architecture with microservices, to support the processing of data coming from sensors set up in the company's industrial plant, and eventually the implementation of an algorithm with DRL techniques to control the electrical power to use in it.
In recent years, global supply chains have increasingly suffered from reliability issues due to various external and difficult to-manage events. The following paper aims to build an integrated approach for the design of a Supply Chain under the risk of disruption and demand fluctuation. The study is divided in two parts: a mathematical optimization model, to identify the optimal design and assignments customer-facility, and a discrete-events simulation of the resulting network. The first one describes a model in which plant location decisions are influenced by variables such as distance to customers, investments needed to open plants and centralization phenomena that help contain the risk of demand variability (Risk Pooling). The entire model has been built with a proactive approach to manage the risk of disruptions assigning to each customer two types of open facilities: one that will serve it under normal conditions and a back-up facility, which comes into operation when the main facility has failed. The study is conducted on a relatively small number of instances due to the computational complexity, a matheuristic approach can be found in part A of the paper to evaluate the problem with a larger set of players. Once the network is built, a discrete events Supply Chain simulation (SCS) has been implemented to analyze the stock flow within the facilities warehouses, the actual impact of disruptions and the role of the back-up facilities which suffer a great stress on their inventory due to a large increase in demand caused by the disruptions. Therefore, simulation follows a reactive approach, in which customers are redistributed among facilities according to the interruptions that may occur in the system and to the assignments deriving from the design model. Lastly, the most important results of the study will be reported, analyzing the role of lead time in a reactive approach for the occurrence of disruptions and comparing the two models in terms of costs.