7 resultados para Computations Driven Systems
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Questo lavoro di tesi si focalizza sulla modellazione di sistemi software in grado far interagire piattaforme elettroniche differenti tra loro.
Ontology design and population -core aspects of semantic technologies- re- cently have become fields of great interest due to the increasing need of domain-specific knowledge bases that can boost the use of Semantic Web. For building such knowledge resources, the state of the art tools for ontology design require a lot of human work. Producing meaningful schemas and populating them with domain-specific data is in fact a very difficult and time-consuming task. Even more if the task consists in modelling knowledge at a web scale. The primary aim of this work is to investigate a novel and flexible method- ology for automatically learning ontology from textual data, lightening the human workload required for conceptualizing domain-specific knowledge and populating an extracted schema with real data, speeding up the whole ontology production process. Here computational linguistics plays a fundamental role, from automati- cally identifying facts from natural language and extracting frame of relations among recognized entities, to producing linked data with which extending existing knowledge bases or creating new ones. In the state of the art, automatic ontology learning systems are mainly based on plain-pipelined linguistics classifiers performing tasks such as Named Entity recognition, Entity resolution, Taxonomy and Relation extraction [11]. These approaches present some weaknesses, specially in capturing struc- tures through which the meaning of complex concepts is expressed [24]. Humans, in fact, tend to organize knowledge in well-defined patterns, which include participant entities and meaningful relations linking entities with each other. In literature, these structures have been called Semantic Frames by Fill- 6 Introduction more [20], or more recently as Knowledge Patterns [23]. Some NLP studies has recently shown the possibility of performing more accurate deep parsing with the ability of logically understanding the structure of discourse [7]. In this work, some of these technologies have been investigated and em- ployed to produce accurate ontology schemas. The long-term goal is to collect large amounts of semantically structured information from the web of crowds, through an automated process, in order to identify and investigate the cognitive patterns used by human to organize their knowledge.
Towards model driven software development for Arduino platforms: a DSL and automatic code generation
La tesi ha lo scopo di esplorare la produzione di sistemi software per Embedded Systems mediante l'utilizzo di tecniche relative al mondo del Model Driven Software Development. La fase più importante dello sviluppo sarà la definizione di un Meta-Modello che caratterizza i concetti fondamentali relativi agli embedded systems. Tale modello cercherà di astrarre dalla particolare piattaforma utilizzata ed individuare quali astrazioni caratterizzano il mondo degli embedded systems in generale. Tale meta-modello sarà quindi di tipo platform-independent. Per la generazione automatica di codice è stata adottata una piattaforma di riferimento, cioè Arduino. Arduino è un sistema embedded che si sta sempre più affermando perché coniuga un buon livello di performance ed un prezzo relativamente basso. Tale piattaforma permette lo sviluppo di sistemi special purpose che utilizzano sensori ed attuatori di vario genere, facilmente connessi ai pin messi a disposizione. Il meta-modello definito è un'istanza del meta-metamodello MOF, definito formalmente dall'organizzazione OMG. Questo permette allo sviluppatore di pensare ad un sistema sotto forma di modello, istanza del meta-modello definito. Un meta-modello può essere considerato anche come la sintassi astratta di un linguaggio, quindi può essere definito da un insieme di regole EBNF. La tecnologia utilizzata per la definizione del meta-modello è stata Xtext: un framework che permette la scrittura di regole EBNF e che genera automaticamente il modello Ecore associato al meta-modello definito. Ecore è l'implementazione di EMOF in ambiente Eclipse. Xtext genera inoltre dei plugin che permettono di avere un editor guidato dalla sintassi, definita nel meta-modello. La generazione automatica di codice è stata realizzata usando il linguaggio Xtend2. Tale linguaggio permette di esplorare l'Abstract Syntax Tree generato dalla traduzione del modello in Ecore e di generare tutti i file di codice necessari. Il codice generato fornisce praticamente tutta la schematic part dell'applicazione, mentre lascia all'application designer lo sviluppo della business logic. Dopo la definizione del meta-modello di un sistema embedded, il livello di astrazione è stato spostato più in alto, andando verso la definizione della parte di meta-modello relativa all'interazione di un sistema embedded con altri sistemi. Ci si è quindi spostati verso un ottica di Sistema, inteso come insieme di sistemi concentrati che interagiscono. Tale difinizione viene fatta dal punto di vista del sistema concentrato di cui si sta definendo il modello. Nella tesi viene inoltre introdotto un caso di studio che, anche se abbastanza semplice, fornisce un esempio ed un tutorial allo sviluppo di applicazioni mediante l'uso del meta-modello. Ci permette inoltre di notare come il compito dell'application designer diventi piuttosto semplice ed immediato, sempre se basato su una buona analisi del problema. I risultati ottenuti sono stati di buona qualità ed il meta-modello viene tradotto in codice che funziona correttamente.
Due to its practical importance and inherent complexity, the optimisation of distribution networks for supplying drinking water has been the subject of extensive study for the past 30 years. The optimization is governed by sizing the pipes in the water distribution network (WDN) and / or optimises specific parts of the network such as pumps, tanks etc. or try to analyse and optimise the reliability of a WDN. In this thesis, the author has analysed two different WDNs (Anytown City and Cabrera city networks), trying to solve and optimise a multi-objective optimisation problem (MOOP). The main two objectives in both cases were the minimisation of Energy Cost (€) or Energy consumption (kWh), along with the total Number of pump switches (TNps) during a day. For this purpose, a decision support system generator for Multi-objective optimisation used. Its name is GANetXL and has been developed by the Center of Water System in the University of Exeter. GANetXL, works by calling the EPANET hydraulic solver, each time a hydraulic analysis has been fulfilled. The main algorithm used, was a second-generation algorithm for multi-objective optimisation called NSGA_II that gave us the Pareto fronts of each configuration. The first experiment that has been carried out was the network of Anytown city. It is a big network with a pump station of four fixed speed parallel pumps that are boosting the water dynamics. The main intervention was to change these pumps to new Variable speed driven pumps (VSDPs), by installing inverters capable to diverse their velocity during the day. Hence, it’s been achieved great Energy and cost savings along with minimisation in the number of pump switches. The results of the research are thoroughly illustrated in chapter 7, with comments and a variety of graphs and different configurations. The second experiment was about the network of Cabrera city. The smaller WDN had a unique FS pump in the system. The problem was the same as far as the optimisation process was concerned, thus, the minimisation of the energy consumption and in parallel the minimisation of TNps. The same optimisation tool has been used (GANetXL).The main scope was to carry out several and different experiments regarding a vast variety of configurations, using different pump (but this time keeping the FS mode), different tank levels, different pipe diameters and different emitters coefficient. All these different modes came up with a large number of results that were compared in the chapter 8. Concluding, it should be said that the optimisation of WDNs is a very interested field that has a vast space of options to deal with. This includes a large number of algorithms to choose from, different techniques and configurations to be made and different support system generators. The researcher has to be ready to “roam” between these choices, till a satisfactory result will convince him/her that has reached a good optimisation point.
In recent years, there has been increasing attention to lighting energy efficiency, due to economics - lower energy costs - and environmental reasons - maninduced climate change. Driven by strict energy-efficiency requirements, the lighting industry started to replace the traditional lamps with LED lighting solutions, ignoring the limits of their maintenance and recycling. Faced with an increasing global population, rising resource consumption and associated negative environmental impacts, shifting from a traditional economic linear model to a more sustainable paradigm of growth is now becoming increasingly urgent. Whereas the topic of circular economy has been widely investigated in literature in the past, little attention has been reserved for the different evaluation tools to assess and improve product circularity and how companies can become more resource-efficient. Hence, the present thesis investigates the implementation of a circular economy in the lighting industry through the use of circularity indicators and ecodesign strategies. Concerning the real luminaire products, the role of the luminaire in the circular economy and recycling industry is explored, highlighting the limits of their End-of-life process. The main conclusions of the thesis reveal the significance of initial product development, reuse, remanufacturing and repair strategies in a transition towards a circular economy.
In this work an Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (UACDPR) that operates in the three dimensional Euclidean space is considered. The End-Effector has 6 degrees of freedom and is actuated by 4 cables, therefore from a mechanical point of view the robot is defined underconstrained. However, considering only three controlled pose variables, the degree of redundancy for the control theory can be considered one. The aim of this thesis is to design a feedback controller for a point-to-point motion that satisfies the transient requirements, and is capable of reducing oscillations that derive from the reduced number of constraints. A force control is chosen for the positioning of the End-Effector, and error with respect to the reference is computed through data measure of several sensors (load cells, encoders and inclinometers) such as cable lengths, tension and orientation of the platform. In order to express the relation between pose and cable tension, the inverse model is derived from the kinematic and dynamic model of the parallel robot. The intrinsic non-linear nature of UACDPRs systems introduces an additional level of complexity in the development of the controller, as a result the control law is composed by a partial feedback linearization, and damping injection to reduce orientation instability. The fourth cable allows to satisfy a further tension distribution constraint, ensuring positive tension during all the instants of motion. Then simulations with different initial conditions are presented in order to optimize control parameters, and lastly an experimental validation of the model is carried out, the results are analysed and limits of the presented approach are defined.
I sistemi decentralizzati hanno permesso agli utenti di condividere informazioni senza la presenza di un intermediario centralizzato che possiede la sovranità sui dati scambiati, rischi di sicurezza e la possibilità di colli di bottiglia. Tuttavia, sono rari i sistemi pratici per il recupero delle informazioni salvate su di essi che non includano una componente centralizzata. In questo lavoro di tesi viene presentato lo sviluppo di un'applicazione il cui scopo è quello di consentire agli utenti di caricare immagini in un'architettura totalmente decentralizzata, grazie ai Decentralized File Storage e alla successiva ricerca e recupero di tali oggetti attraverso una Distributed Hash Table (DHT) in cui sono memorizzati i necessari Content IDentifiers (CID).\\ L'obiettivo principale è stato quello di trovare una migliore allocazione delle immagini all'interno del DHT attraverso l'uso dell'International Standard Content Code (ISCC), ovvero uno standard ISO che, attraverso funzioni hash content-driven, locality-sensitive e similarity-preserving, assegna i CID IPFS delle immagini ai nodi del DHT in modo efficiente, per ridurre il più possibile i salti tra i nodi e recuperare immagini coerenti con la query eseguita. Verranno, poi, analizzati i risultati ottenuti dall'allocazione dei CID delle immagini nei nodi mettendo a confronto ISCC e hash crittografico SHA-256, per verificare se ISCC rappresenti meglio la somiglianza tra le immagini allocando le immagini simili in nodi vicini tra loro.