5 resultados para Childrens literature

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The purpose of this thesis is, on the one hand, to illustrate the peculiarities of children’s literature, fantasy fiction and their translation and, on the other hand, to propose a translation from English to Italian of some chapters of the e-book The Explorers’ Gate by American author Chris Grabenstein. The first chapters of this work offer an analysis of different critical studies on children’s literature and fantasy fiction and illustrate the characteristics of these two literary expressions. I will also discuss the different approaches to their translation in order to produce a translated text that is consistent with its literary genre and with translation theories. The third chapter is about the author and includes an interview on his idea of children’s literature and his opinions about translation. The second part of this thesis is represented by the actual translation of the e-book. Firstly, I will analyze the source text, dividing the analysis in extra-textual and intra- textual and focusing on sender, addressee, time and space, function of the text, plot, structure, narrator, style and language used by the author. I will also highlight those elements that probably would be challenging during the translation phase. Secondly, I will explain the macro-strategy that I adopted during the process of translation, which can be defined as child-oriented. In the last chapter I will highlight those passages that represented translation challenges and I will show how I tackled them.


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This thesis is a proposed translation of the picture book Flip Flap Safari, written by the German author Axel Scheffler and published in 2014. The translation is presented along with an analysis and a commentary in which I analyse and examine the main translation problems of this kind of literature. and I explain the reasons behind my solutions. The translation of a picture book is a creative challenge because it requires translator to use their linguistic and cultural skills together with their imagination and to evaluate the phonetic dimension of the source text and reproduce in the target language. In the first part of my thesis I will introduce an overview of children’s literature in Italy and I will then focus on Flip Flap Safari, analysing the text and providing biographical information about its author-illustrator Axel Scheffler. In the second part of my thesis I will present my translation of the book, which will be followed by a reflection about the main problems I had to face during the translation process.


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Abstract in italiano L’oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione dal portoghese all’italiano di un racconto della scrittrice brasiliana Zélia Gattai intitolato "Pipistrelo das mil cores". Il libro ha come fine quello di educare i più piccoli alla tutela della fauna e porre un freno alla crudeltà sugli animali. Questo progetto si divide in tre capitoli: nel primo vengono presentate l’autrice e l’opera, nel secondo la traduzione e, nell’ultimo, vengono commentate le scelte traduttive con particolare attenzione al tipo di pubblico cui il testo è rivolto. Sinopse em português O tema desta dissertação é uma proposta de tradução de português para italiano dum conto da literatura infantil brasileira cujo título é "Pipistrelo das mil cores" escrito por Zélia Gattai. O livro tem o fim de sensibilizar as crianças sobre a salvaguarda da fauna e de pôr fim aos maus tratos infligidos aos animais. Este estudo encontra-se dividido em três capítulos: no primeiro, é apresentada a autora e a obra, no segundo, a tradução e, no terceiro, analizam-se as opções tradutivas com especial atenção para o tipo de leitores aos quais o texto está endereçado. Abstract in English The aim of this dissertation is to translate a piece of Brazilian children’s literature published under the title of "Pipistrelo das mil cores" written by Zélia Gattai from Portuguese into Italian. The objective of the book is to raise awareness of wildlife conservation and of cruelty to animals. This study is divided into three chapters. The first one introduces the author and the book, the second one presents a translation proposal and the last one analyses the translating choices with particular attention to the target audience.


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This dissertation intends to present and analyse the translation from English into Italian of the first twenty-five chapters of Habibi, a teenager and young adult’s novel written by the Palestinian-American author Naomi Shihab Nye. It has been necessary to present the theoretical approach to the literary translation studies, in order to focus the attention on the translation problems and provide suitable solutions and strategies. The first chapter gives an historical perspective on children’s literature from the end of the Nineteenth century till today, distinguishing the Italian and the American contexts. The description of the evolution process of this literary genre, which developed to satisfy the needs of the educational system, is its central issue. At the end of the chapter, we outline the main traits characterizing children’s literature and the image of the ideal reader. The second chapter provides an overview on Palestinian literature, especially on the features of the contemporary novel and the Diaspora literature. Afterwards, we present the author Naomi Shihab Nye and the book Habibi. In the third chapter we analyze the novel, focusing the attention on the rhythm of the narration, on the linguistic registers and the textual peculiarities found during the reading stage, according to the features of the children’s literature. The fourth chapter consists of the translation of the first twenty-five chapters of the novel. The fifth chapter begins with a section about the translation theory, the literary translation studies, focusing on the translation of children’s literature. Finally, there is the translation analysis. Here we present the strategies and the choices of the translation process, along with some practical examples with reference to theoretical studies. Special attention is paid to culture-specific items, lexicon and syntax.The source text can be found in appendix.


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This thesis focuses on the translation of six picture books that challenge and subvert – each one in its peculiar way – typical stereotypes found in Children’s Literature. I think that stereotyping is an all-important theme in picture books because these books are the ones that will introduce children to literature and young readers have the right to find in it every kind of model. Showing children a variety of characters that reflects the multiple forms of reality will allow them to choose which kind of person to be. In my opinion, this freedom is much needed especially here, in Italy, in this moment of history. This work also studies the stereotypes that have appeared – and are still present, to some extent – in Children’s Literature, the ways in which they are dangerous for young readers, and how they have changed over time. I centered my research on three major themes that have been subject to stereotyping: race, disability and gender. I searched for the right books to translate paying attention not only to the themes they focused on but also to how they dealt with such themes, the tone of each picture book and, obviously, its quality. The selection resulting from my research reflects a diverse world and a celebration of difference. Before actually translating them, I engaged in a deep analysis of their structures, themes and meanings, so that I would be able to enter the ‘world’ of the book and to understand its ‘secrets’ better. This analysis proved to be fundamental during the translation phase and allowed me to make conscious translation choices that I have explored in the part dedicated to the commentary of the translation.