em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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ABSTRACT (italiano) Con crescente attenzione riguardo al problema della sicurezza di ponti e viadotti esistenti nei Paesi Bassi, lo scopo della presente tesi è quello di studiare, mediante la modellazione con Elementi Finiti ed il continuo confronto con risultati sperimentali, la risposta in esercizio di elementi che compongono infrastrutture del genere, ovvero lastre in calcestruzzo armato sollecitate da carichi concentrati. Tali elementi sono caratterizzati da un comportamento ed una crisi per taglio, la cui modellazione è, da un punto di vista computazionale, una sfida piuttosto ardua, a causa del loro comportamento fragile combinato a vari effetti tridimensionali. La tesi è incentrata sull'utilizzo della Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), un metodo di soluzione agli Elementi Finiti alternativo rispetto ai classici approcci incrementali e iterativi. Il vantaggio della SLA è quello di evitare i ben noti problemi di convergenza tipici delle analisi non lineari, specificando direttamente l'incremento di danno sull'elemento finito, attraverso la riduzione di rigidezze e resistenze nel particolare elemento finito, invece dell'incremento di carico o di spostamento. Il confronto tra i risultati di due prove di laboratorio su lastre in calcestruzzo armato e quelli della SLA ha dimostrato in entrambi i casi la robustezza del metodo, in termini di accuratezza dei diagrammi carico-spostamento, di distribuzione di tensioni e deformazioni e di rappresentazione del quadro fessurativo e dei meccanismi di crisi per taglio. Diverse variazioni dei più importanti parametri del modello sono state eseguite, evidenziando la forte incidenza sulle soluzioni dell'energia di frattura e del modello scelto per la riduzione del modulo elastico trasversale. Infine è stato effettuato un paragone tra la SLA ed il metodo non lineare di Newton-Raphson, il quale mostra la maggiore affidabilità della SLA nella valutazione di carichi e spostamenti ultimi insieme ad una significativa riduzione dei tempi computazionali. ABSTRACT (english) With increasing attention to the assessment of safety in existing dutch bridges and viaducts, the aim of the present thesis is to study, through the Finite Element modeling method and the continuous comparison with experimental results, the real response of elements that compose these infrastructures, i.e. reinforced concrete slabs subjected to concentrated loads. These elements are characterized by shear behavior and crisis, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challenge, due to their brittle behavior combined with various 3D effects. The thesis is focused on the use of Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative solution technique to classical non linear Finite Element analyses that are based on incremental and iterative approaches. The advantage of SLA is to avoid the well-known convergence problems of non linear analyses by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of a reduction of stiffness and strength in the particular finite element, instead of a load or displacement increment. The comparison between the results of two laboratory tests on reinforced concrete slabs and those obtained by SLA has shown in both the cases the robustness of the method, in terms of accuracy of load-displacements diagrams, of the distribution of stress and strain and of the representation of the cracking pattern and of the shear failure mechanisms. Different variations of the most important parameters have been performed, pointing out the strong incidence on the solutions of the fracture energy and of the chosen shear retention model. At last a confrontation between SLA and the non linear Newton-Raphson method has been executed, showing the better reliability of the SLA in the evaluation of the ultimate loads and displacements, together with a significant reduction of computational times.


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Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) colloidal particles form crystal phases that show a thermosensitive behaviour and can be used as atomic model systems. This polymer has both hydrophilic and hydrophobic character and has interesting stimuli-responsive properties in aqueous solution, of which the most important is the temperature response. Above a certain temperature, called Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST), the system undergoes a volume phase transition (VPT). Above the LCST, the water is expelled from the polymer network and the swollen state at low temperature transforms into a shrunken state at high temperature. The thermoresponsive behaviour of PNIPAM can be influenced by pH and ionic strength, as well as by the presence of copolymers, such as acrylic acid. In a system formed both by particles of PNIPAM and PNIPAM doped with acrylic acid, one can control the size ratio of the two components by changing the temperature of the mixture, while keeping particle interactions relatively the same. It is therefore possible to obtain thermoresponsive colloidal crystal in which temperature changes induce defects whose formation processes and dynamics can be analysed in an optical microscope at a convenient spatial and temporal scale. The goal of this thesis project was to find the conditions in which such a system could be formed, by using characterization techniques such as Static Light Scattering, Dynamic Light Scattering and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Two PNIPAM-AAc systems were available, and after characterization it was possible to select a suitable one, on the basis of its low polydispersity and the lack of a VPT, regardless of the external conditions (system JPN_7). The synthesis of a PNIPAM system was attempted, with particles of dimensions matching the JPN_7 system and, unlike JPN_7, displaying a VPT, and one suitable candidate for the mixed system was finally found (system CB_5). The best conditions to obtain thermoresponsive crystal were selected, and the formation and healing of defects were investigated with CLSM temperature scans. The obtained results show that the approach is the correct one and that the present report could represent a useful start for future developments in defect analysis and defect dynamics studies.


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English: The assessment of safety in existing bridges and viaducts led the Ministry of Public Works of the Netherlands to finance a specific campaing aimed at the study of the response of the elements of these infrastructures. Therefore, this activity is focused on the investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs under concentrated loads, adopting finite element modeling and comparison with experimental results. These elements are characterized by shear behaviour and crisi, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challeng, due to the brittle behavior combined with three-dimensional effects. The numerical modeling of the failure is studied through Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative Finite Element method, with respect to traditional incremental and iterative approaches. The comparison between the two different numerical techniques represents one of the first works and comparisons in a three-dimensional environment. It's carried out adopting one of the experimental test executed on reinforced concrete slabs as well. The advantage of the SLA is to avoid the well known problems of convergence of typical non-linear analysis, by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of reduction of stiffness and resistance in particular finite element, instead of load or displacement increasing on the whole structure . For the first time, particular attention has been paid to specific aspects of the slabs, like an accurate constraints modeling and sensitivity of the solution with respect to the mesh density. This detailed analysis with respect to the main parameters proofed a strong influence of the tensile fracture energy, mesh density and chosen model on the solution in terms of force-displacement diagram, distribution of the crack patterns and shear failure mode. The SLA showed a great potential, but it requires a further developments for what regards two aspects of modeling: load conditions (constant and proportional loads) and softening behaviour of brittle materials (like concrete) in the three-dimensional field, in order to widen its horizons in these new contexts of study.


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The recent availability of multi-wavelength data revealed the presence of large reservoirs of warm and cold gas and dust in the innermost regions of the majority of massive elliptical galaxies. To prove an internal origin of cold and warm gas, the investigation of the spatially distributed cooling process which occurs because of non-linear density perturbations and subsequent thermal instabilities is of crucial importance. The first goal of this work of thesis is to investigate the internal origin of warm and cold phases. Numerical simulations are the powerful tool of analysis. The way in which a spatially distributed cooling process originates has been examined and the off-centre amount of gas mass which cools when different and differently characterized AGN feedback mechanisms operate has been quantified. This thesis demonstrates that the aforementioned non-linear density perturbations originate and develop from AGN feedback mechanisms in a natural fashion. An internal origin of the warm phase from the once hot gas is shown to be possible. Computed velocity dispersions of ionized and hot gas are similar. The cold gas as well can originate from the cooling process: indeed, it has been estimated that the surrounding stellar radiation, which is one of the most feasible sources of ionization of the warm gas, does not manage to keep ionized all the gas at 10^4 K. Therefore, cooled gas does undergo a further cooling which can lead the warm phase to lower temperatures. However, the gas which has cooled from the hot phase is expected to be dustless; nonetheless, a large fraction of early type galaxies has detectable dust in their cores, both concentrated in filamentary and disky structures and spread over larger regions. Therefore a regularly rotating disk of cold and dusty gas has been included in the simulations. A new quantitative investigation of the spatially distributed cooling process has therefore been essential: the contribution of the included amount of dust which is embedded in the cold gas does have a role in promoting and enhancing the cooling. The fate of dust which was at first embedded in cold gas has been investigated. The role of AGN feedback mechanisms in dragging (if able) cold and dusty gas from the core of massive ellipticals up to large radii has been studied.