2 resultados para Art, Aboriginal Australian -- 20th century
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The job of a historian is to understand what happened in the past, resorting in many cases to written documents as a firsthand source of information. Text, however, does not amount to the only source of knowledge. Pictorial representations, in fact, have also accompanied the main events of the historical timeline. In particular, the opportunity of visually representing circumstances has bloomed since the invention of photography, with the possibility of capturing in real-time the occurrence of a specific events. Thanks to the widespread use of digital technologies (e.g. smartphones and digital cameras), networking capabilities and consequent availability of multimedia content, the academic and industrial research communities have developed artificial intelligence (AI) paradigms with the aim of inferring, transferring and creating new layers of information from images, videos, etc. Now, while AI communities are devoting much of their attention to analyze digital images, from an historical research standpoint more interesting results may be obtained analyzing analog images representing the pre-digital era. Within the aforementioned scenario, the aim of this work is to analyze a collection of analog documentary photographs, building upon state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. In particular, the analysis carried out in this thesis aims at producing two following results: (a) produce the date of an image, and, (b) recognizing its background socio-cultural context,as defined by a group of historical-sociological researchers. Given these premises, the contribution of this work amounts to: (i) the introduction of an historical dataset including images of “Family Album” among all the twentieth century, (ii) the introduction of a new classification task regarding the identification of the socio-cultural context of an image, (iii) the exploitation of different deep learning architectures to perform the image dating and the image socio-cultural context classification.
Without a doubt, one of the biggest changes that affected XXth century art is the introduction of words into paintings and, in more recent years, in installations. For centuries, if words were part of a visual composition, they functioned as reference; strictly speaking, they were used as a guideline for a better perception of the subject represented. With the developments of the XXth century, words became a very important part of the visual composition, and sometimes embodied the composition itself. About this topic, American art critic and collector Russell Bowman wrote an interesting article called Words and images: A persistent paradox, in which he examines the American and the European art of the XXth century in almost its entirety, dividing it up in six “categories of intention”. The aforementioned categories are not based on the art history timeline, but on the role that language played for specific artists or movements. Taking inspiration from Bowman's article, this paper is structured in three chapters, respectively: words in juxtaposition and free association, words as means of exploration of language structures, and words as means for political and personal messages. The purpose of this paper is therefore to reflect on the role of language in contemporary art and on the way it has changed from artist to artist.