2 resultados para Apolipoprotein C-III

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the modern society, light is mostly powered by electricity which lead to a significant increase of the global energy consumption. In order to reduce it, different kinds of electric lamps have been developed over the years; it is now accepted that phosphorescence-based OLEDs offer many advantages over existing light technologies. Iridium complexes are considered excellent candidates for bright materials by virtue of the possibility to easily tune the wavelength of the emitted radiation, by appropriate modifications of the nature of the ligands. It is important to note that the synthesis of Ir(III) blue-emitting complexes is a very challenging goal, because of wide HOMO-LUMO gaps needed for produce a deep blue emission. During my thesis I planned the synthesis of two different series of new Ir(III) heteroleptic complexes, the C and the N series, using cyclometalating ligands containing an increasing number of nitrogens in inverse and regular position. I successfully performed in the synthesis of the required four ligands, i.e. 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1H-imidazole (2), 4-phenyl-1-methyl-1,2,3-triazole (3), 1-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole (6) and 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole (7), that differ in the number of nitrogens present in the heterocyclic ring and in the position of the phenyl ring. Therefore the cyclometalation of the obtained ligands to get the corresponding Ir(III)-complexes was attempted. I succeeded in the synthesis of two Ir(III)-complexes of the C series, and I carried out various attempts to set up the appropriate reaction conditions to get the remaining desired derivatives. The work is still in progress, and once all the desired complexes will be synthesized and characterized, a correlation between their structure and their emitting properties could be formulated analysing and comparing the photophysical data of the real compounds.


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In questo lavoro di tesi sperimentale si è sintetizzata e caratterizzata la prima classe di complessi tetrazolici di Ir(III) anionici con formula generale [Ir(C^N)2(L)2]-, in cui oltre ai leganti ciclometallanti ”C^N” quali 2-fenilpiridinato (ppy) o 2-(2,4-difluorofenil)piridinato (F2ppy), sono stati introdotti due anioni tetrazolato (L) come il 5-fenil tetrazolato (Tph) oppure 5-(4-cianofenil) tetrazolato (TphCN). I complessi di Ir(III) anionici ottenuti si sono mostrati intensamente fosforescenti, con emissioni centrate nella regione del blu o del verde (460 < λmax<520 nm). I derivati anionici sono stati poi combinati con complessi Ir(III) tetrazolici cationici in grado di fornire emissione nella regione del rosso (λmax > 650 nm), formando così i primi esempi di coppie ioniche (“soft salts”) a matrice puramente tetrazolica. In tutti i casi si è osservato come il colore emesso da parte dei soft salts sia il risultato di una vera propria sintesi additiva delle emissioni derivanti da componenti ioniche con proprietà fotoemittive differenti. La sostanziale assenza di fenomeni di energy o electron transfer tra la componente anionica e cationica e il giusto bilancio tra le emissioni blu o verdi e rosse si sono tradotte, in taluni casi, nell’ottenimento di luce bianca, con la possibilità di variare ulteriormente i colori emessi in seguito all’allontanamento dell’ossigeno molecolare disciolto nelle soluzioni dei soft salts stessi.