4 resultados para Alternative system
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
La necessità di sincronizzare i propri dati si presenta in una moltitudine di situazioni, infatti il numero di dispositivi informatici a nostra disposizione è in continua crescita e, all' aumentare del loro numero, cresce l' esigenza di mantenere aggiornate le multiple copie dei dati in essi memorizzati. Vi sono diversi fattori che complicano tale situazione, tra questi la varietà sempre maggiore dei sistemi operativi utilizzati nei diversi dispositivi, si parla di Microsoft Windows, delle tante distribuzioni Linux, di Mac OS X, di Solaris o di altri sistemi operativi UNIX, senza contare i sistemi operativi più orientati al settore mobile come Android. Ogni sistema operativo ha inoltre un modo particolare di gestire i dati, si pensi alla differente gestione dei permessi dei file o alla sensibilità alle maiuscole. Bisogna anche considerare che se gli aggiornamenti dei dati avvenissero soltanto su di uno di questi dispositivi sarebbe richiesta una semplice copia dei dati aggiornati sugli altri dispositivi, ma che non è sempre possibile utilizzare tale approccio. Infatti i dati vengono spesso aggiornati in maniera indipendente in più di un dispositivo, magari nello stesso momento, è pertanto necessario che le applicazioni che si occupano di sincronizzare tali dati riconoscano le situazioni di conflitto, nelle quali gli stessi dati sono stati aggiornati in più di una copia ed in maniera differente, e permettano di risolverle, uniformando lo stato delle repliche. Considerando l' importanza e il valore che possono avere i dati, sia a livello lavorativo che personale, è necessario che tali applicazioni possano garantirne la sicurezza, evitando in ogni caso un loro danneggiamento, perchè sempre più spesso il valore di un dispositivo dipende più dai dati in esso contenuti che dal costo dello hardware. In questa tesi verranno illustrate alcune idee alternative su come possa aver luogo la condivisione e la sincronizzazione di dati tra sistemi operativi diversi, sia nel caso in cui siano installati nello stesso dispositivo che tra dispositivi differenti. La prima parte della tesi descriverà nel dettaglio l' applicativo Unison. Tale applicazione, consente di mantenere sincronizzate tra di loro repliche dei dati, memorizzate in diversi dispositivi che possono anche eseguire sistemi operativi differenti. Unison funziona a livello utente, analizzando separatamente lo stato delle repliche al momento dell' esecuzione, senza cioè mantenere traccia delle operazioni che sono state effettuate sui dati per modificarli dal loro stato precedente a quello attuale. Unison permette la sincronizzazione anche quando i dati siano stati modificati in maniera indipendente su più di un dispositivo, occupandosi di risolvere gli eventuali conflitti che possono verificarsi rispettando la volontà dell' utente. Verranno messe in evidenza le strategie utilizzate dai suoi ideatori per garantire la sicurezza dei dati ad esso affidati e come queste abbiano effetto nelle più diverse condizioni. Verrà poi fornita un' analisi dettagiata di come possa essere utilizzata l' applicazione, fornendo una descrizione accurata delle funzionalità e vari esempi per renderne più chiaro il funzionamento. Nella seconda parte della tesi si descriverà invece come condividere file system tra sistemi operativi diversi all' interno della stessa macchina, si tratta di un approccio diametralmente opposto al precedente, in cui al posto di avere una singola copia dei dati, si manteneva una replica per ogni dispositivo coinvolto. Concentrando l' attenzione sui sistemi operativi Linux e Microsoft Windows verranno descritti approfonditamente gli strumenti utilizzati e illustrate le caratteristiche tecniche sottostanti.
Hybrid vehicles represent the future for automakers, since they allow to improve the fuel economy and to reduce the pollutant emissions. A key component of the hybrid powertrain is the Energy Storage System, that determines the ability of the vehicle to store and reuse energy. Though electrified Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on batteries and ultracapacitors, are a proven technology, Alternative Energy Storage Systems (AESS), based on mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, are gaining interest because they give the possibility of realizing low-cost mild-hybrid vehicles. Currently, most literature of design methodologies focuses on electric ESS, which are not suitable for AESS design. In this contest, The Ohio State University has developed an Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology. This work focuses on the development of driving cycle analysis methodology that is a key component of Alternative Energy Storage System design procedure. The proposed methodology is based on a statistical approach to analyzing driving schedules that represent the vehicle typical use. Driving data are broken up into power events sequence, namely traction and braking events, and for each of them, energy-related and dynamic metrics are calculated. By means of a clustering process and statistical synthesis methods, statistically-relevant metrics are determined. These metrics define cycle representative braking events. By using these events as inputs for the Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology, different system designs are obtained. Each of them is characterized by attributes, namely system volume and weight. In the last part the work, the designs are evaluated in simulation by introducing and calculating a metric related to the energy conversion efficiency. Finally, the designs are compared accounting for attributes and efficiency values. In order to automate the driving data extraction and synthesis process, a specific script Matlab based has been developed. Results show that the driving cycle analysis methodology, based on the statistical approach, allows to extract and synthesize cycle representative data. The designs based on cycle statistically-relevant metrics are properly sized and have satisfying efficiency values with respect to the expectations. An exception is the design based on the cycle worst-case scenario, corresponding to same approach adopted by the conventional electric ESS design methodologies. In this case, a heavy system with poor efficiency is produced. The proposed new methodology seems to be a valid and consistent support for Alternative Energy Storage System design.
One of the most serious problems of the modern medicine is the growing emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria. In this circumstance, different and innovative approaches for treating infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria are imperatively required. Bacteriophage Therapy is one among the fascinating approaches to be taken into account. This consists of the use of bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, in order to defeat specific bacterial pathogens. Phage therapy is not an innovative idea, indeed, it was widely used around the world in the 1930s and 1940s, in order to treat various infection diseases, and it is still used in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Western scientists mostly lost interest in further use and study of phage therapy and abandoned it after the discovery and the spread of antibiotics. The advancement of scientific knowledge of the last years, together with the encouraging results from recent animal studies using phages to treat bacterial infections, and above all the urgent need for novel and effective antimicrobials, have given a prompt for additional rigorous researches in this field. In particular, in the laboratory of synthetic biology of the department of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick, a novel approach was adopted, starting from the original concept of phage therapy, in order to study a concrete alternative to antibiotics. The innovative idea of the project consists in the development of experimental methodologies, which allow to engineer a programmable synthetic phage system using a combination of directed evolution, automation and microfluidics. The main aim is to make “the therapeutics of tomorrow individualized, specific, and self-regulated” (Jaramillo, 2015). In this context, one of the most important key points is the Bacteriophage Quantification. Therefore, in this research work, a mathematical model describing complex dynamics occurring in biological systems involving continuous growth of bacteriophages, modulated by the performance of the host organisms, was implemented as algorithms into a working software using MATLAB. The developed program is able to predict different unknown concentrations of phages much faster than the classical overnight Plaque Assay. What is more, it gives a meaning and an explanation to the obtained data, making inference about the parameter set of the model, that are representative of the bacteriophage-host interaction.
The first goal of this study is to analyse a real-world multiproduct onshore pipeline system in order to verify its hydraulic configuration and operational feasibility by constructing a simulation model step by step from its elementary building blocks that permits to copy the operation of the real system as precisely as possible. The second goal is to develop this simulation model into a user-friendly tool that one could use to find an “optimal” or “best” product batch schedule for a one year time period. Such a batch schedule could change dynamically as perturbations occur during operation that influence the behaviour of the entire system. The result of the simulation, the ‘best’ batch schedule is the one that minimizes the operational costs in the system. The costs involved in the simulation are inventory costs, interface costs, pumping costs, and penalty costs assigned to any unforeseen situations. The key factor to determine the performance of the simulation model is the way time is represented. In our model an event based discrete time representation is selected as most appropriate for our purposes. This means that the time horizon is divided into intervals of unequal lengths based on events that change the state of the system. These events are the arrival/departure of the tanker ships, the openings and closures of loading/unloading valves of storage tanks at both terminals, and the arrivals/departures of trains/trucks at the Delivery Terminal. In the feasibility study we analyse the system’s operational performance with different Head Terminal storage capacity configurations. For these alternative configurations we evaluated the effect of different tanker ship delay magnitudes on the number of critical events and product interfaces generated, on the duration of pipeline stoppages, the satisfaction of the product demand and on the operative costs. Based on the results and the bottlenecks identified, we propose modifications in the original setup.