12 resultados para Airport buildings.

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Negli ultimi anni la ricerca ha fatto grandi passi avanti riguardo ai metodi di progetto e realizzazione delle strutture portanti degli edifici, a tal punto da renderle fortemente sicure sotto tutti i punti di vista. La nuova frontiera della ricerca sta quindi virando su aspetti che non erano mai stati in primo piano finora: gli elementi non-strutturali. Considerati fino ad oggi semplicemente carico accessorio, ci si rende sempre più conto della loro capacità di influire sui comportamenti delle strutture e sulla sicurezza di chi le occupa. Da qui nasce l’esigenza di questo grande progetto chiamato BNCs (Building Non-structural Component System), ideato dall’Università della California - San Diego e sponsorizzato dalle maggiori industrie impegnate nel campo delle costruzioni. Questo progetto, a cui ho preso parte, ha effettuato test su tavola vibrante di un edificio di cinque piani in scala reale, completamente arredato ed allestito dei più svariati elementi non-strutturali. Lo scopo della tesi in questione, ovviamente, riguarda l’identificazione strutturale e la verifica della sicurezza di uno di questi elementi non-strutturali: precisamente la torre di raffreddamento posta sul tetto dell’edificio (del peso di circa 3 tonnellate). Partendo da una verifica delle regole e calcoli di progetto, si è passato ad una fase di test sismici ed ispezioni post-test della torre stessa, infine tramite l’analisi dei dati raccolti durante i test e si è arrivati alla stesura di conclusioni.


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Urban systems consist of several interlinked sub-systems - social, economic, institutional and environmental – each representing a complex system of its own and affecting all the others at various structural and functional levels. An urban system is represented by a number of “human” agents, such as individuals and households, and “non-human” agents, such as buildings, establishments, transports, vehicles and infrastructures. These two categories of agents interact among them and simultaneously produce impact on the system they interact with. Try to understand the type of interactions, their spatial and temporal localisation to allow a very detailed simulation trough models, turn out to be a great effort and is the topic this research deals with. An analysis of urban system complexity is here presented and a state of the art review about the field of urban models is provided. Finally, six international models - MATSim, MobiSim, ANTONIN, TRANSIMS, UrbanSim, ILUTE - are illustrated and then compared.


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La presente tesi tratta il comportamento meccanico delle fasce di piano in muratura composite. Con tale termine ci si riferisce alle fasce di piano che hanno al di sotto un elemento portante in conglomerato cementizio armato, come ad esempio cordoli o solai. Assieme ai maschi murari, le fasce di piano costituiscono gli elementi portanti di una parete in muratura. Tuttavia, in caso di analisi sismica di un edificio in muratura, l’effetto fornito da tali elementi è trascurato e si considera solamente il contributo dei maschi murari. Ciò è dovuto anche alla scarsa conoscenza che ancora oggi si possiede sul loro comportamento meccanico. Per questo motivo diversi gruppi di ricerca tutt’ora sono impegnati in tale studio. In particolare, il lavoro di questa tesi, s’inserisce nel più ampio progetto di ricerca condotto dalla professoressa Katrin Beyer, direttrice del Laboratorio di Ingegneria Sismica e Dinamica Strutturale del Politecnico di Losanna (Svizzera).


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In this dissertation the influence of a precast concrete cladding system on structural robustness of a multi-storey steel-composite building is studied. The analysis follows the well-established framework developed at Imperial College London for the appraisal of robustness of multi-storey buildings. For this scope a simplified nonlinear model of a typical precast concrete façade-system is developed. Particular attention is given to the connection system between structural frame and panel, recognised as the driving component of the nonlinear behaviour of the façade-system. Only connections involved in the gravity load path are evaluated (bearing connections). Together with standard connection, a newly proposed system (Slotted Bearing Connection) is designed to achieve a more ductile behaviour of the panel-connection system. A parametric study involving the dimensions of panel-connection components is developed to search for an optimal configuration of the bearing connection. From the appraisal of structural robustness of the panelised frame it is found that the standard connection systems may reduce the robustness of a multi-storey frame due to a poor ductile behaviour while the newly proposed connection is able to guarantee an enhanced response to the panelised multi-storey frame thanks to a higher ductility.


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With the outlook of improving seismic vulnerability assessment for the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the global dynamic behaviour of four nine-storey r.c. large-panel buildings in elastic regime is studied. The four buildings were built during the Soviet era within a serial production system. Since they all belong to the same series, they have very similar geometries both in plan and in height. Firstly, ambient vibration measurements are performed in the four buildings. The data analysis composed of discrete Fourier transform, modal analysis (frequency domain decomposition) and deconvolution interferometry, yields the modal characteristics and an estimate of the linear impulse response function for the structures of the four buildings. Then, finite element models are set up for all four buildings and the results of the numerical modal analysis are compared with the experimental ones. The numerical models are finally calibrated considering the first three global modes and their results match the experimental ones with an error of less then 20%.


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The main goal of this thesis is to report patterns of perceived safety in the context of airport infrastructure, taking the airport of Bologna as reference. Many personal and environmental attributes are investigated to paint the profile of the sensitive passenger and to understand why precise factors of the transit environment are so impactful on the individual. The main analyses are based on a 2014-2015 passengers’ survey, involving almost six thousand of incoming and outgoing passengers. Other reports are used to implement and support the resource. The analysis is carried out by using a combination of Chi-square tests and binary logistic regressions. Findings shows that passengers result to be particularly affected by the perception of airport’s environment (e.g., state and maintenance of facilities, clarity and efficacy of information system, functionality of elevators and escalators), but also by the way how the passenger reaches the airport and the quality of security checks. In relation to such results, several suggestions are provided for the improvement of passenger satisfaction with safety. The attention is then focused on security checkpoints and related operations, described on a theoretical and technical ground. We present an example of how to realize a proper model of the security checks area of Bologna’s airport, with the aim to assess present performances of the system and consequences of potential variations. After a brief introduction to Arena, a widespread simulation software, the existing model is described, pointing out flaws and limitations. Such model is finally updated and changed in order to make it more reliable and more representative of the reality. Different scenarios are tested and results are compared using graphs and tables.


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The representation of the thermal behaviour of the building is achieved through a relatively simple dynamic model that takes into account the effects due to the thermal mass of the building components. The model of a intra-floor apartment has been built in the Matlab-Simulink environment and considers the heat transmission through the external envelope, wall and windows, the internal thermal masses, (i.e. furniture, internal wall and floor slabs) and the sun gain due to opaque and see-through surfaces of the external envelope. The simulations results for the entire year have been compared and the model validated, with the one obtained with the dynamic building simulation software Energyplus.


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This thesis studies the static and seismic behavior of simple structures made with gabion box walls. The analysis was performed considering a one-story building with standard dimensions in plan (6m x 5m) and a lightweight timber roof. The main focus of the present investigation is to find the principals aspects of the seismic behavior of a one story building made with gabion box walls, in order to prevent a failure due to seismic actions and in this way help to reduce the seismic risk of developing countries where this natural disaster have a significant intensity. Regarding the gabion box wall, it has been performed some calculations and analysis in order to understand the static and dynamic behavior. From the static point of view, it has been performed a verification of the normal stress computing the normal stress that arrives at the base of the gabion wall and the corresponding capacity of the ground. Moreover, regarding the seismic analysis, it has been studied the in-plane and out-of-plane behavior. The most critical aspect was discovered to be the out-of-plane behavior, for which have been developed models considering the “rigid- no tension model” for masonry, finding a kinematically admissible multiplier that will create a collapse mechanism for the structure. Furthermore, it has been performed a FEM and DEM models to find the maximum displacement at the center of the wall, maximum tension stresses needed for calculating the steel connectors for joining consecutive gabions and the dimensions (length of the wall and distance between orthogonal walls or buttresses) of a geometrical configuration for the standard modulus of the structure, in order to ensure an adequate safety margin for earthquakes with a PGA around 0.4-0.5g. Using the results obtained before, it has been created some rules of thumb, that have to be satisfy in order to ensure a good behavior of these structure.


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Building Information Modelling is changing the design and construction field ever since it entered the market. It took just some time to show its capabilities, it takes some time to be mastered before it could be used expressing all its best features. Since it was conceived to be adopted from the earliest stage of design to get the maximum from the decisional project, it still struggles to adapt to existing buildings. In fact, there is a branch of this methodology that is dedicated to what has been already made that is called Historic BIM or HBIM. This study aims to make clear what are BIM and HBIM, both from a theoretical point of view and in practice, applying from scratch the state of the art to a case study. It had been chosen the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a marvellous building with a thousand years of history in its bricks, that suffered violent earthquakes, but it is still standing. By means of this example, it will be shown which are the limits that could be encountered when applying BIM methodology to existing heritage, moreover will be pointed out all the new features that a simple 2D design could not achieve.


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The aim of this thesis is to use the developments, advantages and applications of "Building Information Modelling" (BIM) with emphasis on the discipline of structural design for steel building located in Perugia. BIM was mainly considered as a new way of planning, constructing and operating buildings or infrastructures. It has been found to offer greater opportunities for increased efficiency, optimization of resources and generally better management throughout the life cycle of a facility. BIM increases the digitalization of processes and offers integrated and collaborative technologies for design, construction and operation. To understand BIM and its benefits, one must consider all phases of a project. Higher initial design costs often lead to lower construction and operation costs. Creating data-rich digital models helps to better predict and coordinate the construction phases and operation of a building. One of the main limitations identified in the implementation of BIM is the lack of knowledge and qualified professionals. Certain disciplines such as structural and mechanical design depend on whether the main contractor, owner, general contractor or architect need to use or apply BIM to their projects. The existence of a supporting or mandatory BIM guideline may then eventually lead to its adoption. To test the potential of the BIM adoption in the steel design process, some models were developed taking advantage of a largely diffuse authoring software (Autodesk Revit), to produce construction drawings and also material schedule that were needed in order to estimate quantities and features of a real steel building. Once the model has been built the whole process has been analyzed and then compared with the traditional design process of steel structure. Many relevant aspect in term of clearness and also in time spent were shown and lead to final conclusions about the benefits from BIM methodology.


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With the development of new technologies, Air Traffic Control, in the nearby of the airport, switched from a purely visual control to the use of radar, sensors and so on. As the industry is switching to the so-called Industry 4.0, also in this frame, it would be possible to implement some of the new tools that can facilitate the work of Air Traffic Controllers. The European Union proposed an innovative project to help the digitalization of the European Sky by means of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) program, which is the foundation on which the Single European Sky (SES) is based, in order to improve the already existing technologies to transform Air Traffic Management in Europe. Within this frame, the Resilient Synthetic Vision for Advanced Control Tower Air Navigation Service Provision (RETINA) project, which saw the light in 2016, studied the possibility to apply new tools within the conventional control tower to reduce the air traffic controller workload, thanks to the improvements in the augmented reality technologies. After the validation of RETINA, the Digital Technologies for Tower (DTT) project was established and the solution proposed by the University of Bologna aimed, among other things, to introduce Safety Nets in a Head-Up visualization. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the Safety Nets in use within the control tower and, by developing a working concept, implement them in a Head-Up view to be tested by Air Traffic Control Operators (ATCOs). The results, coming from the technical test, show that this concept is working and it could be leading to a future implementation in a real environment, as it improves the air traffic controller working conditions also when low visibility conditions apply.