6 resultados para ACIDIFICATION

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Since the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed around one third of the anthropogenic CO2, which induced a profound alteration of the carbonate system commonly known as ocean acidification. Since the preindustrial times, the average ocean surface water pH has fallen by 0.1 units, from approximately 8.2 to 8.1 and a further decrease of 0.4 pH units is expected for the end of the century. Despite their microscopic size, marine diatoms are bio-geo-chemically a very important group, responsible for the export of massive amount of carbon to deep waters and sediments. The knowledge of the potential effects of ocean acidification on the phytoplankton growth and on biological pump is still at its infancy. This study wants to investigate the effect of ocean acidification on the growth of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi and on its aggregation, using a mechanistic approach. The experiment consisted of two treatments (Present and Future) representing different pCO2 conditions and two sequential experimental phases. During the cell growth phase a culture of S. marinoi was inoculated into transparent bags and the effect of ocean acidification was studied on various growth parameters, including DOC and TEP production. The aggregation phase consisted in the incubation of the cultures into rolling tanks where the sinking of particles through the water column was simulated and aggregation promoted. Since few studies investigated the effect of pH on the growth of S. marinoi and none used pH ranges that are compatible with the OA scenarios, there were no baselines. I have shown here, that OA does not affect the cell growth of S. marinoi, suggesting that the physiology of this species is robust in respect to the changes in the carbonate chemistry expected for the end of the century. Furthermore, according to my results, OA does not affect the aggregation of S. marinoi in a consistent manner, suggesting that this process has a high natural variability but is not influenced by OA in a predictable way. The effect of OA was tested over a variety of factors including the number of aggregates produced, their size and sinking velocity, the algal, bacterial and TEP content. Many of these variables showed significant treatment effects but none of these were consistent between the two experiments.


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Global warming and ocean acidification, due to rising atmospheric levels of CO2, represent an actual threat to terrestrial and marine environments. Since Industrial Revolution, in less of 250 years, pH of surface seawater decreased on average of 0.1 unit, and is expected to further decreases of approximately 0.3-0.4 units by the end of this century. Naturally acidified marine areas, such as CO2 vent systems at the Ischia Island, allow to study acclimatation and adaptation of individual species as well as the structure of communities, and ecosystems to OA. The main aim of this thesis was to study how hard bottom sublittoral benthic assemblages changed trough time along a pH gradient. For this purpose, the temporal dynamics of mature assemblages established on artificial substrates (volcanic tiles) over a 3 year- period were analysed. Our results revealed how composition and dynamics of the community were altered and highly simplified at different level of seawater acidification. In fact, extreme low values of pH (approximately 6.9), affected strongly the assemblages, reducing diversity both in terms of taxa and functional groups, respect to lower acidification levels (mean pH 7.8) and ambient conditions (8.1 unit). Temporal variation was observed in terms of species composition but not in functional groups. Variability was related to species belonging to the same functional group, suggesting the occurrence of functional redundancy. Therefore, the analysis of functional groups kept information on the structure, but lost information on species diversity and dynamics. Decreasing in ocean pH is only one of many future global changes that will occur at the end of this century (increase of ocean temperature, sea level rise, eutrophication etc.). The interaction between these factors and OA could exacerbate the community and ecosystem effects showed by this thesis.


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Ocean acidification is an effect of the rise in atmospheric CO2, which causes a reduction in the pH of the ocean and generates a number of changes in seawater chemistry and consequently potentially impacts seawater life. The effect of ocean acidification on metabolic processes (such as net community production and community respiration and on particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations was investigated in summer 2012 at Cap de la Revellata in Corsica (Calvi, France). Coastal surface water was enclosed in 9 mesocosms and subjected to 6 pCO2 levels (3 replicated controls and 6 perturbations) for approximately one month. No trend was found in response to increasing pCO2 in any of the biological and particulate analyses. Community respiration was relatively stable throughout the experiment in all mesocosms, and net community production was most of the time close to zero. Similarly, POC concentrations were not affected by acidification during the whole experimental period. Such as the global ocean, the Mediterranean Sea has an oligotrophic nature. Based on present results, it seems likely that seawater acidification will not have significant effects on photosynthetic rates, microbial metabolism and carbon transport.


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This work assesses the environmental impact of a municipal solid waste incinerator with energy recovery in Forlì-Cesena province (Emilia-Romagna region, Italy). The methodology used is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). As the plant already applies the best technologies available in waste treatment, this study focuses on the fate of the residues (bottom and fly ash) produced during combustion. Nine scenarios are made, based on different ash treatment disposing/recycling techniques. The functional unit is the amount of waste incinerated in 2011. Boundaries are set from waste arrival in the plant to the disposal/recovery of the residues produced, with energy recovery. Only the operative period is considered. Software used is GaBi 4 and the LCIA method used is CML2001. The impact categories analyzed are: abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, global warming, human toxicity, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidant formation, terrestrial ecotoxicity and primary energy demand. Most of the data are taken from Herambiente. When primary data are not available, data from Ecoinvent and GaBi databases or literature data are used. The whole incineration process is sustainable, due to the relevant avoided impact given by co-generator. As far as regards bottom ash treatment, the most influential process is the impact savings from iron recovery. Bottom ash recycling in road construction or as building material are both valid alternatives, even if the first option faces legislative limits in Italy. Regarding fly ash inertization, the adding of cement and Ferrox treatment results the most feasible alternatives. However, this inertized fly ash can maintain its hazardous nature. The only method to ensure the stability of an inertized fly ash is to couple two different stabilization treatments. Ash stabilization technologies shall improve with the same rate of the flexibility of the national legislation about incineration residues recycling.


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Considerando l'elevato grado di inquinamento del pianeta e la forte dipendenza delle attività antropiche dai combustibili fossili, stanno avendo notevole sviluppo e incentivazione gli impianti per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili. In particolare, la digestione anaerobica è in grande diffusione in Italia. Lo studio in oggetto si prefigge l'obiettivo di determinare, mediante analisi di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), i carichi ambientali di un impianto di digestione anaerobica, e della sua filiera, per valutarne l'effettiva ecosostenibilità. L'analisi considera anche gli impatti evitati grazie all'immissione in rete dell'energia elettrica prodotta e all'utilizzo del digestato in sostituzione dell'urea. Lo studio analizza sei categorie d'impatto: Global warming potential (GWP), Abiotic depletion potential (ADP), Acidification potential (AP), Eutrophication potential (EP), Ozone layer depletion potential (ODP) e Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP). I valori assoluti degli impatti sono stati oggetto anche di normalizzazione per stabilire la loro magnitudo. Inoltre, è stata effettuata un'analisi di sensitività per investigare le variazioni degli impatti ambientali in base alla sostituzione di differenti tecnologie per la produzione di energia elettrica: mix elettrico italiano, carbone e idroelettrico. Infine, sono stati analizzati due scenari alternativi all'impianto in esame che ipotizzano la sua conversione ad impianto per l'upgrading del biogas a biometano. I risultati mostrano, per lo scenario di riferimento (produzione di biogas), un guadagno, in termini ambientali, per il GWP, l'ADP e il POFP a causa dei notevoli impatti causati dalla produzione di energia elettrica da mix italiano che la filiera esaminata va a sostituire. I risultati evidenziano anche quanto gli impatti ambientali varino in base alla tipologia di alimentazione del digestore anaerobica: colture dedicate o biomasse di scarto. I due scenari alternativi, invece, mostrano un aumento degli impatti, rispetto allo scenario di riferimento, causati soprattutto dagli ulteriori consumi energetici di cui necessitano sia i processi di purificazione del biogas in biometano sia i processi legati alla digestione anaerobica che, nel caso dello scenario di riferimento, sono autoalimentati. L'eventuale conversione dell'attuale funzione dell'impianto deve essere fatta tenendo anche in considerazione i benefici funzionali ed economici apportati dalla produzione del biometano rispetto a quella del biogas.