39 resultados para recycled carbon fibers PLA 3D printing additive manufacturing FFF
Lo scopo della presente tesi è sviluppare un ambiente per l'ottimizzazione strutturale di componenti per applicazione aerospaziale utilizzando codici open-source. In particolare, il codice Salome viene utilizzato per il disegno automatico delle strutture, il programma Code Aster permette di effettuare l'analisi agli elementi finiti del componente, mentre Octave viene utilizzato per svolgere l'ottimizzazione basata su un algoritmo euristico e per integrare fra di loro i differenti codici. Le tecniche di ottimizzazione dei componenti stanno rivestendo sempre più importanza visto che le moderne tecniche di Additive Manufacturing permettono di realizzare strutture molto complesse che un tempo non era conveniente (o possibile) realizzare con asportazione di materiale. Nella prima parte della tesi si descrivono gli strumenti software utilizzati e la loro integrazione al fine di parametrizzare la generazione di geometrie ed effettuare in modo automatico analisi strutturali. Successivamente si descrivono tre casi di studio in cui la metodologia è stata sperimentata: un primo caso di validazione in cui si è applicato il metodo alla definizione della geometria di minimo peso per una trave a sbalzo con carico concentrato, un secondo test di ottimizzazione di un longherone per aeromobile, un terzo caso applicativo legato alla ottimizzazione di un serbatoio per fluidi in pressione da utilizzare su un satellite.
Dando continuità all’attività di ricerca intrapresa durante il mio precedente tirocinio presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DIN di Bologna, lo scopo della mia tesi è stato quello di chiarire i meccanismi di stabilità di fase della lega ad alta entropia CoCrFeMnNi ed esplorare la sua natura metastabile alle medio-alte temperature (tra i 450-1150°C). Nell’ottica di possibili future applicazioni industriali, è stato inoltre valutato l’effetto che la produzione via Additive Manufacturing può avere su proprietà e comportamenti delle leghe ad alta entropia. Sperimentalmente sono state fatte importanti osservazioni, a volte in contrasto con la letteratura precedente, che aprono la strada ad ulteriori e più specifiche indagini verso la comprensione dei complessi meccanismi che recentemente hanno reso queste leghe così interessanti per la ricerca a livello mondiale.
In the last decade it emerged the interest in new types of acoustic insulating materials, called acoustic metamaterials. These materials are composed by a host and inclusions and are arranged periodically or non-periodically in sub-wavelength elements called meta-atoms. Their inclusions and internal geometries can be manipulated to tailor the acoustic properties, reducing weight, and increasing at the same time their efficiency. Thanks to the high absorbing characteristics that they can achieve, their usage is of particularly interest as material of the core in sandwich panels of aerospace structures to reduce vibrations and noise inside passengers aircraft’s cabin. In addition, since the low frequency signals are difficult to be damped with conventional materials, their usage can guarantee a high transmission loss at low frequencies, obtaining a positive benefit on passengers’ comfort. The performances and efficiency of these materials are enhanced thanks to the new additive manufacturing techniques opposed to the conventional ones uncapable to pro- duce such complex internal geometries. The aim of this work is to study, produce and redesign micro-perforated sandwich panels of a literature case study to achieve high performances in the low frequency range, e.g., below 2000 Hz. Some geometrical parameters, such as perforation ratio and diameter of holes, were considered to realize different models and see the differences in the sound transmission loss. The models were produced by means of Fused Deposition Modelling using an Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS Plus p430) material on a commercial additive manufacturing system. Finally, the frequency response analysis was carried out with Mul2 software, based on the Carrera’s Unified Formulation (CUF) to understand the acoustic and structural properties of the material employed, analyzing the plates’ displacements and the TL results.
In questa tesi viene descritto uno studio preliminare su un velivolo ad ala rotante UAV (Unmanned Aerial Veichle) per supportare l'agricoltura di precisione. E' stato implementato in ambiente Matlab un semplice modello matematico per stimare la trazione del rotore principale in un elicottero. Successivamente, è stata presa in considerazone una meccanica commerciale per modellismo che potrebbe essere adottata per sveltire i tempi di sviluppo di questo UAV: la Graupner UNI-Mechanics 2000. E' stato, quindi, modellato al CAD un prototipo di struttura da realizzare tramite tecniche di Additive Manufacturing: questa parte è stata concepita per essere collegata alla meccanica dell'elicottero e può ospitare due taniche contenenti le sostanze da irrorare sulle colture. A livello di sviluppo futuro, si propone di applicare tecniche di ottimizzazione topologica alla struttura di collegamento per ottenere uno sfruttamento ottimale del materiale e ridurre le masse di questo componente.
This report describes the realization of a system, in which an object detection model will be implemented, whose aim is to detect the presence of people in images. This system could be used for several applications: for example, it could be carried on board an aircraft or a drone. In this case, the system is designed in such a way that it can be mounted on light/medium weight helicopters, helping the operator to find people in emergency situations. In the first chapter the use of helicopters for civil protection is analysed and applications similar to this case study are listed. The second chapter describes the choice of the hardware devices that have been used to implement a prototype of a system to collect, analyse and display images. At first, the PC necessary to process the images was chosen, based on the characteristics of the algorithms that are necessary to run the analysis. In the further, a camera that could be compatible with the PC was selected. Finally, the battery pack was chosen taking into account the electrical consumption of the devices. The third chapter illustrates the algorithms used for image analysis. In the fourth, some of the requirements listed in the regulations that must be taken into account for carrying on board all the devices have been briefly analysed. In the fifth chapter the activity of design and modelling, with the CAD Solidworks, the devices and a prototype of a case that will house them is described. The sixth chapter discusses the additive manufacturing, since the case was printed exploiting this technology. In the seventh chapter, part of the tests that must be carried out on the equipment to certificate it have been analysed, and some simulations have been carried out. In the eighth chapter the results obtained once loaded the object detection model on a hardware for image analyses were showed. In the ninth chapter, conclusions and future applications were discussed.
AlSi10Mg alloy is one of the most widely used alloys for producing structural components by Laser-based Powder Fusion (L-PBF) technology due to the high mechanical and technological properties. The present work aims to characterize mechanically and tribologically the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy subjected to both heat treatment and surface modification cycles. Specifically, the effects of three heat treatments on the tribological and mechanical properties of the alloy were analyzed: T5 (artificial aging at 160 °C for 4 h), T6 rapid solution heat treatment (solution heat treatment at 510 °C for 1h and aging at 160 °C for 6 h), and T6 benchmark (solution heat treatment at 540 °C for 1h and aging at 160 °C for 4 h), the latter used as a benchmark. The study highlighted how the better balance between strength and ductility properties induced by the introduction of heat treatments leads to lower wear resistance and not significant variations in the friction coefficient of the alloy. The tribological and mechanical behavior of the alloy coated with two different coating structures, consisting of (i) chemical Ni (Ni-P) and (ii) Ni-P + DLC, was also evaluated. The goal was the identification of a deposition cycle such as to guarantee the optimization of the mechanical and tribological behavior of the alloy. The Ni-P coating provided good wear resistance but an increase in the coefficient of friction. In contrast, using the DLC top coating resulted in excellent tribological performance in wear resistance and friction coefficient. The samples characterized by the Ni-P + DLC multilayer coating were subsequently subjected to mechanical characterization. The results obtained highlighted problems of adhesion and incipient breaking of the material due to the different mechanical behavior of the coating, considerably reducing the mechanical performance of the alloy coated with Ni-P+DLC multilayer solution compared to the specimens in the un-coated condition.
This work presents the experimental development of a novel heat treatment for a high performance Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti6Al4V alloy. Additive manufacturing production processes for titanium alloys are particularly of interest in cutting-edge engineering fields, however, high frequency laser induced thermal cycles generate a brittle as built microstructure. For this reason, heat treatments compliant with near net shape components are needed before their homologation and usage. The experimental campaign focused on the development of a multi-step heat treatment leading to a bilamellar microstructure. In fact, according to literature, such a microstructure should be promising in terms of mechanical properties both under static and cyclic loads. The heat treatment development has asked for the preliminary analyses of samples annealed and aged in laboratory, implementing several cycles, differing for what concerns temperatures, times and cooling rates. Such a characterization has been carried out through optical and electron microscopy analyses, image analyses, hardness and tensile tests. As a result, the most suitable thermal cycle has been selected and performed using industrial equipment on mini bending fatigue samples with different surface conditions. The same tests have been performed on a batch of traditionally treated samples, to provide with a comparison. This master thesis activity has finally led to the definition of a heat treatment resulting into a bilamellar microstructure, promising in terms of fatigue performances with respect to the traditionally treated alloy ones. The industrial implementation of such a heat treatment will require further improvements, particularly for what concerns the post annealing water quench, in order to prevent any surface alteration potentially responsible for the fatigue performances drop. Further development of the research may also include push-pull fatigue tests, crack grow propagation and residual stresses analyses.
La tesi in oggetto ha lo scopo di determinare l’effetto della sabbiatura sul comportamento a fatica della lega AlSi10Mg prodotta mediante Laser Powder Bed Fusion e trattata termicamente. I parametri di processo e di trattamento termico (T5 e T6) sono stati precedentemente ottimizzati. Al fine di determinare l’effetto della sabbiatura su topografia superficiale e microstruttura dei campioni, si sono condotte molteplici analisi avvalendosi di strumenti quali profilometria, microscopia ottica ed in scansione, analisi di tensioni residue con diffrazione a raggi X e prove di durezza. Attraverso prove di fatica per flessione rotante, eseguite secondo il metodo Stair-Case per la determinazione della resistenza a fatica, e successiva caratterizzazione delle superfici di frattura si vuole correlare il difetto killer, ossia quello responsabile del cedimento per fatica, alle caratteristiche morfologiche e microstrutturali. Il difetto killer viene caratterizzato in termini di dimensione e distanza dalla superficie e per mostrare la relazione fra la dimensione del difetto killer e la resistenza a fatica si adotta il diagramma di Kitagawa-Takahashi con modellazione di Murakami ed EL Haddad. Si è evidenziato che tutti i difetti killer sono riconducibili a lack-of-fusion con dimensione superiore ai 100 μm ad una profondità compresa fra i 150 e i 200 μm, indipendentemente dal trattamento termico o meccanico applicato. In termini di fatica si osserva che il trattamento T6 conferisce al materiale migliori proprietà rispetto a quello T5. Il processo di sabbiatura, confrontato con quello di lucidatura superficiale, ha portato a miglioramenti in termini di durezza e tensioni residue di compressione, ma si è rivelato quasi ininfluente sulla resistenza a fatica. Sulla base di quanto sopra, si conferma la possibilità di applicazione della sabbiatura in ambito industriale a componenti meccanici, anche in sostituzione della lucidatura, ottenendo un beneficio anche economico.
This thesis work has been carried out at Clarkson University in Potsdam NY, USA and involved the design of a low elongation wing, consisting of parts made by polylactide (PLA) using the fused deposition model (FDM) technology of Rapid Prototyping, then assembled together in a thin aluminum spar. The aim of the research is to evaluate the feasibility of collecting electrical energy by converting mechanical energy from the vibration of the wing flutter. With this aim piezoelectric stripes were glued in the inner part of the wing, as well as on the aluminum spar, as monomorphic configuration. During the phases of the project, particular attention was given to the geometry and the materials used, in order to trigger the flutter for low flow velocity. The CAD software SolidWorks® was used for the design of the wing and then the drawings were sent to the Clarkson machine shop in order to to produce the parts required by the wing assembly. FEM simulations were performed, using software MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN®, to evaluate the stiffness of the whole wing as well as the natural vibration modes of the structure. These data, in a first approximation, were used to predict the flutter speed. Finally, experimental tests in the Clarkson wind tunnel facility were carried out in order to validate the results obtained from FEM analysis. The power collected by the piezoelectrics under flutter condition was addressed by tuning the resistors downstream the electronic circuit of the piezoelectrics.