18 resultados para masonry walls
Questa tesi si propone di fornire un approccio multidisciplinare per la valutazione delle prestazioni di una tipologia di intervento sostenibile che consiste in un telaio in calcestruzzo armato (RCFramed skin) per la ristrutturazione integrata di edifici esistenti. Viene fornita una descrizione preliminare di tale tecnologia, con particolare attenzione al miglioramento simultaneo delle prestazioni strutturali (sismiche), non strutturali (energetiche) e alle questioni relative alla limitazione dell'invasività e dell'interruzione dell'uso della costruzione. La valutazione delle prestazioni dell'edificio nelle configurazioni pre e post intervento è effettuata, principalmente in termini di capacità sismica, ma anche del comportamento termo-igrometrico. In particolare, i benefici ottenuti sia dal punto di vista strutturale che energetico sono valutati con riferimento a tre diverse città appartenenti a tre differenti zone sismiche e climatiche. La fattibilità e la sostenibilità dell'intervento di adeguamento proposto sono indagate attraverso una valutazione LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) per l'impatto ambientale e LCC(Life Cycle Cost) per l’analisi economica. Infine, viene proposto un metodo per facilitare la selezione della soluzione di intervento ottimale per ogni sito, combinando l'aspetto strutturale con quello energetico, di impatto ambientale ed economico.
Previous earthquakes showed that shear wall damage could lead to catastrophic failures of the reinforced concrete building. The lateral load capacity of shear walls needs to be estimated to minimize associated losses during catastrophic events; hence it is necessary to develop and validate reliable and stable numerical methods able to converge to reasonable estimations with minimum computational effort. The beam-column 1-D line element with fiber-type cross-section model is a practical option that yields results in agreement with experimental data. However, shortcomings of using this model to predict the local damage response may come from the fact that the model requires fine calibration of material properties to overcome regularization and size effects. To reduce the mesh-dependency of the numerical model, a regularization method based on the concept of post-yield energy is applied in this work to both the concrete and the steel material constitutive laws to predict the nonlinear cyclic response and failure mechanism of concrete shear walls. Different categories of wall specimens known to produce a different response under in plane cyclic loading for their varied geometric and detailing characteristics are considered in this study, namely: 1) scaled wall specimens designed according to the European seismic design code and 2) unique full-scale wall specimens detailed according to the U.S. design code to develop a ductile behavior under cyclic loading. To test the boundaries of application of the proposed method, two full-scale walls with a mixed shear-flexure response and different values of applied axial load are also considered. The results of this study show that the use of regularized constitutive models considerably enhances the response predictions capabilities of the model with regards to global force-drift response and failure mode. The simulations presented in this thesis demonstrate the proposed model to be a valuable tool for researchers and engineers.
Historic vaulted masonry structures often need strengthening interventions that can effectively improve their structural performance, especially during seismic events, and at the same time respect the existing setting and the modern conservation requirements. In this context, the use of innovative materials such as fiber-reinforced composite materials has been shown as an effective solution that can satisfy both aspects. This work aims to provide insight into the computational modeling of a full-scale masonry vault strengthened by fiber-reinforced composite materials and analyze the influence of the arrangement of the reinforcement on the efficiency of the intervention. At first, a parametric model of a cross vault focusing on a realistic representation of its micro-geometry is proposed. Then numerical modeling, simulating the pushover analyses, of several barrel vaults reinforced with different reinforcement configurations is performed. Finally, the results are collected and discussed in terms of force-displacement curves obtained for each proposed configuration.