18 resultados para anion sensing
In this experimental work we report the design, the synthesis and characterization of a new class of Re(I) complexes of the general formula fac-[Re(CO)3(N^N)(2-QTZ)], where N^N = 2,2’ bipyridine or 1,10 phenantroline, whereas 2-QTZ is the anion 2-quinolyl-tetrazolate. The complexes and, in particular, the tetrazolate ligand 2-QTZ were designed in order to investigate their specific interaction with biologically and toxicologically relevant metal ions, as Zn(II), Cd(II) e Cu(II). The addition of such ions led to substantial variations of the photophysical properties of these complexes, suggesting their application as luminescent sensors. The photophysical performance of the complexes proved to remain unchanged inside cellular substrates, as Yarrowia Lipolytica cultures. Within these yeasts, the complexes show unchanged ability to perform luminescent sensing towards Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions.
In this work we study a model for the breast image reconstruction in Digital Tomosynthesis, that is a non-invasive and non-destructive method for the three-dimensional visualization of the inner structures of an object, in which the data acquisition includes measuring a limited number of low-dose two-dimensional projections of an object by moving a detector and an X-ray tube around the object within a limited angular range. The problem of reconstructing 3D images from the projections provided in the Digital Tomosynthesis is an ill-posed inverse problem, that leads to a minimization problem with an object function that contains a data fitting term and a regularization term. The contribution of this thesis is to use the techniques of the compressed sensing, in particular replacing the standard least squares problem of data fitting with the problem of minimizing the 1-norm of the residuals, and using as regularization term the Total Variation (TV). We tested two different algorithms: a new alternating minimization algorithm (ADM), and a version of the more standard scaled projected gradient algorithm (SGP) that involves the 1-norm. We perform some experiments and analyse the performance of the two methods comparing relative errors, iterations number, times and the qualities of the reconstructed images. In conclusion we noticed that the use of the 1-norm and the Total Variation are valid tools in the formulation of the minimization problem for the image reconstruction resulting from Digital Tomosynthesis and the new algorithm ADM has reached a relative error comparable to a version of the classic algorithm SGP and proved best in speed and in the early appearance of the structures representing the masses.
Il progetto vuole realizzare un sistema ultra low power, in grado di monitorare variabili fisiche quali temperatura e conducibilità dell'acqua nelle profondità marine in autonomia, per una durata complessiva di due anni. Il salvataggio dei dati raccolti nel periodo di utilizzo avrà come fine ultimo lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici relativi all'ambiente marino. Volendo collocare il sistema di monitoraggio sul dorso di pesci o in profondità oceaniche non facilmente accessibili è necessario garantire dimensioni ridotte e un funzionamento autonomo duraturo al termine del quale sarà possibile scaricare i dati raccolti. Nel tentativo di rispettare la specifica relativa al ciclo di lavoro autonomo del sistema è stato importante adottare una politica rigorosa riguardante i consumi estremamente ridotti, senza però venir meno alle ulteriori specifiche di progetto, riportate in dettaglio nei paragrafi successivi. Dalla progettazione circuitale alla realizzazione del firmware, passando per una minuziosa scelta della componentistica a minor consumo, ho avuto la possibilità di dar vita all'intero progetto in autonomia, confrontandomi con tutti gli aspetti e le problematiche che la realizzazione di un simile progetto porta con se.