20 resultados para Numerical simulat
With the outlook of improving seismic vulnerability assessment for the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the global dynamic behaviour of four nine-storey r.c. large-panel buildings in elastic regime is studied. The four buildings were built during the Soviet era within a serial production system. Since they all belong to the same series, they have very similar geometries both in plan and in height. Firstly, ambient vibration measurements are performed in the four buildings. The data analysis composed of discrete Fourier transform, modal analysis (frequency domain decomposition) and deconvolution interferometry, yields the modal characteristics and an estimate of the linear impulse response function for the structures of the four buildings. Then, finite element models are set up for all four buildings and the results of the numerical modal analysis are compared with the experimental ones. The numerical models are finally calibrated considering the first three global modes and their results match the experimental ones with an error of less then 20%.
Recent studies found that soil-atmosphere coupling features, through soil moisture, have been crucial to simulate well heat waves amplitude, duration and intensity. Moreover, it was found that soil moisture depletion both in Winter and Spring anticipates strong heat waves during the Summer. Irrigation in geophysical studies can be intended as an anthropogenic forcing to the soil-moisture, besides changes in land proprieties. In this study, the irrigation was add to a LAM hydrostatic model (BOLAM) and coupled with the soil. The response of the model to irrigation perturbation is analyzed during a dry Summer season. To identify a dry Summer, with overall positive temperature anomalies, an extensive climatological characterization of 2015 was done. The method included a statistical validation on the reference period distribution used to calculate the anomalies. Drought conditions were observed during Summer 2015 and previous seasons, both on the analyzed region and the Alps. Moreover July was characterized as an extreme event for the referred distribution. The numerical simulation consisted on the summer season of 2015 and two run: a control run (CTR), with the soil coupling and a perturbed run (IPR). The perturbation consists on a mask of land use created from the Cropland FAO dataset, where an irrigation water flux of 3 mm/day was applied from 6 A.M. to 9 A.M. every day. The results show that differences between CTR and IPR has a strong daily cycle. The main modifications are on the air masses proprieties, not on to the dynamics. However, changes in the circulation at the boundaries of the Po Valley are observed, and a diagnostic spatial correlation of variable differences shows that soil moisture perturbation explains well the variation observed in the 2 meters height temperature and in the latent heat fluxes.On the other hand, does not explain the spatial shift up and downslope observed during different periods of the day. Given the results, irrigation process affects the atmospheric proprieties on a larger scale than the irrigation, therefore it is important in daily forecast, particularly during hot and dry periods.
In this work the problem of performing a numerical simulation of quasi-static crack propagation within an adhesive layer of a bonded joint under Mode I loading affected by stress field changes due to thermal-chemical shrinkage induced by cure process is addressed. Secondly, a parametric study on fracture critical energy, cohesive strength and Young's modulus is performed. Finally, a particular case of adhesive layer stiffening is simulated in order to verify qualitatively the major effect.
Lateral cyclic loaded structures in granular soils can lead to an accumulation of irreversible strains by changing their mechanical response (densification) and forming a closed convective cell in the upper layer of the bedding. In the present thesis the convective cell dimension, formation and grain migration inside this closed volume have been studied and presented in relation to structural stiffness and different loads. This relation was experimentally investigated by applying a cyclic lateral force to a scaled flexible vertical element embedded in dry granular soil. The model was monitored with a camera in order to derive the displacement field by means of the PIV technique. Modelling large soil deformation turns out to be difficult, using mesh-based methods. Consequently, a mesh-free approach (DEM) was chosen in order to investigate the granular flow with the aim of extracting interesting micromechanical information. In both the numerical and experimental analyses the effect of different loading magnitudes and different dimensions of the vertical element were considered. The main results regarded the different development, shape and dimensions of the convection cell and the surface settlements. Moreover, the Discrete Element Method has proven to give satisfactory results in the modelling of large deformation phenomena such as the ratcheting convective cell.
Il presente elaborato è incentrato sulla modellizzazione del plasma di bordo nei dispositivi per la produzione di energia da fusione nucleare noti come tokamak. La tecnologia che nel corso di tutta la seconda metà del XX secolo fino ad oggi è stata sviluppata a questo fine deve necessariamente scontrarsi con alcuni limiti. Nei tokamak il confinamento del plasma è di tipo magnetico e vincola le particelle a muoversi di moto elicoidale all'interno del vessel, tuttavia il confinamento non risulta perfetto e parte dell'energia si scarica sulle pareti della camera, rischiando pertanto di fondere i materiali. Alcune strategie possono essere messe in atto per limitare questo problema, per esempio agendo sulla geometria del tokamak, oppure sulla fisica, inducendo nel plasma una data concentrazione di impurezze che ionizzino irraggiando parte dell'energia di plasma. Proprio tale meccanismo di perdita è stato simulato in un modello monodimensionale di plasma monofluido di bordo. I risultati del codice numerico relativo al modello dimostrano che per concentrazioni di impurezze crescenti è possibile diminuire in modo significativo flusso di calore e temperatura al divertore. Per di più risulta possibile controllare la posizione del fronte di irraggiamento per mezzo di parametri di controllo del plasma quali la pressione. Si osserva inoltre l'insorgere del cosiddetto fenomeno di biforcazione alle basse temperature di divertore, fenomeno in cui il plasma si comporta in modo instabile a causa di fenomeni fisici tipici delle basse energie ("detachment") e a seguito del quale può improvvisamente spegnersi (disruzione). Infine lo stesso modello è stato migliorato inserendo l'ipotesi di plasma bifluido. Anche per gli ioni viene osservato il fenomeno di biforcazione. I risultati numerici evidenziano le dinamiche dello scambio energetico fra le specie gettando le basi di una progettazione efficiente della chimica del plasma finalizzata al raffreddamento del divertore.