30 resultados para Maça Galaxy
A fraction of galaxy clusters host Mpc-scale Radio
Halos (RH), generated by ultrarelativistic electrons in the
magnetized intra cluster medium (ICM). In the current
view they trace turbulent regions in merging clusters, where relativistic particles are trapped and accelerated. This model has clear expectations about the statistical properties of RHs. To test these expectations large mass-selected samples of galaxy clusters with adequate radio and X-ray data are necessary. We used the Planck SZ cluster catalogue as suitable starting point of our investigation, selecting clusters with M500>6x10^14 Msun at 0.08
The mass estimation of galaxy clusters is a crucial point for modern cosmology, and can be obtained by several different techniques. In this work we discuss a new method to measure the mass of galaxy clusters connecting the gravitational potential of the cluster with the kinematical properties of its surroundings. We explore the dynamics of the structures located in the region outside virialized cluster, We identify groups of galaxies, as sheets or filaments, in the cluster outer region, and model how the cluster gravitational potential perturbs the motion of these structures from the Hubble fow. This identification is done in the redshift space where we look for overdensities with a filamentary shape. Then we use a radial mean velocity profile that has been found as a quite universal trend in simulations, and we fit the radial infall velocity profile of the overdensities found. The method has been tested on several cluster-size haloes from cosmological N-body simulations giving results in very good agreement with the true values of virial masses of the haloes and orientation of the sheets. We then applied the method to the Coma cluster and even in this case we found a good correspondence with previous. It is possible to notice a mass discrepancy between sheets with different alignments respect to the center of the cluster. This difference can be used to reproduce the shape of the cluster, and to demonstrate that the spherical symmetry is not always a valid assumption. In fact, if the cluster is not spherical, sheets oriented along different axes should feel a slightly different gravitational potential, and so give different masses as result of the analysis described before. Even this estimation has been tested on cosmological simulations and then applied to Coma, showing the actual non-sphericity of this cluster.
In this Thesis work we have studied the properties of high-redshift galaxy clusters through the X-ray emission from their intracluster gas. In particular, we have focused on the relation between concentration and mass that is related to the density of the universe at the formation time of the clusters and therefore, it is a powerful cosmological probe. Concentration is expected to be a decreasing function of mass but a complete characterization of this relation has not been reached yet. We have analysed 22 clusters observed withe the Chandra satellite at high redshift and we have investigated the concentration-mass relation.
Large-scale structures can be considered an interesting and useful "laboratory" to better investigate the Universe; in particular the filaments connecting clusters and superclusters of galaxies can be a powerful tool for this intent, since they are not virialised systems yet. The large structures in the Universe have been studied in different bands, in particular the present work takes into consideration the emission in the radio band. In the last years both compact and diffuse radio emission have been detected, revealing to be associated to single objects and clusters of galaxies respectively. The detection of these sources is important, because the radiation process is the synchrotron emission, which in turn is linked to the presence of a magnetic field: therefore studying these radio sources can help in investigating the magnetic field which permeates different portions of space. Furthermore, radio emission in optical filaments have been detected recently, opening new chances to further improve the understanding of structure formation. Filaments can be seen as the net which links clusters and superclusters. This work was made with the aim of investigating non-thermal properties in low-density regions, looking for possible filaments associated to the diffuse emission. The analysed sources are 0917+75, which is located at a redshift z = 0.125, and the double cluster system A399-A401, positioned at z = 0.071806 and z = 0.073664 respectively. Data were taken from VLA/JVLA observations, and reduced and calibrated with the package AIPS, following the standard procedure. Isocountour and polarisation maps were yielded, allowing to derive the main physical properties. Unfortunately, because of a low quality data for A399-A401, it was not possible to see any radio halo or bridge.
Gli ammassi di galassie sono gli oggetti gravitazionalmente legati più grandi dell’Universo. Questi emettono principalmente in banda X tramite bremsstrahlung. Una frazione mostra anche emissione radio diffusa da parte di elettroni relativistici che spiraleggiano nel campo magnetico. Si possono classificare tre tipi di emissione: alon, relitti e mini-aloni radio (MH). I MH sono sorgenti radio su scale di ≥ 200 – 500 kpc, osservate al centro di ammassi caratterizzati dalla presenze di cool-core (CC). L’origine dei MH non è ancora chiara. Gli elettroni relativistici che emettono in banda radio hanno tempi di vita radiativi di molto inferiori a quelli necessari per diffondere sulle scale dell’emissione diffusa. Quindi non sono semplicemente iniettati dalle galassie presenti negli ammassi ed è necessario un meccanismo di accelerazione “in-situ” nell’ICM. I MH testimoniano la presenza di meccanismi che canalizzano parte del budget energetico disponibile nei CC nell’ICM.Quindi lo studio è importante per comprendere la fisica dell’ICM e l’interazione fra le componenti non termiche e termiche. I MH si formano attraverso la riaccelerazione delle particelle relativistiche ad opera della turbolenza del gas. L’origine di questa turbolenza tuttavia non è ancora ben compresa. Gli ammassi CC sono caratterizzati da un picco della brillanza X nelle regioni centrali e da un drop della temperatura verso il centro accompagnata da aumento della densità del gas. Si ritiene che questo sia dovuto al raffreddamento del gas che quindi fluisce nelle zone centrali. Recenti osservazioni in X risultan inconsistenti con il modello classico di CF, suggerendo la presenza di una sorgente di riscaldamento del gas su scale del core degli ammassi. Recentemente Zhuravleva (2014) hanno mostrato che il riscaldamento dovuto alla turbolenza prodotta dall'AGN centrale è in grado di bilanciare il processo di raffreddamento. Abbiamo assunto che la turbolenza responsabile del riscaldamento del gas è anche responsabile dell’accelerazione delle particelle nei MH. Nell’ambito di questo scenario ci si aspetta una correlazione tra la potenza del cooling flow, PCF, che è una misura del tasso di energia emessa dal gas che raffredda nei CC, e la luminosità radio, che è una frazione dell’energia della turbolenza che è canalizzata nell’accelerazione delle particelle. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo utilizzato il più grande campione disponibile di MH, allo scopo di studiare la connessione fra le proprietà dei MH e quelle del gas termico nei core degli ammassi che li ospitano. Abbiamo analizzato i dati di 21 ammassi e ricavato i parametri fisici all’interno del raggio di cooling e del MH. Abbiamo ricavato la correlazione fra luminosità radio, e PCF. Abbiamo trovato che le due quantità correlano in modo quasi-lineare confermando i risultati precedenti. Tale correlazione suggerisce uno stretto legame fra le proprietà del gas nei CC e l’origine dei MH.
Radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources generally located in the peripheries of galaxy clusters in merging state. According to the current leading scenario, relics trace gigantic cosmological shock waves that cross the intra-cluster medium where particle acceleration occurs. The relic/shock connection is supported by several observational facts, including the spatial coincidence between relics and shocks found in the X-rays. Under the assumptions that particles are accelerated at the shock front and are subsequently deposited and then age downstream of the shock, Markevitch et al. (2005) proposed a method to constrain the magnetic field strength in radio relics. Measuring the thickness of radio relics at different frequencies allows to derive combined constraints on the velocity of the downstream flow and on the magnetic field, which in turns determines particle aging. We elaborate this idea to infer first constraints on magnetic fields in cluster outskirts. We consider three models of particle aging and develop a geometric model to take into account the contribution to the relic transverse size due to the projection of the shock-surface on the plane of the sky. We selected three well studied radio relics in the clusters A 521, CIZA J2242.8+5301 and 1RXS J0603.3+4214. These relics have been chosen primarily because they are almost seen edge-on and because the Mach number of the shock that is associated with these relics is measured by X-ray observations, thus allowing to break the degeneracy between magnetic field and downstream velocity in the method. For the first two clusters, our method is consistent with a pure radiative aging model allowing us to derive constraints on the relics magnetic field strength. In the case of 1RXS J0603.3+4214 we find that particle life-times are consistent with a pure radiative aging model under some conditions, however we also collect evidences for downstream particle re-acceleration in the relic W-region and for a magnetic field decaying downstream in its E-region. Our estimates of the magnetic field strength in the relics in A 521 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 provide unique information on the field properties in cluster outskirts. The constraints derived for these relics, together with the lower limits to the magnetic field that we derived from the lack of inverse Compton X-ray emission from the sources, have been combined with the constraints from Faraday rotation studies of the Coma cluster. Overall results suggest that the spatial profile of the magnetic field energy density is broader than that of the thermal gas, implying that the ε_th /ε_B ratio decreases with cluster radius. Alternatively, radio relics could trace dynamically active regions where the magnetic field strength is biased high with respect to the average value in the cluster volume.
Il lavoro presentato in questa Tesi si basa sul calcolo di modelli dinamici per Galassie Sferoidali Nane studiando il problema mediante l'utilizzo di funzioni di distribuzione. Si è trattato un tipo di funzioni di distribuzione, "Action-Based distribution functions", le quali sono funzioni delle sole variabili azione. Fornax è stata descritta con un'appropriata funzione di distribuzione e il problema della costruzione di modelli dinamici è stato affrontato assumendo sia un alone di materia oscura con distribuzione di densità costante nelle regioni interne sia un alone con cuspide. Per semplicità è stata assunta simmetria sferica e non è stato calcolato esplicitamente il potenziale gravitazionale della componente stellare (le stelle sono traccianti in un potenziale gravitazionale fissato). Tramite un diretto confronto con alcune osservabili, quali il profilo di densità stellare proiettata e il profilo di dispersione di velocità lungo la linea di vista, sono stati trovati alcuni modelli rappresentativi della dinamica di Fornax. Modelli calcolati tramite funzioni di distribuzione basati su azioni permettono di determinare in maniera autoconsistente profili di anisotropia. Tutti i modelli calcolati sono caratterizzati dal possedere un profilo di anisotropia con forte anisotropia tangenziale. Sono state poi comparate le stime di materia oscura di questi modelli con i più comuni e usati stimatori di massa in letteratura. E stato inoltre stimato il rapporto tra la massa totale del sistema (componente stellare e materia oscura) e la componente stellare di Fornax, entro 1600 pc ed entro i 3 kpc. Come esplorazione preliminare, in questo lavoro abbiamo anche presentato anche alcuni esempi di modelli sferici a due componenti in cui il campo gravitazionale è determinato dall'autogravità delle stelle e da un potenziale esterno che rappresenta l'alone di materia oscura.
Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.
Il presente elaborato analizza la figura della fangirl geek e del linguaggio tipico della nerd culture attraverso la traduzione di un estratto del libro "The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy" di Sam Maggs. In particolare, l'autrice ha tentato di contestualizzare certi termini nati su Internet per un pubblico italiano e approfondire il fenomeno delle fangirl, spesso vittime di stereotipi. Nei due capitoli che compongono l’elaborato si è voluto dare spazio all'analisi etimologica del termine fangirl, all'approfondimento in ottica femminista dell’evoluzione moderna di questa categoria e all'impatto che la nerd culture ha nel mondo di oggi. Il secondo capitolo analizza la traduzione di una parte del Capitolo 4 dedicato al femminismo geek. L'analisi traduttiva si concentra sulla resa dello humor e di uno slang ormai consolidato e conosciuto in inglese.
The aim of this Thesis work is to study the multi-frequency properties of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy (ULIRG) IRAS 00183-7111 (I00183) at z = 0.327, connecting ALMA sub-mm/mm observations with those at high energies in order to place constraints on the properties of its central power source and verify whether the gas traced by the CO may be responsible for the obscuration observed in X-rays. I00183 was selected from the so-called Spoon diagnostic diagram (Spoon et al. 2007) for mid-infrared spectra of infrared galaxies based on the equivalent width of the 6.2 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature versus the 9.7 μm silicate strength. Such features are a powerful tool to investigate the contribution of star formation and AGN activity in this class of objects. I00183 was selected from the top-left region of the plot where the most obscured sources, characterized by a strong Si absorption feature, are located. To link the sub-mm/mm to the X-ray properties of I00183, ALMA archival Cycle 0 data in Band 3 (87 GHz) and Band 6 (270 GHz) have been calibrated and analyzed, using CASA software. ALMA Cycle 0 was the Early Science program for which data reprocessing is strongly suggested. The main work of this Thesis consisted in reprocessing raw data to provide an improvement with respect to the available archival products and results, which were obtained using standard procedures. The high-energy data consists of Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations which provide a broad coverage of the spectrum in the energy range 0.5 − 30 keV. Chandra and XMM archival data were used, with an exposure time of 22 and 22.2 ks, respectively; their reduction was carried out using CIAO and SAS software. The 100 ks NuSTAR are still private and the spectra were obtained by courtesy of the PI (K. Iwasawa). A detailed spectral analysis was done using XSPEC software; the spectral shape was reproduced starting from simple phenomenological models, and then more physical models were introduced to account for the complex mechanisms that involve this source. In Chapter 1, an overview of the scientific background is discussed, with a focus on the target, I00183, and the Spoon diagnostic diagram, from which it was originally selected. In Chapter 2, the basic principles of interferometry are briefly introduced, with a description of the calibration theory applied to interferometric observations. In Chapter 3, ALMA and its capabilities, both current and future, are shown, explaining also the complex structure of the ALMA archive. In Chapter 4, the calibration of ALMA data is presented and discussed, showing also the obtained imaging products. In Chapter 5, the analysis and discussion of the main results obtained from ALMA data is presented. In Chapter 6, the X-ray observations, data reduction and spectral analysis are reported, with a brief introduction to the basic principle of X-ray astronomy and the instruments from which the observations were carried out. Finally, the overall work is summarized, with particular emphasis on the main obtained results and the possible future perspectives.
The astrophysical context in which this thesis project lies concerns the comprehension of the mutual interaction between the accretion onto a Super Massive Black Hole (SMBH) and the Star Formation (SF), that take place in the host galaxy. This is one of the key topic of the modern extragalactic astrophysical research. Indeed, it is widely accepted that to understand the physics of a galaxy, the contribution of a possible central AGN must be taken into account. The aim of this thesis is the study of the physical processes of the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 34. This source was selected because of the wide collection of multiwavelength data available in the literature. In addition, recently, it has been observed with the Atacama Large Submillimeter/Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Band 9. This project is divided in two main parts: first of all, we reduced and analyzed the ALMA data, obtaining the continuum and CO(6-5) maps; then, we looked for a coherent explaination of NGC 34 physical characteristics. In particular, we focused on the ISM physics, in order to understand its properties in terms of density, chemical composition and dominant radiation field (SF or accretion). This work has been done through the analysis of the spectral distribution of several CO transitions as a function of the transition number (CO SLED), obtained joining the CO(6-5) line with other transitions available in the literature. More precisely, the observed CO SLED has been compared with ISM models, including Photo-Dissociation Regions (PDRs) and X-ray-Dominated Regions (XDRs). These models have been obtained through the state-of-the-art photoionization code CLOUDY. Along with the observed CO SLED, we have taken into account other physical properties of NGC 34, such as the Star Formation Rate (SFR), the gas mass and the X-ray luminosity.
This Thesis work concerns the complementary study of the abundance of galaxy clusters and cosmic voids identified in cosmological simulations, at different redshifts. In particular, we focus our analyses on the combination of the cosmological constraints derived from these probes, which can be considered statistically independent, given the different aspects of Universe density field they map. Indeed, we aim at showing the orthogonality of the derived cosmological constraints and the resulting impressive power of the combination of these probes. To perform this combination we apply three newly implemented algorithms that allow us to combine independent probes. These algorithms represent a flexible and user-friendly tool to perform different techniques for probe combination and are implemented within the environment provided by the large set of free software C++/Python CosmoBolognaLib. All the new implemented codes provide simple and flexible tools that will be soon applied to the data coming from currently available and next-generation wide-field surveys to perform powerful combined cosmological analyses.
This thesis explores the X-ray nuclear and extended properties of the radio galaxy 3C 277.3, where a recent optical observation performed with the multi-unit spectroscopic explorer (MUSE) has revealed star-forming regions triggered by the propagation of non-thermal plasma in the intergalactic medium. This work aims to study the nuclear engine and its environment and, possibly, discover signatures of non-thermal plasma-gas interaction at high energies. 3C 277.3 was observed with the Chandra satellite five times from 2010 to 2014 for a total of about 200 ks. Data in the Chandra public archive were retrieved and analyzed. When necessary, the different pointings were combined to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. A detailed analysis of the Chandra image (obtained by combining all the observations) has revealed several emission regions. In addition to a bright nucleus, two jet knots and the northern hot spot were clearly detected by overlapping the X-ray data to a VLA map of the source at 1.4 GHz. An X-ray spectral analysis was performed for all these structures. Finally, the X-ray image was over-imposed on the MUSE data.
Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool to investigate the properties of the distribution of matter, be it barionic or dark. In this work we take advantage of Strong Gravitational Lensing to infer the properties of one of the galaxy-scale substructures that makes up the cluster MACSJ1206. It is relatively easy to model the morphology of the visible components of a galaxy, while the morphology of the dark matter distribution cannot be so easily constrained. Being sensitive to the whole mass, strong lensing provides a way to probe DM distribution, and this is the reason why it is the best tool to study the substructure. The goal of this work consists of performing an analysis of the substructure previously mentioned, an early type galaxy (ETG), by analyzing the highly magnified Einstein ring around it, in order to put stringent constraints on its matter distribution, that, for an ETG, is commonly well described by an isothermal profilele. This turns out to be interesting for three main different reasons. It is well known that galaxies in clusters are subject to interaction processes, both dynamic and hydrodynamic, that can significantly modify the distribution of matter within them. Therefore, finding a different profile from the one usually expected could be a sign that the galaxy has undergone processes that have changed its structure. Studying the mass distribution also means studying the dark matter component, which not only still presents great questions today, but which is also not obviously distributed in the same way as in an isolated galaxy. What emerges from the analysis is that the total mass distribution of the galaxy under examination turns out to have a slope much steeper than the isothermal usually expected.
Galaxy clusters and groups are the most massive bounded structures and the knots of the large-scale structure of the Universe. These structures reside in dark matter haloes, hosting tens to hundreds of galaxies and they are filled with hot and rarefied gas. Radio Galaxies are a peculiar class of galaxies with a luminosity in the radio band up to 10^46 erg/s between 10 MHz and 100 GHz. These galaxies are a subclass of AGN in which there is accretion on the Super Massive Black Hole. The accretion generates jets of relativistic particles and magnetic fields which lose energy through synchrotron radiation, best observable at radio frequencies. The study of the spectral ageing of the AGN plasma is fundamental to understand its evolution, interaction with the environment and to constrain the AGN duty cycle. n this thesis, we have investigated the duty cycle of the nearby remnant radio galaxy NGC 6086, located in the centre of the galaxy group Abell 2162. We have made major steps forward thanks to the new high-sensitivity interferometers in the low-frequency radio band. We have detected for the first time three filaments of emission and a second couple of lobes. We have performed an integrated and resolved analysis on the previously known inner lobes, the new filaments and the older outer lobes. We have performed an age estimate of the two pairs of lobes to give constraints on the duty cycle of the source and an estimate of its active time.