39 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers


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Attraverso questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà di compositi laminati in fibra di carbonio (CFRP) nano-modificati con nanofibre in Nylon 6.6, in termini di resistenza al danneggiamento da impatti a bassa velocità (con caratterizzazione Drop Weight at Low Velocity) e di smorzamento della vibrazione (con caratterizzazione a damping). Sono stati indagate due configurazioni di nanorinforzo differenti, confrontate con le prestazioni di provini vergini laminati tradizionalmente. Sono infine state operate delle analisi grafiche delle micrografie di campioni sezionati per trarre conclusioni di carattere tecnologico.


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L’intento di questa tesi è fornire un andamento di alcune proprietà dei materiali compositi in fibra di carbonio, CFRP, utilizzati soprattutto nell’ambito aeronautico e navale, esposti quindi a condizioni ambientali specifiche di variazione ciclica della temperatura. Lo studio è effettuato sulle prove di caratterizzazione statica, di compressione, flessione in tre punti e taglio interlaminare, che generano risultati sulla resistenza delle fibre e della matrice e sul modulo elastico a compressione e trazione del composito.


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The goal of this thesis is to make static tensile test on four Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer laminates, in such a way as to obtain the ultimate tensile strength of these laminates; in particular, the laminates analyzed were produced by Hand Lay-up technology. Testing these laminates we have a reference point on which to compare other laminates and in particular CFRP laminate produced by RTM technology.


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The increased exploitation of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is inevitably bringing about an increase in production scraps and end-of-life components, resulting in a sharp increase in CFRP waste. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to find efficient ways to reintroduce waste into the manufacturing cycle. At present, several recycling methods for treating CFRPs are available, even if all of them still have to be optimized. The step after CFRP recycling, and also the key to build a solid and sustainable CFRP recycling market, is represented by the utilization of Re-CFs. The smartest way to utilize recovered carbon fibers is through the manufacturing of recycled CFRPs, that can be done by re-impregnating the recovered fibers with a new polymeric matrix. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques that fabricates parts with a polymeric filament deposition process that allows to produce parts adding material layer-by-layer, only where it is needed, saving energy, raw material cost, and waste. The filament can also contain fillers or reinforcements such as recycled short carbon fibers and this makes it perfectly compliant with the re-application of the shortened recycled CF. Therefore, in this thesis work recycled and virgin carbon fiber reinforced PLA filaments have been initially produced using 5% and 10% of CFs load. Properties and characteristics of the filaments have been determined conducting different analysis (TGA, DMA, DSC). Subsequently the 5%wt. Re-CFs filament has been used to 3D print specimens for mechanical characterization (DMA, tensile test and CTE), in order to evaluate properties of printed PLA composites containing Re-CFs and evaluate the feasibility of Re-CFs in 3D printing application.


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I compositi laminati, specialmente i Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs), possiedono ottime proprietà meccaniche ed un peso contenuto rispetto i materiali metallici. Uno dei problemi più importanti che i laminati presentano è il cedimento per delaminazione, ovvero il distaccamento delle lamine che costituiscono il composito, in seguito a sollecitazioni esterne e/o alla presenza di difetti formati durante il processo di lavorazione. Per poter minimizzare tale fenomeno sono stati studiati vari metodi; fra questi vi è l’utilizzo di tessuti nanofibrosi che, intercalati fra le lamine, riescono ad ostacolare efficacemente la propagazione della cricca. Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati prodotti, mediante elettrofilatura, tessuti nanofibrosi polimerici additivati con grafene, da impiegare per la modifica strutturale di compositi laminati. In particolare, è stata svolta l’ottimizzazione delle soluzioni (concentrazione polimero, sistema solvente) e dei parametri di processo (potenziale, portata, distanza ago-collettore) per diversi materiali polimerici. Per effettuare un’efficiente dispersione del grafene sono stati effettuati vari cicli di sonicazione. Le membrane sono state caratterizzate morfologicamente mediante microscopia elettronica (SEM) e termicamente mediante calorimetria differenziale a scansione (DSC). Infine, sono stati prodotti tessuti di grandi dimensioni adatti ad essere integrati, prossimamente, in compositi laminati per verificarne l’efficacia contro la delaminazione.


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The use of adhesively bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is well established to repair metallic structural elements in the aerospace industry for more than three decades. Despite a few exceptions, this technology has yet not been exploited for the steel construction industry where there is a great need to rehabilitate old metallic bridges. For instance, in Europe more than 30% of the railway bridge stock operated for more than 100 years. These bridges are made of old mild steel or puddle iron that exhibits poor behaviour due to the quality of the material itself and degradation caused by the long-term loading or environmental effects. The modest results for Steel/CFRP joints obtained may be due to the type of adhesive used. In fact, most of the previous studies utilized brittle adhesives specially developed for concrete structures. Recent ductile adhesives that made for the automotive industry for metallic joints should be more appropriate. In this study, an experimental investigation on the behaviour of CFRP/steel adhesively bonded joints is presented. A comparison between brittle adhesives and ductile adhesives is conducted. The results show that the ductile adhesives achieve much higher performance than the brittle ones. The brittle adhesives provide more stiffness to the adhesive joint. In the specimens with the ductile adhesives, the failure pattern started by yielding the steel bars first then the adhesive joint which is promising since it can facilitate the design significantly if the steel yielding can be used as a design criterion. The main disadvantage of ductile adhesives is they are usually more expensive than brittle ones. In order to solve this issue, bi-adhesive joints, in which the joint is mainly made of (low cost) brittle adhesive and ductile adhesive in the stress concentration region, are proposed. The results revealed very high improvement up to the yielding strength of the steel bars and with a balanced stiffness.


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I compositi a matrice polimerica rinforzati con fibre di carbonio (Carbon fiber reinforced polymers, CFRP) posseggono proprietà meccaniche uniche rispetto ai materiali convenzionali, ed un peso decisamente inferiore. Queste caratteristiche, negli ultimi decenni, hanno determinato un crescente interesse nei confronti dei CFRP che ha portato a numerose applicazioni in settori come l’industria aerospaziale e l’automotive. Le sollecitazioni cui i CFRP laminati sono soggetti durante la vita d’uso possono causare fenomeni di delaminazione che, portando ad una drastica riduzione delle proprietà meccaniche del materiale, ne compromettono l’integrità strutturale. Nel presente lavoro di tesi, sono state integrate in laminati CFRP membrane elettrofilate da blend polimeriche con capacità di self-healing. Le migliori condizioni da applicare in fase di cura del composito sono state approfonditamente investigate mediante analisi termica (DSC). Per verificare la capacità di autoriparazione dei laminati modificati, è stata valutata la tenacità a frattura interlaminare in Modo I e Modo II prima e dopo il trattamento di attivazione del self-healing.


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The low-strength concrete is defined as a concrete where the compressive cubic strength is less than 15 MPa. Since the beginning of the last century, many low-strength concrete buildings and bridges have been built all over the world. Being short of deeper study, composite sheets are prohibited in strengthening of low-strength reinforced concrete members (CECS 146; ACI 440). Moreover, there are few relevant information about the long-term behavior and durability of strengthened RC members. This fact undoubtedly limits the use of the composite materials in the strengthening applications, therefore, it is necessary to study the behaviours of low-strength concrete elements strengthened with composite materials (FRP) for the preservation of historic constructions and innovation in the strengthening technology. Deformability is one of criteria in the design of concrete structures, and this for functionality, durability and aesthetics reasons. Civil engineer possibly encounters more deflection problems in the structural design than any other type of problem. Many materials common in structural engineering such as wood, concrete and composite materials, suffer creep; if the creep phenomenon is taken into account, checks for serviceability limit state criteria can become onerous, because the creep deformation in these materials is in the same order of magnitude as the elastic deformation. The thesis presents the results of an experimental study on the long-term behavior of low-strength reinforced concrete beams strengthened with carbon fiber composite sheets (CFRP). The work has investigated the accuracy of the long-term deflection predictions made by some analytical procedures existing in literature, as well as by the most widely used design codes (Eurocode 2, ACI-318, ACI-435).


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The increasing use of Fiber Reinforced methods for strengthening existing brick masonry walls and columns, especially for the rehabilitation of historical buildings, has generated considerable research interest in understanding the failure mechanism in such systems. This dissertation is aimed to provide a basic understanding of the behavior of solid brick masonry walls unwrapped and wrapped with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Composites. This is a new type of composite material, commonly known as FRCM, featuring a cementitious inorganic matrix (binder) instead of the more common epoxy one. The influence of the FRCM-reinforcement on the load-carrying capacity and strain distribution during compression test will be investigated using a full-field optical technique known as Digital Image Correlation. Compression test were carried on 6 clay bricks columns and on 7 clay brick walls in three different configuration, casted using bricks scaled respect the first one with a ratio 1:2, in order to determinate the effects of FRCM reinforcement. The goal of the experimental program is to understand how the behavior of brick masonry will be improved by the FRCM-wrapping. The results indicate that there is an arching action zone represented in the form of a parabola with a varying shape according to the used configuration. The area under the parabolas is considered as ineffectively confined. The effectively confined area is assumed to occur within the region where the arching action had been fully developed.


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matlab functions for the validation of push-off tests results


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Historic vaulted masonry structures often need strengthening interventions that can effectively improve their structural performance, especially during seismic events, and at the same time respect the existing setting and the modern conservation requirements. In this context, the use of innovative materials such as fiber-reinforced composite materials has been shown as an effective solution that can satisfy both aspects. This work aims to provide insight into the computational modeling of a full-scale masonry vault strengthened by fiber-reinforced composite materials and analyze the influence of the arrangement of the reinforcement on the efficiency of the intervention. At first, a parametric model of a cross vault focusing on a realistic representation of its micro-geometry is proposed. Then numerical modeling, simulating the pushover analyses, of several barrel vaults reinforced with different reinforcement configurations is performed. Finally, the results are collected and discussed in terms of force-displacement curves obtained for each proposed configuration.


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This thesis is focused on the viscoelastic behavior of macro-synthetic fiber-reinforced concrete (MSFRC) with polypropylene studied numerically when subjected to temperature variations (-30 oC to +60 oC). LDPM (lattice discrete particle model), a meso-scale model for heterogeneous composites, is used. To reproduce the MSFRC structural behavior, an extended version of LDPM that includes fiber effects through fiber-concrete interface micromechanics, called LDPM-F, is applied. Model calibration is performed based on three-point bending, cube, and cylinder test for plain concrete and MSFRC. This is followed by a comprehensive literature study on the variation of mechanical properties with temperature for individual fibers and plain concrete. This literature study and past experimental test results constitute inputs for final numerical simulations. The numerical response of MSFRC three-point bending test is replicated and compared with the previously conducted experimental test results; finally, the conclusions were drawn. LDPM numerical model is successfully calibrated using experimental responses on plain concrete. Fiber-concrete interface micro-mechanical parameters are subsequently fixed and LDPM-F models are calibrated based on MSFRC three-point bending test at room temperature. Number of fibers contributing crack bridging mechanism is computed and found to be in good agreement with experimental counts. Temperature variations model for individual constituents of MSFRC, fibers and plain concrete, are implemented in LDPM-F. The model is validated for MSFRC three-point bending stress-CMOD (crack mouth opening) response reproduced at -30 oC, -15 oC, 0 oC, +20 oC, +40 oC and +60 oC. It is found that the model can well describe the temperature variation behavior of MSFRC. At positive temperatures, simulated responses are in good agreement. Slight disagreement in negative regimes suggests an in-depth study on fiber-matrix interface bond behavior with varying temperatures.