4 resultados para two-term control

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for the restoration of excretory and endocrine kidney function in patients with end-stage renal disease. The success of the transplant is linked to the genetic compatibility between donor and recipient, and upon progress in surgery and immunosuppressive therapy. Numerous studies have established the importance of innate immunity in transplantation tolerance, in particular natural killer (NK) cells represent a population of cells involved in defense against infectious agents and tumor cells. NK cells express on their surface the Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) which, by recognizing and binding to MHC class I antigens, prevent the killing of autologous cells. In solid organ transplantation context, and in particular the kidney, recent studies show some correlation between the incompatibility KIR / HLA and outcome of transplantation so as to represent an interesting perspective, especially as regards setting of immunosuppressive therapy. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess whether the incompatibility between recipient KIR receptors and HLA class I ligands of the donor could be a useful predictor in order to improve the survival of the transplanted kidney and also to select patients who might benefit of a reduced regimen. One hundred and thirteen renal transplant patients from 1999 to 2005 were enrolled. Genomic DNA was extracted for each of them and their donors and genotyping of HLA A, B, C and 14 KIR genes was carried out. Data analysis was conducted on two case-control studies: one aimed at assessing the outcome of acute rejection and the other to assess the long term transplant outcome. The results showed that two genes, KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1, are associated with the development of acute rejection (p = 0.02 and p = 0.05, respectively). The presence of the KIR2DS3 gene is associated with a better performance of serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate (MDRD) over time (4 and 5 years after transplantation, p <0.05), while in the presence of ligand, the serum creatinine and MDRD trend seems to get worse in the long term. The analysis performed on the population, according to whether there was deterioration of renal function or not in the long term, showed that the absence of the KIR2DL1 gene is strongly associated with an increase of 20% of the creatinine value at 5 years, with a relative risk to having a greater creatinine level than the median 5-year equal to 2.7 95% (95% CI: 1.7788 - 2.6631). Finally, the presence of a kidney resulting negative for HLA-A3 / A11, compared to a positive result, in patients with KIR3DL2, showed a relative risk of having a serum creatinine above the median at 5 years after transplantation of 0.6609 (95% CI: 0.4529 -0.9643), suggesting a protective effect given to the absence of this ligand.


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This thesis deals with the studies on the Cooperative Teleoperation Systems. The literature on cooperative teleoperation did not take into account control architectures composed of pairs of wave-based bilateral teleoperators operating in a shared environment. In this work The author two cooperative control schemes based on wave variables by considering two pairs of single-master/single-slave devices collaborating to carry out operations in a shared remote environment are proposed. Such architectures have been validated both with simulations and experimental tests. Ch. 2 introduces a description of the two control architectures proposed and presents some simulation results where the cooperative teleoperation systems evolve in free space and in contact with a stiff wall. In the Ch. 3 some experimental results which confirm the positive results of the control schemes are illustred. Such results have been achieved by using a prototype custom built at Laboratory of Automaiton and Robotics of University of Bologna, which is also illustrated in this chapter. In Ch. 4 the problem of defining proper tools and procedures for an analysis, and possibly a comparison, of the performances of cooperative teleoperation systems is addressed. In particular, a novel generalization of criteria adopted for classical (i.e. one master-one slave) teleoperators is presented and illustrated on the basis of the force-position and the position-position cooperative control schemes proposed in Ch. 2, both from a transparency and stability point of view, and by assuming a null time delay in the communication channel.


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Il temperamento può essere definito come l’attitudine che un cane esprime verso le persone e verso altri animali, la combinazione di tratti fisici e mentali, acquisiti e non, che determinano il comportamento del cane. Tale parametro delinea perciò il carattere di un individuo, inclinazioni e tendenze, eccitabilità, tristezza, rabbia e il modo caratteristico di comportarsi di un individuo, con particolare riferimento alle interazioni sociali. La presente tesi di Dottorato rappresenta uno studio su alcuni tratti del temperamento nel cane domestico elaborato in 3 progetti sperimentali. Nei primi due progetti sono state analizzate le differenze attitudinali tra alcune razze canine attraverso l’applicazione di un test di temperamento in cuccioli di 60 giorni e in cani adulti, per valutare e confrontarne il temperamento, la socialità ed identificare profili tipici di razza. Nel terzo progetto un campione di cani morsicatori di canile e di proprietà è stato confrontato con due rispettivi gruppi di controllo. Analizzando i risultati è stato possibile mettere in evidenza caratteristiche di razza omogenee nell’interazione con stimoli inanimati, nelle interazioni sociali e in relazione alla possessività e sono stati delineati profili di razza sia nei cuccioli sia negli adulti. Si sono tuttavia, osservate variabilità individuali, intra-razza e intra-cucciolata, a testimonianza dell’influenza complessa e multifattoriale delle componenti genetica e ambientale sul comportamento dei cani. Il confronto tra cani morsicatori di canile e di proprietà ha messo in luce interessanti differenze tra i soggetti in termini di reattività, socievolezza, propensione all’interazione con il proprietario o con un estraneo, comportamenti di evitamento e velocità di reazione agli stimoli presentati. Il test applicato è risultato un valido strumento per valutare il temperamento di cani dichiarati aggressivi che sono stati sottoposti a situazioni nuove e a stimoli sconosciuti per poter ottenere una migliore visione d’insieme del temperamento del soggetto.


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Background: Clinical trials have demonstrated that selected secondary prevention medications for patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) reduce mortality. Yet, these medications are generally underprescribed in daily practice, and older people are often absent from drug trials. Objectives: To examine the relationship between adherence to evidence-based (EB) drugs and post-AMI mortality, focusing on the effects of single therapy and polytherapy in very old patients (≥80 years) compared with elderly and adults (<80 years). Methods: Patients hospitalised for AMI between 01/01/2008 and 30/06/2011 and resident in the Local Health Authority of Bologna were followed up until 31/12/2011. Medication adherence was calculated as the proportion of days covered for filled prescriptions of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), β-blockers, antiplatelet drugs, and statins. We adopted a risk set sampling method, and the adjusted relationship between medication adherence (PDC≥75%) and mortality was investigated using conditional multiple logistic regression. Results: The study population comprised 4861 patients. During a median follow-up of 2.8 years, 1116 deaths (23.0%) were observed. Adherence to the 4 EB drugs was 7.1%, while nonadherence to any of the drugs was 19.7%. For both patients aged ≥80 years and those aged <80 years, rate ratios of death linearly decreased as the number of EB drugs taken increased. There was a significant inverse relationship between adherence to each of 4 medications and mortality, although its magnitude was higher for ACEIs/ARBs (adj. rate ratio=0.60, 95%CI=0.52–0.69) and statins (0.60, 0.50–0.72), and lower for β-blockers (0.75, 0.61–0.92) and antiplatelet drugs (0.73, 0.63–0.84). Conclusions: The beneficial effect of EB polytherapy on long-term mortality following AMI is evident also in nontrial older populations. Given that adherence to combination therapies is largely suboptimal, the implementation of strategies and initiatives to increase the use of post-AMI secondary preventive medications in old patients is crucial.