11 resultados para the wire beam electrode

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the thesis is presented the measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam, a muon neutrino beam produced at CERN. The OPERA detector observes muon neutrinos 730 km away from the source. Previous measurements of the neutrino velocity have been performed by other experiments. Since the OPERA experiment aims the direct observation of muon neutrinos oscillations into tau neutrinos, a higher energy beam is employed. This characteristic together with the higher number of interactions in the detector allows for a measurement with a much smaller statistical uncertainty. Moreover, a much more sophisticated timing system (composed by cesium clocks and GPS receivers operating in “common view mode”), and a Fast Waveform Digitizer (installed at CERN and able to measure the internal time structure of the proton pulses used for the CNGS beam), allows for a new measurement with a smaller systematic error. Theoretical models on Lorentz violating effects can be investigated by neutrino velocity measurements with terrestrial beams. The analysis has been carried out with blind method in order to guarantee the internal consistency and the goodness of each calibration measurement. The performed measurement is the most precise one done with a terrestrial neutrino beam, the statistical accuracy achieved by the OPERA measurement is about 10 ns and the systematic error is about 20 ns.


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In this work, the Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) is used as the main tool to analyze the mechanics of thin-walled beams. After an introduction to the subject and a quick review of some of the most well-known approaches to describe the behaviour of thin-walled beams, a novel formulation of the GBT is presented. This formulation contains the classic shear-deformable GBT available in the literature and contributes an additional description of cross-section warping that is variable along the wall thickness besides along the wall midline. Shear deformation is introduced in such a way that the classical shear strain components of the Timoshenko beam theory are recovered exactly. According to the new kinematics proposed, a reviewed form of the cross-section analysis procedure is devised, based on a unique modal decomposition. Later, a procedure for a posteriori reconstruction of all the three-dimensional stress components in the finite element analysis of thin-walled beams using the GBT is presented. The reconstruction is simple and based on the use of three-dimensional equilibrium equations and of the RCP procedure. Finally, once the stress reconstruction procedure is presented, a study of several existing issues on the constitutive relations in the GBT is carried out. Specifically, a constitutive law based on mirroring the kinematic constraints of the GBT model into a specific stress field assumption is proposed. It is shown that this method is equally valid for isotropic and orthotropic beams and coincides with the conventional GBT approach available in the literature. Later on, an analogous procedure is presented for the case of laminated beams. Lastly, as a way to improve an inherently poor description of shear deformability in the GBT, the introduction of shear correction factors is proposed. Throughout this work, numerous examples are provided to determine the validity of all the proposed contributions to the field.


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In the context of increasing beam energy and luminosity of the LHC accelerator at CERN, it will be important to accurately measure the Machine Induced Background. A new monitoring system will be installed in the CMS cavern for measuring the beam background at high radius. This detector, called the Beam Halo Monitor, will provide an online, bunch-by-bunch measurement of background induced by beam halo interactions, separately for each beam. The detector is composed of synthetic quartz Cherenkov radiators, coupled to fast UV sensitive photomultiplier tubes. The directional and fast response of the system allows the discrimination of the background particles from the dominant flux in the cavern induced by pp collision debris, produced within the 25 ns bunch spacing. The readout electronics of this detector will make use of many components developed for the upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter electronics, with a dedicated firmware and readout adapted to the beam monitoring requirements. The PMT signal will be digitized by a charge integrating ASIC, providing both the signal rise time and the charge integrated over one bunch crossing. The backend electronics will record bunch-by-bunch histograms, which will be published to CMS and the LHC using the newly designed CMS beam instrumentation specific DAQ. A calibration and monitoring system has been designed to generate triggered pulses of UV light to monitor the efficiency of the system. The experimental results validating the design of the detector, the calibration system and the electronics will be presented.


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Deformability is often a crucial to the conception of many civil-engineering structural elements. Also, design is all the more burdensome if both long- and short-term deformability has to be considered. In this thesis, long- and short-term deformability has been studied from the material and the structural modelling point of view. Moreover, two materials have been handled: pultruded composites and concrete. A new finite element model for thin-walled beams has been introduced. As a main assumption, cross-sections rigid are considered rigid in their plane; this hypothesis replaces that of the classical beam theory of plane cross-sections in the deformed state. That also allows reducing the total number of degrees of freedom, and therefore making analysis faster compared with twodimensional finite elements. Longitudinal direction warping is left free, allowing describing phenomena such as the shear lag. The new finite-element model has been first applied to concrete thin-walled beams (such as roof high span girders or bridge girders) subject to instantaneous service loadings. Concrete in his cracked state has been considered through a smeared crack model for beams under bending. At a second stage, the FE-model has been extended to the viscoelastic field and applied to pultruded composite beams under sustained loadings. The generalized Maxwell model has been adopted. As far as materials are concerned, long-term creep tests have been carried out on pultruded specimens. Both tension and shear tests have been executed. Some specimen has been strengthened with carbon fibre plies to reduce short- and long- term deformability. Tests have been done in a climate room and specimens kept 2 years under constant load in time. As for concrete, a model for tertiary creep has been proposed. The basic idea is to couple the UMLV linear creep model with a damage model in order to describe nonlinearity. An effective strain tensor, weighting the total and the elasto-damaged strain tensors, controls damage evolution through the damage loading function. Creep strains are related to the effective stresses (defined by damage models) and so associated to the intact material.


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The OPERA experiment aims at the direct observation of ν_mu -> ν_tau oscillations in the CNGS (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) neutrino beam produced at CERN; since the ν_e contamination in the CNGS beam is low, OPERA will also be able to study the sub-dominant oscillation channel ν_mu -> ν_e. OPERA is a large scale hybrid apparatus divided in two supermodules, each equipped with electronic detectors, an iron spectrometer and a highly segmented ~0.7 kton target section made of Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) units. During my research work in the Bologna Lab. I have taken part to the set-up of the automatic scanning microscopes studying and tuning the scanning system performances and efficiencies with emulsions exposed to a test beam at CERN in 2007. Once the triggered bricks were distributed to the collaboration laboratories, my work was centered on the procedure used for the localization and the reconstruction of neutrino events.


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FIR spectroscopy is an alternative way of collecting spectra of many inorganic pigments and corrosion products found on art objects, which is not normally observed in the MIR region. Most FIR spectra are traditionally collected in transmission mode but as a real novelty it is now also possible to record FIR spectra in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) mode. In FIR transmission we employ polyethylene (PE) for preparation of pellets by embedding the sample in PE. Unfortunately, the preparation requires heating of the PE in order to produces at transparent pellet. This will affect compounds with low melting points, especially those with structurally incorporated water. Another option in FIR transmission is the use of thin films. We test the use of polyethylene thin film (PETF), both commercial and laboratory-made PETF. ATR collection of samples is possible in both the MIR and FIR region on solid, powdery or liquid samples. Changing from the MIR to the FIR region is easy as it simply requires the change of detector and beamsplitter (which can be performed within a few minutes). No preparation of the sample is necessary, which is a huge advantage over the PE transmission method. The most obvious difference, when comparing transmission with ATR, is the distortion of band shape (which appears asymmetrical in the lower wavenumber region) and intensity differences. However, the biggest difference can be the shift of strong absorbing bands moving to lower wavenumbers in ATR mode. The sometimes huge band shift necessitates the collection of standard library spectra in both FIR transmission and ATR modes, provided these two methods of collecting are to be employed for analyses of unknown samples. Standard samples of 150 pigment and corrosion compounds are thus collected in both FIR transmission and ATR mode in order to build up a digital library of spectra for comparison with unknown samples. XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy assists us in confirming the purity or impurity of our standard samples. 24 didactic test tables, with known pigment and binder painted on the surface of a limestone tablet, are used for testing the established library and different ways of collecting in ATR and transmission mode. In ATR, micro samples are scratched from the surface and examined in both the MIR and FIR region. Additionally, direct surface contact of the didactic tablets with the ATR crystal are tested together with water enhanced surface contact. In FIR transmission we compare the powder from our test tablet on the laboratory PETF and embedded in PE. We also compare the PE pellets collected using a 4x beam condenser, focusing the IR beam area from 8 mm to 2 mm. A few samples collected from a mural painting in a Nepalese temple, corrosion products collected from archaeological Chinese bronze objects and samples from a mural paintings in an Italian abbey, are examined by ATR or transmission spectroscopy.


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In this thesis the use of widefield imaging techniques and VLBI observations with a limited number of antennas are explored. I present techniques to efficiently and accurately image extremely large UV datasets. Very large VLBI datasets must be reduced into multiple, smaller datasets if today’s imaging algorithms are to be used to image them. I present a procedure for accurately shifting the phase centre of a visibility dataset. This procedure has been thoroughly tested and found to be almost two orders of magnitude more accurate than existing techniques. Errors have been found at the level of one part in 1.1 million. These are unlikely to be measurable except in the very largest UV datasets. Results of a four-station VLBI observation of a field containing multiple sources are presented. A 13 gigapixel image was constructed to search for sources across the entire primary beam of the array by generating over 700 smaller UV datasets. The source 1320+299A was detected and its astrometric position with respect to the calibrator J1329+3154 is presented. Various techniques for phase calibration and imaging across this field are explored including using the detected source as an in-beam calibrator and peeling of distant confusing sources from VLBI visibility datasets. A range of issues pertaining to wide-field VLBI have been explored including; parameterising the wide-field performance of VLBI arrays; estimating the sensitivity across the primary beam both for homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays; applying techniques such as mosaicing and primary beam correction to VLBI observations; quantifying the effects of time-average and bandwidth smearing; and calibration and imaging of wide-field VLBI datasets. The performance of a computer cluster at the Istituto di Radioastronomia in Bologna has been characterised with regard to its ability to correlate using the DiFX software correlator. Using existing software it was possible to characterise the network speed particularly for MPI applications. The capabilities of the DiFX software correlator, running on this cluster, were measured for a range of observation parameters and were shown to be commensurate with the generic performance parameters measured. The feasibility of an Italian VLBI array has been explored, with discussion of the infrastructure required, the performance of such an array, possible collaborations, and science which could be achieved. Results from a 22 GHz calibrator survey are also presented. 21 out of 33 sources were detected on a single baseline between two Italian antennas (Medicina to Noto). The results and discussions presented in this thesis suggest that wide-field VLBI is a technique whose time has finally come. Prospects for exciting new science are discussed in the final chapter.


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The upgrade of the CERN accelerator complex has been planned in order to further increase the LHC performances in exploring new physics frontiers. One of the main limitations to the upgrade is represented by the collective instabilities. These are intensity dependent phenomena triggered by electromagnetic fields excited by the interaction of the beam with its surrounding. These fields are represented via wake fields in time domain or impedances in frequency domain. Impedances are usually studied assuming ultrarelativistic bunches while we mainly explored low and medium energy regimes in the LHC injector chain. In a non-ultrarelativistic framework we carried out a complete study of the impedance structure of the PSB which accelerates proton bunches up to 1.4 GeV. We measured the imaginary part of the impedance which creates betatron tune shift. We introduced a parabolic bunch model which together with dedicated measurements allowed us to point to the resistive wall impedance as the source of one of the main PSB instability. These results are particularly useful for the design of efficient transverse instability dampers. We developed a macroparticle code to study the effect of the space charge on intensity dependent instabilities. Carrying out the analysis of the bunch modes we proved that the damping effects caused by the space charge, which has been modelled with semi-analytical method and using symplectic high order schemes, can increase the bunch intensity threshold. Numerical libraries have been also developed in order to study, via numerical simulations of the bunches, the impedance of the whole CERN accelerator complex. On a different note, the experiment CNGS at CERN, requires high-intensity beams. We calculated the interpolating Hamiltonian of the beam for highly non-linear lattices. These calculations provide the ground for theoretical and numerical studies aiming to improve the CNGS beam extraction from the PS to the SPS.


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The Plasma Focus is a device designed to generate a plasma sheet between two coaxial electrodes by means of a high voltage difference. The plasma is then driven to collapse into a “pinch”, where thermonuclear conditions prevail. During the “pinch phase” charged particles are emitted, with two main components: an ion beam peaked forward and an electron beam directed backward. The electron beam emitted backward by Plasma Focus devices is being investigated as a radiation source for medical applications, using it to produce x-rays by interaction with appropriate targets (through bremsstrahlung and characteristic emission). A dedicated Plasma Focus device, named PFMA-3 (Plasma Focus for Medical Applications number 3), has been designed, put in operation and tested by the research groups of the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. The very high dose rate (several gray per discharge, in less than 1 µs) is a peculiarity of this device that has to be investigated, as it might modify the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Aim of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the main physical properties of the low-energy x-ray beams produced by a Plasma Focus device and their potential medical applications to IORT treatments. It was necessary to develop the optimal geometrical configuration; to evaluate the x-rays produced and their dose deposited; to estimate the energy electron spectrum produced in the “pinch phase”; to study an optimal target for the conversion of the x-rays; to conduct simulations to study the physics involved; and in order to evaluate the radio-biological features of the beam, cell holders had to be developed for both irradiations and cell growth conditions.


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In the race to obtain protons with higher energies, using more compact systems at the same time, laser-driven plasma accelerators are becoming an interesting possibility. But for now, only beams with extremely broad energy spectra and high divergence have been produced. The driving line of this PhD thesis was the study and design of a compact system to extract a high quality beam out of the initial bunch of protons produced by the interaction of a laser pulse with a thin solid target, using experimentally reliable technologies in order to be able to test such a system as soon as possible. In this thesis, different transport lines are analyzed. The first is based on a high field pulsed solenoid, some collimators and, for perfect filtering and post-acceleration, a high field high frequency compact linear accelerator, originally designed to accelerate a 30 MeV beam extracted from a cyclotron. The second one is based on a quadruplet of permanent magnetic quadrupoles: thanks to its greater simplicity and reliability, it has great interest for experiments, but the effectiveness is lower than the one based on the solenoid; in fact, the final beam intensity drops by an order of magnitude. An additional sensible decrease in intensity is verified in the third case, where the energy selection is achieved using a chicane, because of its very low efficiency for off-axis protons. The proposed schemes have all been analyzed with 3D simulations and all the significant results are presented. Future experimental work based on the outcome of this thesis can be planned and is being discussed now.


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We have realized a Data Acquisition chain for the use and characterization of APSEL4D, a 32 x 128 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, developed as a prototype for frontier experiments in high energy particle physics. In particular a transition board was realized for the conversion between the chip and the FPGA voltage levels and for the signal quality enhancing. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA was used for real time data processing, for the chip control and the communication with a Personal Computer through a 2.0 USB port. For this purpose a firmware code, developed in VHDL language, was written. Finally a Graphical User Interface for the online system monitoring, hit display and chip control, based on windows and widgets, was realized developing a C++ code and using Qt and Qwt dedicated libraries. APSEL4D and the full acquisition chain were characterized for the first time with the electron beam of the transmission electron microscope and with 55Fe and 90Sr radioactive sources. In addition, a beam test was performed at the T9 station of the CERN PS, where hadrons of momentum of 12 GeV/c are available. The very high time resolution of APSEL4D (up to 2.5 Mfps, but used at 6 kfps) was fundamental in realizing a single electron Young experiment using nanometric double slits obtained by a FIB technique. On high statistical samples, it was possible to observe the interference and diffractions of single isolated electrons traveling inside a transmission electron microscope. For the first time, the information on the distribution of the arrival time of the single electrons has been extracted.