8 resultados para sucrose synthase-1 promoter

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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A new formulate containing citokinins, that is commercialized as Cytokin, has been introduced as dormancy breaking agents. During a three-years study, Cytokin was applied at different concentrations and application times in two producing areas of the Emilia-Romagna region to verify its efficacy as a DBA. Cytokin application increased the bud break and showed a lateral flower thinning effect. Moreover, treated vines showed an earlier and more uniform flowering as compared to control ones. Results obtained on the productive performance revealed a constant positive effect in the fruit fresh weight at harvest. Moreover, Cytokin did not cause any phytotoxicity even at the highest concentrations. Starting from the field observation, which suggested the involvement of cytokinins in kiwifruit bud release from dormancy, 6-BA was applied in open field condition and molecular and histological analyses were carried out in kiwifruit buds collected starting from the endo dormant period up to complete bud break to compare the natural occurring situation to the one induced by exogenous cytokinin application. In details, molecular analyses were set up on to verify the expression of genes involved in the reactivation of cell cycle: cyclin D3, histone H4, cyclin-dependent kinase B, as well as of others which are known to be up regulated during bud release in other species, i.e.isopenteniltransferases (IPTs), which catalyze the first step in the CK biosynthesis, and sucrose synthase 1 and A, which are involved in the sugar supplied. Moreover, histological analyses of the cell division rate in kiwifruit bud apical meristems were performed. These analyses showed a reactivation of the cell divisions during bud release and changes in the expression level of the investigated genes.


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In a global and increasingly competitive fresh produce market, more attention is being given to fruit quality traits and consumer satisfaction. Kiwifruit occupies a niche position in the worldwide market, when compared to apples, oranges or bananas. It is a fruit with extraordinarily good nutritional traits, and its benefits to human health have been widely described. Until recently, international trade in kiwifruit was restricted to a single cultivar, but different types of kiwifruit are now becoming available in the market. Effective programmes of kiwifruit improvement start by considering the requirements of consumers, and recent surveys indicate that sweeter fruit with better flavour are generally preferred. There is a strong correlation between at-harvest dry matter and starch content, and soluble solid concentration and flavour when fruit are eating ripe. This suggests that carbon accumulation strongly influences the development of kiwifruit taste. The overall aim of the present study was to determine what factors affect carbon accumulation during Actinidia deliciosa berry development. One way of doing this is by comparing kiwifruit genotypes that differ greatly in their ability to accumulate dry matter in their fruit. Starch is the major component of dry matter content. It was hypothesized that genotypes were different in sink strength. Sink strength, by definition, is the effect of sink size and sink activity. Chapter 1 reviews fruit growth, kiwifruit growth and development and carbon metabolism. Chapter 2 describes the materials and methods used. Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6 describes different types of experimental work. Chapter 7 contains the final discussions and the conclusions Three Actinidia deliciosa breeding populations were analysed in detail to confirm that observed differences in dry matter content were genetically determined. Fruit of the different genotypes differed in dry matter content mainly because of differences in starch concentrations and dry weight accumulation rates, irrespective of fruit size. More detailed experiments were therefore carried out on genotypes which varied most in fruit starch concentrations to determine why sink strengths were so different. The kiwifruit berry comprises three tissues which differ in dry matter content. It was initially hypothesised that observed differences in starch content could be due to a larger proportion of one or other of these tissues, for example, of the central core which is highest in dry matter content. The study results showed that this was not the case. Sink size, intended as cell number or cell size, was then investigated. The outer pericarp makes up about 60% of berry weight in ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit. The outer pericarp contains two types of parenchyma cells: large cells with low starch concentration, and small cells with high starch concentration. Large cell, small cell and total cell densities in the outer pericarp were shown to be not correlated with either dry matter content or fruit size but further investigation of volume proportion among cell types seemed justified. It was then shown that genotypes with fruit having higher dry matter contents also had a higher proportion of small cells. However, the higher proportion of small cell volume could only explain half of the observed differences in starch content. So, sink activity, intended as sucrose to starch metabolism, was investigated. In transiently starch storing sinks, such as tomato fruit and potato tubers, a pivotal role in carbon metabolism has been attributed to sucrose cleaving enzymes (mainly sucrose synthase and cell wall invertase) and to ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (the committed step in starch synthesis). Studies on tomato and potato genotypes differing in starch content or in final fruit soluble solid concentrations have demonstrated a strong link with either sucrose synthase or ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, at both enzyme activity and gene expression levels, depending on the case. Little is known about sucrose cleaving enzyme and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms. The HortResearch Actinidia EST database was then screened to identify sequences putatively encoding for sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms and specific primers were designed. Sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoform transcript levels were anlayzed throughout fruit development of a selection of four genotypes (two high dry matter and two low dry matter). High dry matter genotypes showed higher amounts of sucrose synthase transcripts (SUS1, SUS2 or both) and higher ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPL4, large subunit 4) gene expression, mainly early in fruit development. SUS1- like gene expression has been linked with starch biosynthesis in several crop (tomato, potato and maize). An enhancement of its transcript level early in fruit development of high dry matter genotypes means that more activated glucose (UDP-glucose) is available for starch synthesis. This can be then correlated to the higher starch observed since soon after the onset of net starch accumulation. The higher expression level of AGPL4 observed in high dry matter genotypes suggests an involvement of this subunit in drive carbon flux into starch. Changes in both enzymes (SUSY and AGPse) are then responsible of higher starch concentrations. Low dry matter genotypes showed generally higher vacuolar invertase gene expression (and also enzyme activity), early in fruit development. This alternative cleavage strategy can possibly contribute to energy loss, in that invertases’ products are not adenylated, and further reactions and transport are needed to convert carbon into starch. Although these elements match well with observed differences in starch contents, other factors could be involved in carbon metabolism control. From the microarray experiment, in fact, several kinases and transcription factors have been found to be differentially expressed. Sink strength is known to be modified by application of regulators. In ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, the synthetic cytokinin CPPU (N-(2-Chloro-4-Pyridyl)-N-Phenylurea) promotes a dramatic increase in fruit size, whereas dry matter content decreases. The behaviour of CPPU-treated ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit was similar to that of fruit from low dry matter genotypes: dry matter and starch concentrations were lower. However, the CPPU effect was strongly source limited, whereas in genotype variation it was not. Moreover, CPPU-treated fruit gene expression (at sucrose cleavage and AGPase levels) was similar to that in high dry matter genotypes. It was therefore concluded that CPPU promotes both sink size and sink activity, but at different “speeds” and this ends in the observed decrease in dry matter content and starch concentration. The lower “speed” in sink activity is probably due to a differential partitioning of activated glucose between starch storage and cell wall synthesis to sustain cell expansion. Starch is the main carbohydrate accumulated in growing Actinidia deliciosa fruit. Results obtained in the present study suggest that sucrose synthase and AGPase enzymes contribute to sucrose to starch conversion, and differences in their gene expression levels, mainly early in fruit development, strongly affect the rate at which starch is therefore accumulated. This results are interesting in that starch and Actinidia deliciosa fruit quality are tightly connected.


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Polyphenols, including flavonoids and stilbenes, are an essential part of human diet and constitute one of the most abundant and ubiquitous group of plant secondary metabolites. The level of these compounds is inducible by stress or fungal attack, so attempts are being made to identify likely biotic and abiotic elicitors and to better understand the underlying mechanism. Resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene), which belongs to the stilbene family, is a naturally occurring polyphenol, found in several fruits, vegetables and beverages including red wine. It is one of the most important plant polyphenols with proved benefic activity on animal health. In the last two decades, the potential protective effects of resveratrol against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the chemopreventive properties against cancer, have been largely investigated. The most important source of polyphenols and in particular resveratrol for human diet is grape (Vitis vinifera). Since stilbenes and flavonoids play a very important role in plant defence responses and enviromental interactions, and their effects on human health seem promising, the aim of the research of this Thesis was to study at different levels the activation and the regulation of their biosynthetic pathways after chitosan treatment. Moreover, the polyphenol production in grape cells and the optimisation of cultural conditions bioreactor scale-up, were also investigated. Cell suspensions were obtained from cv. Barbera (Vitis vinifera L.) petioles and were treated with a biotic elicitor, chitosan (50 μg/mL, dissolved in acetic acid) to promote phenylpropanoid metabolism. Chitosan is a D-glucosamine polymer from fungi cell wall and therefore mimes fungal pathogen attack. Liquid cultures have been monitored for 15 days, measuring cell number, cell viability, pH and grams of fresh weight. The endogenous and released amounts of 7 stilbenes (trans and cis isomers of resveratrol, piceid and resveratroloside, and piceatannol), gallic acid, 6 hydroxycinnamic acids (trans-cinnamic, p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic and chlorogenic acids), 5 catechines (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin and epicatechin-gallate) and other 5 flavonoids (chalcon, naringenin, kaempferol, quercetin and rutin) in cells and cultural medium, were measured by HPLC-DAD analysis and total anthocyanins were quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Chitosan was effective in stimulating trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation with a sharp peak at day 4 (exceeding acetic acid and water controls by 36% and 63%, respectively), while it did not influence the production of the cis-isomer. Compared to both water and acetic acid controls, chitosan decreased the release of both trans- and cis-resveratrol respect to controls. No effect was shown on the accumulation of single resveratrol mono-glucoside isomers, but considering their total amount, normalized for the relative water control, it was possible to evidence an increase in both accumulation and release of those compounds, in chitosan-treated cells, throughout the culture period and particularly during the second week. Many of the analysed flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids were not present or detectable in trace amounts. Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) were detectable both inside the cells and in the culture media, but chitosan did not affect their amounts. On the contrary, total anthocyanins have been stimulated by chitosan and their level, from day 4 to 14, was about 2-fold higher than in both controls, confirming macroscopic observations that treated suspensions showed an intense brown-red color, from day 3 onwards. These elicitation results suggest that chitosan selectively up-regulates specific biosynthetic pathways, without modifying the general accumulation pattern of other flavonoids. Proteins have been extracted from cells at day 4 of culture (corresponding to the production peak of trans-resveratrol) and separated by bidimensional electrophoresis. The 73 proteins that showed a consistently changed amount between untreated, chitosan and acetic acid (chitosan solvent) treated cells, have been identified by mass spectrometry. Chitosan induced an increase in stilbene synthase (STS, the resveratrol biosynthetic enzyme), chalcone-flavanone isomerase (CHI, that switches the pathway from chalcones to flavones and anthocyanins), pathogenesis-related proteins 10 (PRs10, a large family of defence proteins), and a decrease in many proteins belonging to primary metabolisms. A train of six distinct spots of STS encoded by the same gene and increased by chitosan, was detected on the 2-D gels, and related to the different phosphorylation degree of STS spots. Northern blot analyses have been performed on RNA extracted from cells treated with chitosan and relative controls, using probes for STS, PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase, the first enzyme of the biosynthetic pathway), CHS (chalcone synthase, that shares with STS the same precursors), CHI and PR-10. The up-regulation of PAL, CHS and CHI transcript expression levels correlated with the accumulation of anthocyanins. The strong increase of different molecular weight PR-10 mRNAs, correlated with the 11 PR-10 protein spots identified in proteomic analyses. The sudden decrease in trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation after day 4 of culture, could be simply explained by the diminished resveratrol biosynthetic activity due to the lower amount of biosynthetic enzymes. This might be indirectly demonstrated by northern blot expression analyses, that showed lower levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and stilbene synthase (STS) mRNAs starting from day 4. Other possible explanations could be a resveratrol oxidation process and/or the formation of other different mono-, di-glucosides and resveratrol oligomers such as viniferins. Immunolocalisation experiments performed on grape protoplasts and the subsequent analyses by confocal microscope, showed that STS, and therefore the resveratrol synthetic site, is mostly associated to intracellular membranes close to the cytosolic side of plasma membrane and in a smaller amount is localized in the cytosol. STS seemed not to be present inside vacuole and nucleus. There were no differences in the STS intracellular localisation between the different treatments. Since it was shown that stilbenes are largely released in the culture medium and that STS is a soluble protein, a possible interaction of STS with a plasma membrane transporter responsible for the extrusion of stilbenes in the culture medium, might be hypothesized. Proteomic analyses performed on subcellular fractions identified in the microsomial fraction 5 proteins taking part in channel complexes or associated with channels, that significantly changed their amount after chitosan treatment. In soluble and membrane fractions respectively 3 and 4 STS and 6 and 3 PR-10 have been identified. Proteomic results obtained from subcellular fractions substantially confirmed previous result obtained from total cell protein extracts and added more information about protein localisation and co-localisation. The interesting results obtained on Barbera cell cultures with the aim to increase polyphenol (especially stilbenes) production, have encouraged scale up tests in 1 litre bioreactors. The first trial fermentation was performed in parallel with a normal time-course in 20 mL flasks, showing that the scale-up (bigger volume and different conditions) process influenced in a very relevant way stilbenes production. In order to optimise culture parameters such as medium sucrose amount, fermentation length and inoculum cell concentration, few other fermentations were performed. Chitosan treatments were also performed. The modification of each parameter brought relevant variations in stilbenes and catechins levels, so that the production of a certain compound (or class of compounds) could be hypothetically promoted by modulating one or more culture parameters. For example the catechin yield could be improved by increasing sucrose content and the time of fermentation. The best results in stilbene yield were obtained in a 800 mL fermentation inoculated with 10.8 grams of cells and supplemented with chitosan. The culture was fed with MS medium added with 30 g/L sucrose, 25 μg/mL rifampicin and 50 μg/mL of chitosan, and was maintained at 24°C, stirred by marine impeller at 100 rpm and supplied of air at 0.16 L/min rate. Resveratroloside was the stilbene present in the larger amount, 3-5 times more than resveratrol. Because resveratrol glucosides are similarly active and more stable than free resveratrol, their production using a bioreactor could be a great advantage in an hypothetical industrial process. In my bioreactor tests, stilbenes were mainly released in the culture medium (60-80% of the total) and this fact could be another advantage for industrial applications, because it allows recovering the products directly from the culture medium without stopping the fermentation and/or killing the cells. In my best cultural conditions, it was possible to obtain 3.95 mg/L of stilbenes at day 4 (maximum resveratrol accumulation) and 5.13 mg/L at day 14 (maximum resveratroloside production). In conclusion, chitosan effect in inducing Vitis vinifera defense mechanisms can be related to its ability to increase the intracellular content of a large spectrum of antioxidants, and in particular of resveratrol, its derivates and anthocyanins. Its effect can be observed at transcriptional, proteomic (variation of soluble and membrane protein amounts) and metabolic (polyphenols production) level. The chitosan ability to elicit specific plant matabolisms can be useful to produce large quantities of antioxidant compounds from cell culture in bioreactor.


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The expression of phospholipase C-β1 (PLC-β1) and cyclin D3 is highly induced during skeletal myoblast differentiation. We have previously shown that PLC-β1 activates cyclin D3 promoter during the differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes, indicating that PLC-β1 is a crucial regulator of mouse cyclin D3 gene. Here we report that PLC-β1 catalytic activity plays a role in the increase of cyclin D3 levels and in the induction of differentiation of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. PLC-β1 mutational analysis revealed the importance of His331 and His378 for the catalytic activity. We show that following insulin administration, cyclin D3 mRNA levels are lower in cells overexpressing the PLC-β1 catalytically inactive form, as compared to wild type cells. We describe a novel signaling pathway elicited by PLC-β1 that modulates Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) activity. Indeed, gel mobility shift assays indicate that there is a c-jun binding site located in cyclin D3 promoter region specifically regulated by PLC-β1 and that c-jun binding activity is significantly increased by insulin stimulation and PLC-β1 overexpression. Moreover, mutation of c-jun/AP-1 binding site decreases the basal cyclin D3 promoter activity and eliminates its induction by insulin and PLC-β1 overexpression. Interestingly, we observed that the ectopic expression of the Inositol Polyphosphate Multikinase (IPMK) in C2C12 myoblasts enhances cyclin D3 gene expression and that the mutation of c-jun site in cyclin D3 promoter determines an impairment of IPMK-dependent promoter induction. These results indicate that PLC-β1 activates a c-jun/AP-1 target gene, i.e. cyclin D3, during myogenic differentiation through IPMK signaling.


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Phospholipase C (PLC) has been known to be a key effector protein in signal transduction pathway for cell proliferation and differentiation. Studies on signalling through the insulin/IGF-1 receptors in muscle differentiation have revealed that PLCγ1 is involved during this process and that both mRNA and protein levels were increased during myogenesis. Based on increasing signal transduction pathways that required both PLCγ1 and PKCε, we investigated its role in insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle differentiation. The precise effects of insulin on specific PKC isoforms are as yet unknown. Insulin stimulation produced a gradual increase in PKCε expression and activation of PKCε through skeletal muscle differentiation. By immunoprecipitation we have demonstrated that endogenous PLCγ1 and PKCε belong to the same immunocomplex that increase during through myogenic differentiation. Furthermore, the SH domain of PLCγ1 is involved in the protein complex and that its confine to the Golgi membrane. PLCγ1 has been involved in cyclin D3 up-regulation. By overexpression and silencing approach we have evidenced that PKCε modulate the espression of cyclin D3; the kinase dead form of PKCε doesn’t maintain the same ability. Using a reporter hGH vector we proved that PKCε acts at transcriptional level by affecting the -37 region of cyclin D3 promoter, as has been described previous for PLCγ1. In summary this data proved the involvement of PKCε in the regulation of cyclin D3 expression, together with PLCγ1.


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The H+/ATP ratio in the catalysis of ATP synthase has generally been considered a fixed parameter. However, Melandri and coworkers have recently shown that, in the ATP synthase of the photosynthetic bacterium Rb.capsulatus, this ratio can significantly decrease during ATP hydrolysis when the concentration of either ADP or Pi is maintained at a low level (Turina et al., 2004). The present work has dealt with the ATP synthase of E.coli, looking for evidence of this phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling in this organism as well. First of all, we have shown that the DCCD-sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity of E.coli internal membranes was strongly inhibited by ADP and Pi, with a half-maximal effect in the submicromolar range for ADP and at 140 µM for Pi. In contrast to this monotonic inhibition, however, the proton pumping activity of the enzyme, as estimated under the same conditions by the fluorescence quenching of the ΔpH-sensitive probe ACMA, showed a clearly biphasic progression, both for Pi, increasing from 0 up to approximately 200 µM, and for ADP, increasing from 0 up to a few µM. We have interpreted these results as indicating that the occupancy of ADP and Pi binding sites shifts the enzyme from a partially uncoupled state to a fully coupled state, and we expect that the ADP- and Pi-modulated intrinsic uncoupling is likely to be a general feature of prokaryotic ATP synthases. Moreover, the biphasicity of the proton pumping data suggested that two Pi binding sites are involved. In order to verify whether the same behaviour could be observed in the isolated enzyme, we have purified the ATP synthase of E.coli and reconstituted it into liposomes. Similarly as observed in the internal membrane preparation, in the isolated and reconstituted enzyme it was possible to observe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity by ADP and Pi (with half-maximal effects at few µM for ADP and at 400 µM for Pi) with a concomitant stimulation of proton pumping. Both the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and the stimulation of proton pumping as a function of Pi were lost upon ADP removal by an ADP trap. These data have made it possible to conclude that the results obtained in E.coli internal membranes are not due to the artefactual interference of enzymatic activities other than the ones of the ATP synthase. In addition, data obtained with liposomes have allowed a calibration of the ACMA signal by ΔpH transitions of known extent, leading to a quantitative evaluation of the proton pumping data. Finally, we have focused our efforts on searching for a possible structural candidate involved in the phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling. The ε-subunit of the ATP-synthase is known as an endogenous inhibitor of the hydrolysis activity of the complex and appears to undergo drastic conformational changes between a non-inhibitory form (down-state) and an inhibitory form (up-state)(Rodgers & Wilce, 2000; Gibbons et al., 2000). In addition, the results of Cipriano & Dunn (2006) indicated that the C-terminal domain of this subunit played an important role in the coupling mechanism of the pump, and those of Capaldi et al. (2001), Suzuki et al. (2003) were consistent with the down-state showing a higher hydrolysis-to-synthesis ratio than the up-state. Therefore, we decided to search for modulation of pumping efficiency in a C-terminally truncated ε mutant. A low copy number expression vector has been built, carrying an extra copy of uncC, with the aim of generating an ε-overexpressing E.coli strain in which normal levels of assembly of the mutated ATP-synthase complex would be promoted. We have then compared the ATP hydrolysis and the proton pumping activity in membranes prepared from these ε-overexpressing E.coli strains, which carried either the WT ε subunit or the ε88-stop truncated form. Both strains yielded well energized membranes. Noticeably, they showed a marked difference in the inhibition of hydrolysis by Pi, this effect being largely lost in the truncated mutant. However, pre-incubation of the mutated enzyme with ADP at low nanomolar concentrations (apparent Kd = 0.7nM) restored the hydrolysis inhibition, together with the modulation of intrinsic uncoupling by Pi, indicating that, contrary to wild-type, during membrane preparation the truncated mutant had lost the ADP bound at this high-affinity site, evidently due to a lower affinity (and/or higher release) for ADP of the mutant relative to wild type. Therefore, one of the effects of the C-terminal domain of ε appears to be to modulate the affinity of at least one of the binding sites for ADP. The lack of this domain does not appear so much to influence the modulability of coupling efficiency, but instead the extent of this modulation. At higher preincubated ADP concentrations (apparent Kd = 117nM), the only observed effects were inhibition of both hydrolysis and synthesis, providing a direct proof that two ADP-binding sites on the enzyme are involved in the inhibition of hydrolysis, of which only the one at higher affinity also modulates the coupling efficiency.


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Phase variable expression, mediated by high frequency reversible changes in the length of simple sequence repeats, facilitates adaptation of bacterial populations to changing environments and is frequently important in bacterial virulence. Here we elucidate a novel phase variable mechanism for NadA expression, an adhesin and invasin of Neisseria meningitidis. The NadR repressor protein binds to operators flanking the phase variable tract of the nadA promoter gene and contributes to the differential expression levels of phase variant promoters with different numbers of repeats, likely due to different spacing between operators. It is shown that IHF binds between these operators, and may permit looping of the promoter, allowing interaction of NadR at operators located distally or overlapping the promoter. The 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, a metabolite of aromatic amino acid catabolism that is secreted in saliva, induces nadA expression by inhibiting the DNA binding activity of the NadR repressor. When induced, only minor differences are evident between NadR-independent transcription levels of promoter phase variants, which are likely due to differential RNA polymerase contacts leading to altered promoter activity. These results suggest that NadA expression is under both stochastic and tight environmental-sensing regulatory control, and both regulations are mediated by the NadR repressor that and may be induced during colonization of the oropharynx where it plays a major role in the successful adhesion and invasion of the mucosa. Hence, simple sequence repeats in promoter regions may be a strategy used by host-adapted bacterial pathogens to randomly switch between expression states that may nonetheless still be induced by appropriate niche-specific signals.


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Caveolin-1 (Cav-1), the essential structural constituent of caveolae, which are flask-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane, has been found to play a key role in the modulation of cell proliferation and cancer development. It seems to act as an oncosuppressor or a promoter of growth, depending on the histotype, stage and grade of each tumour. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of Caveolin-1 gene silencing on the proliferation of human lung cancer and osteosarcoma in vitro. Our data show that Cav-1 silencing blocks the growth in both metastatic lung cancer cell lines analyzed, suggesting a proliferation promoting action of the protein in these cells. A marked decrease of phospho-Akt, phospho-ERK, STAT3, cyclin D1, CDK4 and consequently of phospho-Rb expression was evident in the cells treated with Cav-1 siRNA. With regards to osteosarcoma, we demonstrated that the suppression of Cav-1 results in the blocking of MG-63 and in the slowing down of HOS proliferation, suggesting a role for Cav-1 as a promoter of tumour growth in these cell lines. A marked decrease of phospho-Akt, cyclin E, CDK2 and phospho-Rb and an increase of p21 expression levels were evident in the cells treated with Cav-1 siRNA. Our results suggest two new cell cycle inhibiting pathways, mediated by Cav-1 knock-down, and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumour-promoting role of Cav-1 in lung cancer and osteosarcoma. In this work we also investigated the role of estrogens in lung cancer and the functional cross-talk between Cav-1 and estrogens/estrogen receptors in it. Our results show that 17β-estradiol induces proliferation either in RAL or in SCLC-R1 cells and that both cell lines are sensitive to 4-OHT antiproliferative effect. The sensitivity to estrogen stimulation seems to be gender- and/or histological type-independent in metastatic lung cancer in vitro.