2 resultados para submanifold
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Persistent Topology is an innovative way of matching topology and geometry, and it proves to be an effective mathematical tool in shape analysis. In order to express its full potential for applications, it has to interface with the typical environment of Computer Science: It must be possible to deal with a finite sampling of the object of interest, and with combinatorial representations of it. Following that idea, the main result claims that it is possible to construct a relation between the persistent Betti numbers (PBNs; also called rank invariant) of a compact, Riemannian submanifold X of R^m and the ones of an approximation U of X itself, where U is generated by a ball covering centered in the points of the sampling. Moreover we can state a further result in which, this time, we relate X with a finite simplicial complex S generated, thanks to a particular construction, by the sampling points. To be more precise, strict inequalities hold only in "blind strips'', i.e narrow areas around the discontinuity sets of the PBNs of U (or S). Out of the blind strips, the values of the PBNs of the original object, of the ball covering of it, and of the simplicial complex coincide, respectively.
The thesis mainly concerns the study of intrinsically regular submanifolds of low codimension in the Heisenberg group H^n, called H-regular surfaces of low codimension, from the point of view of geometric measure theory. We consider an H-regular surface of H^n of codimension k, with k between 1 and n, parametrized by a uniformly intrinsically differentiable map acting between two homogeneous complementary subgroups of H^n, with target subgroup horizontal of dimension k. In particular the considered submanifold is the intrinsic graph of the parametrization. We extend various results of Ambrosio, Serra Cassano and Vittone, available for the case when k = 1. We prove that the uniform intrinsic differentiability of the parametrizing map is equivalent to the existence and continuity of its intrinsic differential, to the local existence of a suitable approximating family of Euclidean regular maps, and, when the domain and the codomain of the map are orthogonal, to the existence and continuity of suitably defined intrinsic partial derivatives of the function. Successively, we present a series of area formulas, proved in collaboration with V. Magnani. They allow to compute the (2n+2−k)-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure and the (2n+2−k)-dimensional centered Hausdorff measure of the parametrized H-regular surface, with respect to any homogeneous distance fixed on H^n. Furthermore, we focus on (G,M)-regular sets of G, where G and M are two arbitrary Carnot groups. Suitable implicit function theorems ensure the local existence of an intrinsic parametrization of such a set, at any of its points. We prove that it is uniformly intrinsically differentiable. Finally, we prove a coarea-type inequality for a continuously Pansu differentiable function acting between two Carnot groups endowed with homogeneous distances. We assume that the level sets of the function are uniformly lower Ahlfors regular and that the Pansu differential is everywhere surjective.