11 resultados para structural path modelling

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Dealing with latent constructs (loaded by reflective and congeneric measures) cross-culturally compared means studying how these unobserved variables vary, and/or covary each other, after controlling for possibly disturbing cultural forces. This yields to the so-called ‘measurement invariance’ matter that refers to the extent to which data collected by the same multi-item measurement instrument (i.e., self-reported questionnaire of items underlying common latent constructs) are comparable across different cultural environments. As a matter of fact, it would be unthinkable exploring latent variables heterogeneity (e.g., latent means; latent levels of deviations from the means (i.e., latent variances), latent levels of shared variation from the respective means (i.e., latent covariances), levels of magnitude of structural path coefficients with regard to causal relations among latent variables) across different populations without controlling for cultural bias in the underlying measures. Furthermore, it would be unrealistic to assess this latter correction without using a framework that is able to take into account all these potential cultural biases across populations simultaneously. Since the real world ‘acts’ in a simultaneous way as well. As a consequence, I, as researcher, may want to control for cultural forces hypothesizing they are all acting at the same time throughout groups of comparison and therefore examining if they are inflating or suppressing my new estimations with hierarchical nested constraints on the original estimated parameters. Multi Sample Structural Equation Modeling-based Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MS-SEM-based CFA) still represents a dominant and flexible statistical framework to work out this potential cultural bias in a simultaneous way. With this dissertation I wanted to make an attempt to introduce new viewpoints on measurement invariance handled under covariance-based SEM framework by means of a consumer behavior modeling application on functional food choices.


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The main objective of this PhD thesis is to optimize a specific multifunctional maritime structure for harbour protection and energy production, named Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC), developed by the team of the University of Campania. This device is provided with a sloping plate followed by a unique reservoir, which is linked with the machine room (where the energy conversion occurs) by means of a pipe passing through the crown wall, provided with a parapet on top of it. Therefore, the potential energy of the overtopping waves, collected inside the reservoir located above the still water level, is then converted by means of low – head turbines. In order to improve the understanding of the wave – structure interactions with OBREC, several methodologies have been used and combined together: i. analysis of recent experimental campaigns on wave overtopping discharges and pressures at the crown wall on small – scale OBREC cross sections, carried out in other laboratories by the team of the University of Campania; ii. new experiments on cross sections similar to the OBREC device, planned and carried out in the hydraulic lab at the University of Bologna in the framework of this PhD work; iii. numerical modelling with a 1 – phase incompressible fluid model IH – 2VOF, developed by the University of Cantabria, and with a 2 – phase incompressible fluid model OpenFOAM, both available from the literature; iv. numerical modelling with a new 2 – phase compressible fluid model developed in the OpenFOAM environment within this PhD work; v. analysis of the data gained from the monitoring of the OBREC prototype installation.


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Many combinatorial problems coming from the real world may not have a clear and well defined structure, typically being dirtied by side constraints, or being composed of two or more sub-problems, usually not disjoint. Such problems are not suitable to be solved with pure approaches based on a single programming paradigm, because a paradigm that can effectively face a problem characteristic may behave inefficiently when facing other characteristics. In these cases, modelling the problem using different programming techniques, trying to ”take the best” from each technique, can produce solvers that largely dominate pure approaches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of hybridization and we discuss about different hybridization techniques by analyzing two classes of problems with particular structures, exploiting Constraint Programming and Integer Linear Programming solving tools and Algorithm Portfolios and Logic Based Benders Decomposition as integration and hybridization frameworks.


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Deformability is often a crucial to the conception of many civil-engineering structural elements. Also, design is all the more burdensome if both long- and short-term deformability has to be considered. In this thesis, long- and short-term deformability has been studied from the material and the structural modelling point of view. Moreover, two materials have been handled: pultruded composites and concrete. A new finite element model for thin-walled beams has been introduced. As a main assumption, cross-sections rigid are considered rigid in their plane; this hypothesis replaces that of the classical beam theory of plane cross-sections in the deformed state. That also allows reducing the total number of degrees of freedom, and therefore making analysis faster compared with twodimensional finite elements. Longitudinal direction warping is left free, allowing describing phenomena such as the shear lag. The new finite-element model has been first applied to concrete thin-walled beams (such as roof high span girders or bridge girders) subject to instantaneous service loadings. Concrete in his cracked state has been considered through a smeared crack model for beams under bending. At a second stage, the FE-model has been extended to the viscoelastic field and applied to pultruded composite beams under sustained loadings. The generalized Maxwell model has been adopted. As far as materials are concerned, long-term creep tests have been carried out on pultruded specimens. Both tension and shear tests have been executed. Some specimen has been strengthened with carbon fibre plies to reduce short- and long- term deformability. Tests have been done in a climate room and specimens kept 2 years under constant load in time. As for concrete, a model for tertiary creep has been proposed. The basic idea is to couple the UMLV linear creep model with a damage model in order to describe nonlinearity. An effective strain tensor, weighting the total and the elasto-damaged strain tensors, controls damage evolution through the damage loading function. Creep strains are related to the effective stresses (defined by damage models) and so associated to the intact material.


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Biomedical analyses are becoming increasingly complex, with respect to both the type of the data to be produced and the procedures to be executed. This trend is expected to continue in the future. The development of information and protocol management systems that can sustain this challenge is therefore becoming an essential enabling factor for all actors in the field. The use of custom-built solutions that require the biology domain expert to acquire or procure software engineering expertise in the development of the laboratory infrastructure is not fully satisfactory because it incurs undesirable mutual knowledge dependencies between the two camps. We propose instead an infrastructure concept that enables the domain experts to express laboratory protocols using proper domain knowledge, free from the incidence and mediation of the software implementation artefacts. In the system that we propose this is made possible by basing the modelling language on an authoritative domain specific ontology and then using modern model-driven architecture technology to transform the user models in software artefacts ready for execution in a multi-agent based execution platform specialized for biomedical laboratories.


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This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.


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Mountainous areas are prone to natural hazards like rockfalls. Among the many countermeasures, rockfall protection barriers represent an effective solution to mitigate the risk. They are metallic structures designed to intercept rocks falling from unstable slopes, thus dissipating the energy deriving from the impact. This study aims at providing a better understanding of the response of several rockfall barrier types, through the development of rather sophisticated three-dimensional numerical finite elements models which take into account for the highly dynamic and non-linear conditions of such events. The models are built considering the actual geometrical and mechanical properties of real systems. Particular attention is given to the connecting details between the structural components and to their interactions. The importance of the work lies in being able to support a wide experimental activity with appropriate numerical modelling. The data of several full-scale tests carried out on barrier prototypes, as well as on their structural components, are combined with results of numerical simulations. Though the models are designed with relatively simple solutions in order to obtain a low computational cost of the simulations, they are able to reproduce with great accuracy the test results, thus validating the reliability of the numerical strategy proposed for the design of these structures. The developed models have shown to be readily applied to predict the barrier performance under different possible scenarios, by varying the initial configuration of the structures and/or of the impact conditions. Furthermore, the numerical models enable to optimize the design of these structures and to evaluate the benefit of possible solutions. Finally it is shown they can be also used as a valuable supporting tool for the operators within a rockfall risk assessment procedure, to gain crucial understanding of the performance of existing barriers in working conditions.


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The convergence between the recent developments in sensing technologies, data science, signal processing and advanced modelling has fostered a new paradigm to the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of engineered structures, which is the one based on intelligent sensors, i.e., embedded devices capable of stream processing data and/or performing structural inference in a self-contained and near-sensor manner. To efficiently exploit these intelligent sensor units for full-scale structural assessment, a joint effort is required to deal with instrumental aspects related to signal acquisition, conditioning and digitalization, and those pertaining to data management, data analytics and information sharing. In this framework, the main goal of this Thesis is to tackle the multi-faceted nature of the monitoring process, via a full-scale optimization of the hardware and software resources involved by the {SHM} system. The pursuit of this objective has required the investigation of both: i) transversal aspects common to multiple application domains at different abstraction levels (such as knowledge distillation, networking solutions, microsystem {HW} architectures), and ii) the specificities of the monitoring methodologies (vibrations, guided waves, acoustic emission monitoring). The key tools adopted in the proposed monitoring frameworks belong to the embedded signal processing field: namely, graph signal processing, compressed sensing, ARMA System Identification, digital data communication and TinyML.


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Additive Manufacturing (AM) is nowadays considered an important alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. AM technology shows several advantages in literature as design flexibility, and its use increases in automotive, aerospace and biomedical applications. As a systematic literature review suggests, AM is sometimes coupled with voxelization, mainly for representation and simulation purposes. Voxelization can be defined as a volumetric representation technique based on the model’s discretization with hexahedral elements, as occurs with pixels in the 2D image. Voxels are used to simplify geometric representation, store intricated details of the interior and speed-up geometric and algebraic manipulation. Compared to boundary representation used in common CAD software, voxel’s inherent advantages are magnified in specific applications such as lattice or topologically structures for visualization or simulation purposes. Those structures can only be manufactured with AM employment due to their complex topology. After an accurate review of the existent literature, this project aims to exploit the potential of the voxelization algorithm to develop optimized Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) tools. The final aim is to manipulate and support mechanical simulations of lightweight and optimized structures that should be ready to be manufactured with AM with particular attention to automotive applications. A voxel-based methodology is developed for efficient structural simulation of lattice structures. Moreover, thanks to an optimized smoothing algorithm specific for voxel-based geometries, a topological optimized and voxelized structure can be transformed into a surface triangulated mesh file ready for the AM process. Moreover, a modified panel code is developed for simple CFD simulations using the voxels as a discretization unit to understand the fluid-dynamics performances of industrial components for preliminary aerodynamic performance evaluation. The developed design tools and methodologies perfectly fit the automotive industry’s needs to accelerate and increase the efficiency of the design workflow from the conceptual idea to the final product.


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Dynamical models of stellar systems represent a powerful tool to study their internal structure and dynamics, to interpret the observed morphological and kinematical fields, and also to support numerical simulations of their evolution. We present a method especially designed to build axisymmetric Jeans models of galaxies, assumed as stationary and collisionless stellar systems. The aim is the development of a rigorous and flexible modelling procedure of multicomponent galaxies, composed of different stellar and dark matter distributions, and a central supermassive black hole. The stellar components, in particular, are intended to represent different galaxy structures, such as discs, bulges, halos, and can then have different structural (density profile, flattening, mass, scale-length), dynamical (rotation, velocity dispersion anisotropy), and population (age, metallicity, initial mass function, mass-to-light ratio) properties. The theoretical framework supporting the modelling procedure is presented, with the introduction of a suitable nomenclature, and its numerical implementation is discussed, with particular reference to the numerical code JASMINE2, developed for this purpose. We propose an approach for efficiently scaling the contributions in mass, luminosity, and rotational support, of the different matter components, allowing for fast and flexible explorations of the model parameter space. We also offer different methods of the computation of the gravitational potentials associated of the density components, especially convenient for their easier numerical tractability. A few galaxy models are studied, showing internal, and projected, structural and dynamical properties of multicomponent galaxies, with a focus on axisymmetric early-type galaxies with complex kinematical morphologies. The application of galaxy models to the study of initial conditions for hydro-dynamical and $N$-body simulations of galaxy evolution is also addressed, allowing in particular to investigate the large number of interesting combinations of the parameters which determine the structure and dynamics of complex multicomponent stellar systems.


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Decarbonization of maritime transport requires immediate action. In the short term, ship weather routing can provide greenhouse gas emission reductions, even for existing ships and without retrofitting them. Weather routing is based on making optimal use of both envi- ronmental information and knowledge about vessel seakeeping and performance. Combining them at a state-of-the-art level and making use of path planning in realistic conditions can be challenging. To address these topics in an open-source framework, this thesis led to the development of a new module called bateau , and to its combination with the ship routing model VISIR. bateau includes both hull geometry and propulsion modelling for various vessel types. It has two objectives: to predict the sustained speed in a seaway and to estimate the CO2 emission rate during the voyage. Various semi-empirical approaches were used in bateau to predict the ship hydro- and aerodynamical resistance in both head and oblique seas. Assuming that the ship sails at a constant engine load, the involuntary speed loss due to waves was estimated. This thesis also attempted to clarify the role played by the actual representation of the sea state. In particular, the influence of the wave steepness parameter was assessed. For dealing with ships with a greater superstructure, the wind added resistance was also estimated. Numerical experiments via bateau were conducted for both a medium and a large-size container ships, a bulk-carrier, and a tanker. The simulations of optimal routes were carried out for a feeder containership during voyages in the North Indian Ocean and in the South China Sea. Least-CO2 routes were compared to the least-distance ones, assessing the relative CO2 savings. Analysis fields from the Copernicus Marine Service were used in the numerical experiments.