6 resultados para strength and ductilities

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Abstract. This thesis presents a discussion on a few specific topics regarding the low velocity impact behaviour of laminated composites. These topics were chosen because of their significance as well as the relatively limited attention received so far by the scientific community. The first issue considered is the comparison between the effects induced by a low velocity impact and by a quasi-static indentation experimental test. An analysis of both test conditions is presented, based on the results of experiments carried out on carbon fibre laminates and on numerical computations by a finite element model. It is shown that both quasi-static and dynamic tests led to qualitatively similar failure patterns; three characteristic contact force thresholds, corresponding to the main steps of damage progression, were identified and found to be equal for impact and indentation. On the other hand, an equal energy absorption resulted in a larger delaminated area in quasi-static than in dynamic tests, while the maximum displacement of the impactor (or indentor) was higher in the case of impact, suggesting a probably more severe fibre damage than in indentation. Secondly, the effect of different specimen dimensions and boundary conditions on its impact response was examined. Experimental testing showed that the relationships of delaminated area with two significant impact parameters, the absorbed energy and the maximum contact force, did not depend on the in-plane dimensions and on the support condition of the coupons. The possibility of predicting, by means of a simplified numerical computation, the occurrence of delaminations during a specific impact event is also discussed. A study about the compressive behaviour of impact damaged laminates is also presented. Unlike most of the contributions available about this subject, the results of compression after impact tests on thin laminates are described in which the global specimen buckling was not prevented. Two different quasi-isotropic stacking sequences, as well as two specimen geometries, were considered. It is shown that in the case of rectangular coupons the lay-up can significantly affect the damage induced by impact. Different buckling shapes were observed in laminates with different stacking sequences, in agreement with the results of numerical analysis. In addition, the experiments showed that impact damage can alter the buckling mode of the laminates in certain situations, whereas it did not affect the compressive strength in every case, depending on the buckling shape. Some considerations about the significance of the test method employed are also proposed. Finally, a comprehensive study is presented regarding the influence of pre-existing in-plane loads on the impact response of laminates. Impact events in several conditions, including both tensile and compressive preloads, both uniaxial and biaxial, were analysed by means of numerical finite element simulations; the case of laminates impacted in postbuckling conditions was also considered. The study focused on how the effect of preload varies with the span-to-thickness ratio of the specimen, which was found to be a key parameter. It is shown that a tensile preload has the strongest effect on the peak stresses at low span-to-thickness ratios, leading to a reduction of the minimum impact energy required to initiate damage, whereas this effect tends to disappear as the span-to-thickness ratio increases. On the other hand, a compression preload exhibits the most detrimental effects at medium span-to-thickness ratios, at which the laminate compressive strength and the critical instability load are close to each other, while the influence of preload can be negligible for thin plates or even beneficial for very thick plates. The possibility to obtain a better explanation of the experimental results described in the literature, in view of the present findings, is highlighted. Throughout the thesis the capabilities and limitations of the finite element model, which was implemented in an in-house program, are discussed. The program did not include any damage model of the material. It is shown that, although this kind of analysis can yield accurate results as long as damage has little effect on the overall mechanical properties of a laminate, it can be helpful in explaining some phenomena and also in distinguishing between what can be modelled without taking into account the material degradation and what requires an appropriate simulation of damage. Sommario. Questa tesi presenta una discussione su alcune tematiche specifiche riguardanti il comportamento dei compositi laminati soggetti ad impatto a bassa velocità. Tali tematiche sono state scelte per la loro importanza, oltre che per l’attenzione relativamente limitata ricevuta finora dalla comunità scientifica. La prima delle problematiche considerate è il confronto fra gli effetti prodotti da una prova sperimentale di impatto a bassa velocità e da una prova di indentazione quasi statica. Viene presentata un’analisi di entrambe le condizioni di prova, basata sui risultati di esperimenti condotti su laminati in fibra di carbonio e su calcoli numerici svolti con un modello ad elementi finiti. È mostrato che sia le prove quasi statiche sia quelle dinamiche portano a un danneggiamento con caratteristiche qualitativamente simili; tre valori di soglia caratteristici della forza di contatto, corrispondenti alle fasi principali di progressione del danno, sono stati individuati e stimati uguali per impatto e indentazione. D’altro canto lo stesso assorbimento di energia ha portato ad un’area delaminata maggiore nelle prove statiche rispetto a quelle dinamiche, mentre il massimo spostamento dell’impattatore (o indentatore) è risultato maggiore nel caso dell’impatto, indicando la probabilità di un danneggiamento delle fibre più severo rispetto al caso dell’indentazione. In secondo luogo è stato esaminato l’effetto di diverse dimensioni del provino e diverse condizioni al contorno sulla sua risposta all’impatto. Le prove sperimentali hanno mostrato che le relazioni fra l’area delaminata e due parametri di impatto significativi, l’energia assorbita e la massima forza di contatto, non dipendono dalle dimensioni nel piano dei provini e dalle loro condizioni di supporto. Viene anche discussa la possibilità di prevedere, per mezzo di un calcolo numerico semplificato, il verificarsi di delaminazioni durante un determinato caso di impatto. È presentato anche uno studio sul comportamento a compressione di laminati danneggiati da impatto. Diversamente della maggior parte della letteratura disponibile su questo argomento, vengono qui descritti i risultati di prove di compressione dopo impatto su laminati sottili durante le quali l’instabilità elastica globale dei provini non è stata impedita. Sono state considerate due differenti sequenze di laminazione quasi isotrope, oltre a due geometrie per i provini. Viene mostrato come nel caso di provini rettangolari la sequenza di laminazione possa influenzare sensibilmente il danno prodotto dall’impatto. Due diversi tipi di deformate in condizioni di instabilità sono stati osservati per laminati con diversa laminazione, in accordo con i risultati dell’analisi numerica. Gli esperimenti hanno mostrato inoltre che in certe situazioni il danno da impatto può alterare la deformata che il laminato assume in seguito ad instabilità; d’altra parte tale danno non ha sempre influenzato la resistenza a compressione, a seconda della deformata. Vengono proposte anche alcune considerazioni sulla significatività del metodo di prova utilizzato. Infine viene presentato uno studio esaustivo riguardo all’influenza di carichi membranali preesistenti sulla risposta all’impatto dei laminati. Sono stati analizzati con simulazioni numeriche ad elementi finiti casi di impatto in diverse condizioni di precarico, sia di trazione sia di compressione, sia monoassiali sia biassiali; è stato preso in considerazione anche il caso di laminati impattati in condizioni di postbuckling. Lo studio si è concentrato in particolare sulla dipendenza degli effetti del precarico dal rapporto larghezza-spessore del provino, che si è rivelato un parametro fondamentale. Viene illustrato che un precarico di trazione ha l’effetto più marcato sulle massime tensioni per bassi rapporti larghezza-spessore, portando ad una riduzione della minima energia di impatto necessaria per innescare il danneggiamento, mentre questo effetto tende a scomparire all’aumentare di tale rapporto. Il precarico di compressione evidenzia invece gli effetti più deleteri a rapporti larghezza-spessore intermedi, ai quali la resistenza a compressione del laminato e il suo carico critico di instabilità sono paragonabili, mentre l’influenza del precarico può essere trascurabile per piastre sottili o addirittura benefica per piastre molto spesse. Viene evidenziata la possibilità di trovare una spiegazione più soddisfacente dei risultati sperimentali riportati in letteratura, alla luce del presente contributo. Nel corso della tesi vengono anche discussi le potenzialità ed i limiti del modello ad elementi finiti utilizzato, che è stato implementato in un programma scritto in proprio. Il programma non comprende alcuna modellazione del danneggiamento del materiale. Viene però spiegato come, nonostante questo tipo di analisi possa portare a risultati accurati soltanto finché il danno ha scarsi effetti sulle proprietà meccaniche d’insieme del laminato, esso possa essere utile per spiegare alcuni fenomeni, oltre che per distinguere fra ciò che si può riprodurre senza tenere conto del degrado del materiale e ciò che invece richiede una simulazione adeguata del danneggiamento.


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The Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden is a unique assemblage of monuments belonging to the cultural heritage of Hungary due to its important role in the Middle Ages as the coronation and burial church of the Kings of the Hungarian Christian Kingdom. It has been nominated for “National Monument” and as a consequence, its protection in the present and future is required. Moreover, it was reconstructed and expanded several times throughout Hungarian history. By a quick overview of the current state of the monument, the presence of several lithotypes can be found among the remained building and decorative stones. Therefore, the research related to the materials is crucial not only for the conservation of that specific monument but also for other historic structures in Central Europe. The current research is divided in three main parts: i) description of lithologies and their provenance, ii) physical properties testing of historic material and iii) durability tests of analogous stones obtained from active quarries. The survey of the National Monument of Székesfehérvár, focuses on the historical importance and the architecture of the monument, the different construction periods, the identification of the different building stones and their distribution in the remaining parts of the monument and it also included provenance analyses. The second one was the in situ and laboratory testing of physical properties of historic material. As a final phase samples were taken from local quarries with similar physical and mineralogical characteristics to the ones used in the monument. The three studied lithologies are: fine oolitic limestone, a coarse oolitic limestone and a red compact limestone. These stones were used for rock mechanical and durability tests under laboratory conditions. The following techniques were used: a) in-situ: Schmidt Hammer Values, moisture content measurements, DRMS, mapping (construction ages, lithotypes, weathering forms) b) laboratory: petrographic analysis, XRD, determination of real density by means of helium pycnometer and bulk density by means of mercury pycnometer, pore size distribution by mercury intrusion porosimetry and by nitrogen adsorption, water absorption, determination of open porosity, DRMS, frost resistance, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, uniaxial compressive strength test and dynamic modulus of elasticity. The results show that initial uniaxial compressive strength is not necessarily a clear indicator of the stone durability. Bedding and other lithological heterogeneities can influence the strength and durability of individual specimens. In addition, long-term behaviour is influenced by exposure conditions, fabric and, especially, the pore size distribution of each sample. Therefore, a statistic evaluation of the results is highly recommended and they should be evaluated in combination with other investigations on internal structure and micro-scale heterogeneities of the material, such as petrographic observation, ultrasound pulse velocity and porosimetry. Laboratory tests used to estimate the durability of natural stone may give a good guidance to its short-term performance but they should not be taken as an ultimate indication of the long-term behaviour of the stone. The interdisciplinary study of the results confirms that stones in the monument show deterioration in terms of mineralogy, fabric and physical properties in comparison with quarried stones. Moreover stone-testing proves compatibility between quarried and historical stones. Good correlation is observed between the non-destructive-techniques and laboratory tests results which allow us to minimize sampling and assessing the condition of the materials. Concluding, this research can contribute to the diagnostic knowledge for further studies that are needed in order to evaluate the effect of recent and future protective measures.


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In this thesis we made the first steps towards the systematic application of a methodology for automatically building formal models of complex biological systems. Such a methodology could be useful also to design artificial systems possessing desirable properties such as robustness and evolvability. The approach we follow in this thesis is to manipulate formal models by means of adaptive search methods called metaheuristics. In the first part of the thesis we develop state-of-the-art hybrid metaheuristic algorithms to tackle two important problems in genomics, namely, the Haplotype Inference by parsimony and the Founder Sequence Reconstruction Problem. We compare our algorithms with other effective techniques in the literature, we show strength and limitations of our approaches to various problem formulations and, finally, we propose further enhancements that could possibly improve the performance of our algorithms and widen their applicability. In the second part, we concentrate on Boolean network (BN) models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). We detail our automatic design methodology and apply it to four use cases which correspond to different design criteria and address some limitations of GRN modeling by BNs. Finally, we tackle the Density Classification Problem with the aim of showing the learning capabilities of BNs. Experimental evaluation of this methodology shows its efficacy in producing network that meet our design criteria. Our results, coherently to what has been found in other works, also suggest that networks manipulated by a search process exhibit a mixture of characteristics typical of different dynamical regimes.


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In the scenario of depleting fossil fuels, finding new energy technologies and conserving conventional energy resources have become essential to sustain modern civilization. While renewable energies are on the rise, considerable interest has been turned also to reduce energy consumption of conventional devices and appliances, which are often not yet optimized for this purpose. Modern nanotechnology provides a platform to build such devices by using nanomaterials showing exceptional physico-chemical properties. In particular, carbon materials (fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene etc.), which show high thermal and electrical conductivity, aspect ratio, shear strength and chemical/mechanical resistance, are quite promising for a wide range of applications. However, the problem of solubility often hampers their handling and industrial utilization. These limitations can be mitigated by functionalizing carbon nanostructures, either covalently or non covalently, with organic or inorganic compounds. The exo- and endohedral functionalization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with organic/inorganic moieties to produce luminescent materials with desired properties are the main focus of this doctoral work. These hybrids have been thoroughly designed and characterized with chemical, microscopic and photophysical analyses. All the materials based on carbon nanostructures described in this thesis are innovative examples of photoactive and luminescent hybrids, and their morphological and photophysical properties help understanding the nature of interactions between the active units. This may prompt the design and fabrication of new functional materials for applications in the fields of optoelectronics and photovoltaics.


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We have modeled various soft-matter systems with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The first topic concerns liquid crystal (LC) biaxial nematic (Nb) phases, that can be possibly used in fast displays. We have investigated the phase organization of biaxial Gay-Berne (GB) mesogens, considering the effects of the orientation, strength and position of a molecular dipole. We have observed that for systems with a central dipole, nematic biaxial phases disappear when increasing dipole strength, while for systems characterized by an offset dipole, the Nb phase is stabilized at very low temperatures. In a second project, in view of their increasing importance as nanomaterials in LC phases, we are developing a DNA coarse-grained (CG) model, in which sugar and phosphate groups are represented with Lennard-Jones spheres, while bases with GB ellipsoids. We have obtained shape, position and orientation parameters for each bead, to best reproduce the atomistic structure of a B-DNA helix. Starting from atomistic simulations results, we have completed a first parametrization of the force field terms, accounting for bonded (bonds, angles and dihedrals) and non-bonded interactions (H-bond and stacking). We are currently validating the model, by investigating stability and melting temperature of various sequences. Finally, in a third project, we aim to explain the mechanism of enantiomeric discrimination due to the presence of a chiral helix of poly(gamma-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG), in solution of dimethylformamide (DMF), interacting with chiral or pro-chiral molecules (in our case heptyl butyrate, HEP), after tuning properly an atomistic force field (AMBER). We have observed that DMF and HEP molecules solvate uniformly the PBLG helix, but the pro-chiral solute is on average found closer to the helix with respect to the DMF. The solvent presents a faster isotropic diffusion, twice as HEP, also indicating a stronger interaction of the solute with the helix.


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CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells are fabricated, electrically characterized and modelled in this thesis. We start from the fabrication of CdTe thin film devices where the R.F. magnetron sputtering system is used to deposit the CdS/CdTe based solar cells. The chlorine post-growth treatment is modified in order to uniformly cover the cell surface and reduce the probability of pinholes and shunting pathways creation which, in turn, reduces the series resistance. The deionized water etching is proposed, for the first time, as the simplest solution to optimize the effect of shunt resistance, stability and metal-semiconductor inter-diffusion at the back contact. In continue, oxygen incorporation is proposed while CdTe layer deposition. This technique has been rarely examined through R.F sputtering deposition of such devices. The above experiments are characterized electrically and optically by current-voltage characterization, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy. Furthermore, for the first time, the degradation rate of CdTe devices over time is numerically simulated through AMPS and SCAPS simulators. It is proposed that the instability of electrical parameters is coupled with the material properties and external stresses (bias, temperature and illumination). Then, CIGS materials are simulated and characterized by several techniques such as surface photovoltage spectroscopy is used (as a novel idea) to extract the band gap of graded band gap CIGS layers, surface or bulk defect states. The surface roughness is scanned by atomic force microscopy on nanometre scale to obtain the surface topography of the film. The modified equivalent circuits are proposed and the band gap graded profiles are simulated by AMPS simulator and several graded profiles are examined in order to optimize their thickness, grading strength and electrical parameters. Furthermore, the transport mechanisms and Auger generation phenomenon are modelled in CIGS devices.